Imagine unironically being such a fucking cuck that you defend the billionaire class

Imagine unironically being such a fucking cuck that you defend the billionaire class.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I sincerely hope she loses reelection and the only place she finds work is in adult entertainment.

It's absolutley glourious that she upsets you. Just so you know.

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she's a careerist cunt, you're a retard if you trust her. she'd backstab Bernie in a heartbeat if she would get power from it.

she was just walking back medicare for all and Bernie had to slap that bitch back in line a couple days ago.

cuck culture eating itself apart

what did she mean by this?

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Donky poster level. Embarrassing.

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that doesnt even look like a human being americans are such fucking disgusting mutts

I never said she upsets me.
I just want to see her fuck with those exposed sweater kittens bouncing all over.

>talking out of your ass
sure, whatever you say brainlet

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you stan a snake queen

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Imagine worrying about other peoples' wealth when you could be making it yourself, like a ma....oh wait, my bad

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uh huh, go on...

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all this damage control..ok teen


Imagine defending a dumb cunt in hopes his fat neck beard white knighting will get him laid lol. Keep trying bitch

Remember when she wouldn't defend Ilhan Omar?

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lol bitch you just played yourself... ok teen

u supermad hihihi

Imagine being such a loser you aren’t even on the way to be a millionaire. Dilate fag

radlib mommy

Imagine if you will being such a fucking idiot that you would tax success to death to pay for your worthless existence because you would never survive on your own.

>billionaires are immoral
>my entire base of my ideas and theories require billionaire tax dollars to fund

Imagine unironically being responsible for this complete idiot getting an 'economics' degree she shows time and again she isn't qualified for.

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she's a faggot

Oh no, Jeff Bezos might not be able to afford to get that nice collection of yachts that have smaller yachts come out them anymore

oh noooooo

>when you don’t understand economics and the fact that all those nice cheap prices you get on amazon would skyrocket

republicans don't work, so you don't get to chime in, fucko.
blue states are the earners and producers.

only homeowners/property owners should be able to vote tbh.

being this brainwashed into defending people who earn more money a day than youll see in your life

Thanks to a free economy. The more socialism, the more fucked you are. And no shit "red" states produce more, if a state is wealthy, where the fuck do you think the leeches are going to go to? DERRPPPP

>only homeowners/property owners should be able to vote tbh.
Oof, that would eliminate over half of dem voters and throw a giant monkey wrench in their plan of importing illegals to vote for them.
Bad strategy.

She is beautiful.

Do you realize this would mean elections would swing about 75% republican 25% democrat every time then? Cause I’m fine with that, liberal control would evaporate politically

What have you done in your life to deserve to get paid as much as them though? Youre a jealous little bitch who realizes you will never amount to shit. Congrats.

I love how OP and Bernie cucks are totally ignoring these really good points keks

shit, confused red with blue cus red = communism. point bieng blue states are richer and therefore more leeches.

yeah! fuck the productive people that create jobs and make our luxurious lifestyles possible. damn them, I say! We should be living in a country where no rich people exist like every sub-Saharan African country!

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Oh, okay, then by that logic why don't we tax Jeff Bezos zero dollars so the prices can go even lower?
If you divide the increased tax burden on people like Bezos over the number of items Amazon sells per year you'd get an increase of approximately fuckall per item, because Amazon sells a fuckload of shit.

Actually, in Africa it's more like a small percentage of the country is extremely rich and everyone else is dirt poor. That's unironically what Republicans want

>implying taxing the wealthy at high marginal rates will stop people from wanting to make money
>implying it will stop people from being rich
>implying you're too stupid to realize the marginal tax rates on the wealthy were way fucking higher in the 1950's when America was allegedly "great"

What stupid thing did she say now?

That ugly beaner makes me cringe. I'm a Bernie supporter but her salsa smelling cunt is annoying.

Yeah, instead we should live in a capitalist society with virtually no government interference, no taxes, or really any government at all, like the libertarian paradise of Liberia.

