What is your opinion on him?

What is your opinion on him?

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bernie sandniggers

Angry old Washington progressive socialist. Has ideas that are unrealistic, and now has heart trouble. Thick accent and horrible stage posture. Needs to end his campaign.

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Learned everything about penis years ago. Porn, porn marketing. Human body, race difference. Statistics

only honest politician we have
he will win if dems don't fuck him
like in 2016

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I can't fucking wait to see him get cucked out of the nomination and then watch him just fucking bend over and take it like the bitch that he is.

>Biden sponsored post

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Not when 2/3 of the voting population says they don't want a socialist for president.

Would smash

>honest politician
Ha.. Haha.... HAHAHAHA!!
Oh wait you're serious aren't you...
Let me laugh even harder!

Bernie is a good man who will be a great president.

if you're not voting for Bernie
you either have too much money
or not enough gray matter

Attached: Dont.touch.Bernies.fries.webm (640x360, 1.17M)

All the DNC can manage to scrape up for potential candidates are senile old men, worthless cunts, faggots, and shitskins. Not one soul worth a damn.

Do have a brain Injury or are you just stupid?

He's the fuckin king

what makes him dishonest

just another old white jew

only good commie is a dead commie

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>save thread from Oblivion on pg. 9
>track shitposters

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My guy, Bernie has done more flips and jukes on all major positions from gun control to migration to 1%-era (he stopped attacking the one percent and states the .01 percent because we found out he’s actually really rich) and he loves taking money from multimillionaire celebrities

A politician will say or do anything to get elected. The better it sounds, the more they talk. It's all the same for any person who holds office.

The Russians are helping Trump by helping Bernie get the nomination

No, I'm not a trump supporter.

citations needed
I could say anything about any candidate
but it doesn't make any of it true
>Pete is fucking Joe on the side & Lizzie likes to watch them

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How in the hell did you confuse Bernie with Trump. You fucking retard.

You're confusing Trump with Bernie, clearly.

What did Bernie say that makes dishonest?

I'm sure he's a great guy to talk about over on >please talk about over on

There is too much to list but You can do the research yourself, I want you to. he has gone on record as saying he was against open borders due to it being a Koch brothers conspiracy and now his website states he wants to grant amnesty, eliminate ice and allow “climate migrants”. He went from being very moderate/borderline conservative on guns (to appease his Vermont base) to all of a sudden being anti assault weapons. Oh and I suggest researching his stance on the F35 fighter jet program, he voted in support of it while railing against the military industrial complex.

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No, you are a communist Jew supporter, so I will just go with stupid.

>Pete is fucking Joe
I think Pete is a bottom.

hope the kike dies

Nah Trump is definitely a hypocrite but that doesn’t mean Bernie is somehow the opposite.

Last I checked, a healthy person at 60k a year is making too much under Bernie. You'll get 8k less a year, a new insurance plan, a new doctor, a new electric car you can't afford to buy but have to because you can't afford the gas. But I guess I can go to college for free to get a lesser paying job at some retail store because more college grads is exactly the solution to rising graduate underemployment rates.

I'm a Canadian so obviously not a magapede. All politicians are scum.

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Unelectable in the general election

trump sure does attract a lot of racist idiots, such as yourself.

Yes, Bernie is the opposite of every shitty thing trump stands for.

>if trump is one way that means Bernie has to be the opposite. It’s impossible for two human beings to be corrupt
Stop being a retarded shill. I mean for starters just look at how his position changed with guns and migration in just a matter of 4 years. Or what he said about the military industrial complex while simultaneously voting for Lockheed Martin to build more F35s

you guys shouldn't ruin it for me. as a Trump supporter, I will enjoy the democrat problem called Sanders.

>What is your opinion on him?

His hair might as well be a flaring sign saying "PSYCHOSIS".

He isn't going to get me a mate that isn't a millennial suck slut.

He probably thinks that massacring an Iraqi village is a "philosophical discourse".

And the idiotic Ape probably doesn't know the difference between a Lepton and a Neutron while talking about "American education" and salivating at the mouth while thinking of skimming a little off the top like like a Millenial suck slut waters at the mouth while thinking of cock.

Those are my political opinions.

TRUMP 2020 you fucktards.

