Why are Americans so stupid?

Why are Americans so stupid?

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idk im from france

idk im from canada


Attached: pepe_bonaparte.jpg (800x1334, 830K)

Liberals ideology and parents finding out that their little johnny/susie isn't so special after all

Idk I'm American.


Hard to answer in a short onliner...
Actually believing in a bullshit religion, infighting, boards of education being elected offices, tradition, rejection of "science" and "elites" in broad segments of the population (which to a degree comes back to religious doctrine), just to name a few.
There is a reason that Asians - in particular those who do not follow a monotheistic religion - are doing so well while the rest, in particular the flyover states, assorted rednecks and blackies (with their Church going single moms) don't

how would the answer be 1

PEMDAS, brother

Isn't 16 the correct answer?

Google order of operations.

20 / (5 * (2 * 2))
Which of course nobody would think, except the people who got a degree in gender studies and now due to lack of jobs in their field are teaching your elementary school aged children

They're trying to fix school achievement numbers by making it so easy that even nigger kids can pass.
The inventor of Common Core is Ron Coleman, a NY Jew.

You're an idiot.

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Isn't PEMDAS just a convention for mathematic expression, and not a mathematic truth? Like, you could the order of operations as long as it was consistently done and by following the new order your expression was still accurate?
It feels like changing the symbol of a number rather than its value.



t. Chang. Now please die of coronavirus.

Is it (20 / 5) * (2 * 2) or 20 / (5 * (2 * 2))?
It is a bit ambiguous, wouldn't you agree?
I'd pick the first every time.

I am a white German, the actual kind not the merimutt pretending to be one kind, nice try tho

Are you really blaming your mathematical illiteracy on gender studies? You know any STEM major would laugh at you for not understanding the order of operations, right?
Are you some kind of a retard?

You're dumb as fuck

I'd pick the first one as well. If we remove all paranthesis, the equation is:
20/5*2*2. You would solve left from right and still get 16. Any order of operations has multiplication and division as equals, so which ever comes first is the one you do. Same goes for addition and subtraction.

Canadian here, we learned BEDMAS and were taught that division/multiplication and addition/subtraction were not hard in the order. you could do subtraction before addition or multiplication before division if needed.

Attached: Screenshot_20200221-223249.png (1014x2048, 719K)

It's in brackets for a fucking reason....

this is how you'd actually interpret it if you knew anything about math, fucking tardfags

Attached: welp.gif (68x37, 484)

You do distribution operations before multiplication/divisions. It's a little tricky because it's not in the in acronym but you must learn it and love it.

They're equating what said with:

5 × (2 × 2)

fucking phone poster

Yeah, it just means to solve it first. So you have 20/5*4. You'd still get 16 since at that point you'd have to go back to the beginning and do the division first. Thanks for playing, numbskull.

>be yurotrash
>complain about american education system
>attend american colleges

Wow. I'm dumb as fuck....

yeah, exactly, and that's outright wrong, tho a possible interpretation since the shorthand with slashes creates this ambiguity

The reason pictures like OP's exist is that you have parents who can't accept their fuck trophy is an idiot. So we have the liberal PC crowd who decided to spare the feelings and dumb down the curriculum.

It should be noted that the picture is of a "Program" math class and there are also advanced classes where real math is taught.

Because Jews

I have a math degree, I can manage, but thanks for your concern

>idk im from canada

kek I got news for you

But we still have all nukes

Why can’t euros defend themselves?

you stupid retarded faggots, actually know what the fuck you're talking about before opening your faggot mouths.


Equating what's on the overhead, I should say, with what that user said and with the shitty equation I posted.

TeX user gets it right: 20 over 5 is a fine way to express that part of the equation, what comes after the 5 is not part of 20/5.

