Is a $5 on a $65 bill considered an acceptable tip?

Is a $5 on a $65 bill considered an acceptable tip?

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7.7% tip

Sounds reasonable. whats the usual?

For a chain restaurant/super casual place, it sounds typical. Shitty from the waiter's perspective because some people tip 15% as a rule, but typical. If it's a nice place, 15~25% are the norm.

No. Should be 0%. Tipping is fucking retarded and so of course amerimutts have forced it upon themselves

why would anyone tip these sleezebag beggar waiters/servicestaff

I tip 20% and usually round up because I have a real job and I know servers are busting their asses with shit schedules and often no benefits.

Tipping in the US is retarded, though. They should just be paid a living wage to begin with. Everyone working should be earning a living wage, even the burger flippers. If that's too expensive for you, buy a fucking robot. We can stop lying to ourselves about our employment stats when we realize that tons of shit pay jobs shouldn't exist because automation would be cheaper than a living wage. (And then the real issues are apparent: we could probably get by as a society if most people worked far, far less.)

A tip is gratitude, percentages are wishful thinking.
Was the service worth $2 or $7 or $0?
Demanding a tip, especially demanding a minimum, is bullshit. It's a tip that I am voluntarily giving you for a service that is offered for free.
It's my decision if I want to pay for it and if I don't then I have met the expectation.
The tip is me going beyond your expectation, not almost meeting is at a percentage that you decide is "enough".

not almost meeting *it

haven't you beaten this horse to death enough
>AKA: this thread, AGAIN

And places that pay you garbage because they expect you to be tipped, that should be illegal for the same fucking reason. They're assuming everyone is going to tip at an expected rated, when that's not how tipping works at all.
Tips should never be the basis for deciding your regular wage, that's fucking garbage.

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the chink never tips. that is how their civilization lasted for like 5k years!

Did you not get a good enough response last time you posted this? Just google the damn question dude. Tip %15 for a meal that's standard in the US

>paying someone money for just doing their shitty job
yeah, i'm the customer, not the employer, you greedy motherfucker.

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Tips are stupid. The price is the price. Employee compensation should be built into the actual cost of operation, not fobbed onto guilt-tripped customers. It further goes against the spirit of the capitalist employer-employee dynamic to have people toil for minimum wages so they can panhandle to the customers.

i don't tip usually it's not my job to pay your wages, go be stripper if u wanna make money from your customers

it should be...but it's not


>Employee compensation should be built into the actual cost of operation
by law, it is.

And that's a problem. The justification behind the owner taking all the business profit is the rationale that his was the risk. Tipping culture perpetrates the fraud that the moral obligation to provide compensation to employees lies with the customer, rather than the employee. This is perverse.

Not in some states that have a tipped employee reduction in minimum wage rates.

I never tip. I'm not here to subsidise their salaries. When I finish configuring a client's DMZ I don't walk around with a fucking tip jar.

you're MAGAing so hard you've turned into a nigger

Serious question:
Does the waitress have to work any harder if I order lobster than if I'd ordered a salad? If she's only bringing me one plate, why do the contents of that plate affect how much money I'm supposed to give her?

tip of my dick,bitch you get no cash

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and if they dont get enough tips to make up the difference, the employer is still required by law to pay the minimum wage.

Welcome, mr. pink.

She apparently worked hard enough and was attentive enough for a 30% tip.


somehow tipping has become culture here in borgorland. far as im concerned, they have to earn the shit. want a good tip? do a good job


If you are a server you WILLINGLY are working a minimum wage job. You have the potential, and even the high likelyhood of making more, but are still a minimum wage employee just like Timmy the mouthbreathing retard standing in front of the grill at McDonalds. You aren't entitled to a FUCKING thing past federal minimum. Give me good service and you will get a tip. Average, indifferent service...shitty tip. If you suck at life and piss me off well then go fuck yourself because I'm not giving you shit.

I'm spending less than $20 on the entire visit. You start with $3.00. Every time you make me wait or fuck up you lose a dollar.

Listen, you probably camwhore anyway.
That "boomer" might get to go out like once a fucking month or even year or something.