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You can never have too much money. You'd know that if you had enough gray matter.


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What is using the capitalist system to amass a couple million dollar fortune? You know the one he constantly cries about?

Pic related

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imma vote bernie just to try it. trump didnt burn the place to the ground but he also kinda embarrased the US. i just want someone who's not the laughing stock of the world.

I hope Bernie is nominated, but mark my words if the Dems pick Bloomberg (Trump Lite) we guarantee another 4 years of Trump.

He's pretty much an embarrassment.

Probably gonna register as dem to vote Bloomberg in primary

Its funny how the Dems frontrunner isn't even a Dem. Kinda says alot.


he means well and he has my vote

Garden variety democrats bought all the hoaxes. Probably the DNC believes they can short sheet Sanders and get by with it.

Dis gon be gud-

>he means well


no one ever cares about the "defecit", and if it's gonna be raised then it should be done investing in people for a change this time

Bernie has been a welfare queen all his life, who's only skill is bitching about people who are actually able to create jobs.

He is the definition of envy. A millionaire who own three home and still finds time to whine about Jeff Bezos.

He's a real one

For those curious why there are thousands of Sanders threads now. Russia will potentially change strategy now that Trump will definitely lose the election. Be safe america, your in a full blown cyber-war and your election is under attack by republicans and russians

Definetly the most genuine and consistent out of the Dems. Miles better than Trump and Bloombitch.

I think you are a joke. Thanks for the laugh.

He will be the greatest president since Putin took over the republican party

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I genuinely don't care about your opinions, but at least your tiny brain can still laugh so thats good

>how to scare a republicunt with one old papertrick

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At least he doesn’t look like a gay faggot tranny

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good on you, Ivan. hahahaha-

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Just sayin....

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the conservatives are literally shaking right now.
how dare bernie try to use goverment socialism to solve problems.

the only socialism i want is the military welfare jewish leaches.


Hey, I didn't think about it. The democrats will need to point fingers at whoever 'stole' the election.

It's going to be the Russians again, huh? That is probably it. Only wacko leftist believe they will win. The propaganda is going to be Russian's.

The impeachment hoax was desperation by the leaders. Makes sense.

nah i just hate the working class idiots are much as i hate the evil elite.

America will never elect Jewish president into office.

He’s a old socialist kook who never did a productive thing in his life yet is a millionaire

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He's Communist Trump

He's the only one that wants money out of politics and make the people's voice matter in the government. Even if you disagree with literally every other policy or law change he wants to push through you should support him to get your vote back as you can then just vote to remove any and all changes he put in place while in office you don't like.

>He’s a old socialist kook who never did a productive thing in his life yet is a millionaire
How did he do it, Cred Forumsro? How can I make money like Sanders did, or at least half or a quarter as much?

For somebody who wants to legalize weed he sure seems grouchy.

just compare how he and trump just reacted to the intelligence agency staying Russia is still meddling in our elections

Moving to a state that weed's still illegal in from a state it was legal in I'm pretty goddamn grouchy too

I'm rather indifferent to him simply because he's harmless. His own party cut the legs off of him back in 2016 in favor of HillCunt and he still can't take a hint. What's positive about him is that he's serving as a somewhat Trump figure for the Left, assisting the U.S. in further deviating from bipartisan politics. Funny thing is that his own party doesn't want him to be their guy, but he's the least crazy out of the gaggle of maniacs the Left is currently caucusing. Bernie's politics are fucking dumb and he is on the same intellect level of college undergrads (hurr weed n stuff, stop being mean to the blacks, give your money to other people so they aren't sad, etc.). He also was mayor of a small-ass town in Vermont before becoming senator there, a state that is 94% white; how the fuck would he know how to fix a diversely integrated nation if he's spent his entire political career in a New England state known for skiing tourism?

tl;dr He's a non-threat and in way over his head.....again

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>Russia is still meddling in our elections
Russian op's in all the polling places?
Voting machines can not be accessed from the internet.

Facebook level trolling. Move along

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You are dumb

I don't know, he seems too old. I like what he's selling but sadly I doubt most of it is economically viable or will be able to be accomplished given the political climate.