Fake news

No, nobody here except you actually listens to anything she has to say

So apparently Russian hackers are trying to "help" the Sanders campaign with the same kind of trolling that gave us Trump. It's like a double-false flag op.

>The Republicans study Africa to learn about capitalism
my sides

This. Conservatives parroting MAGA conveniently ignore that the separation between the wealthy and the poor is higher than it's ever been. Yet policies that would return that gap to normalcy as it was in the past are somehow communist propaganda. Cut me a break.

More like Russia, but similar kinds of Mafia style governance by oligarchs, yes.

built for bwc

You have two possible paths ahead. Right now, I guarantee you that that woman has more courage, compassion, brains and skill — actually more of every positive human quality than you.
“So take their path — you could learn from them, and try to challenge yourself, to give back, to add something to the world. Or you can stay on your path, and keep being a sad pitiful jealous Internet troll who adds nothing to the world but mocks anyone who does out of small-minded jealousy.
“I know that all you really want is attention, so let me be clear. If you choose to keep going this way, no one will ever remember you.


>implying people kept up and were as honest with taxes as they are now given in then 1950’s it was easy as fuck to cheat taxes and lie cause digital track keeping wasn’t around
Try harder commie

>libertarian paradise
>economic freedom rank

Attached: 2019 index of economy freedom.png (1137x800, 113K)

>the tax breaks are what causes such great prices
No wonder you have so many kenysian socialist retards lol, thinking past the surface is hard when your emotions are all you care about and use to think

Well if we're going by that index then all of the countries ahead of the US have more "socialist" policies like universal healthcare and are more still free.

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she's literally the Belle Delphine of politics

still more free*

Okay, let's look at a Hong Kong
>The standard income tax rate is 15 percent, and the top corporate tax rate is 16.5 percent. The tax system is simple and efficient. The overall tax burden equals 14.0 percent of total domestic income. Over the past three years, government spending has amounted to 17.9 percent of the country’s output (GDP), and budget surpluses have averaged 3.4 percent of GDP. Public debt is equivalent to 0.1 percent of GDP.

So a 14% overall tax rate, by your definition, is socialist compared to the US's 26% overall tax rate?

kek ^ 2

Both their orbiters are equally cringe

I bet she has a small dick, like a shrimp dick with no balls

Democrats aren’t good at deep thinking

You know that every country on earth that has universal healthcare also has a far lower tax burden than the US for said healthcare? They don't even have to pay for insurance on top of being taxed either. Turns out when you cut out a lot of bloated bullshit middlemen you can actually cut costs and, holy shit get this, lower taxes.
You know medicare for all would actually save money compared to the current system right? And save 70,000 more people per year? But nah, that'd be spooky scary socialism, can't be doing that now.

Remember that time amazon was gonna open a maxi extension distribution center in NYC and create a fuck ton of jobs that paid well and the citizens reeeeeeally could have used but she blocked it’ll the deal and amazon was like “ok fuck it, well go anywhere else and fuck you guys. “ and everyone that voted for the bartender got really pissed off? Good times. Faggot.

Yeah man, I agree, I think politicians are at their best when they're on their knees seeing who can suck Amazon's cock the hardest until the jobs squirt all over their faces

drumpf btfo

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Remember, AOC believes you can print unlimited amounts of money and that doing so will fix the national debt

Remember, Donald Trump is literally on the record asking if America could just print more money to pay the debt.

citation needed

That's all nonsense. The US has higher costs because it prioritizes lower wait times, and spends a fuckton more on basic medical research than all those other countries. That's why the rich fly in from around the world. If you cut those costs, then you lose all those medical advancements, and massively increase the wait time for treatments.

Also, the worse results is another falsehood, because countries don't always measure the same thing with the stats that are being compared, and because some of the factors have nothing to do with healthcare.

For instance, many countries with socialized medicine encourage abortion for problematic pregnancies, and don't count an infant in the mortality numbers until it's a few weeks old. The US in contrast counts those infants from the instant they're born, and goes to extraordinary measure to ensure those babies are born, even if they're higher risk. So that's a lot of zeros that go in and make the numbers look worse, even when the care is absolutely better. It even affects lifespan, because zeros can significantly pull down the average.

