How about a weird shit you do that you think nobody else does ...I'll start

How about a weird shit you do that you think nobody else does ...I'll start
>Eat snot
>Piss in sink
>Eat scabs
>Chew toenails/fingernails
>Used to drink piss when younger
>Always eat jizz, wife asks why I never use tissues lol

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Finger my ass and smell and suck on my fingers after

Actually try to meditate, I always kinda feel like a dipshit

>chew on my calloused fingertips
>know exactly what iguanas smell like
>do a weird ass breathing pattern to match songs in my head
>get to the end of a video game and avoid beating it for years
>when I eat chips I press them against the roof of my mouth with my tongue and slurp the flavor out of them before swallowing
>douse my popcorn in hotsauce

I'm certain this is more common than I think but I'm deathly afraid of cockroaches. I wouldn't say afraid but but I'm so utterly disgusted that I'm stricken paralyzed when I see one

I love spiders so much and people find that weird but one roach and I'm locked tf up

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I was with you in the first half

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i tore all my butt hairs out when i was a teen. new butt hairs would grow? i would tear those out too

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I piss in the sink at home more often than I do in the toilet

I drink my wife's piss as a treat

I love hairy asshole chicks

soz friend, am male

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I figured. Just wanted more from ya

I also piss in sinks


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>when I was younger I used to stand on the bathroom sink and stare at my asshole in the mirror

eating boogers is my only vice

Avoid relationships on account I feel like people will just leave
Fuck women like whores even if not
Question my moves in life
Full.of self doubt
People love me and I question why

My wife used to do it too

Like well into our marriage. I didn't say anyting until about 3 1/2 to 4 years in. She just thought i never noticed her slurping down boogers right next to me

She doesn't do it anymore and although it's disgusting, I kinda feel bad for making her stop something she always did

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I use tweezers to pull my boogers out.

The sensation of a big one being pulled out is unlike anything else, it's like your face has a little orgasm

Rub my fingers on my crotch and smell them all the time when in bed.
I was even told I did it while sleeping.

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Nigga, fuck you

Callously disregard shitty imgur links posted by spambots

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I meditated once while laying in bed and developed sleep paralysis. Shit sucks. Meditation worked for me and fucked my sleep up.

I like the smell of earwax and I always smell q-tips when I clean my ears. I like sweaty smells in general including my ball sweat and ass sweat (not shitty ass sweat)

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