Delusion runs deep in your family doesn't it? Bernie bros would be the only one to show up to vote. The only question is, who wants to suck Bernie off more? The female bernie bros that will come back when Warren bows out, the male bernie bros that haven't been laid since that fuzzy time in college, or the sub humans with an IQ under 80 who just want someone to love them?

"too old" bloomberg's the same age and his only real competition

>being this ignorant of economics
No wonder "meaning well" should be a reason to vote for someone for president.
>Muh feelings, fuck reality.
>Abuse the US's reserve currency status of the world, who the fuck cares.


yeah that's why he has a double digit lead in the polls so far and the only one who almost caught up with him was Pete Buttplug. Idiot

socialists should make their own party instead of piggiebacking off of the democrats. What a shitshow

>implying literally any candidate wouldn't be doing this

Crazy old dick turd who doesn't belong in office.



>I have no argument, so appeal to normalcy
Ya, keep dreaming, buddy.

Lol, when its bernie and bloomberg in two months, come back to me with polls you retard.

Bernie bros have one candidate. Half retards but not full retard progressives have 4ish candidates. It's pretty basic math to see how bernie has a lead. Also common sense to guess who shows up to vote for him in November. My point still stands and I'll take it you're the 3rd choice for bernie dick sucking yeah?

look at the cut on his face from where clinton's goons beat his ass while taking his delegates, why doesn't bernie say something about that night?!

You could have just said "old Jew" and everyone would have understood

Absolute cowards. At least Eurofags have the dignity and decency to form new parties.

Biden isn't terrible, it's just that it isn't 2012 anymore so nobody gives a fuck

in the Jew beak, yeah

Dirty Jew

Bloomberg is another trump, has had 60 sexual harassment allegations is just as old as Bernie and spent nearly 10 times as much on political ads but isn't beating Bernie in the polls. Again, you're a fucking idiot

>he said, as he let out a puffy cloud of Juul "vapor" with Mountain Dew dribbled down his chin

There's a reason every party except Republican and Democrat are all lumped into "third party" they have not and will never (unless we elect Bernie and get money out of politics) have a chance in hell of winning an election

I'm not American, but I would vote for him. Americans are so (((neo-libpilled))) that they think a moderate social democrat is literally Stalin reincarnated.

He's better than that old sad has-been Biden, than Buttiwho, than Lizzy "I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR" Pocahantas

I'm not worried about his more ambitious policy planks because they'll never happen anyway. He still has too many Republicans congress to deal with.

stop deflecting CIA nigger.
stop trying to pin the antisemitic russians for who clearly owns the Republican party. the jews.

yeah sure fuck the elites.
but i really hate the stupid working class masses

As a member of the working class, many of my socioeconomic peers don't even work but they sure do love to bitch about how things aren't going well for them.

They also love to pat themselves on the back for doing normal things like raising their own kids and paying taxes. Like no shit idiots, you're supposed to do those things.

He outclasses trump is every regard. President Sanders will make America great again after the trump plague.

i see you're another Lover of all things Isreal

Bernie will be best president. Watch.

.....of Jooz?

Russia is supporting him, so it must mean the demise of our country

Lol, I'm not saying Bernie wont win the ticket you nut. Just saying the picture looks clear, pete is too young, Klobuchar is too fucking annoying, warren is a fucking mess, Bidens base is so old they die faster than he can rise in the polls. Bloomberg has money, spent the first debate taking hits on purpose to get it out of the way and the democrats are desperate. Though, it could be pete and Sanders final two.

But either way, you're delusional if you think democrats are coming in droves to piss on their party and hand the keys to some cook commie. Bernie's base and the blue checkmark anti trump brigade are virtually the same people, so how is bernie going to get the non delusional dems?

Once again, bernie bros will be the only ones there on November and its going to be fucking awesome.

I like how trumptards conveniently forget that trumps own daughter and son in law are Jews. Go back far enough and drumph was probably Jewish too.

that's cool, nobody cares what Canadians think anyway....."eh"

They're supporting trump too in case you haven't been paying attention.

Maybe because every third party candidate is some narrow minded nut job who thinks they can run on one or two issues. Or maybe because they try for president first instead of building a fucking party like selfless person. No wonder they never win.

Lol, I knew some bitch that cried about not being able to afford college...after she got married, had two kids, bought a house and dropped out of community college a year after high school.

