We can't let this Putin cock-sucker get his hands on the nuclear codes

We can't let this Putin cock-sucker get his hands on the nuclear codes.

Attached: Bernie Russian agent.jpg (1439x1637, 599K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>be russia
>troll and bots working round the clock to aid Trump
>people find out
>oh shit tovarish wat do
>plant story about russian trolls and bots aiding Sanders
>lol they bought it
>3D chess supreme edition
>dance the kosak
people are idiots

This is cancer lmao

Lmao, I like how all populist politicians are russian puppets somehow

Of course they want him to win. They know the US will weaken and perhaps collapse with a socialist at the helm.

>shitlibs actually believe this

Attached: inoperable Reddit brain cancer.png (571x618, 53K)

The reason they're supporting his campaign is transparent and known. In every single poll done putting Trump vs any Democratic candidate he loses. Against absolutely anyone EXCEPT if you ask who would you vote for Donald Trump or a Socialist? In that hypothetical match up Trump is a slight favorite to win. Now if you actually name Sanders he still loses in the hypothetical match up, but against an unnamed Socialist Trump wins. So Trump, his political media industrial complex, and the Russians all want Sanders to win because it's the only candidate he has even the slightest chance against.

Wait, I thought the Russia thing was fake news. Is it not fake news anymore?

nice retort, Tovarish Ivan Igorovitsch, that'll teach them scoundrel libberals.

Too late, we already have a Putin cocksucker with nuclear codes.

It was fake news when it was Trump. It’s real now. Just like how Obama’s unemployment numbers were fake but Trump’s are real

Wtf are you typing? Are you having a stroke?

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Found the brainwashed libtard

No, that was all pretty clear English understandable to anyone who can read above a 5th grade level.

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Sanders 2020

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Which part of that was brainwashed? The part using facts and statistics to explain what is happening in the world? It's not even political, just the facts.

your theory is well thought out, except one major flaw.. it's dead wrong, upside down and completely bonkers; Sanders is the only candidate who has a slight chance against Trump, that's the odd and bizarre truth. Who the hell would vote for Blabbering Biden? Pocahontas? Buttikek? Boomerberg? Lol no. Sanders might stand a chance, as the only one, however astronomically slim said chance is.

Trump is gonna gonna win no matter who runs against him, the rest is just circus.

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Russia is shit. Let the Democrats implode on their own.

I'm illiterate, please make a vocaroo.

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Why did they change their minds? They helped Trump last time, why would they now support the polar opposite of Trump? Or do we go with Trump’s story and say that the Russia thing was fake news? Does that mean there’s nothing to worry about?

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I'm just telling you what the polling results show and why both Trump and Russia are supporting Bernie as the Democratic nominee. I can't predict the future I have no idea who will win.

Their goal is to destabilize the country and make us all hate each other, they don't care who wins as long as that happens.

The Internet Research Agency (IRA; Russian: Aгeнтcтвo интepнeт-иccлeдoвaний translit: Agentstvo Internet-Isseledovaniy), also known as Glavset[1] and known in Russian Internet slang as the Trolls from Olgino, is a Russian company engaged in online influence operations on behalf of Russian business and political interests. It is linked to Russian oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin and based in Saint Petersburg

Using self-reported statistics from Facebook, Instragram, and other social media platforms, the department of Justice estimated that during the 2016 election cycle this Saint Petersberg entity was resposible for a staggering 445,000,000 posts, images, and other content being placed on social media. It is unlikely that the hard numbers will ever be known, however, as the only absolute proof came from following the money trail back to the group for so-called featured, or paid campaigns.

Ever wonder what a propaganda and disinformation campaign targeted to sow division in your country from a state sponsored group might look like? We offer the following confirmed examples of Internet Research Agency postings.

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Sanders isn't a Putin sucker. Trump is the Putin sucker and personal bitch of the Kremlin. Russia is running divisive propaganda tactics to get people to support Sanders because they think he'll lose to Trump and we will be stuck with four more years of the ENEMY.