I always learned BEDMAS --> Brackets, exponents, division, multiplication, addition, subtraction. So to me, 16 is correct

Hold on,
20/5(2 X 2)
I'm American and I have no fucking idea how the hell these retards would get 16. Despite these retards showing otherwise you really are overestimating the retardation of Americans when EVERYONE is retarded,
a large number of European teens can't read analog clocks according to a study from 2 years ago, just take a glance at China and you'll wonder how their country even functions with all the retards around. All countries are brainlets

those faggots were educated in rural Kansas, don't mind them

>I'm American
thanks for proving OP


>So to me
No, it's just correct full stop user. Anyone saying 1 is wrong

lol what an absolute fucking mongoloid

How, look no further:

Doing the brackets first means you solve whats in it, not give a handjob to anything touching it.

Based. I've heard PEMDAS is correct too, though? Which would make it 1. Idk what to think anymore

i literally cannot think of a way to get 1

Despite the acronym being PEMDAS I was taught multiplication and division were the same step, so whatever was on the left went first.

Ex :

It all depends on how it was taught to you


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because it's the only way for republicans to retain power


You colossal fucking faggots. I don't know who I hate more, you for being so stupid, or myself for replying.
Parenthesis are first because you solve INSIDE first. They are necessary for addition/subtraction equations, kinda redundant in this case. Who ever made this post knew that amd just wants retards triggered
God you fuck heads

Common Core happened under Obama, didn't it?

Writing an ambiguous math problem like this is fucking retarded. This is why we have parentheses.


That’s how I was taught too

You didn't divide 20 and 5

It isn't ambiguous, it just looks ambiguous to the clueless
i.e. that teacher holding the presentation

That's a Canadian classroom.

>Parenthesis are first because you solve INSIDE first
is american education really that bad?

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look at you, being the retard you tried so hard to shit on

>It all depends on how it was taught to you
It doesn't fucking depend, there is one correct solution and it is 16. Such basic math isn't open to interpretation and redefinition

There's no justification for writing it this way.

Well damn, I learned PEMDAS, parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction. Also fuck you cunts, at least we can tell time.

I’ve met a lot of dumbass teachers who just skim over that part, it’s pretty sad

It does matter when in elementary school I was taught multiplication came before division and was taught that was wrong in high school

You're right, I'm fucking high. The operations inside parenthesis are first, but that is it. The rest of the equation is solved normally. And since it is multiplication all across in this case, it is redundant

Exactly. The equation isn't formatted properly to begin with. It's equivalent to a grammatical error.

They're basically synonymous.

Multiplication and division have the same priority, same for addition and subtraction. You solve them left-to-right unless brackets/parens dictate they be solved in a particular order.

Attached: 6dBt2Oj.jpg (600x315, 21K)

this is why we use pemdas to avoid this stupid nonsense

>Also fuck you cunts, at least we can tell time.

>what is 0am and 0pm?
>let's just say noon and midnight

Sure you can

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you mean jewish? gotten too used to reading hebrew right to left have you?

Did no one learn BIRDMAS in primary school? (Brackets, Indices, Roots, Divisoon, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction).

20/5 (2*2)


20/5 (4)


4 (4)



Thanks fuckhead now you’ve made us look bad

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I should have continued: PEMDAS thus will not make the answer 1 either.

E (not applicable)
MD (working left to right)
MD (again left to right)
AS (not applicable)

To quote an old reddit post that sums up the retardation of entire problem:
>This is perhaps a bit of a tangent to the original question, but I feel it is worth mentioning. Generally speaking, you should not expect yourself to use PEMDAS. PEMDAS tells you how to work with badly written and ambiguous expressions, but you will almost never be confronted with such an expression. People who write expressions in reality write them well enough that you don't need a rule like this to parse them. On the other hand, if in the real world you ever are confronted with such an expression, the chances are that whoever wrote it doesn't know what they were doing or else they would have written it properly. Given this to be the case, you are probably better off going back to them and asking what they actually meant since they probably didn't apply PEMDAS properly themselves in the first place.

>What I'm saying is instead of PEMDAS, just express yourself clearly and ask others to do the same. It makes things much easier for you.