Or for factors that have nothing to do with healthcare, the US has a high rate of obesity, which is a social issue, that can only be fixed at the social level. It's not something doctors can do anything about, so even when they provide superior healthcare, their numbers will look worse.

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ITT: liberals gettin rekt

Remember, every politician and every bankers has been doing that for the last 70 years, except they haven't been using that money to pay off the national debt. It's been going to buy votes, or into their pockets.

businessinsider dot com slash alexandria-ocasio-cortez-ommt-modern-monetary-theory-how-pay-for-policies-2019-1

Took 5 minutes to find the quote

Good joob spoonfeeding
I wouldn't waste my time

>Modern Monetary Theory
aka the Magic Money Tree

For every example you can give me of a rich person flying in for treatment I can give one of a politician or famous person flying out for cheaper treatment. It's great that you have a healthcare system that caters to people wealthy enough to fly in, but that doesn't do much for like 99.9% of Americans.

All that bunk about wait times is bullshit too since I can easily find some stats that show comparable wait times for similar issues in other countries. I read stories all the time of people having to wait months to see a specialist in America.

There's nothing stopping America from continuing to invest massively in healthcare research either, it's not like you're the richest country on earth or anything. You could use the money you save from implementing medicare for all on some of that research. Or maybe take a look at that monstrous defense budget for some savings.

Remember, whataboutism.

I mean hey, it worked for post-WW1 germany didn't it?

So at best they're equally stupid.

All else being equal between 2 people, the communist is automatically the less intelligent

Wasn't there that one guy who said he was going to make Germany great again? Can't quite remember his name. Something Mittler maybe?

Give one example of a politician or a famous celebrity flying out of the US for cheaper treatment. Won't happen, because they're rich. And it's not the 0.01%, compare the typical US results for cancer treatment against the rest of the world. The US is far, far better.

And no, you won't find any stats that show comparable wait times in countries with socialized medicine. Studies have consistently shown the US wait times are much, much shorter.

And Medicare will greatly increase costs. Think about it for a second, you're seriously claiming that the government is efficient. Nobody has ever said that with a straight face.

Since when is AOC's slogan make some country great again? She more the opposite.

Why not go for the nordic system? Capitalism with a safety net

Bernie or Bust!

Because the United States federal government is shit and if you implement a social safety net here, one large enough to work for our population, it’ll get bled like a stuffed pig by politicians. It’s not that hard. If you truly believed the government is corrupt you wouldn’t buy any of this new wave leftist stuff at all




There, took me one second to find.

Here's some wait times for you, check out Switzerland, the Netherlands or Germany there, pretty much the same as the US.

And here's a study from the Lancet, one of the most respected medical journals, saying you're wrong about Medicare for all costing more.

Got any more?

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>it’ll get bled like a stuffed pig by politicians
yeah if you keep believing the bullshit and let Republicans win office.
Name even ONE Democrat who pushed for cutting Social Security.
Come on. Do it faggot.
You can't.

>I mean hey, it worked for post-WW1 germany didn't it?
I mean, sure if you could live with being a worthless nigger who doesn't pay of the debt he owes then go ahead.



>Imagine being a wagecuck

Hot, retarded and dangerous.

You'll never get to bang her user. No need to be a cuck if there's no chance.

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you're literally a retard

So what? Rent control
Boom. Done.

like capitalism doesnt bleed the people and governments dry till the rich and corporations are basically defacto governments themselves leading to an oligarchical government with indentured debt slaves

answer OP's question faggot

None of AOC's ideas are "retarded" dumbass.
Dangerous, yes. Because she's the future of this country and your boomer bullshit's days are numbered.

>Name even ONE Democrat who pushed for cutting Social Security
>plus lots of other stupid shit
Barack Obama,
And HuffPost is about as far left as you can get without French kissing Mao.

Failed everywhere it's been tried. I swear to god people on the left have zero capacity for consequence analysis once their retarded ideas fail horribly.

