What do you think will and won't be in heaven? Do you think the son of God has been to Earth or will ever come to Earth?

What do you think will and won't be in heaven? Do you think the son of God has been to Earth or will ever come to Earth?

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heaven isn't real

>Being over 12 years old and believing in heaven.

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I didn't mention an afterlife. I just happen to believe in God and heaven. It's your own shortcoming if you won't even engage in a friendly thought experiment.

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Man created god. This is why nothing supernatural ever occurs. The gods of Rome and ancient Greece were also immortal. Anyone hear from them lately?

How did the universe begin?

I have no idea and neither do you. I can accept not knowing, but you apparently need a creator.

Not true, it's just what makes the most sense to me at this time

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This is the only question that has me wondering. What the fuck was there before the big bang!?!?!?

Is Christianity the only religion that worships a Jewish man as a God?

I'm sipping a good single malt and listening to some good progressive jazz on the stereo. That makes more sense to me than continuing this pointless conversation. Adios.

Okay atheists. Explain ghosts. Let's pretend for a second that I have lived the past 5 and a half years in a haunted house. Let's pretended daily doors open infront of me by them selves and foot steps are heard constantly. Now convince me there is no God or Hevean or Hell.

Heaven is propaganda which is the only thing your mind can conceptualize till you gain your full self on the other side. To the latter, does it really matter. Why blackmail anyone that willingly decides to do something while forgetting to experience something they are afraid to. It’s a chance, don’t forget to try to love one and other shitbags.

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ghosts are a stupid concept. how would ghosts manage to stay with us? the second you die, the earth is moving away very, very fast. it's moving 100,000 orbiting the solar system. the entire solar system is probably moving millions of miles an hour itself.

That's not really a good argument as to why ghosts are stupid, actually it's pretty bad. I agree ghosts are stupid but for different reasons.

Glad you got your jabs in. Keep protecting your mind.

Focus on what's in front of you.
Accept what's happening on Earth.
Heaven is a word in Norse. It came to England from the Norse and it means Sea.
Haven - the sea

The sea is very real
Heaven is the sea
God is just a word.
History is written by the winners! Don't believe in miracles!
What really happened in Egypt was that the rivers dried out and the landscape changed. That's how god opened the sea and saved the Israelites. The Egyptians were the Israelites. It's the division of civilisation.

One duplicated into two and two into four.
Dimensions were created and change still
It was rats probably.

The rats have a parasite that eats the brain and live on the fear. Airborne.


Your shortcoming is the fact that you are delusional.

Don’t know, and don’t care.

Old English heofon, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch hemel and German Himmel .

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How so?

Does your god manifest anywhere other than inside your head? Has your god affected your physical (real) world in any way? Don't lie, your god is listening...

I am not sure if God has manifested in this reality or not. But you seem to be, so how are you sure that God isn't real?

Good question

Because nothing ever takes place that would affirm there is a god. Fear of death is the sole reason man created god. Makes life a little easier thinking there's an afterlife, death isn't quite as scary.

I never claimed to believe in an afterlife.


You didn't have to. If you believe in god you believe in an afterlife. That's part and parcel to most religions. What other purpose does god have other than to save your ass from the lake of fire? Don't be stupid.

If you really believe in this bullshit...then all you'll find In your heaven is your dead relatives...whoopee.

No I don't. I can believe in God and heaven and still not believe in an afterlife. Please check your assumptions and contribute to the thread.

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All of my ancestors and descendants? That's pretty exciting, but I was hoping for a little more than that.

I do not claim to know Gods purpose.

What is heaven other than the afterlife? Better pray to your god for more intelligence.

I am massaging Jesus's penis right now.

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Brownie points if you get climax

Then there's really no reason to believe in one.


The Lord God is jesus Christ come to earth to bring back his children who are of the Lord God because The Lord God loved you so much to save you

Wrong faggot, God created everything he's literally the fabric of existence. He's bigger than an idea, to even call him a "he" or even any "thing" at all is an understatement. And "he" is what created all energy and created & drives the forces of life, a truly beautiful thing existing in something far bigger than it could ever imagine. When we die we pass to a place outside of time and these dimensions, where we are shown the beginning and the end, and where our energy returns home to it's creator. He saw how humanity become so he sent his son Jesus to teach us about love and doing what's right, to set us in the right direction and to tell us our father loves us. An innocent man tortured for believing his life could save the souls of all mankind, that is true love. Literally all the Christian religion is meant to teach, is to be good men to one another. To love each other, seek virtue and justice.
It doesn't matter if you believe, if you don't, or even if you do but speak against it. Time is an illusion, everything has already happened before and is set to happen. And you are a part of life and of "him" regardless. When you die, you'll wake up and see. This will all be like a dream.