I'm good I'm from united states

>To quote an old reddit post
delete your account

Not my post, but it's one I always recall every time a retarded debate like this pops up. There is only ONE correct answer and it is fucking 16. However, the teacher herself is wrong for writing it that way in the first place.

>I'm good I'm from united states
*Estados Unidos, maricón

Not an American, but that's technically true. Neither is /wrong/

Implicit multiplication, non-fraction division, and not using brackets or parenthesis leaves this question open to interpretation

You'll hate to hear this, but our mathematical operations are just a construct.

Math is natural law, but the way we write it and organize it is not.

That leads to questions like this where there is not universal consensus on ambiguous operations. Hell, even order of operations, BEDMAS, PEMDAS, whatever you want to call it, is not fully universal and implementing same level operations (Mult. and Div.; or Add. and Sub.) has no set order, even if some bodies say to solve them from left to right. That's just not true or necessary for mathematical law (and can be problematic to enforce, even if not enforcing leads to questions like this with multiple answers).

OH FUCK, I forgot multiplication and division ARE the same step and you solve it in order from left to right so it IS 16. I retract my statement and deem myself the brainlet.

Attached: Me.png (235x215, 8K)

It's 1.

Wow, i cant believe im talking to the last white german! Let me help you feel more at home.

>allahu akbar

>Not an American, but that's technically true. Neither is /wrong/
Please move to the US, we don't want you anymore in the rest of the world

You're too late tho
I was born white but am turning brown now thanks to all the Döner Kebab and Dürum I eat o_O

one reason i can think of that common core wins here is that you should not use "divide" in computers unless you absolutely have to for like ratios or something. it's a FAR more expensive function at a machine level than multiplication. if you have to use modulo, that's something different.

tl;dr if you want to look like you know some shit, always multiply by 0.25 rather than even dividing by something as simple as 4.

Isn't PEMDAS how it was always done? I mean common core is fucking stupid, but PEMDAS is always been around right?

also for euros who dont understand common core, imagine a straight road, you're trying to get from a to b and if you take that road you will get their quickly right? thats regular math, now common core is when you take the 'shortcut' when its really you go all the way around the road to get the point b, taking you longer.

Please feel free to refute anything I said

I didn't ask for your IQ. Go back to hammering the square peg into the round hole, the adults are talking.

Multiplication and Division are treated equally, you solve left to right.

You're correct, maybe...people don't really understand PEMDAS. However, the equation is intentionally vague.

Thanks for making Americans look dumb asses you piece of shit.

You don't want to use floating points in computers - the usual ones having IEEE floating point units at least - unless you have to or are fine with an approximation, because those are not numerically stable

Who the fuck came up with common core and why would they make changes to a system that's not broken?

>You're correct, maybe...people don't really understand PEMDAS. However, the equation is intentionally vague.

Well, I meant to say ambiguous for people who do not know any better, like for example the students you see in the pic... or their incompetent teacher.
There is only one correct solution, of course.

There's nothing wrong with common core, it's mainly for basic arithmetic. They still end up learning the same crap everyone else does once they reach Algebra.

talking about basic math...and getting it wrong.

Attached: common_core.jpg (768x1024, 79K)

Common core was president nigger math. Only libtard areas do that.

Attached: Common Core cheat sheet.jpg (1200x1562, 193K)


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i get pussy so i don't spend time debating math like a fucking nerd

Lmao if true

Parenthesis (do the things inside first)
Multiplication / Division (in order from left/right)
Addition / Subtraction (in order from left/right)

That makes the full solution:
1. 20/5(2x2)
2. 20/5(4)
3. 4(4)
4. 16

what's the mathematical sense in solving an equation from left to right though. like what's the justification. why can't i just multiply 5 by 4, get 20/20, then 1. seems arbitrary

Attached: e1b.jpg (640x639, 99K)


20 / 5 (2 * 2)

20 / ((5*2)*(5*2))

20 / (10 * 10)

20 / 100

x= 2

I'm a Cred Forums graduates!

