Imagine being so brainwashed by (((Them))) that you think you live on a spinning ball flying around a fireball in the...

Imagine being so brainwashed by (((Them))) that you think you live on a spinning ball flying around a fireball in the emptiness of space with 0 evidence

On the other hand, the evidence for a flat earth is derived from many different facets of science and philosophy. The simplest is by relying on ones own senses to discern the true nature of the world around us. The world looks flat, the bottoms of clouds are flat, the movement of the sun; these are all examples of your senses telling you that we do not live on a spherical heliocentric world. This is using what's called an empirical approach, or an approach that relies on information from your senses. Alternatively, when using Descartes' method of Cartesian doubt to skeptically view the world around us, one quickly finds that the notion of a spherical world is the theory which has the burden of proof and not flat earth theory.

Perhaps the best example of flat earth proof is the Bedford Level Experiment. In short, this was an experiment performed many times on a six-mile stretch of water that proved the surface of the water to be flat. It did not conform to the curvature of the earth that round earth proponents teach.

I have yet to see a proper counterargument that does NOT have the following:
1. Fake JEW math
2. Fake CGI images/video
3. Hearsay 'witness' accounts from PAID government employees
4. Talking points from a HASBARAH Troll

Fuck the Jewish (((dominated))) 'scientific' community.

The earth is flat
It's time to WAKE UP

Attached: mYgGsgUeqbMMYbZbTK7uP6-320-80.jpg (320x180, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Try this one on for size, globetards….

Attached: Think for once Globetards.jpg (400x400, 42K)

ya'll ready to accept the shape of the observable and easily provable flat earth yet? we see too far, no curve, water seeks its level, horizon always rises to eye level proving its flat. gravity is an unproven theory. no proof but what authority says and what you see on tv screens. come on guys, lets use our critical thinking skills and not be mindless gullible sheep. escape your forced indoctrinated satanic god killing religion since birth. the scientific method will always win over pseudoscience cult beliefs only existing within your imagination. its 2020. this is sad guys. wake up

The bait...
Who will take it ?

ignorant fool

Suck my globe balls

Keep posting op. And the stars are a projection put up there to trick us

So how did my round robin not take me off the side of the Earth?

Well, where do you want they post their shit apart in that shit hole of Cred Forums ??

you're now ignored. don't post to me ever again.

Why only earth is flat ? Why not Venus, Mars, Jupiter etc ??

Open your eyes

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Oups, sorry, I did it again. How where my balls ? Salty ?

stale boomer copypasta

>with 0 evidence
You mean except for all the actual evidence that we are indeed orbiting a fireball on a terrestrial planet with a habitable atmosphere and strong magnetic field supporting a relatively sustainable biological system?

Finally, someone with some common sense

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Nobody can debunk this

hey, how does it feel to have a negative IQ?

try research.
>DURRRRR stars are round
yes. take a look at our SCIENTIFIC evidence that resoundingly rebukes everything you THINK you know about your round, stupid globe theory, undereducated trumptard.

Attached: TWWUMP 2020 MWAGWA.jpg (737x722, 45K)

No one can or has.

Asteroid didn't kill the dinosaurs. Reduced biodiversity weakened them then a geomagnetic reversal finished them off.

Jews aren't real you fucking loons

>flat earth society


Sounds like your brain is like your theory..... FLAT XD

Attached: 57912b5988e4a7d9068b9d69.jpg (1100x734, 83K)

Please explain why after 6 months day would be night and night would be day.

Those are fake planets. Earth is the center of the universe and the one and only planet.

It's actually you that isn't real.

There are members all around the globe!

Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh 'kay....

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ITT people are so stupid that they believe earth is spherical in shape. Science has even been right in that the universe is flat, not spherical nor saddle shaped. Checkmate.

That thread is just here for that, no ? You want someone to take time to explain you why it's 12yo bullshits since you didn't understand why the assumption is false ?

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The Bait. Chapter 2.

why wouldn't it be? are you saying in 6 mos there wouldn't be night time? or day time?

top tier shitpost

fuck off.

So, how were my balls ? You liked them ??

I'm asking the questions here bud.

I am ready to believe the earth is flat if you can show me a picture of the edge of the earth.

Not an argument.

You mean, like your cock ??

OP's brain

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I love how they try to make the jews a part of those bullshit to try to rally the Cred Forumstards....

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Nobody can get passed the giant ice barrier
OP's image is inaccurate
There should be a large ring of ice around the earth so big our planes can't fly across it

You'll understand when you'll be a grown up, kiddo.

flatearthers are sailing to the edge of the world soon, in Antarctica. we're going to prove it to you duffs once and for all. to shut you fools up.