Muh juze argument. Classic

Too conservative, too much right-leaning, too much rooted in the status quo. I'd love to finally see a real leftist US candidate - but he is not. Again he's just the other side of the US system who only has two right wings.

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Are you trying to say juice, juuls or Jews?

thank you for checking in from an alternate reality

pretty cool dude, down for the people

(Stop being so easily b8ed you mong)

>im so far left i make marx look like genghis khan

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kekkity sheckle fueled kek

Americans don't know which direction Left is.

...he's a politician. no such thing as an honest politician. dead serious-closest we will get is Trump.

I believe the greentext. Also it's true-google is your friend.

This is like saying the pasta is overcooked so it's no better than the alternative steaming plate of feces.

electing a socialist nasally jew. yeah that wont be embarrasing at all.

This should tell you everything you need to know about the demicuck party.

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a real flip flopping lying kike

He has conviction
He's a retarded commie jew
All in all 100x better than anything the dems have to offer, barring tootsie
Good to beat Trump down with

nobody cares what this xan popping alchy has to say. he'll still get 4 more glorious years.

Too old to be president.
Too soft on illegal immigration.
Total pushover, TWICE he allowed protesters to take the stage from him.


Half of you dumb fucks think he's been obstructed (by his own incompetence) and the other half think it's been glorious.

Schrodinger's trumpards.

he 100% wont. ive already bet 500 on Trump winning. Bernie v Trump would be hysterical. I even gave 250 on him not getting the nom.

Mexico pay for that wall yet?
North Korea denuclearized yet?
Hillary locked up yet?
and so on
He was impeached though, so he has that going for him.

I dont have an opinion other than I know I DONT want dems in the white house to appease the whiny rainbow fags and the illegals. Trump has done fine

Wall being built
He actually went INTO NK and had multiple summits with his nuts.
Hillary is virtually useless now.
And he was aquitted.
Neat, he's doing good.

He's one of the last chances to make star trek a reality.

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Did I even say that I support Trump? Also, he was acquitted, so why are you still going on about impeachment?

>52k a year isn't a shit ton of money
is America like super fucking different to the UK or are you retarded?

Best hope as of right now. I'll have his fucking head if he doesn't do as promised, however.

He has the politics that is best for the most people on average.

Lol @ people coming at sanders for being a millionaire. He is a senator and author, of course he has a bit of money, it's not even that much. The guy has 1(!) House he lives in, a lil summer house and an apartment. A lot of people in America are poor as fuck, but being a single digit millionaire isn't surprising. Y'all are delirious.

If Bloomberg gave his money away for 65,000 people to share, they would all be millionaires

hell yea, if humanity actually worked towards building replicators and robots we could all finally be free to actually use our brains for once and pursue the sciences as a species, dare to dream

Casual Trek fan here. Didn't scarcity become obsolete partially as a result of World War III killing 2/3rds of the human population? That & replicators always seem to be overlooked when considering a Star Trek future.

I like him. He wants brown people everywhere.

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Communist punk

I've vote for anybody who destroyed Buttigieg as hard as he did on the last debate. I don't think the establishment will let him run tho. Bloomberg will buy the system as it is, and fail in the finals against Trump.

hypocrite socialist sack of shit, worse than even bloomburg and his cronie henchman de blasio

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Filthy kike

Good guy. I hope he smiles at trump's funeral.

So you'd suffer if people who don't affect you daily life also get to suffer? That about sum it up?

He's a gun grabbing communist

But he's older than Trump & has already had a heart attack. Part of the reason that I won't vote for him, we don't need another William Henry Harrison.

Seek therapy, it appears that you have daddy issues.

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Sections of fence, which fell over.
Wow, a photo-op meeting. NK hasn't changed.
Clinton has stayed low of her own accord.
He's still impeached.

you one of them centrist retards?

cant wait to see more tears over an election, i already donated $50

Is that some lame attempt at a japanese haiku? You know that we don't give a shit about japs here.

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Why do you ask? Is that bad?

bernie thanks you for your support

run for public office

*laughs in nihongo*

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Here is a trump haiku for you.

Ass full of pork fat,
Jiggles like a Jello mold.
Mouth is flapping too.

While at it do a clinton one, that should be easy for you.

