Is $5 tip on a $65 bill acceptable?

Is $5 tip on a $65 bill acceptable?

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Nobody is obligated to tip you faggot, why don't you go back to school and get the qualifications for a real job?

so everyone is supposed to tip 20 fucking bucks? you're lucky you even get a tip. just because someone goes to a resturant, doesnt mean theyre required to tip

I never understood why I have to tip more for an app and entree that costs 65$ compared to the same thing for 30$.

I don't tip at all unless I'm a regular

People who complain about tips being too low are often shitty hosts.

>being too poor to tip
Stop eating out then bitch


I tip 20% regardless. I just never understood why I have to pay a waiter more for the same service just because the dish cost extra. It's not as if they prepared it.

No its not acceptable at all.Fuck tips. Bitch should have gotten nothing. Get a real job or demand a decent wage you fucking spineless slave.

>being so poor that you rely on tips

This. All they did was deliver the shit. If it's good, give it to the chef.

Severs are required to tip bartenders based on either the purchase of alcohol or sometimes the fact that alcohol is served in a restaurant at all. Sometimes, their earned tips are further shared with bussers and host staff. The amount of service for a party size accumulating that cost for food is also a consideration.I usually tip around 20%. If I'm willing to drop 30 on a meal, another 6 dollars is nothing.

I think it's more of a courtesy than anything. If you're one or two people, taking up extra time at table, you're costing them potential customers in the long term. If you're additional people, that entails more service with refills and making sure any other needs are met.

Everyone needs to stop tipping. It's an excuse to underpay workers.

I agree with you but Americans are too stupid to do anything about it. I'm not even trying to be an asshole I'm being serious. People won't do shit

>is that acceptable?
Whats unacceptable is this stale copy pasta. Fuck yourself OP.

Is Olive Garden really authentic Italian food?

You tip before tax, $5 sounds like 10%ish. Sounds like your service was shit or the person only tips 10%. Perfectly acceptable. Get a job that doesn't involve tips, or smile and say thank you. It will most likely be offset by someone over tipping at some point in the night.

You lil fags know that in your precious eu, there is no tipping?

Fuck no its the McDonalds of Italian food.

Be a better waiter

I pay the listed price only.

But McDonald's is real American food, so it is real Italian food then?

That's like asking if Logan Paul is an authentic youtuber.

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Real food isn't frozen and reheated.

Yah if it was bad service $5 is ok. Good service is 12-15%. Only Jews and broke college kids tip sub 10% with ok service because they are scumbags.

no tip would be better though.

ok zoomer

Tip for exceptional service only.

I always tip 20%, no questions asked

if the service is excellent, sometimes I tip 25%, if it's really bad, I'll tip 15% because at least she's trying

I actually like tipping culture because it means that food is cheaper for me because cucks will pay extra for people literally just bringing them plates.

Why the fuck should I tip the server when the Chef did all the work?

I freeze stuff all the time at home, it's good food.
Most restaurants use a freezer.
Sounds like this olives garden place is alright Italian

Maybe if she cooked all the courses herself, but if all she did was write down 3 fucking words on a notepad and someone else carried the food out, then she can go fuck herself

Maybe you should cook your own food, then you wouldn't even need to pay the cuck chef

This thread again?

i'll say it once more, tipping is a scam, but this is the last time.

Name a more entitled profession than waiters.

not in the US, m8

So much this - the chef's skill is what you're tasting, just cos your server may have hit the genetic lottery doesnt mean im gonna tip her anything if she's curt or inattentive

Since we don't pay servers a livable wage, no. In other countries, they are paid livable wages, charge a bit more for the food, but if they get a tip it just says something about the service they provided. Knowing that this person lives on $2-3 an hour and these people can't even tip a minimum of 15% of the bill, those people are in the wrong.

Let me make this clear. In America were you can pawn the job of paying your employee off on the customers, 15% isn't a mark of service.

Also, quick math at the table for you idiot fucks - Just do 10% and then double it. Here 6.5+3.25=9.75 for 15%. If you don't round this up to 75, you are just taking advantage of servers and the BS capitalism that lets people starve when some Karen thinks someone shouldn't eat because her meal was overcooked.

Get this shit out of my face.

Bad service=fuck u no tip
Meh service=10%
Standard service=20%
Great service=30%
More than 30%=you are a faggot with too much money

>goyim please you need to tip so I can keep paying my employees below minimum wage

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Thanks for carrying a plate of food to my table and asking me if I wanted something to drink, heres 5 bucks.

Servers make just as much as every other minimum wage job do you tip all of them too? No you don't cause only servers are pathetic enough to beg for more money

>Since we don't pay servers a livable wage,

God I hate it for them but it's really not my problem. Maybe they shouldn't have fucked around in high school? Maybe they should have cultivated a more valuable skillset for themselves other than something a down syndrome monkey could do just as well?

No one owes you anything. It is not mandatory to tip. Yes its customary, its nice, but people who get pissy when people dont tip have got to be the whiniest douches in the world.

Yes, i have worked jobs that involved tips and I have been stiffed plenty. Still made enough and managed not to cry about it.

In the U.S. at least, it's legal to pay waitstaff less than minimum wage because of tips. On the off chance that you give a shit, and just don't want to tip because you're a skinflint shithead.

Nobody cares can you stop now?

