So the deal ist the next

So the deal ist the next
I made atea out of a flower of thes and i feel very light weighted
Am i gonna die

Attached: isit real_.jpg (1024x768, 132K)

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i feel funny?
so is it just me or those this shit is the real deal

explain why?

I tripped balls for three straight days on those shits, ended up in jail. Don't go outside, home cat!

Attached: Venosa.jpg (812x1064, 397K)

Eventually yes. As for soon, idk im not a doctor.

so is the real deal is no placebo shit rite?

I hope you packed your bags because your going on a trip.

because these motherfuckers gorw everywhere where i live

i can feel the music

Looks like Datura to me. To the moon you go.

if im rite i may be under the influence of...
scopolamine and atropine

i feel sedated...

plz if you see these flowers dont try the same im an experienced junkie on psychedelics

how much of the flower did u use?


so you decided to troll on Cred Forums or you decided to just take some flower and inform you later? inb4 tripping for 3 days fixated on a hopitalbed

feels like an opiod if i may say

not on my schedlude but yeah if if it makes u mad yes

like a light verson of dxm mixed with tramadol

how many of the colored heads? like 1 or more?

well no its like pregabalin too

is your mouth dry?



and just one

how dry? like a bit or like superdry?

i thonk i found a new drug hehe

like u smoked a pack of cigs dry

also kind sleepy like benzos more lieke valium

yeah lets be stupid and ingest things we know nothing about lol, yes this plant has dmt in it but its also toxic so youll get sick as fuck before you have enough to trip

nahh dude i know when im trippin
and im ytippin

hope your nervous system holds out

ahhh it will if it survived 5 years of chloform ir will survive this

the trip is from atropin and scopolamin

getting sick as fuck while tripping is never fun, goodluck

actually A.C:E
Alcohol,chloroform and ether

funfact: the hallucinations are not pseudohallucinations like from lsd, you cant tell that it is a hallucination

so you made a tea of jimson weed?

this is what you used:

youve ingested some indeterminable mix of atropine, scopolamine and hyoscyamine , which are deliriants that have pronounced psychoactive effects, and they are generally reported to be highly variable in their pleasantness or unpleasantness

they are also fatally toxic in relatively small quantities:

scopolamine is fatal in 2-4mg amounts
atropine is fatal in >10mg amounts

the ratio of scopolamine to atropine in each of these flowering parts varies with time, temperature and between individual flowers.

consider telling someone at the very least who can observe you and make sure you don't have a heart attack. otherwise, just call for medical attention, you might be just fine but this might also end poorly for you

Duuude i feel like if i smoked a kilo of weed

so i heard... but thanx user

my only concern would be on common consumption make me more crazy that i already am and turn into the next UNABomber

also dubs

you should be more worried about ending up in a coma but w/e hope you have fun

like i mean gow much damage can this plant do neurollogically speakinf

are u saying im the first annon who does something that kills himself?
Wgere the fuck do u think u are son

Also known popularly as toloache.

your primary concern should be that doing this again might accidentally kill you even if you use the same amount of plant material you did for the first trip. the amount of scopolamine and atropine in each flower changes with the age of the plant. if you get a particularly young plant there might be enough scopolamine in there to kill you and you wouldn't know it

at the very least consult research on the plant and become familiar with the risks and appropriate preparations of the plant for ingestion before you do it again

lol you gotta be some kind of greta teir retard to freely consume members of the nightshade family without any breakdown or extraction.

but yeah 7/10 trip

are you op? you just trip trough, you will talk for the next hours whit a lot of people, who are infact hallucinacions

dont go outside or you will get in real big trouble

if you want to go to the hospital call an ambulance, dont just go outside, you might end up on the street talking whit a hallucination

no money

that would be cool...

