Hell yeah, I'm white! I vote for Trump, eat BBQ, watch fox News, and lose Jesus. I'm simple minded and I LOVE it

Hell yeah, I'm white! I vote for Trump, eat BBQ, watch fox News, and lose Jesus. I'm simple minded and I LOVE it

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All glory goes to christ our lord and savior
Also trump please win the the next election, we don't want no democrats in the white house.

At least he’s not a faggot like you

haha epic bro

Who's a faggot like who? I voted for Trump I have faggot immunity.

You what? Also, die in your sleep.

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No Jesus I pray and serve you lord christ in heaven son of of the virgin Mary.

Much epic, * wow facebook react on everything I find triggering! *

Facebook? No my friend I only get my word from the word of God the king James Bible, and also faggot you're going to hell.

Mary wasn't a virgin.

the Bible says so, so your wrong. Vote for Trump

fuck OP, im not even American and i support the guy, i live north of y'all where we have a liberal cuck as a PM so y'all have it pretty good.

Exactly, that's why I want the fat orange fuck to fuck my wife in front of my crucix in the name of our christ lor and hamburger, amen.

Lmao where? The bible was written by man. Jesus sells tacos in Mexico. I'm a gay irish and I wouldn't even vote for trump in hell.

"i Liv nothra yall"
You sure you aren't from America, you sound pretty retarded to me.

I'm a proud faggot, watch me burn with you.

You lost Jesus alright.

Jesus is our lord and proft and savior of this American land, you bet vote for him or you'll get aids and died from aids. #trump2020

Jesus is is in my butt faggot!


i voted for brexit
im thick as pigshit
nothing my fault -- 'europe'
im gonna run my fucking hi-tech business.
compete yeah
im a fucking idiot
vote for boris .. boris is the man
kick the foreigners out
anyone not white
im a fucking idiot
vote for boris johnson and the fucking trash
start a war
im a piece of shit
trump is the man
an illiterate idiot, like me

Yeah, nah. Fuck you.

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> (You)
>Jesus is our lord and proft and savior of this American land, you bet vote for him or you'll get aids and died from aids. #trump2020
>>>You have no life op. #mindlesszombiesmemeelection2020.

Alrighty politically uneducated snowflakes. Please give me some genuine facts (other then what you saw on social media) on why you hate the Trump?

Hey jigger ND what I syas goes vote trump you gay faggot #rrump2920

Bible verse 'cause, Mary wasn't one but you sure will be. Forever. Repent. Repent. Repent. #VoteNotTrump2020

I want trump to fuck my gay husband faggot

The white house was designed by an Irish person. Y'all dumbo the elephants 2.0

Post anything

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Mary was impregnated by an alien seed and Jesus (trump) wants all aliens out of America. Common knowledge stupid faggot

immaculate comeback

Jesus would never fight a war you gay stupid faggot


>this is what jews want people to believe about anyone who doesn't do what they want
No thanks, Shlomo

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I'm a pacifist, ya twat.

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Soros just gibe shareblue some more money?

It's facts

You are correct. It is a fact that jews play this stupid game and win stupid prizes for their efforts, and then they play victim and bring up the holocaust when you point out that they are a den of vipers and the most hated people by decree of their own made up god. You are correct. Yes.

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Sorry about your tiny penis, bud.

What could I possibly win for being a Christian republican who watches fox News everyday and loves guns?

Is Christianity the only religion that worships a Jewish man as a God?

Looks like my old neighbor. Fuck that fat weirdo and his pole smoking tranny.

> and lose Jesus
suprisingly accurate. Republicans have no values

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you weirdly left out american? Do Republicans no longer consider themselves americans? It would explain a lot, and make the next civil war with america vs republicans much more likely

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Wait Republicans are jewish?

Republicunts have been anti-American for decades.

Vote Bernie, faggots.

Shhhhhhhh, you'll upset most of America


Never trust a republican.

Diabeetus and a lower life expectancy.

>singles of truth

But God told the men what to write, 80 to 300 years after it supposedly happened, and in different languages....unlike the Tora or Quran, both of which are still in the original tongue....

The lies and his awful attitude should be enough. He is king of the hurt durrs

God here, this is objectively wrong. I didnt tell them to do anything. They wanted power and used the books to supress people

Agreed. The war on tens of thousands of forms of media except for Fox News is fascist behavior.

Hurr durrs.. ..even

You gave them free will, that was a big fuck up.

I didn't. Sammuel wanted them to have it.

Neocons definitely are, yes.

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> found the criminal republican traitor

....and who created Sammuel?.....you know you have been a very nasty deity, I know that you are a bit nicer in The Bible part II, but you have a long way to go. I mean, the floods and all that were nasty, the duck billed platypus is hilarious and a work of genius, but Swindon?, come on, a jokes a joke but thst is just pure nastiness.

Sure thing, Shlomo

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None of these are even the bad part. I have created this universe infinite times already, everything already happened. The Bible part II was also just some guy writing new stuff, all fiction

impressive how all criminal republicans have endless memes to post. Its almost like you guys are paid to create them

The Bible is split into 2 parts for a reason.

Part 1 is the story of the mentally ill, bloodthirsty, and genocidal jews and their god of war, Saturn (or Satan).

Part 2 is Jesus saying that jews are an evil warlike people who are Hell bent on taking over and destroying the world and that humanity should wipe them off the face of the Earth so that peace, love, and prosperity could be attained by all

I see 6 white guys.

Literally all of them voted Republican btw

You've obviously never read the bible.

I use to like duck dynasty, but the longer the show went on, the cringier it got.

Major projection. You know that you are paid to post anti-reality memes and therefore anyone who goes against your batshit insane narrative must surely be destroyed by casting yourself onto them. The ol' Jewish concept of the scapegoat. It's impossible to reason with the mentally ill and mentally retarded jew. That is why the real God commanded all of humanity to exterminate them

I did and what he said is correct. You are a liar arent you?

>I see 6 white guys
Sure thing, Shlomo

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> just another desperate republican trying to justifiy his projections
You guys are so easy to predict...

Nah, some of them were still kids.

Oh look another republican meme. How much do you guys get paid?

Not OP but I have not only read the bible many times, but have actually studied it as well as the corresponding history and what OP said is dead on. Jews are the enemy of God and all mankind. Anyone who's ever actually read the bible knows that with absolute certainty. They're fake jews after all. And they are the spawn of their father, the devil.

Some folk’ll never post on Cred Forums but then again some folk’ll
Like Cletus the slack-jawed yokel

Again with the projection. It's not very good at this game, Shlomo. My tax dollars are going to waste on it. Which is why humanity desperately needs to destroy the jew menace. Its time will come, probably much sooner than it thinks.

I've heard of FINDING Jesus, but how does one LOSE Jesus?

Through mental retardation and going to church.

your 3 tax dollars are definitely being wasted mate.

Watching foxnews.


sounds like a good man to me, kys zoomer libfaggot

Still no excuse for Swindon.

HAha Liberals and dick sucking homos lose Jesus all the time.

I'm glad I'm not a Christian, way too much hating and destruction for my liking, you guys really hate Jews for silly reasons don't you?. To me you are all on the same level of silliness. Each to their own though.