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Glavset's signature move is trying to arrange groups on opposite sides of a political issue to be in the same place, at the same time. In 2016 they successfully arranged for an Islamic group to square off against a pro-successionist movement in the downtown area of Houston, Texas. In July of the same year they orchestrated Black Lives Matter activists to meet up with white supremacists in a suburb of St. Paul, Minnesota. Glavset was known to be active in stoking the fires of the Charlottesville Virginia incident, which left two dead and many more hospitalized. In Portland Oregon the group was again instrumental in arranging for pro-nationalist and anti-fascist groups to clash in the streets.
Make no mistake, this is not funny trolling or doing it for the luls. This is a group committed to destabilization, and leaving bodies in the streets of countries seen by Russia as adversarial. These people would be glad to kill you, although they would much prefer for you to kill each other.

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(((facts have a liberal bias)))
[[[you should kill yourself]]]

i like how america is only considering populists as president material anymore. both sides are retarded.
btw maybe think about having more than two parties, america. i dont mean theoratically but realisticly. more drama on tv to fry your brains and maybe actual democracy if you pull it off right. idk maybe itd be worth a try.

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That is fucking awesome. And it's funny because it's true. Trump also eats his steak with ketchup. That alone should earn him the death penalty.

personally, I want Sanders to win.. but I seriously doubt it'll happen, so I'll bet a grand on Trump and thus make the best of it.

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>I’m just telling you what the polling results show
You’re showing us the literal opposite of what polling results show


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>(((((((my mind is full of joooz)))))))

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>fake charts
Yep, Ivan's here in full throttle.

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Retarded NPC Trumpfags wouldn't know how to code anyway, so it works.

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>Is it not fake news anymore
I will believe it when Putin comes to Rooster Poot and tells me.

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Did you see the part where I said he only wins when the question is Trump vs A Socialist? And I pointed out the Socialist isn't named?

These kinds of religious drone trash should be sterilized and thrown in padded cells. Jesus Christ that's a lot of fucking stupidity.

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>tell people about wagging the dog
>people only see the tail
>no one believes you
to the desert
of the real

Lol Russian memes are shit and outdated lol hahahaha

Don't run. Kick his ass. That's the only way garbage like them will ever learn.

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anyone with remotely working brain mechanisms can see the same thing when they average you graph so i dunno?

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Good riddance, Texas

Yet the US does the same thing in many countries. Bunch of cock suckers

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(by the way, all the deaths in Benghazi were confirmed to be the Republicans' fault. They're the ones who slashed the security budget by over a third right before the attack happened.)

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Totally suitable for their target audience

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So the trumptards, after being told that Trump was a Putin agent, are now trying to troll the libtards by claiming Bernie is a Putin agent?

Funny. Not really that clever, but funny.

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They’re not trying to target zoomer shits are they

>Hillary is a Satan
the Russian-to-English is literally showing.

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>Claims Trump's GDP growth average is 4.2
>Chart proves Trump has never once had a month or quarter of growth over 3.5

Damn, son. Go back to math class.

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I don't think so.

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>Good riddance, Texas
trust me, no Texan had anything to do with the making of that post.

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Cry harder about your non-issue retard. Or better yet, go tell your kiddie diddling priest about it.

But seriously, we cant let this guy get his hands on the codes

chart says average is 2.5 so i dunno where 4.2 is coming from

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Lmao. You played yourself.

Sad but 100% true.

fuck off to /pol shill

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Idk...we had bush junior.

Hey can you from whatever poor shithole and weak country you are from shut the fuck up? Thanks. We will go ahead and keep being a global power while you complain ok? Thanks. Your ideas are great though... yea... keep at it bud...

Yep. Even using the same phrase I've used here often to expose these limp dicked losers, 'Putin cock sucker.' So go shaft yourself Ivan, you're not fooling anyone.

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Don’t berate him.

One day, he’ll either be your boss, or the guy doing your shit job.

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I don't think he listens to Joe Rogan anymore...

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Lmao. Skinny ass white bitch thinking he looks tough in that shirt.

Looks like a little bitch who needs a car to run over ladies in a protest.

Putin's plan of chaos is obviously working well on Cred Forums. :(

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If Sanders wins it all and the repub's take the House, will Sanders be impeached for Russian 'collusion'?

Be great, right?

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I've been checking FOX news ever since trump got mad that his intelligence guys were informing congress that Russia has been trying to get Trump re-elected, but FOX didn't report shit lol. Just saw this bernie thing and it's front fucking page news for fox now lol.

"bla(k panther and (aptain marvel"

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in that case, yeah.. he would, and he'd be acquitted.

we're all clowns now, in the clown world.