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:-) yeah yeah

Ass full of pork
Jiggles as i fuck not wife
nutted in the white room

Im not suffering, the mentally ill deserve aid which they get but the VA needs to be fixed first. Other than that, illegals dont deserve a dime of aid outside of their ILLEGAL work, and identity politics are worthless, so other than that yes. I dont care if they suffer.

you mean having opinions on both sides and not being a slave to a fucking label? retard

Not everything has to be political.

Political nuts
Sucking them corn
Whatever happened
To them crazy assed fucks?

Filthy Jewish Kike
Give me cash or take a hike
He is still a Kike
-Sanders San

It's amazing how retarded you are.

You accuse others of having no gray matter but you dont even know why having too much money is a bad thing....
Bet you think keeping it in a bank would be enough for economy to survive too

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yea yea yea we get it, you think jews live on baby blood and hang from rafters when they sleep

Democrats love it though because its guaranteed votes for them. Once folk "need" the democrat party then they can count on those votes. They really are sleazebuckets.

nah. just liked the rhyme. i dont mind jews, theyre just a bit annoying and needy

Forgot some things!

Doesn't have a VP
Criticizes the rich, despite owning three houses & being a millionaire himself. Bloomberg owned him on that one.
Stopped criticizing millionaires as soon as he became one.
Believes that capitalism is just evil & nothing else.
Doesn't comb his hair, yeah, I know that this is his "look," but it's just so unprofessional looking. At least Trump combs his hair.
Free college & free healthcare will out us in more debt & screw working class people with massive taxes.
Minimum wage hike will only cause inflation, everything else will be more expensive, basically nullifying the raise.
American health system, with its many flaws, is superior to countries with UHC, because people in those countries have to wait for weeks, even months to get the medical help that they will need. In the UK, doctors & nurses are underpaid.

What about bats hanging from raftors and spreading the evil flu?

oh hard to tell sometimes, its actually a good normie filter, proceed

exactly, but they have the audacity to call the bible belt stupid meanwhile we had a WAVE of people who openly said "im only voting for Obama cuz he black" ffs

My opinion of the next President?
Cant wait!!

I've never met one from Isreal that was "needy." Maybe that's because they get so much USA money.

Next president, I hope...

That's niggers, that's always a small segment of the demographic that has to be dealt with. It is what it is.

indeed. never understood the ACTUAL seething level jew hate. theyre perfectly cool especially compared to blacks/2nd,3rd gen hispanics, etc. at least they contribute a lot to society.

yup, you're one of them

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KEK. good luck dumbass. didnt learn the first time.

emotionally and "finnicky". not fiscally

Illegals can't vote.

Yes, I'm sure it was a WAVE.


hahahaha, yeah right. Check out the freaks in California. They push the illegal voting schemes right to the limit.

i lean 70-80% right. there are a few issues im liberal on. to put all your eggs in one basket is just saying youre too stupid to use critical thinking skills, who also desperately seeks a sense of belonging. cope harder

52k a year is decent

my opinion is most people only know him cause of gradeAunderA

would you prefer rolling coal?

That's why I'm unaffiliated with any political party. I vote whats best for myself and my family, fuck other assholes.

Am I missing something? Or is this just another retarded reddit post.

bernie is good, is going to win and is going to turn america socialist just like UK, Japan and Russia

You're just retarded.

thank you. fuck, someone with a sense of rational thought

Pete and his husband are both bottoms.
Pretty obvious.

He's weak willed
I remember back early in campaigning during the last election Bernie was at a small-stage rally in some damn town.
2 dumb nigger bitches stole the stage and shouted Black lives matter tripe. The man had the mic and security guards but still couldn't stand up to 2 random girls.
How could anyone accept a spineless man as president?

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No they do not. Stop it with your bullshit, you racist prick.

this, the fucker would be stomped on by Trump while attempting to lift his hand over his shoulder

literally who? my dude.. you ever seen this thing called the news?

So according to you, cat lives matter?

more than black lives

an idiot like trump does

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Ewwwww, so anyone that disagrees with your socialist california bullshit is a racist? Piss off you cunt!

Then just vote for trump so we can get back to calling you an asshole.

I can deal with that, niggers don't matter.

Old and impotent.
Even if he wins the primaries and is ultimately elected, he will die in office before he ever achieves any of his stated goals. A vote for Bernie Sanders is a vote for his VP.

ohhh I forgot! It's the weekend. It all makes sense now.

