Question. Has anyone had a child born with autism that wasn't vaccinated?

Question. Has anyone had a child born with autism that wasn't vaccinated?

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ur mom

ur mom

I think we're done here.

ur mom

your mom

only humans?

Same fag, I'm saying there has to be unvaccinated people with autism. Didn't mean to hit a nerve with you.

YES ME got them late

How late and are you doing ok?

ur mom

This lady.

Attached: mary trump.jpg (720x480, 28K)

Holy shit gringo, vaccinate your fucking gremlins, is not that fucking difficult

>child born
shit on catalog I thought that said porn

glad it didn't

OP here. Me and my family are vaccinated. I was just asking the question if anyone had an experience of autism unvaccinated. No offense to anyone but I would imagine most normal people would vaccinate their kids. Honestly just curious.

Seeing as autism was being studied in the 1800's by Samuel Gridley Howe it is safe to assume that very few if any of his patients had been vaccinated.

There have been very extensive studies of vaccinated people, unvaccinated people, autism, and no autism. Result: No correlation at all.

But the unvaccinated people have a lot more death and permanent disabilities from preventable diseases. Getting a vaccine is WAY safer than getting the measles.

Of fucking course vaccines cause autism, silly goose!

>country that has been previously autism-free
>vaccines introduced
>autism increase by hundreds of percents
>*bong* WHAAAT????
Yes, that's right. A country WITHOUT autism and WITHOUT vaccines, suddenly gets BOTH at the SAME TIME???

Also, vaccines contain heavy metal. Autism in the most basic sense is brain damage, and this damage is actually measurable by scans. If you're not just socially retarded because your parents are shitty and use "autism" as an excuse, and are actually autistic, you have been poisoned.

Howe wasn't explicitly studying autism in the 19th century, he apparently was put in charge of studying the mentally feeble or defective in Massachusetts to see how they could be aided.

No. They all died of measles.



you are mom

ur moms

If I had a kid with the ‘tism I would stick it with as many needles as I could too.