>the giant ice barrier


Attached: 1565315456231.jpg (790x718, 46K)

Please ! The entire world is waiting to kek at your juvenile face, user

You are a fucking moron, literally, a moron. Just like the rest of TFES.
Earth rotates once in about 24 hours with respect to the Sun, but once every 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds with respect to other stars.

I'll be reporting live to Cred Forums on the ship, and to every social networking site, fox, cnn, abc, cbs, abc.

KYS globetard

Has an asteroid ever hit earth?

the frequency of having to add extra seconds has been increasing in recent years. maybe the planet is falling apart. it's not spherical, it's like a water ballon to some degree, spinning and fat in the middle. that wobbling fat belly could be making it fall apart and slow down.

Not an argument.

Aww, did the truth hurt you pussy?

Not that guy, but yes, many of them.

the flat earthers are "slightly" delusional, but only my personal opinion

1.7 milliseconds over thousands of years isn't frequent.

Soon? You mean they haven't left yet? What are they waiting for? Why not charter a plane and fly?

Would have tipped the disk at some point eh?

we're SAILING to the edge of the earth to touch the edge and document it for you anti-flatearth globetards, with OBJECTIVE NOAA scientists in real time.

I look forward to it. What is the contingency plan for not finding a giant wall of ice?

Well these faggots are right in a way - the earth is not a sphere. It's an oblate sphereoid. The equatorial radius is larger than the polar radius.

This is caused by centrifugal force and the utterly collosal energy stored in the rotation of such a large mass. Earth literally bulges at the waist and all our mapping projections need to (and do) compensate for it for accuracy.

Haha, get rekt. Flatbrain! You can't handle the truth

You really love Flat things. Let me guess what it means
>You are short
>Your brain is flat

Only slightly?

Not an argument.

They must pass through the earth disk lol

>inb4s all non retard logic

0/10 bait

Hiding in embarrasment

there will be no failure.

you can't even spell embarrassment, globetard.

You'd think. All the shit would fall off too!

This is the earth
The Sun circled the center keeping us from freezing

Attached: Image-1.jpg (703x497, 41K)

Not an argument

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Sounds painful. XD

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you are a funny troll, but imagen there could be people who really think this is the truth

Bring a laser gyroscope, just in case.

wtf is that shit ?

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Who changes the batteries in the sun?

Yes there will, a lot of failure.

Obviously it runs on kerosene...

What I don't get about this flat earth stuff is why would scientists and whatnot lie about it being a globe? What could they possibly gain from it?

>Imagen been one of the higher Member of TFES
>everyone from the higher Ups knows this is shit
>they just look for dump People who are willing to spend money on the organisation
>its like a Religion

Well to make that shit works, you have to refund ALL of the known physics. Problem is IQ of main flat-tards are under 80, so don't expect a flat Einstein or even a flat Newton soon...

They are illuminati lizards, you can't understand their motivation.Are you wearing your alluminium foil ?

Globe sales?

Of course I am you lunatic

>Imagine being so brainwashed by (((Them))) that you think you have to post this stale pasta every day.

Since when is it full daytime in Australia and South America at the same time?

Kek, good answer. But surely they could just sell discs instead?

They could even sell earth frisbees, they'd make a killing

Oof ! I can breathe !

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>Since when is it full daytime in Australia and South America at the same time?

Don't bring reason into this, that's below the belt.

DO OP run away or is he keking hard at the result of this bait-troll flattard thing ?

#1 diesel fuel in the winter, and #2 diesel in the summer.

Its the fucking jews it always has been and now they are completely out of control on another level

Imagine that fucking gas bill.

>flat earth has supporters all around the globe.


The Bedford level experiment showed the earth is curved.

They’ve made laws to not allow any kind of motorized equipment on the ice which would help us prove not only flat earth but what’s beyond the ice wall, but in reality, we don’t even need to get onto the ice to prove flat earth. The coast of Antarctica on the ball earth is no more than 14.5k miles. On a flat earth, it would be over 60k…we have evidence of 60k+ and none of 14.5

Imagine really believing this, go on a crusade to spreach the "truth" while everybody think you are a lunatic, or a low IQ nigger redneck worst case. Must be a real source of anxiety.... Poor thing.

It is the center of good gods universe and it is protected from flipping

Can a flat earther do me the small favor of showing me where on a flat earth map is the closest point to the edge? Will go there, livestream, and sail a boat to it. This really should be the simpliest method to proving who's right.

Okay it's not a perfect model it's just too show you what we believe the ice wall looks like
There are other images that better display the sun's movement on flat earth

sure. it didn't. I bet you believe in the space launches, and that the photos of the earth from the "shuttle" are real, and the moon landing. so easily fooled.
I bet you also believe in the "coreolis effect" which you can't see, but is created in photos to further propogate the globetard propaganda.