Trump v Sanders is the ideal outcome for Russia because regardless of who wins it will result in a more divided and weakened America. And all these idiots arguing with each other here are playing right into Putin's hands.

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ok. was just trying to help with constructive criticism. but you know what. you deserve whatever is slowly coming your way.

fuck off mike

4 more years he got the Log vote

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You prefer the Putin cock-sucker in there now remain?

They're getting really avant garde with this double reverse false flag shit.

actually the paid spam threads are pretty obvious ... the fake / bot twitter accounts are absolute ridiculous because they are designed like super patriotic advertising pillars for opinion war...

accuse your enemy of what you are doing.

Yeah fuck off shill

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hello, Ivan-


I have a good laugh when I see the spamming accounts beneath Trump comments ... profiles filled up the to max with meme shit

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>We can't let this Putin cock-sucker get his hands on the nuclear codes.

yoo and I are Cred Forumstards.. I'm Gen X and you're prolly my age or younger, so we're not the target audience.. the idiot boomer on facebook and twitter and are, and they eat this shit raw.

it's equally hilarious and sad.

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70 years later and dumb burgers still believe the Russian boogeyman is behind every corner
Most effective brainwashing propaganda in history


Nah - it's just a ploy to counter US intelligence agencies' determination that they want Trump.

Attached: RussiaWantsTrump.png (629x943, 442K)

>tv shows ever edit
>especially ones that are on a channel called "comedy central"

Russia wants Bernie to run against Trump. They don't want Bernie as Pres. Trump will steamroll Bernie. Bernie's time has passed. Bloomberg would be the best challenger, but he's too right-wing for the Dems. So they'll sacrifice the presidency to stick it to the rich guy.

It's not like there are any good Dem candidates.

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I have no idea what the grasshopper represents.
Rich guys?
Shitty meme

oh no no no no no

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Heh. Blagojevich was in my college class. Never methim though.

Yeah... no. Different URL, but same joke I'm sure.
Fool me once, shame on you. Twice, me.

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same goes for trump right?

And tulsi

Aren't they a lovely couple?

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Hey, I just read a Drudge link, democrats are trying to deal a sanders defeat.

All you braindead leftist......sic 'em.

He's being terminated with extreme prejudice and that is final.

There is only one news source that is comedy and it's called FOX. Oh wait, sorry. I forget, they're not even classified as news at all. They're just fucking clowns.

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Nothing like shit-tier photoshop to really drive those points home, is there, Retard?

CNN is the most trusted name in news. All other news is fake news. Everything CNN has ever said is true. Brian Stelter is the manliest of manly men.

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>literally only saying "CNN" because the enemy retarded criminal shitgibbon bitches and moans about them on Twitter. No one was saying shit about CNN before that subhuman enemy started his crime spree.

>thinks he's not an NPC

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Now find a Trump rally. Keep it to pictures of less than 4 people with a combined weight of 1,300 lbs or more.

>thinking any TV news is actually a source

you plebs are retarded. Read AP and Reuters if you want news. TV news is for fucking illiterate retards.

I think we should protest orange man

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Cry harder you pathetic NPC.

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I bet you stick your finger in your ass when you're bored

w..wait, why are we talking about impeachment???

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Because in addition to being a retard, a massive pathological liar, a criminal and the enemy of this nation, Trump is FOREVER impeached. Doesn't that make you want to go cry to Svetlana?

Bernie 2020

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Your daily reminder- Bill Clinton is FOREVER impeached.

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actually made me chuckle a little.

I think you're misunderstanding your directions, Shill. When it says "divert to Clinton card", they're referring to "Muh Hillery", not Bill. No one cares about Bill at this point.

Of course. It's inconvenient to remind people that both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump were impeached and acquitted.

This, basically.

now every 'publican is going to hate bernie more because of this.

and every liberal is going to totally ignore it, even though when it was trump they were losing their shit about it. lets see if they push for "investigation" into bernie.

fake post

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yeah except our guy got impeached for getting blowjobs, trump got impeached because he's giving putin blowjobs and tried covering it up.

and he'll be in charge for another 4, buddy boy

You committee cock-trough.


>actually believes the Russia bullshit
>calls other people idiots
What a fucking embarrassment

Lying under oath is a blowjob? Because that was what Bill Clinton was impeached over. An actual crime. But, fuck it... Orange Man Bad.

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No. It won't. Period. We will not permit it under any circumstances. That's final.

why does she have to care? was that supposed to be the big punchline?