In america, the servers generally will take your order quickly after entering, give you refills of your coffee and water without having to ask, they'll keep coming over and offer - if I got that kinda service in Europe, then I could justify a tip.

But just taking my order, and then goofing off behind the counter for 25 mins while my food dies in the window? fuck you, you aint getting shit except me telling you the food is already cold when it arrives

>lololol I spit in your food if you don't tip
This is why you should never tip. People working as dining staff chose that work, agreed to the shit pay and continue to work there. I don't tip at the drive thru so I sure as shit ain't gonna tip some retard who takes 40 mins to serve a cheeseburger.

Your boss is responsible for paying you, not the customers.

I tip based on service provided. I'll never leave nothing though. I find it more insulting to leave whatever coins I have in my pocket than nothing at all. I've left a $0.82 tip on a $120 bill before because the waiter was garbage tier and my girl and I had to constantly keep hunting around for them so we can get basic shit like napkins and drink refills. I just threw the handful of change in the table, let them hunt around for every scrap they can find. Meanwhile on the other end of it, I've tipped as much as 40% before on similar bills because the server was on fucking point. I barely had to look up to already have them at my table asking if I want another beer, more napkins/bread/etc.

The sheer audacity of someone believing they're entitled to a tip because "they get paid less than minimum wage" is astounding to me. No one put a gun to their head and said they HAVE TO work there. The whole allure of waiting is the ability to make more money than usual via tips. I've done it when I was in college. On busy party nights as a delivery driver/waiter I could make as much as $200 a night, cold cash. If they want a sustained hourly wage, go literally ANYWHERE else where they have to pay you a proper minimum wage, not this $2.87 or whatever it is they make.

I only tip hot girls


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Confirmed poor fag

Its not a tip if it's required you fucking retard. Its called a gratuity charge and only shithole restaurants do it.

Being this poor should be a crime

I am not American so I don't tip.
But in case I come to USA one say, remind me pls, why should I give the tip to a person who brought me the food instead to the one who made it?

That's a 7% tip.
Is this not acceptable?
Damn...such entitlement.

Are you black by any chance?

until next time ;)

>But in case I come to USA one say, remind me pls, why should I give the tip to a person who brought me the food instead to the one who made it?

Because, despite the troll bait in this thread, the culture demands it, and I'm assuming you want to represent your nation of origin positively. That said, the person cooking the food, assuming you're at an actual restaurant, is highly skilled and is paid as such. The person schlepping dishes to and from the tables is unskilled and paid as such. In the case of waiters, it is legal to pay them well belong minimum wage specifically because tipping is part of the culture. Honestly we're talking about a few dollars added on to the meal. It's all moot really.

Want to know why i usually tip upwards of 20% ? Its because im not some poor faggot if 30.00 is alot of money thats pathetic

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You did all that annd youre still a poor faggot kys son it only get harder

It's crazy that in most states servers make like $2 an hour. In CA they're paid minimum wage plus tips. In SF that's $15.59. (It's still too little to live, but at least it's min wage.

waiters and waitresses have to be paid at least 2.13 an hour.
2.13 plus those 5 is 12 cents short of minimum wage.
so you got 7.13 for way less than 1 hour of work. be grateful you got that and if its not enough get a better job

She's right. Shoulda been $6. Always move the decimal to the left once. So 65 would be 6. Usually I just tip 5 though. I'm not responsible for your paycheck. I'll tip you if you're good.

Yea great, now they only need 6 roommates to afford a shit closet sized studio apartment

>and I'm assuming you want to represent your nation of origin positively
Riiight. That's exactly what I want and what I'll do. By tipping the waiter/waitress.

Word. I'm looking to move closer to work and I found a 500sqft "studio" for 1500 a month. Livin the dream.

why are these threads so popular? are you guys all socially retarded? im a bartender and want to tell you the way to handle, but fuck you. stay on b and stay an outcast

>being this entitled
get a real job bitch

I'm in NJ which isn't great for prices either but I'm only paying $1350 a month for a 2 bedroom 1230 sq. Ft. Apartment. CA is ridiculous

More like once you let out a mega fart

Looks like we found the Jew.

15 to 20%.

I'm in Silicon Valley. 1500 for a tiny studio is actually a steal, lol. A solid studio starts at $1850 I'm trying to not spend that much.

That's just insane. I hope you're making some serious cash in some FAANG company or start up to justify dropping that kind of cash. I just got myself a 1500 sq ft condo for $145k and I feel bad about spending so much on rent as is instead of a mortgage. Can't imagine the cost of living in CA.

Depends on the service.... if your waiter/waitress did the work and was nice 15% is the standard (9.75),if he/she wasn't as good as he/she should be but still made the effort 10% ($6,50),if the service was exceptional you should tip 20% ($13).

If you don't tip or skimp on a tip at a restaurant you are a cheap ass with no excuse.

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$0 is more acceptable

>Riiight. That's exactly what I want and what I'll do. By tipping the waiter/waitress.

Not sure if that's sarcasm or not. But yes, by tipping. Generally when people travel you do your best to honor the culture by respecting little things like this.

>not being American
>obvious wage slave in some shithole country
>being to poor to tip
>hating America
Kys nigger if you do live in the U.S. remember you can leave at anytime

piss off the people handling your food ???

>I pay the listed price only.
translation: I don't eat out anywhere than steak'ums or applebees or in groups of more than 1

I'd assume he's never been to a bar or gotten a haircut either...