I'm genuinely confused...

If you think the answer is 16, then you're a common core retard.

5(2*2) =/= ((5*2)*(5*2))

"20/5*(2*2)" so according to you "(2*2)" is done to the numerator, 20

So that the equation is 20*(2*2) divided by 5 which is 16,

But in reality (2*2) is done to the denominator, 5, so that the result is 1

Otherwise if you wanted the result to be 16, it would be written (20*2*2)/5

While I understand that you have a constant need to denigrate races that you're afraid of, common core has it's basis in the 90s and was a bipartisan effort among states.

Because some operators are associative and some are not.

Everyone always goes left to right means everyone always sees the same thing and gets the same answer.
Everyone gets to choose the order they feel's best means everyone gets to pick the answer they feel's best.

This is mathematics, not sociology.


Bitches don't know bout my PEMDAS.

>Bitches don't know bout my PEMDAS.
The actual problem here is PEDMAS doesn't address left to right vs right to left.

>old way
What the fuck? There's is no way to get 1 as the answer.

>multiply by 0.25
If you could just do division by using this one weird trick, the compiler would already do that.

There is no difference: with a rational library it's the same operation, in floating point it's the same operation, and in integer math it's the same speed, just the answer is always zero.

>it's faster
FPU divides are a single clock now, and you can do 16 of them in a single clock using the vector unit.

Attached: 4L_zAmqHC6H.png (578x414, 6K)

As a developer, I don't get it. Common core is right. When faced with ambiguity and times and divide are ranked equally, eval left to right.
I doesn't really matter anyway. irl, ambiguous equations hardly ever pop up. When they do you send it back to the author and call em a retard (politically of course).

Please elaborate which country you are from and why it’s so great.
>be me started from zero
>worked three jobs in my 20’s
>became established in a business over 10 years
>fast forward 10 more earn 150-200 thousand a year and live well.
Give me your great story nigger.
No response yeah that’s what I thought. Even give me your greatest larp I’m laughing already.


>I don't get it
People like to do the n in "n*(.....)" at the parentheses stage, even though that's not what you do.

They think they're evaluating the parentheses by doing this, when in fact they're fucking up.

IEEE floating point is not numerically stable, and on top has by definition rounding errors, so you should be aware of that at all times and consider if that can be a problem.

>There's is no way to get 1 as the answer.
It's bait. (Oh and the pic is photoshopped, ain't nobody teaching this in school)
20 / 5 (2*2)
20 / 5 * 4
If you go left to right as a pedmas tiebreaker you get:
20 / 5 * 4 = 4 * 4 = 16
But if you go right to left, you get:
20 / 5 * 4 = 20 / 20 = 1
Neither is actually correct as pedmas doesn't address left to right vs right to left.

Or just use a rational library if that's important to you. Look how many rounding errors calc.exe has.

That would be correct IF there was another set of parens around 5 and (4*4). I'm in integral calc and an engineering major.

>Doesn't address that
Yes it does. Stop lying.

Attached: 4L_xqsqD9MT.jpg (913x703, 60K)

The 3 circles, bonded together, is a number bond. Jaiden colored in 4 red squares in the cube stick. He would place 4 in the top circle and could place 2 and 2 or 1 and 3 in the bottom two circles. Now, hold up 4 fingers representing the 4 red squares. Put down 1 finger. That's a hidden partner. 3 fingers remain. That's how you fill in the number bond. This kindergarten level stuff.

The answer is 1.

Also you spelled it wrong, which doesn't make me want to believe you.

Attached: 4L_poehuQO1.jpg (960x720, 109K)

I literally said nobody who had an actual education would think that

Attached: 4L_blLvHTaQ.gif (520x400, 154K)

You ALWAYS go from left to right with PEMDAS.

memes aren't facts

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You want to know why America is so stupid? Because we keep importing trash minorities that keep dragging us down. Nig nogs and Bean dips mostly. Luckily Asians are smart as fuck so it hasn't been a heavy decrease in intelligence here.

idk im from california


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no not if you use the order of operations.