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Don't be mean.

no he didn't dumbass
and Obama didn't end up cutting it either.
Chop your penis off.

they're all retarded, and your larping makes my desire to skullfuck her to death harder.

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I want her to sit on my face.

Rent control actually works pretty well in NY and other cities.
And wipe that fucking grin off your face trumpshit

When will the AOC fappening pics get leaked?

Don't post stupid shit and you won't be treated stupid

>as if democrats are immune to ever being corrupt around large piles of other people’s money
Please continue displaying how small your balls are

>you're larping
just telling the truth
>durr their all bad durr
that's how you let trump get elected user

no it doesn't, don't lie to the good and honest people of this bored. it drives prices and has zero positive examples. i'm actually banging your wife as you type this, you might wanna record this

How am I stupid?
My thinking capacity is literally the best on the planet.

You're not following along. This government is so corrupt that they're stealing from hard working people already, and distributing it to the ultra wealthy who in turn dont pay their fair share of taxes and hide it in tax havens. Democrats want to distribute it to hard working people.

So that's a "no," you literally can't rise to the challenge offered and it's you that have a small penis

why yes i will be voting for god emperor trump in november, how can you tell

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Unless you own capital, you're not a capitalist. You're the little cog they get to shine their shoes and dispose of when you're no longer useful. The idea that you'll own those shoes someday is laughable, the system rarely works that way by design.

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/thread, giving the federal government the authority and power it would need to carry out these Bernie and AOC plans would be the ultimate cuck move. Bend over and paying for the lube, “thank you government, May I have another?”

I'm telling your mom

Agreed, defending billionaires is the single most beta cucked thing you can possibly do. If you had worked from 01.01.01 until this day, getting $50/hour, every day, for 24 hours without fail, you still would not be a billionaire. People don't realize the sheer insanity of dimension.

That said, the biggest FU you could give to billionaires in the US in terms of the election is Bernie.

But we all know that isn't going to happen, because Dems WILL torpedo him and it's gonna be Trump vs either Bloomberg or Buttigieg with Trump taking it home by a landslide.

Americans need to remember how their country was founded and take the fight to their government and the burgeoise.

we're reaching levels of tinfoil hat that aren't even possible

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if anyone is wondering, yes. that post was bullshit.


do you think he had gold-plated hngg handcuffs for her?

The wealth gap. For fucks sake, can you young idiots think for yourselves? Taxing the shit out of the rich will NOT do ANYTHING to change the difference between the rich and poor. Give a million dollars to a 1000 poor people and they will be poor again in 5 years. That has been proven before time after time with lottery winners. Also, if the gubment takes billions from the rich in the form of taxes, it will never see it's way to the poor. The gubment will do what it does best which is to squander it. The poor are poor because of who they are. Either ignorant and unwilling to learn, stupid and unable to learn, lazy or a combination there of. There are of course some exceptions to this, but if you look at the plight of the poor, there are always bad decisions/choices in life that have put them in the position they're in. Take money from the rich and give it to them- after a nice chunk is kept by the benevolent politician- and they will piss it away in short order because that is the caliber of people they are. I've worked and paid taxes since the age of 13 because I had to to get the things I wanted. So when I'm told I need to pay more taxes, or have others pay more taxes to "fight poverty" it pisses me off. There will always be poverty ( aka a wealth gap) because there will always be stupid, lazy or ignorant people. Why penalize/persecute/shame someone for being successful because others aren't? There isn't a limited supply of money. Someone possessing $10 billion does not keep me from making as much money as I am able to. Instead of whining about the rich, how about you change your plight in life with an education and a strong work ethic. And lastly I will say this: I've never had a poor man give me a job.

>You: Democrats did nothing wrong
>Superleftist website: Yes they did
>You: No they didn't!!
>You: Immediately think about mutilating dicks
my sides

Bernie needs to start pillowcasing Buttigieg

>implying he didn't

>the burgeoise (bourgeois, retard)

yeah that worked so well when the soviets did it and tens of millions starved to death. killing your top farmers and job producers has never worked out, and only marxist ideologues actually believe this. there's a reason intellectual marxists are laughed at and never debate publicly.

