I think I'm gonna kill myself, Cred Forums. I'm 21 and still a virgin and I'm finally starting to realize why...

I think I'm gonna kill myself, Cred Forums. I'm 21 and still a virgin and I'm finally starting to realize why. Women don't want white guys. Black guys are just so much more muscular and dominant, and their dicks are always fucking HUGE! Just look at any BLACKED video and you'll see what I'm talking about. It's no wonder I can't get laid, how can I ever compete? Blacks truly seem to be the master race. Look at any major sport in the world. They're all dominated by black men. I guess women are fully realizing this and embracing it. What the fuck should I do? Should I just kill myself? How can I ever hope to have sex? What do you other white guys do?

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lol, nice try

Have fun cuck. See ya on the other side someday.

Just kill yourself nigger lover

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With the mind like this, just kill yourself.
I see that all you do is watch porn and don't have a fucking clue about real life.

Serious OP>

>problem isnt me its women wanting black guys im perfect but wrong race
You keep telling yourself that

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oy vey. long-nose detected

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Do it pussy


Become a skinhead. Kill women and minorities. Then kill yourself.

Women arent human user, they will never be satisfied no matter how big your dick is and how good you fuck. They will find something else to bitch about

Also niggers only dominate the sports that involve running. Niggers can run and jump. Crickets best players are indian, the best martial arts fighters are asian, the best football players are a mix of white and black. Best snowboarders/surfers/skaters are white. Depends on what sport

But women still are mudsharks and need to be murdered.

Sounds like your real problem is insecurity.

If you're gonna kill yourself don't delay. It's getting boring listening to this.

Obviously though this is some bait thread. You're some closet cuckhold type. Which case you should again follow your little LARP story and kill yourself.

>I'm gonna kill myself
Please do.

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