Okay - so a "number bond" represents the operands and result of an arithmetic operation then?
Then doing finger subtraction to work out the values on either side of the operand?

I apologise.

could you translate that into common core English please

>But in reality (2*2) is done to the denominator, 5, so that the result is 1
That would only be true if it were written as a vertical fraction division, with a line beneath "20" over the top of "5*(2*2)".
Inline, / is equivalent to ÷ and applies only to the immediate value on either side (at the time it is reached in the order of operations)

Give him some credit, he knew the word "denominator", which is quite rare for Americans

Holy shit why are you retards always arguing about this.

It exists purely to cause arguments, and you fall for it every time.

That said if you don't understand that it's 1 you're dumb and if you actually think it's 16 as the equation is written you're literally retarded.

>PEDMAS doesn't address left to right vs right to left.
It does. I mean the acronym doesn't, but the rule does. It's a convention specifying left->right processing of operators where there are more than two in a row with no other indicators of priority.

I actually learnt it as BODMAS (commonwealth country) but it's the same rule.
Left to right
Brackets (aka Parentheses)
Of (aka exponents/indicies)
Division/Multiplication (equivalent operations)
Addition/Subtraction (equivalent operations)

The equivalent operations bit is important.
Multiplying and dividing are actually the same thing, just looked at in reverse. Same with addition and subtraction. That's why they're processed left-to-right at the same priority level.

No, a number bond is simply the addition equivalent of factorisation.

So (5,0), (4,1), (3,2), etc. are number bonds of 5.

I was trying to translate common core into traditional math

>a number bond is simply the addition equivalent of factorisation.
That's what I said, basically
the "number bond" diagramme seems to be a representation X and Y as being bonded to Z.

>So (5,0), (4,1), (3,2), etc. are number bonds of 5.
Yes, they're solutions for X+Y=Z where Z=5.
By picking a value for X, it's then saying to do finger subtraction to work out Y.

Specifically, "number bond" in this case refers to the summands and the sum.



>There is a reason why* Asians are doing so well
Are they?

Attached: team work.webm (320x240, 250K)

20 / 5 (2 * 2)

4 (2 * 2)

8 * 8




Penis, Erect, Masturbation, Dick, Anus, Sex?

Gotta do parenthesis first jackass

Oh ok....

20 / 5 (2 * 2)

20 / (10 * 10)

20 / 100


Can you explain to me how days is smaller when at minimum there is 28 but only 12 months?

because Romans

>that's what I said
No, you said "an arithmetic operation". It's not "an arithmetic operation", it's addition.

The number bond is the two numbers making another number, it's not the circles or the concept of an operator. It's specifically two numbers that can be added together to get a specific number.

because common core, maybe?

i mean doesn't the image explain that?

A day is a smaller unit of measure than a month.
Months are longer than days. They contain multiple days.
Sadly, there isn't a metrically friendly number of days in a solar year or we'd have a metric calendar by now.

as though all the other nations of the world are so enlightened.

adding the 'x' between the '5' and the ' ( ' reduces its order in operations.

It's been deliberate. A stupid polity will elect creeps who work against their best interests.

Attached: ferry piffle.jpg (896x1092, 195K)

it's just the order of operations, man. PEMDAS

i mean come on

it is order of operations. i barely showed up for school and i managed to pick that up.

20 / 5 (2 * 2)
(20 / 5) * (2 * 2)
4 (2 * 2)
(8 * 8)


ITT: I am smart look at me you retards

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...you forgot the hours, seconds and minutes between the year and the month.