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Welcome to Russia and Chine

>Democrats did nothing wrong
pretty much yeah
is a blog
thanks for playing
>but durr your a leftie your suppose to respect them
no i don't
user, you support a criminal administration
you need to start criticizing them
it's not too late

satan trips confirm

You're literally describing the status quo. There are people who rely on government subsidy to survive whilst being in work. They work a full time job (and more) and are still fucking poor. This system is rotten to the core and needs change.

don't bother. this are marxists running psyops or finding somewhere to parrot failed ideas in hopes of living off of other people under the guise of justice for the working class. it's nothing but envy and hatred for the rich disguised as sympathy for the working class.

Billionaires don't produce anything, wankstain. They exploit. The working class produces. But keep licking that boot, I'm sure your master will give you a few more crumbs than the other slaves once you cleaned the shitstaines from his soles.

The Kulaks did nothing wrong

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Numbers don't do shit

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If you want to give the federal government the power and authority needed to carry out those ideas of Bernie and AOC you’re a spineless cuck with raisin balls who’s lazy as fuck and incapable of personal responsibility and just wanna shove blame off down the endless line of government. You’re too much of a chickenshit to live your own life and/or not useful enough to

>think this way goyim, it isn't too late!

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>They work a full time job (and more) and are still fucking poor

i dont pay for your poor decisions. the fact that you had 4 kids out of wedlock is not my fault or problem.

zero fucks

The problem was that they weren't cannibals on a larger scale.

>durr antisemitic Cred Forums jargon
shut up faggot

>I have no evidence!
>A journalistic website that supports my side says I'm full of shit!
>So I'm going to change the topic!
>To this orange man who lives rent free in my head!
my sides


i'm sorry, i missed the part where employees were forced to work for private companies in the u.s.

billionaries took on tremendous risk. if I invest $80,000 in the first walmart, I own a share in the company. i own a part of walmart. it's so intellectually lazy to suggest hiring people to perform tasks and pay them an agreed wage is exploitation. there is no financial risk involved. the 19 year old college student stacking wardrobes does not own a share of that company, you utter brainless fucking retard. you need to graduate high school and hold a stable job before you spout of these retarded talking points.

Lets' talk this shit through again.
Terry Davis was the inventer of Windows.
He invented windows and it was stolen from him. Winners write history. The losers are killed.

>durr shut up faggot

Cred Forums reject

which is why creativity has never been fully exploited (when it absolutely should) and that doesn't clash with anything i've said in this thread, retard.

I think atleast half of pure white people look like pigs or dogs

This isn't just people at the extremes of society. It's people working normal jobs with a couple of kids.

So many people in America are one bit of bad luck, one breakdown, one illness, from destitution. Don't you see that as utterly fucked up?

I think a public option is what we settle for if Bernie is the one fighting for it. Pete or Amy or the others would settle on less then public option like Obama did.

You don't, really. Obama did not a) threaten to cut Social Security b) didn't cut it.
That means "shut up" trumper.

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>orange man
also this meme is really getting cringe

>i'm sorry, i missed the part where employees were forced to work for private companies in the u.s.
For all intents and purposes, they are. They either do that or they starve, become homeless and get fucked over in terms of healthcare. Not much of a choice, is it.

>billionaries took on tremendous risk
Which does not justify exploitation of the work force. Investing those 80k initially does not justify paying somebody working 40 hours a week a wage so low that they have to find a second job just to stay barely afloat while their boss buys their fifth holiday home in a tropical paradise.

>Waah waah ad hominem
Likewise, bootlicking scum.

That's a dude

Also I've got a knife to slit my hand veins if the government should pull up on me, which it won't do because it's beyond fucked.
Eminem killed 2pac. 2pac is the real father of Ariana Grande. Consider the possibility that this is her mother. 2pac shot her in the cunt after he came inside her. God I am tired of posting this shit again.

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Oh look it's retarded

Yeah because we NEED Jeff Bezoz. We DONT need actual workers creating wealth and performing the work.