but i cant get up

suicide mission

you should genuinely consider calling an ambulance. not because you're necessarily in danger of dying but because if you black out you won't be able to predict what you'll do or stop yourself, especially while hallucinating intensely

and find a better drug to trip on ffs

you dont need money to educate yourself on the harmful substances in a plant and how to remove them, is it that hard to google? there are alot better options for trips that you can find walking through the woods than one of the worlds most wellknown poisonous plant family

Nahh i feel ok
listeninga nd talking with iggy pop

dude yolo

Unfortunately, you have made a grave mistake. I fear for your health, friend. You should try drinking bleach, to counteract the effects of the poisonous hemlock you have consumed. Please make sure it's at least 1 cup.

and joey ramone

in what country/region are you living?

ur mom should drink bleach

yeah well, i hope it works out for you, tell iggy i said hello

but seriously find a better drug, you're basically tripping on 3rd world date-rape drugs

Mexico city

dude its mexico...

we use fucking pvc cleanear as a drug

you know mushrooms which contain psylocybin grow in southern and northwestern mexico as well as likely in some areas which aren't well documented in between?

seriously, a little effort and research will likely lead you to indigenous plants that aren't nearly as toxic as the datura family and will still provide a decent trip or drug experience. you are literally drinking poison when you make tea from devil's trumpets

Well that's a nightshade/solanaceae of some kind.

Inclined to agree. Brugmansia maybe.

Those would be the main concerns. Hyoscyamine also.

You know shit about shit if you think the they're on DMT.

>jimson weed
No, but same family and generally good advice. Best advice is don't look to get high or trip on nightshades but it's late for that. Hopefully OP has somebody trustworthy looking after them, or the good sense to go get hospitalized if overdose is a legitimate concern.

tell us about you?

how old, living alone?

you are still whit us? hows the trymouth going?

Ah yes datura, I heard that shit makes u see hell on earth but again that’s the same shit they said about DPH and it wasn’t that scary or even incrediblebly interesting. Make this thread again tomorrow and let us know what happened. best of luck OP

says the guy who doesnt know what a tropane is apparently

Quite possibly

You have a 40 percent chance of survival
Hang in there fren

the main problem are the "real" halluciantions, you cant tell if you are hallucionating, its different from like LSD or Shrooms where you only get "Pseudohallucinations"

Post more pics

That might not be datura

I'd make sure to drink plenty of water and try to set up signs in your room keeping you from doing stupid things. Like, for instance, put a sign on your door with a really scary picture that says don't open or some shit. It might sound stupid but it has worked for me.

call an ambulance

>i thonk i found a new drug hehe
One of the oldest recorded drugs known to man... Fucks sake.

he probably meant he found a new aviable drug for him

>you might end up on the street talking whit a hallucination
Or, a hooker/junkie/cunt who 'helps' you move house overnight.

Tropane alkaloid? Or just tropane? I'm no chemist and know next to fuck all about ochem but I'm smart enough to know nothing I said warranted your assumption. Was it because I mentioned the isomer of atropine, which is also present in these plants? Did that seem somehow redundant to you?

That’s the “devils trumpet”, user. Satan will be with you shortly. Good luck and praise Jesus.

from my experience, DPH hallucination look like shit, semi transparent spider like critters and shitty portals on the walls and woodwork. It’s the way they move/react and the tactile hallucinations that cause the feeling of total immersion. Idk if datura does the same but both are antichlorogenics so I assume they’re the same or datura is even worst.


imagen talking whit a friend, looking away, looking back, nobody there and thinking "did i talk to xy just before?"


jimpson weed, or devil's breath,

Call an ambulance, shit really is too much to handle

Lol u gonna die dude, shit is VILE. 10/10 Do not recommend

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Datura we have not here in Australia you need some but not more than 2 flowers prepare for a big stomach ache and a wild time I would just Rob a bottlo instead if you are this desperate imo and i thought i was fucked atm op get help

Have it *

OP still with us or in lala land?

OP here,at the moment im getting my stomach and asshole pumped