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trumptards accepted trump...the man who rolls over for dictator strongmen.

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She's sort of cute but looks like a hooker that fucks niggers. That's her problem, not mine.

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I believe that Black Lives Matter, just like All Lives Matter. If only black lives mattered to other black people, who cause the most black homicides.

when bernie is king of america I'm going to be his gulag czar, we're going to use the FBI to put every groyper kek loser into the gulag and let boss niggers use your holes 24/7

if you vote bernie in the primary/caucus and the general you'll be allowed to be on work release and your butthole won't be filled with bbc

this is your one warning

Who gives a shit, they're niggers. If they don't care about themselves why should anyone else care about them?

You must be dim.

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She kind of looks like that chick that shoots out squids.

hahaha this is great

dems took the house in 2018

The only man who can save america from a civil war

Oh yeah, that pathetic thing did real well.

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it is pretty funny we put a guy with a level 80 iq in charge of the country, he actually did better than i expected tbh

>dems took the house in 2018
Weak and predictable.

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Yes, just like that time he shamed his competitors for riding in first class. In that same week a photo surfaced of Bernie sitting in first class.

Socialism has worked out so well.

If you took away all of the billionaires combined income it wouldn’t be enough to pay for his medical care plans.

You lying dog faced pony soldier!

Jew... no


Stop with your shit meme, your bitch lost, get over it.

Look, fat.

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so you're telling me a republican house of representatives voted to impeach trump?

I can't wait to fight with him in the war against the racists and fascists he is the saviour we need. He is going to take down the rich and redistribute the wealth to the poor people l love Bernie Sanders

You're starting to sound like the type of guy that likes squids. In that case I get why you're voting for Trump. Oh wait, still not old enough? that's okay bud, graduation's next year!

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Seems like a good and stable dude that is actually not corrupt. Would be nice for a change to have a non-corrupt prez. First in six decades.

That was 100% political and you know it it wasn't done in the senate and you know that as well. Don't be an asshole, you're coming across as one.

Graduation was a long time ago, I have my own places now. How about yourself, how many roommates and cats do you have?


the GOP lost 42 seats in 2018 and gave the dems a majority

thats a blue wave if ever I seen one

A freeloaders dream. Using the idea of free money to allure votes. Yang was doing similar stuff with his freedom fund. Anyone who looks in their bank account and doesn’t see at least 5 figures would trade their votes for some cash. Most people I know that were pro-yang/Bernie are the people who never left minimum wage jobs even though they had the chance. Or the people, often the same, who spent way beyond their needs on eating out everyday, spending a couple hundred at the bar every weekend, then complaining about the cost of etc is too high and they can barely afford to live and it’s the wealthy/system that screws then. I have pro-trump friends who are the same but fewer in ratio. I agree something should be done about the rising cost of education as it has drastically increased compared to only 50 years ago as well as pharmaceutical pricing should be kept in check. Otherwise people should get out and work, be incentivized by lower taxes/tax-back systems such as a refund given for successful completion of higher educational degrees.

Tl;dr Utopian ideas, dystopian reality


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That's why we have a bicameral congress.

norway has a good society, their sovereign wealth fund owns a larger portion of their economy than venezuela, which, as you know, is more ethnically monogamous than the USA and Norway

social healthcare works sorry to burst your bubble

I'm a nine year old Russian sleeper agent that's been cashing some old lady's social security checks while I sleep in her house on top of her long dead corpse. And I have 2 cats.

So what, the USA isn't Norway. Who the fuck gives a shit about Norway?

Laughing stock? We have absolutely rekt everyone in negotiations. It just happens the media refuses to cover anything in a positive light and when their narrative fails they quietly let it fade.

that graph is fake


so what you aren't bernie sanders. who gives a shit about you

hahahaha GTFO!

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But what were the options?
A scandal dyke hyper liberal
A weird socialist who can't stand up to little girls
An orange minority hater who can't stand up to dictators?

