Why is it that black people get offended when called Nigger, doesn't that just mean Black in Spanish...

Why is it that black people get offended when called Nigger, doesn't that just mean Black in Spanish? I'm white and wouldn't take offense in being called Bianco.

Whites need not reply. Blacks post hands as proof.

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Negro means black in spanish. Not nigger you schnäbbischläckr

It's times like these where I wonder how retarded someone has to be to post this, then I remember that I am taking the bait.

Thanks for the laugh, fag. Sage.

negro nigger - almost the same. Call me biancus and call it even

Not bait, I live in an all white country, don't know any black people IRL and I'm genuinely curious

Living in an all white country is no excuse for being historically illiterate and retarded. But I'm still responding to bait so I'm going to leave now

like I said, no bait, and I know about Africans getting enslaved in America of course. I approve non of that, I just don't understand why the word should be offensive.

White slave owners used the word to dehumanize black slaves. It doesn't matter what it used to mean per say. The swastika was a sign of peace before Hitler and even Cred Forums successfully made the 'Okay sign' an alt-right gesture for hate just for the lulz, but it worked in many places. Negro means 'black' in Spanish, but Nigger evolved into something else and now means memories/call backs to an entire race of people enslaved and systematically dehumanized for generations. I mean, that's what it means to those dirty, stinky nigger ape mongs we have here in America.

op is always a stupid fucking faggot

OK, I'll take that. But still, what bothers me is "dirty", "stinky", and whatever the fuck mong means. I guess this is just one of those things I'll never get. Like the latter part of the sentiment "Knowledge is power, France is bacon." this too will remain a mystery.

Black people in America specifically get a lot of hate for a million reasons, but it's global and not specifically a white on black issue. White Europe has hate crimes against blacks and Arabic/Indian people just as often. Africa itself has had several attempts at genocide based on minimal differences of its own people. This type of ordeal isn't new or unheard of anywhere, so either you're living off the globe, don't understand because you have some form of autism and aren't making the connections, or you're a troll/shitposter. Regardless, none of those are good enough excuses to actively avoid learning about it at some point.

I want found a dictionary old as fuck at an antique store. Said "Nigger; a thief or person of shady disposition."

dude, i'm trying to learn. Like right now. I do understand racism of course, I just don't get why the n word is so big of a deal you have to sensor it (as if that changes anything. If you call a person "hey n word" shouldn't it be, though retarded, equally offensive?).

Niggardly is something like stingy and/or unwilling. It's a much older word than Nigger though and comes from an entirely different part of the world.

you know your not allowed to say the r word either

its offensive to retards

Negro is not an offensive slur. Nigger is

Calling a black person a nigger is deragatory to their culture and livelihood and censored unless a black person is saying it. White America spent over a century enslaving, degrading, raping, murdering, and torturing blacks all while calling them "house nigger" or "field nigger." Slaves were rarely given names by whites other than nigger. Even when blacks were freed, it was only in the 1960s and 1970s (100+ years later) that Jim Crowe laws were abolished and states in the south allowed blacks to attend public schools, sit on buses, eat at diners, etc., the whole time being killed, beat, and called niggers just for trying to exist. Non blacks call blacks nigger in no different context than 200+ years ago when we first started colonizing America. It's a word packed with pain. There's still people alove that remember not being allowed to drink from the same water fountain as a white person, being spit on and called nigger if they even tried.

Tata there, retard. Soowoo!

It's negro and blanco you dumbass.

I've never been called a whiteboi in real life. I wish someone had called me that.

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all despicable acts. But honestly blacks being "allowed" to use the word makes it even more puzzling to me. Why should it matter what color your skin is when you talk.

Sure thing you retarded nigger.

The term "nigger" was just a discriptor for years until kikes came along. It brought no negative connotation, it was just the same as calling someone black. After that they took away "colored", "negro", and now "african american".
"Black" will be next.
Jewish media will do anything it can to keep blacks mad at whites so that they don't notice the jewish fist.

Hi honky.

yo cracka

Because it reminds them they're subhuman

The closest you get it Niger in Latin, which means Black. Niger is said like Nigger. It's literally a descriptive word.

Basically, much like the gay community calls themselves fag or queer, blacks "took" the word and are now the only ones that can use it publically with little to no issue. A collective decision to take their forced negative annotations and rebrand it in a sense. That being said, there are many people of color that also refuse the word all together and don't associate with giving the word any power on either side.
You know how when you google search for definitions of words and you expand the little 'translations and more definitions' tab at the bottom? You are usually given a list of information that studies usage and lineage of that specific word. Just as I said, word spellings and meanings change over time until it often means something entirely different than it previously had. A lot of the time, the entire word gets pronounced differently and may not exist at all in other languages. But sure, your comment has proof and depth for sure, unlike mine that doesn't have thousands of years of painstaking research. Also, your whole "Jews did it" meme is old and tired. You need new material Cred Forums fiend.

wait you can't say queer unless your gay? This feels wrong. I understand the ramifications if I don't play along and so I will. But I don't really get it and do not subscribe to this way of doing things. Being able to talk a certain way solely on the strength of your skin color is the definition of racism.

>White slave owners used the word to dehumanize black slaves
Neither of which exist any more. No more white slave owners. No more black slaves.
Why does the word still cause such a reaction, then? Particularly when it holds positive connotations when used between members of American "Black" culture.

This , fucking mutts are such retards

>Basically, much like the gay community calls themselves fag or queer, blacks "took" the word and are now the only ones that can use it publically with little to no issue

> That being said, there are many people of color that also refuse the word all together and don't associate with giving the word any power on either side.
By refusing to use or accept the use of a word, by making it taboo, is that not giving it more power?