Friendly reminder:

You're always 3 bad months away from being poor and homeless. You are never 3 good months away from being a billionaire (or even millionaire)

Eat the rich

fuck i already fapped to it

If Terry Davis was forgotten on Earth, how will you not be treated?

The moron literally brought up Trump out of nowhere, he can't stop thinking of him
He's the living embodiment of the orange man bad stupidity

user you elected a retard

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I’m a leftist and my palm is so deep in my face reading this shit

Just cause you are doesn't mean those of us with skills and savings are... I'm guessing you're closer than those 3 bad months, loser

Trump is threatening to cut Social Security. If you weren't 12 you might know what that means.

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Oh, the orange man who lives in your head.
Sorry, that's your obsession. I don't give a fuck about him.

I'm this picture, 2pac was shot in the balls.

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Thats because democrats want you all to owe the government and depend on the government to survive that is how they can control you and kill you and throw you onto the street like trash because that is exactly what they see when they look at you and if you want proof look at san francisco detroit chicago and any other city they run WAKE UP ASSHOLE WE ARE NOT AGANST YOU WE WANT YOU TO MAKE IT TOO BUT YOU NEED TO WAKE UP FROM THE LIE THAT ANY OF THEM ARE ON YOUR SIDE

Don't care. You're the creepy stalker who keeps trying to make every conversation about him.

Which is why red states are net takers of federal aid and blue states are net givers...?

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Ok, Ruskie.

>talking politics instead of posting her big fat delicious milky beeferonis
yall niggas gay

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She takes money from them.

By how much?

What 50 bucks a person?

Thats 3,050,000,000 dollers saved

Right? Need to breed the milkies

eh trump looks kind of photoshopped in

>don't give a fuck about trump
you'll just let him get re-elected and deflect again when confronted about it

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Social security will run out by 2030. If you’re under 50 you for sure aren’t gunna see a dime of it, so why the absolute fuck do you care? Why don’t you care that social security tax is extorted out of your paycheck even though you’ll never see it again? Pull your head out of your rotted commie asshole and think


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нe зaбyдьтe oпyбликoвaть oдин c Гpeтoй тoжe

how can she defend this ?

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Fuck commies and socilists and fasists

And you are fucked if you think its funny ya sure blow me off go ahead dont cry when you gotta wait in line for moldy bread and beets

The russian people dident listen either

>We're talking about Obama
>I randomly bring up Trump
>But YOU'RE the one deflecting when you don't care about my orange god!
kek, so dumb

English please fuckhead

I can walk to where she lived in the Bronx from my house

When dumb people try to be clever. Tax of 54% over 29000 means the portion over that amount is taxed at that level, not the whole balance.
>do you even tax?

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if you literally oppose AOC's ideas
you are a trumper


TRUMP 2020

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You brought up Obama and nobody was talking about him.

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I am apolitical but I will canvass for her solely so she'll notice me and maybe even touch me. Hnnng.

doesn't matter
you're a shithead President if you're cutting programs people paid into their entire lives

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How do I marginal tax bracket

you elected dumb

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>Pure white

The "status quo" has gotten us, as a country, pretty far. You make the choice of whether or not you want to take advantage of the system in place. Learn, work hard, make good decisions, save your money and prosper. Or bitch about the system, chooses not to work it and fail. That's your choices. I see a bum on the street corner begging for money and I think "fuck him". He/she is drain on society. I work roughly 70 hours a week to make what I make and this piece of shit expects me to just give him/her my money because they ask for it? Fuck them. They've made their choices in life. I live in Austin Tx. (a fine democrat led city) that is full to the brim with homeless beggars. The city council has actually put some homeless in housing and after a few weeks they were back on the street. Why? They said because they didn't want the responsibility of paying the monthly bills, they'd rather live on the streets. So they get what they want. We make choices in life and deal with the repercussions. Don't expect someone else to bail you out of your poor decisions. And if you feel moved to help them, by all means go for it. Just don't expect me, or elect a POS politician that wants to force me, to do the same. I respect all rights of all people. You have the right/privilege to live your life as you see fit. You DO NOT have the right to force other people to bail you out when your poor choices fail. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is free in this world. If it needs to be provided, built, created, served or in any other way requires someone's effort or time to produce, it is not free. It required someone's time and effort and therefor they need to be compensated. Unless we're talking about renewing slavery. That's freedom, fuckers. Now, fuck off, get off this shit site, learn something useful and apply yourself so you don't become a deadbeat, parasite on society.