There simply wasn't a reasonable option

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Book deals are a convenient way to pass around payoffs.

why gives a shit about bernie sanders?
even russians don't care about that socialism / communism bullshit anymore, I guess that you've never spoken to any of them have you? Or you just claim to be a bullshit artist from california that nobody in the rest of the USA gives a fuck about.
Get a grip bitch.

im not him , but i am an artist from ca and that hurt

lots of people like bernie sanders, he performs well with white working class and minorities. he's polling well against all the democraps and trump

he's already motivating the youth voters and that's exactly what catapulted Obama to the white house

I wager that Bernie will get even more votes than Obama and will the youth vote will create a huge downballot blue wave and create a majority in both the house and senate making medicare for all a slam dunk

This is my father. He say's you look stupid drinking mountain dew and smoking cigarettes behind your RGB keyboard, mouse, and computer.

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Bernie is:
>The Democrat that Democrats hate because he stands for actual economic progress. Instead of just supporting tranny rights to pretend to care about the little guy while maintaining corporate control
>The Jew that Jews call anti-semitic because he opposes Israeli expansion and would clip the wings of the banking sector they own
>The semi-wealthy American that the genuinely-wealthy hate because he'll kick them in the nuts
>The "Left wing" candidate that the self professed "Left wing" media hate, because they were always actually Neoliberals and someone with genuinely progressive economic policies instead of just idpol signalling will make them look bad

Politics is shit. But if you're going to vote for someone?

I'm sorry, I'm a republican whote watches fox News everyday so I have to say that anyone who is not trump is evil and not according to God, our lord Jesus christ and The Virgin Mary.

Culture of a society and it’s burdens dictate the effectiveness of such things. I work in healthcare as a nurse. I see the issues with current Medicare/Medicaid everyday at the ER as well on my other floor I work on. Overpopulation of the system by those who don’t pay leading to lower quality care that in turn leads to lower survey reviews which in turn leads to the hospital getting less money for services provided due to low scores. Then we have to start charging more to stay afloat to balance it out. I’ve seen 3 hospitals close in my city in 2 years with another whole hospital system on its way out. They only majorly prosperous and also one of the highest rated hospitals in the US is all for profit. Non-profit/government subsidized systems get strained and fail in their care.

Hello fellow republican! have you taken your super beta prostate today?

are you talking shit about american culture? 90% of the world has good public healthcare, are you telling me americans are uniquely retarded so they can't work together??

if you dont like americans why dont you fuck off and get out

Not yet, I'm watching fox news atm

People in the U.S. literally wait months or years to see a doctor (waiting to get insurance) or flat out ignore their health problems if they can't afford a doctor visit, which leads to even bigher problems later. UHC isn't without flaws, but it's arguably a better option for the majority of people in the U.S.

Lots of people can be morons, if lost of people jump off of a bridge that doesn't mean that I'll follow them. Deal.

Yeah OK.

I am also watching fox news,

Not radical enough but it’ll do.

Did your wife's boyfriend give you a turn tonight ?

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not an argument

Bullshit you faggot eurotrash cunt. Prove your bullshit out, you can't.

>those who don’t pay leading to
>lower survey reviews which in turn leads to the hospital getting less money
>Then we have to start charging more to stay afloat
>I’ve seen 3 hospitals close
>The only majorly prosperous and also one of the highest rated hospitals in the US is all for profit
Imagine if instead of this bizzare distopia you had an actual public healthcare system where none of the things you posted matter? Looking in on the US from a country where you just show up, get treatment and walk out, and the entire middleman insurance industry doesn't exist makes your scenario look like some kind of circus act.

Not exactly. My example is more referring thing such as the ongoing and growing opioid epidemic. I’ve had days where I’ve narcan’d 7 people in one shift. One time I’ve narcan’d the same person I did 8 hours before after they were found overdosed again after discharge. There’s problems in the US that would make socialized medicine incredibly straining in practice.

Never meant it to be one, I just responded to some asshole, likely a jelly eurotrash type.

Not yet! but I'm getting pretty comfortable just watching her get fucked.