We only have 16,300 lies to choose from for taking out the enemy Trump. Oh, and about 35 crimes committed in broad daylight and on camera or using traceable technology.

In both cases, the GOP are the ENEMY and will be dealt with as such once and for all starting in November. WE are ENDING that party of lowlife scum.

holy shit I knew the Right couldn't meme but this is beyond sad.

Trump already won this year's election. The fact that Dems are running a circus of a caucus has proven that much.

>back moles
>horrible hair cut
>rectangular glasses on a round face that make you look like a fag instead of round glasses that compliment your face
>weak jaw
>low beardline and minimal chest hair (low T)
>pierced ear

we are reaching cuck levels that shouldnt even be possible

oh SORRY. he lied about getting a blowjob. Still better than the alternative lol.

There there. Trump will be out in only 5 years. There there.

She's a retard. All Trumpanzees are.

I see what you did there.

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What does that have to do with her caring?

Trump will be terminated with extreme prejudice. Nothing will stop that.

2017 election: blue tide
2018 election: blue wave
2019 election: blue tsunami

There there, since Trump already had the Russians help him win, and no one cared, Bernie should be a shoo-in with the Trumptards from last election! There there cunt.

January 2021. PERIOD.

thanks /fa/get.

>he doesnt realize that everyone who likes trump and ignored the russia interference wont literally erase that from their memory and tank bernie because of it

doesnt matter anyways, the democrats are so splintered right now they are handing it to him

lol you're either a weak troll or a weak damage controller, either way it's cute buddy.

Or the russia narrative is an establishment scare tactic they use on anyone from either side, you half wit.

saving this post for when bernie wins. will repost after election over and over until you finally see it.

Trumpski is our first nigger president.

The Senate would have been Blue if it wasn't for the fact that only some seats are up for election at a time. This country has fully rejected the ENEMY Republicans and TREASONOUS SUBHUMAN CRIMINAL Trump. We are ENDING them and that is that.

Might want to look into the election statistics for those three years. We're just warming up. Say goodnight to the GOP. You won't see them in government ever again.

>that pic
>Never Forget that Ferguson Mike got himself killed for being a thief

>if you dont believe my unsubstantiated accusations you are a nitwit

okay, because that's gonna happen and stuff :)

>Senate would have been Blue
if it weren't for the Kavenaugh hoax-

>won't see the more dominant of the two bipartisan parties ever again
lol your cuteness just advanced to adorable, bud

We're bringing back Communism, boys.

False flag 101

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Of course Russia loves him

He is a self proclaimed communist

He is actually proud of it

This is right. Trump will dissolve Bernie. Trump is a dangerous idiot, but i wont vote for Bernie.

retard. i hope he nukes your mom's taint.

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Bernie's going to get creamed if nominated. Get real, please, before it's too late. Not time to be in academic paradise of free everything.

Kavanaugh lied under oath and likely too sexual advantage of women. He's slime.

Why post a picture of Bernie when you clearly are talking about Trump?

... Yeah. Would be such a shame if America joined us in the 1st world. Stay 3rd world, you absolute cuck. ROFL.

Dumbest country on the planet.

That is not a real news article, and "US officials" have done no such thing with Bernie. You swapped out the picture. All of that is true for Trump.

Fuck your 3rd world country. Death to America :D So glad you fell of the world stage, please never come back. No one misses you.

Its not fake. Democrats are no worse at building the economy but MUCH better at spending government money (democrats actually spend less, lol)

It was an obvious hoax to everybody. It cost the democrats 2 senators. Heitkamp and McCaskil. Heidi dropped 16 pts in 1 week. From +4 to -12.

Without Republicans and southern religiontards, we're top tier. The REAL Americans are all just as smart as the top countries in the first world. We're just dragged down by tons and tons of dead retard weight.


He lied under oath. Period. We know this for a fact.

No american has lost their life "for the country" since 1945

>We know this for a fact
You know that. You may be the only one.

will sanders give NEETbux?

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>We can't let this Putin cock-sucker get his hands on the nuclear codes.


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It sounds like Russia is a good force to me.

Who are they supposedly promoting?

Trump? Sanders?

The establishment gives us Clinton's, Bush, Biden?

Ok. I'll stick with Russia.

And a criminal ENEMY of this country.