Why are refugees taking over your country?

this, everyone is right and no one is wrong
they are getting rid of ALL IQ testing because blacks are complaining about being put in special ed classes
niggers are mad that they're retarded

American maths:

1 foreskin = 0 foreskin

Attached: lel2.jpg (225x225, 6K)

A sizable chunk of the US population believes in flatearth and genesis/6500yo-earth.
You will not find anything of that magnitude in other Western nations and even most Asian nations are doing better here

it does mean you have to give a handjob to anything touching it smoothbrain. 5 x (2 x 2) is not the same as 5(2 x 2). the second example means the '5' is a factor of the term in the parenthesis. so it's literally (5 x 2 x 2) or 2(5 x 2). Adding the extra "x" lowers its order of operations.
You're even dumber than the other guy.

"Number bonds", having now looked it up externally, are the graphical/visual representation of addition - summands and sums.
That means, they're a representation of the operator, operand and its result.

>It's not "an arithmetic operation", it's addition.
Addition is an arithmetic operation.
Subtraction is an equivalent arithmetic operation to addition (one can express subtraction as addition).
Multiplication is iterated addition, so any system that represents addition can also represent multiplication.
Division is an equivalent arithmetic operation to multiplication (one can express division as multiplication).
Exponentiation is iterated multiplication, so any system that represents multiplication can also represent exponentiation. By extension, any system that represents addition can therefore represent exponentiation.

Therefore, number bonds can represent any of the core arithmetic operations.

Really, "number bonds" are a dumb label for a simple visual/mental model of arithmetic that may be useful for a subset of students and a subset of work, but because of teaching fads has taken on a life of its own.

>adding the 'x' between the '5' and the ' ( ' reduces its order in operations.
"x(" has an implied multiplication sign between "x" and "("
It's omitted for visual clarity, but that's just a notation convention. "x(" and "x * (" mean exactly the same thing.

You. Read below.

fucking mactoddler

The "below" is incorrect.
X * (y * z) is the same as X(y*z)
You work out the contents of the () then replace the () with those contents and proceed.

There are rules, not included in the simple order of operations, to reframe an expression or equation in the event that one cannot directly work out the value inside the () - those rules describe how to replace the expression with a mathematically equivalent one, but that doesn't affect the order of operations.

So no, adding the multiply sign back in between a constant and a bracket doesn't affect the order of operations.

Stole this shit but it makes sense to me.
"Writing this type of mathematical expression 20/5*(2*2) is like writing an english sentence without punctuation.

If you write "let's eat grandpa", it could mean both that you want to eat your grandfather, or that you are inviting your grandfather to eat. With a comma, the sentence becomes unambiguous. For example "let's eat, grandpa".

Its the same in math, if you don't write enough parentheses, your expressions become ambiguous. That's not something you want. Math should be unambiguous.

Note that we have a certain convention, named order of operation, that allows you to make sense of a mathematical expression where the parentheses are missing. But this is just a convention, and it's not even universally accepted (for some details). Some people will perform multiplication before division, some people will apply from left to right"

20 / 5 (2 * 2) = 20 / 5 (2 * 2)
20 / 5 = (20 / 5 (2 * 2)) / (2 * 2)
20 / 5 = ((20 / 5 (2 * 2)) / 2) * ((20 / 5 (2 * 2)) / 2)
20 / 5 = (10 / 2.5 (1 * 1) * (10 / 2 .5 (1 * 1)
20 / 5 = (10 / (2.5 * 2.5)) * (10 / (2.5 * 2.5))
20 / 5 = (10 / 6.25) * (10 / 6.25)
20 / 5 = 100 / 39.06
20 / 5 = 2.56
20 = 2.56 * 5
20 = 12.82
= 12.82 / 20
= 256.41

Uhh, there's no way that's not 16. That has nothing to do with common core vs the old way, it's just the correct answer.

20/5 (2*2)
4 (2*2)
4 (4)

Only someone who doesn't know order of operations properly would do

20/5 (2*2)
20/5 (4)

you've never heard of BEDMAS. trust me, we didn't make it up here.

Wolfram doesn't lie

Attached: Capture.png (836x691, 38K)

Except with 'your' way math doesnt work.