Unless you're literally paid sub minimum wage realize they probably also only get minimum wage and shh.

where i live there is a collective agreement for wage for almost every job to provide equal payment and prevent poverty. it's still usual to tip 10% in restaurants.

This is bullshit.
most in min wage or low wage jobs are *stuck*.
The entire economy is so dead ended it's terrible.

We can't ALL be plumbers, electricians, mechanics, linemen or whatever...


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They aren't stuck in a damn thing. Unless you live in the middle of bum fuck nowhere Montana or Alaska there is a call center or a job site looking for laborers paying $10 to $15/hour within 20 miles of your house. There is no excuse to be making minimum wage past 21 unless you love what you do, are an idiot, or are bat shit insane to the point all you can manage is sweeping floors.

15% is the normal accepted tip starting point for a "full service" sit-down restaurant (they take your order, bring your food, keep you drink filled).

so what about restaurants that start out as a buffet (like say ponchos) where you initially get your own food/drink. but then after you sit down they become full service and they bring you food/drink refills? should these be 15% tip too, or something around 5-10%?

I generally tip 15% unless the server is an asshole, then they get nothing.

I really never understood the whole percentage idea. I’ve tend to go by a general tip. If I order one thing I ain’t tipping more than $5 and mostly likely will tip less. But if it’s me and a group of people all ordering apps and meals and a couple rounds of drinks I’ll tip like $1-2 per item. Ex. Some wings and a burger and 4 rounds of drinks? $6-10 depending on how fast my drinks got replaced and empty dishes were taken away.

Never tip, and avoid services where it is common.

Fuck no. Don't be a cheap loser. At a place where they are paid tip wages (below minimum) it is just selfish and stupid not to tip. 15% should be the minimum for competent service, going ip to 20% or perhaps slightly more for excellent service. I would make an exception for places that are not full service where they do have to pay minimum wage. I don't think you have to tip for someone taking a piece of bakery off of the counter and handing it to you.

I dont tip young or white people.

>Food service

Top me off, then we'll talk payment. You're literally just a middleman between me and the chef.

The price of the meal is irrelevant. I pay for food, tip for service. if the food is top notch and the service sucks I'll tip a nickel on a $500 meal.

5$ tip is preety much great

Agree. If the human labor isn't worth enough to sustain a human life, get a robot. If you can't get a robot, then the labor is probably worth more to you than you're admitting. If it's not, then your business shouldn't exist.

This. Goddamn it's good to be European.

Not americunt.

I tipped bc then when I return people serve my table way more efficiently.


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> Busting their asses.

Yeah, carrying food to tables is super difficult.

Then you do it to yourself at your home.

Cooking is not difficult too --if you are not an americunt, oc.

Any tip is acceptable.
Nobody owns you any tip just because you did your job.
If you do not like it then get a job with proper hourly rates.


If you got any tip, be grateful. No one owes your sorry, entitled ass anything. It’s your employer’s job to pay you. People like you sicken me.

What kind of a cuck tips ever?


That's a good tip for a nigger. Its 7% more than a normal nigger.

How much do you make an hour? How long did it take you to serve this table? Wow, you got a $5 tip for doing the job you’re already paid to do? You should be grateful! That kind customer just increased your hourly wage by up to $5! Don’t be a fucking ingrate. No one owes you anything.

>americans law

0$ is the only acceptable tip

Ah yes. How entitled of people to want a tip when they’re paid shit and have no control over their salary. In reality it’s terrible “”””people”””” like you who believe they’re entitled to not leave a tip. Who has entitlement issues? The starving worker or the childlike person with money to waste on expensive food? Grow up little one

I never tip. Instead I do the math to 20% and then I invest that money myself. I've been doing it for about for years now and I have a nice little neat egg going.

depends where. You usually give tips around europe

If the waitress is attractive and nice I'll leave $2 and maybe some coins if I have them. Fats, cunts, niggers, dudes, geriatrics, and browns get 25 cents only if the service is exemplary. Your boss is responsible for paying you not the customer.