>why does she have to care? was that supposed to be the big punchline?
were you dropped on your head repeatedly as a child?
>it's a rhetorical question

Yes you are, user. Very perceptive.

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The alternative is not lying under oath. Guess who didn’t do that.

Eat shit and die, Ivan. Ruskie faggots will learn their place after we've dealt with the enemy Trump.

>Who are they supposedly promoting
I think Trump and Sanders at this point. I expect Bloomberg to buy Russian support.

How are all of you socialists expecting to get paid the magical $15/hr gibmes?

Establishment agent.

Ivan the Great is coming back with a positive force, not your demonic Zionist elites you blindly worship.


>after we've dealt with the enemy Trump
So......you haven't dealt with him for the lat 3 years? How is that working out for you?

Don't let Putin win, Voter ID NOW!

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If you say so..

*wink* ..comrade

When they can't win an election, it is the Russians. When they can't control a thread, it is.......the Russians.

I think the Russians are hiding in you guy's closet.

Was this a writing prompt message comprised from 2 alternating diametrically opposed people?

>What is irony

What age are you?

>I expect Bloomberg to buy Russian support.
you are retarded. WHY? All he has to do is get on TV every day.
TV exposure: drill it into the "minds" of the gullible
EXACTLY how trump got his idiots to blindly follow him.

Oblivious to the con they fell for

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>I think the Russians are hiding in you guy's closet.
are you 12?

That's not Bernie. That's Drumpft's friend Weinstein.

straight shillin

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Remember that Russians can vote in USA elections and they will invariably vote for Trump.

Demand Voter ID! Russia must not be allowed fo fix our elections.

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Putin a shit


you guys got wrecked by yellow bois

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Fuck those Mexicans and they’re illegal asses as well.

OP here, glad to see you leftist niggers took the bait, lol.

Bernie got a little bit too popular. They tolerate him firing people up but not when it makes him the front runner, since he's still an outsider to the power hegemony. Now Jewry-owned TV networks will work to reverse his momentum through smokescreen stories of illegitimacy.

It remains to be seen if liberals are really going to buy the same story twice, this time against one of their own.

There is no Russian attempt to aid Sanders and the polls you are citing are garbage. See 2016 Clinton/Trump polling. This is an internal political smear-job to stymie an undesirable front-runner.

Guess I have found my answer to the above question.

Glowing in the dark, deep state goons

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lol you have to be a complete fag to use that argument. Trumps own lawyers and congress stooges have literally said they believe Trump is incapable of going under oath without lying. It's full scale govt coverup in plain sight.

I'd pay to see that

it really upset you, didn't it?

This. We must put strict limits on voting and require a physical presence at the polling place.

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I hope Bernie puts you faggots in a gulag

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It's worse
>Play both sides intentionally

The internet has been weaponized. Pretty neat.

Bottom line in the pic says that he condemns the Russian support, you fucktard


There will be an antifa revolt if trump is elected again.

>gamers will rise up

A bunch of skinny white kids with masks. Scary.

Not a surprise, they did it with trump, now with sanders, the goal is just to sow division, and clearly it is working.

Although they can do a lot of instigating online, Russians can't drive to the polls and pull a lever. But neither can the bottom 15% of Americans who may not have a car or state issued drivers license to present at the polls. And that is what VoterID/voter suppression laws are really trying to accomplish.
Either you really are this dumb, or you're disingenuously posting republican voter suppression platforms under a faux populist banner.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume you're just a moron.

I know the polls you're talking about, but don't take them at face value. If Sanders loses the nomination to someone like Biden it will be 2016 all over again with the whole "lesser of two evils" bullshit and you'll a chunk of those bernie voters folding to whatever liberal is up against Trump.

Get rid of this sack of shit

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Why would Putin support a socialist? He has been openly against communism (and socialism) since the collapse of the Union and spent the last two decades doing anything in his power to destroy the remnant supporters within the government and people.
>inb4 26d chess retard reply

escept youre calling unndefined functions with invalid parameters in layman's terms instead of an actual programming language
this is just cringe tier

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Looking for Autistic Digital Warriors.

>(You) can find me here -o7
-26{} _com

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This. THIS.

>an antifa revolt
they will turn over trash cans in their own city?

He would never call you a sack of shit.
He defends your freedoms and upholds your constitutional liberties.
Have some respect for a man you don't understand what it's like to be in the position of.
You are nobody.