We don't talk about the math teacher.

What math doesn't work?
You're confusing the distributive rules with order of operations.

20/5 (2*2)
(20/1) * (1/(5(2*2)))
(20/1) * (1/(5(4)))
(20/1) * (1/20)
20/20 = 16
You're right.

Attached: 1581477774265.png (500x500, 41K)

you do parentheses inner to outer, the multiplication before division. if you didn't have this drilled into your head in 2nd grade it's because you're a nigger.


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wtf is this imgur post newfag?

>the multiplication before division
Multiplication and division are the same operation, looked at from different perspectives. They're of equal priority, left to right.
This is why different countries have the M and D in different orders in their mnemonics (EG PEMDAS/BODMAS) - it doesn't matter which you put first in the word cos they are treated equally.

Literally this.

Attached: images (14).jpg (679x452, 26K)

Not in general, but his answer wouldn't be any different if he did

20/5 (2*2)
20/5 (4)
4 (4)

Why are your panties in a twist when he got the correct answer?

I fucking knew it! Nintendo has been responsible for this bullshit all along. God dam Illuminati and emperor Hirohito!

no. it's literally just math. And i'm even ignoring that everyone is using the "/" operator incorrectly too. There are just so many fucking levels of stupidity here.

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Multiplication isn't done before division, tardo. You just do whichever occurs first when you read the equation from left to right.

>Multiplication and division are the same operation, looked at from different perspectives.
True. See:

All this equality talk is starting to sound suspiciously socialist.

20/5 (2*2)
=(20/1) * (1/5) * (2 * 2)
=20 * 0.2 * 4
=4 * 4


I must deduct points for not using fractions.

You're wrong.

20 5 / 2 2 * * = 16
Use Reverse Polish Notation
Listen to this man for he knows the truth

bulbous engorged dick maximum anus stretching

Attached: tenor (1).gif (220x184, 8K)

>smooth brain retards letting the machine interpret instead of just doing calculations.

>no. it's literally just math.
You said "your way the math doesn't work". Show what math doesn't work and you'll either be giving an incorrect example or wrong that "my" way doesn't work for that example.

>And i'm even ignoring that everyone is using the "/" operator incorrectly too.
The / operator is merely an easier to type version of ÷
You may be thinking of the vertical fraction notation, but that is a different notation convention, and has its own rules (specifically, anything on top of the division line is divided by anything below the division line)

This... actually seems like a better way to teach math. Maybe people are mad because they never actually understood math in the first place.

really. it's like these guys have never considered doing reverse polish notation in x86 as a project or thinking about how compilers parse things.

Yes, I already corrected the trollingly obvious errors there while retaining the "divide and multiply are equivalent" premise, see:

Reverse Polish notation.
That reason?
Polish jokes exist for a reason.

Not true. Integer multiplication always maps to integers, integer division can map to real numbers ex. (3/2)

> Word problem = math situation
All this does is move the emotional weight associated with "problem" to the word "situation", and mean a new phrase will have to be picked in a few years. Just stick with "problem", it's fine, and it helps kids realize that problems ARE SOLVABLE.

> carry the one = regroup ten ones as a ten
Fair enough, just a bit wordy for my liking. "Carry" refers to the thing you do with your notation, whereas the "regroup" refers to the conceptual operation. Makes sense
> add = increase
> subtract = decrease
This is not a great substitution, because as kids get more advanced they'll struggle with additions that do not cause increases (adding negative numbers) or subtractions that do not cause decreases (subtracting negative numbers)
Add/subtract refers to the operation - what you're doing - not what the most common result is.

> more than/fewer than = compare
This loses useful semantic information about the direction of change but otherwise, makes sense
> how do you know? = evidence
This doesn't seem to be language I've seen used to begin with so, meh.

> old way, new way
When written out, you're adding steps that don't really seem to provide value, so it just seems like a waste.
For mental math, though, this makes sense.

