Friends, help me out. So I have to inform my girlfriend's husband that she's cheating on him with me. Why?

Friends, help me out. So I have to inform my girlfriend's husband that she's cheating on him with me. Why?
>we're in love. been 3 years sneaking around and she loves me more than anyone will ever do
>she's too scared to break up their marriage of so many years, which btw is already dead. They live like roommates that's all.
>divorce is a taboo in our country

I'll be sending an anonymous text message to husband's cell, saying
>hey, i think i saw your wife in the mall just now. She was holding another guy's hand. I'm sorry man

it'll be anonymous so the husband thinks it's a family friend who is texting, but they obviously don't wanna get in between and ruin friendship

What I need from Cred Forums?
>A way to send anonymous message (international)
>is there a better way to tell this cuck, while maintaining plausible deniability in front of my gf, that i wasn't the one who snitched?

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You're gonna fuck this all up. She will never want to be with you in this case. She'll double down on making things work with him. You need to chill out and tell her you are done hiding. If she doesn't want to tell him, then tell her you're gonna do it. Don't fucking think you can get away with getting her to be with you by lying.

hit trips, so you know I'm goddamn serious

I'll been giving the ultimatum since July last year. multiple times.
>either you find a way to be single or we're done
didn't threaten with telling on her tho

since this year's start, I'm pretty much not talking to her and she remains blocked in my cell because she won't stop texting. i told that you need to do something or forget about me.

should i change this to
>you need to do something or I'll tell him myself?

>falls in love with a woman who cheats on her husband

You get what you deserve dude.

fair enough, then consider it a revenge plan? I'll anyways kill myself without her. By doing this, at least I'll ruin her Life as well

sorry bud you're just the guy who she's fucking. you're asking her to choose between her LIFESTYLE and dating you.

so is this about money? because i have that as well. or is it something else

Nice Reddit repost

haven't posted on Reddit yet. revenge stories are not allowed there.

just saying i think it would be a lot easier to find a new side dude than to go through a divorce and replace the main dude with the side dude (and then no side dude?).

side dating is not as prevalent in my country, as in the West. infact sex is a taboo in itself. she always wanted a guy who puts her on a pedestal, cares for her, listens to her. That cuck was too self absorbed to do any of this. which i think is the primary reason she was emotionally available to start this relationship.

now, I'm too invested to just be the "affair" or letting her go

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Ur gay

You should tell him to his face, like a man, so he can gut you and leave your miserable jackal corpse in the street to rot for the crows.

Also INB4 this hilariously blows up in your face.

>Calls the other dude a cuck
>Is the side meat for a princess complex having cunt


>Also INB4 this hilariously blows up in your face.

life isn't much better now either. Very close to killing myself. One last shot maybe.

She won't care, tbh. You're most likely just a side thing because she enjoys the attention/taboo of cheating. She most likely has other men as well

nah, she has no one else. not even her own family (before marriage) is worth a Penny.

i just feel like I have to do something. i wake up angry every day. Think of ways to murder the husband, think of ways to kill myself. Think of the future that could have been. Miss her, love her, be mad at her. I have blocked her, yet keep waiting for a sign, a message, anything.

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>she has no one else.
Yeah, and you'd know! Just like her husband knows she's not fucking anyone else.


we are very close and intimate. I don't think she has hidden anything from me. Hard to explain but it's true


don't be mean fren

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Just Knock her up move on. She'll keep it and you can love a different woman.

Because if you tell him, there is a very real risk he attacks you or her. But there is a 100% chance that she loves her SITUATION and not you. She likes having a husband she is cheating on. If you fuck that up, she will hate her life and you.

I've already knocked her up, that's not the point. I want her forever, not just for sex.

i'm hoping he hits her, it's a valid case for divorce and then she can get out.

time to work on changing yourself mate. if you keep having feelings like that you will push her away. work on being happy without her; act more withdrawn and she will hopefully put in more effort

or... just accept the experience for what it is and make the best of it. i was in a *similar* situation where i was hooking up with a married girl and I got attached; i ended up acting jealous and gave her a dilemma and pushed her away. we used to have an awesome time and it was super easy - i really wish we just kept doing it

damn, that sounds like my situation too. The easy part, everything is so easy when I'm with her. i've been pushing her away too.

Hmm maybe you're right, but I keep having these episodes of rage where i want her or nothing. like I'd rather ruin it for both of us. maybe i should go on tinder dates to make her jealous?