Heaven is far away user.
God came through the Son, and died to change the ways and free the people from The Law.
We traded the Yoke of the Law to the Promise to avoid being Yoked to Sin.
Through the Trinity we are charged with the creation of Heaven on Earth. The Church lied.
We have to create a reflection of Heaven on Earth.
When you die? It is Darkness. Heaven is not brought about until Judgment Day. That's why it's dark when people die. We go into the Long Sleep until we are awoken when the End of this world is at hand.
The Evangelicals have it wrong. It's why they love Israel. They think they can force the hand of Jesus to return and end the World as we know it. This is a False Prophecy.
That madwoman at the helm of the American Evangelicals is a False Prophet.
When we unfuck the world, and make the mirror of Heaven? Then God will move things forward.
As for what is in Heaven? It is a great city. Paved with gems, it is bright, and warm. It is a place beyond the suffering of our mortal selves. We are baptized again and rest in a place beyond human ills. Beyond hormones and biological impulse.
We are reunited with that which was lost.
We get to find out how things truly happened.
As the sum of all that we did is there for the story swapping.
Until then we were meant to make the world better. Not to be placated with waiting for Heaven.
We were meant to build it on Earth.
Live a life greater than the lies of the Church.
Seek the hidden truths.
Seek Mary's gospel.
Seek the truth of the Trinity.

You're totally full of shit, you ridiculous buffoon. It's 2020, not 1950. You should be embarrassed. God is no longer the easy sell 'he' once was.

Heaven is the place where God resides. I don't know if we can go there but I like to imagine we can.

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Hahahahaha. Deluded religious faggot

So you think in heaven we become one with God? That is not my understanding of Catholic faith but interesting view.

Give it up. You know that's where you think you will go. I'm done, these captchas are pissing me off.

Hahahahaha. Another deluded religious faggot

OP, please stop using my image. Heaven is not real. I was a con. Get over it.

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Show me some facts before asking these questions, or alse we are talking fantasy stuff like the lord of the rings, narnia, etc

I don't know if Earth can be heaven. But it is an interesting concept.

You naive clown.

You are attempting mind control? Or just paranoid people can't express themselves honestly? Gg. Captchas are easy

What facts do you want?

Wrong on everything

Me sophisticated businessman

In my understanding a person's own Heaven and Hell are exactly the same. A constant unconscious awareness of the exchange of energies and endless production, corruption, reduction and destruction of power eventually leads all life to an acceptable final end which will Be.

What are you telling me what you think I believe for?

I don't like the idea of life finally ending, as in all life not just an individual; although I rather like the idea of immortality, I am aware of it's impracticalities.

The basic tenet of most religions is that you will be rewarded with an afterlife, yet you keep insisting that it's only the place where god resides and you only hope to get there? You're full of shit and you know it.

We were given a mandate from the Lord.
And each person who found the power contained within the Lord's message? Used it for ill intent.
The Law of Three dictates that 3 shall come together, and through that moment? Become a 4th which is the beginning of another Trinity. The 7 layer Trinity of the Church has not been fulfilled.
Think of it like Flour + Water + Fire = Bread
The Trinity isn't a shopping list.
Plato was full of shit btw with
Mind + Body + Spirit as a flat list.
Mind + Body + Spirit is the Trinity which creates Humanity
Humanity + Culture + Truth = The next phase
Each time we reached for something greater? We fell over.
The Church is caught in old lessons. It's still walking around like a child. Heaven on Earth only feels impossible because in some places the Church is not even six years old, wandering around having snacks and singing songs.
Jesus loves me this I know, cause the bible tells me so.
We are not children.
And yet, because of the vestigial wounds of the past, and the stolen meaning in bad translations? We are still kept as children.
We were meant to see the world, protect the world, and act as stewards of this range and domain.
Heaven on Earth could be possible, but it will take the rebirth of the Church.
Jesus + The Church + The Truth = The children of the bride of the Lord and the world they will make.

Ok mr one size fits all you clearly have grouped me into your understanding. I hope everything makes sense to you now.

Why would I lie?

You tell me...

You believing I believe in an afterlife has very little impact on me other than annoying me because I consider myself an honest person, and it pains me to have people think otherwise. Is this a game to you?

What's the law of three?

Why would a believer not believe in an afterlife? I'm pretty sure this is a first. Makes no sense.

Irrefutable proof that god exists

Doesn't it, though?

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Those would have to be some pretty good facts. If existence alone isn't proof enough then I don't think I have anything for you. Too bad. I'm sure you could have made terrific contributions to the conversation.




its all bullshit. sorry op.