Education and critical thinking is harmful to Jesus and the oligarchy.

sure thing. the term just has multiple equivalencies. sure

>Not true. Integer multiplication always maps to integers, integer division can map to real numbers ex. (3/2)
If you're restricting yourself to integers, then integer division results in integer results + remainder (which can be expressed as a fraction against the original divisor or directly)

Any other answer than this is wrong.


20/5 (2*2)
(20/1) * (1/5) * ((2/1) * (2/1))
(20/1) * ((1/5) * (2/1)) * ((1/5) * (2/1))

Casio says 1. I'm going with the Asians on this.

You said in order of left to right, then proceeded to do it right to left...



Attached: 1580699207067.webm (626x360, 829K)

>2. 20/5(4) [Multiplication / Division (in order from left/right)]
20 ÷ 5 * 4
Left to right. First mult/div operation gets done first.
=(20 ÷ 5) * 4
=4 * 4

Congratulations on inventing your own, wrong, laws of distribution.

Attached: 1580875900256.webm (1280x720, 648K)

What do you mean by directly?

the government intentionally keeps them dumb so that they're easily manipulated and oblivious to the fact that the government is regularly screwing them over.

Attached: bcb4d6f656b2b7eafbd01b555ff669c.jpg (700x804, 76K)

The Japs you dingus, the smarter Asians.

Attached: 1572143544381.webm (960x540, 1.82M)

>What do you mean by directly?
as in,
21/10 = 2, remainder 1.

or as a fraction:
21/10 = 2 + 1/10

the fuck dude.. why is everyone so obsessed with america?

Oh. Sorry then.

Attached: 1577336023859.jpg (719x714, 411K)

I think that if you are restricted in working only with integers, then having a remainder is pointless as it cannot be expressed in that domain. It's like doing floor on the result, so 7.6 -> 7.

common core is pushed by people who want to end public schools and use public money to feed their private schools

>pic related

Attached: Gtloss+is+the+new+fibonacci+sequence++_91b4effe065c6c2b6b0da2c30cabc42d.jpg (702x810, 179K)

Go to war with America. You'd lose. Get fucked.

Apology accepted.

Attached: MBNrAft.png (378x504, 473K)

Because the rest of the world would be no where without american IP. Kys following scum.

Why are europoors still awake?

How did america get to space with this kind of intelligence?

>I think that if you are restricted in working only with integers, then having a remainder is pointless as it cannot be expressed in that domain. It's like doing floor on the result, so 7.6 -> 7.
It can be expressed, it just can't be expressed as an integer.
It's like how sqrt(-1) can't be expressed in real numbers, but you can still end up with a formula equalling sqrt(-1). You just can't get any further than that without expanding your number system. There's a similar example for irrational numbers I cbf thinking of right now I'm sure too.

If you change division to a division+floor it's not really division any more, though you may still be using the same operator and word. For one thing, commutativity is broken.

You gotta be pretty dang smart and creative to answer the same question many different ways.

They still had european scientists back then.


LMFAOOO. Dude europe is below America. Except it.

Except what?

In every aspect. You will always be in American's shadow. Enjoy all the American music, games, and websites you use and listen to. No need to thank us.


Entering earth gravity at 45 degrees so they don't die from reentry.

Points tail of ship down to use rockets to slow reentry because its different way to solve reentry.

The US is forever a colony of Europeans. No matter what happens, it is itself an echo of Europe.

And now Europe is inferior. Wat happened.

>And now Europe is inferior. Wat happened.
Not at all. the US is basically Europe. Just transplanted to new land.


Except what?


JFC the parenthesis always go first. The answer is 1.

You can't do shit with that 20 as long as you still have 5(4).

turns out this is wrong though and you do multiplication before division for the efficiency of the writing system unless you're autistic

>turns out this is wrong though and you do multiplication before division for the efficiency of the writing system unless you're autistic
No, you do them as you encounter them left to right.
Getting the right answer =/= "autistic"

Good thing they don't use retard math in college holy shit.