Imagine if you weren't a eurotrash cunt?
What a world this could be.

listen to me asshole, america isn't a piece of paper, america isn't a star spangled banner, america is the american people and if you leave a single american behind, you're against america.

tell you what you're so rich and famous you don't need us, go ahead, move overseas and renounce your citizenship

bernie's going to win and we're going to work together to improve the lives of working class americans

I think it’s funny how they spent 32 million on mueller report just to prove trump innocent and Hillary Biden and Obama guilty of Russian collusion. Bernie is a dead ideal that looks good on paper but becomes corrupt, democratic socialism is a crappy way of saying socialism/communism are good things it has never worked in the past and all started democratically it was voted in then u get examples like Venezuela so fuck Bernie fuck bloomie hang buttjudge vote trump and show me why that’s bad. And all you faggots stop using the tired hur a racist shit that’s democrat propaganda also I am enjoying watching New York and California crumble as examples of dem laws and open borders

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Have fun going bankrupt because you fell out of your mobility scooter

you responded to me, tell you what if you dont believe in the democratic ideals of the founding fathers and the republic for which it stands, you can go ahead and move to the Emirates, or the Sultanate of Brunei

Yeah right. Want to bet on it?

He will be a great president who will bring honor and dignity back to America.

Also, I hope he wins the Nobel peace prize for it.

I hope in a couple of years we will learn how people came to believe Bernie was honest. It seems like everyone is saying that, can only assume nobody checks what he talks about.

i'll bet you a gorillion internets bernie beats trump

Paid for with Obamacare...

You missed bernies euthanasia program. At some age, you no longer get medical coverage. Never mind it is basic a back of the napkin solution and quite literally can’t be paid for.

I don’t worry about this too much. The electoral collage is unlikely to allow him to proceed. Bernie just doesn’t have many years left.

this tbh
He's one of the weakest, most useless men of our time.

You're stupidier than you write. Why in my right mind would I want to have anything to do with some shithole nation where people are forced to wear diapers on their heads?
What are you, fucking stupid?

I deal with a fucked up injury and my doctor stopped writing scripts for pain killers basically because of the opioid epidemic and doctors going to jail left and right out here for it, and weed is still illegal in my state but it does help with my pain, so please vote for sanders.

trump should be the first one out the door. he obviously does not believe in democratic ideals.

Yeah, thats how he got antifa support. Its good tactics. If Trump wasnt such a pussy hed have richard spencer speak

you're smarter than you sound, so sit back and when Bernie transforms America into a real first world nation, sit on your hands and enjoy the ride

obama got that one for being a nigger, even before being a president. That was pathetic. He didn't even keep his term in office but spent it going for a presidency, what the fuck was he being paid for?

and you say that, having masturbated to trump

you mean the guy who got BTFO by a shit eating scat fetishist?

fitting for a piss drinking prez

Yeah he was out golfing all the time, tweeting and holding rallies he never paid for...oh wait, that's trump. you fucking moron.

The thing about those faggots is that they don't get hit back, that's california crap. They never try that in New York because they KNOW they'll get hit back or shot or fucked up.

Bad bait m8

bernie is the only jewish guy in that pic

48k$ is actually median income for whites in the US, so 53k certainly isn't a shit ton, it's just normal.

UK is just fucked.

Check out Dinkins

That's low ass bullshit. Fuck, I was making that right out of gradeschool doing afterschool work, you have to be a real moron to not do better.

He means well isn't a reasonable standard, though. In fact, meaning well can be the most dangerous thing and with Sander's state controlled economy, we would get to feel that.

I wish we could run a multi-year investigation to dig up dirt on Trump-Russia, but sadly people aren't fucking retarded to do that again and hope for a different outcome than last time.

The failed impeachment wasn't even desperation, it was just planned, executed and it failed. Impeachment 2 is desperation and will no doubt happen.

bernie's full of shit, only the top down socialists are pushing it and even the Russians have been though morons such as him and have booted them.

>I like what he's selling but sadly I doubt most of it is economically viable
Then why do you like what he's selling?

How is Bernie a moderate? He is advocating open borders, he's advocating a planned economy, he's advocating a never before seen expansion of the social system that will cost every American an arm and a leg. The only thing more extreme than Bernie would be a violent Bernie, but that's his campaign staff's job.

"free" shit at other's expense.

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It's just school kids, once they get out into the real world their views will invariably change.

>Public healthcare
>Never before seen

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Yes, that was exactly my point, great reading and reasoning abilities, friend.

Good man, unbreakable integrity and brutally honest.

Bernie 2020

Once one has to deal with reality instead of academic bullshit then yes views change and rightly so.