tfw you mad

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Obama is a sandnigger with a wife whos botched trans operation is so obvious its sickening, his vice was and is a pedo scumbag and his legacy is a shity healthcare bill that everyone hates he is the worst president since nixon and if i saw him on fire i would get a full gascan and fill glass bottles up with gas and throw them at him

>only homeowners/property owners should be able to vote tbh.

I'd be down for that. Back to the good old days where you had to be at least mildly successful to have a say. Someone who all they have to show for their existence on my planet is that they are qualified to make enough money just to rent a 1 bedroom slum pad and eat pringles should not have the same voting power as me.

Keep your incest out of here

LOL stay ignorant

that's the face of satisfaction from being railed by your brother whose body odor smells like curry and farts.

So you hate tits? Interesting take

Terroist spotted take her out

Imagine being such a worthless parasite that the only way you can make it is having the government baby you.

Kill yourself.

hey look, two women who hate white guys so much they get fucked by them nightly

Lol keep marrying your siblings

Look another sandnigger
Even Mohamed would say Allahua Akbar

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Can you imagine living in the district that thought voting in AOC's dumb ass was a good idea? It must just be people walking around saying derp all day. dem titties tho

so you agree that industry should be forced to pay living wages so there is less govt interference?

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It's almost like your whole racist world view is shattered but you still don't comprehend

itt: radlibs vs trump voters

trumpers don't need to comprehend
just obey

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Has Shapiro gotten her feets pics yet? I'm getting impatient

Someone shop some ilhan porn, she's sexy

No you are a shithead public to take advantage of programs that are there for people who realy need the help and then hide behind bullshit disability claims and greedy doctors so you can continue stealing from the working class.

So sorry cant find the bad apples so everyone gets squeezed enjoy the juice fuckers oh and one more thing if you realy want to get mad at someone why dont you look into who made those loop holes so non deserving people could access SSI because before you could ever dream of getting on it you either were over 60 or seriously disabled, and also you were a U.S. citizen oh and or you had paid into Social Security which meant you had a job. Yeah so the Democrats might be the ones you want to chat with.

>durr if your not rich your shit
>poor people take advantage of meee
lol literally mad basement dweller

I want to put that in my ass before you eat it


Says the people that cry over a red hat

you are covered in mushroom cock semen
no way I'm going anywhere near you faggot

if by cry you mean "vote out" you'd be correct
then you'll be cryin
about socialism again

Not mad i am quite happy seeing you freeloading scum get pinched esp when that fat fuck freaked out about his food stamps they should have exicuted him on live tv

Mmmm just like mom made right RIGHT BRO?

Tounge punch my cheesey orange fartbox ladladladladlad


>larping this hard
>cock in hand

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Wow you dont read
The fat fuck started freaking out over his food stamps
When The President said he was cutting SSI

Thank you Sabuu


Is that jade faletto ?

You work 70 hours a week and you think this system is fit for purpose? Do you think it's reasonable that anyone should have to work that?

Ofc you make choices in life, but your outcomes are still massively determined by where you come in life. Do you think any of the trump dynasty would've been as successful as they are if they hadn't inherited massive wads of cash? Do you look at Donald Jr and think "yeah, there's a smart guy with his head screwed on"?

The idea that capitalism is a meritocracy is plain wrong and flies in the face of reality. Enjoy working yourself until your knuckles bleed whilst some trust fund failson makes 1000 times your salary in pretend jobs working for his parents.

Is this pic the reason you Bernie fans want to tax billionaires and millionaires to poverty while you all enjoy the spoils of their life work? Just curious.......

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