(((They're))) lying to us about the shape of the planet! For no fucking reason whatsoever lol!

Attached: sneaky_jew.jpg (350x318, 24K)

Proving religion wrong
Religion claims the world is flat and snakes can speak and women are to blame for all sin

No caus of the "giant ice wall" protected by chinese of the FBI.

see flatearthers are sailing there with NOAA scientists, save yourself the trip dumbshit, you'll die a quick death. we're trained for a long, grueling task to prove the edge exists, to noobs like you.

>globetard propaganda
>flattard propaganda

In all case, you are a low level virgin soyboy....

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Fiat earthers are already doing just that
This is a direct quote from a flat earther on expedition

>They’ve made laws to not allow any kind of motorized equipment on the ice

kek, you keep pulling crap like that out of your ass your gonna rip something.

I can't wait to see your proof ! The kek will be... global.

There's no point trying to prove someone wrong when they'll ignore basic science, math, photographs or witnesses just because of some retarted conspiracy that doesn't make any sense.

Please do not spread your genes the human race deserves better than that.

>flat earther on expedition
>on expedition.
>leave basement.

kek, nah, never gonna happen.

Great, can't wait to see how that goes. Any links I should head to? When's the trip? Who's funding it? Give me some info

your lies are like your globe: fake.

Attached: flat_earth_1.jpg (700x499, 74K)

>The other planets are fake
>Da joos are lying to you

kek, my satellite internet service says you're wrong.

Flat Earth Society's funding it, it has billions in investments from its members to draw from. It's been around for centuries.

fucking idiot

Who exactly profits off of flat earth? If the world's governmental space instiutions all say the earth is round, then there must be an absolute SHITLOAD of profit involved in mkaing the public thinking the earth is round. Just the amount of paperwork involved in keeping it quiet, the amount of people to be paid off. NASA as 17,000 employees. Just NASA. What pays for this global secret? Flat earthers please explain

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your satellite hovers over the earth. not around.

>Perhaps the best example of flat earth proof is the Bedford Level Experiment.


"Samuel Birley Rowbotham, who conducted the first observations starting in 1838, claimed he had proven the Earth to be flat. However, in 1870, after adjusting Rowbotham's method to avoid the effects of atmospheric refraction, Alfred Russel Wallace found a curvature consistent with a spherical Earth".

you forget, flat earth says satellites don't exist.

>we have evidence of 60k+
and that evidence is where?

They did it for the lulz.

Attached: flat_earth_2.jpg (640x406, 54K)

people have been lied to about the "globe" phenomenon for centuries, if they found out the truth, they'd panic and institutions would crumble. they have to keep the lie in motion now. it would be like people finding out extraterrestrials exist, sheer panic and riots, economies collapsing, people are very stupid creatures.

>Flat Earth Society's funding it, it has billions in investments from its members to draw from. It's been around for centuries.


How is it protected from flipping?

>depicting the moon as a sphere and not flat

flatearthers don't all agree with each other about everything you nimbus, do the muslims, jews and xtians?

>people are very stupid creatures.
Yes you are.

>There are other images that better display the sun's movement on flat earth
OK, show us.

Tax dollars

Just... no? This is just so retarded.

the earth's flat, not the moon dickface. we can see the moon every night.

They're sailed around the ice barrier

so if flat earth model is correct why can't it explain the changing path the sun & moon take across the sky during the whole year?

Dues Vult

Don't forget the fireproof burning bush that could talk.

Why the moon and not the Earth ?

The Moon is also flat
We can clearly see it is flat and so is the sun

This. Every good conspiracy has a believable motivation and I've never heard any flat tards provide a convincing motivation. Honestly you expect me to believe that russua or China wouldn't expose the earth is flat to make america look stupid? You mean to tell me during the cold war Russia and every other country with a space agency were conspiring together to hide that the earth is flat? For what? What's so goddamn important that rivaling nations would conspire together?

All the chinese have coronaherpes now. It's an ideal time to go there.

I love how they used "Burning bush" to speak to God and also priests would use the oils as "anointing oils"
Jesus anointing oil was mostly THC

Been around for centuries with billions of some currency but doesn't have one single picture of the edge to show for it. Doesn't seem very capable if you ask me.

Everything is flat. Like your brainwave.

the sun and moon are at different distances and sides of the flat earth during different times of the year explaining diff seasons in diff hemispheres. pretttttty simple. eg summer in the us, winter in straya. night in the us, day in straya etc.

Jews want you to believe the earth is round so you have doubt in your God and go to hell.
The world is flat you atheist scumbag.

There aren't different seasons in different hemispheres
It's the same season for everybody

the most powerful militaries and technologies on earth have always stopped them. from colombus' massive armadas to merka's military.
now you dullards laugh whilst the truth is covered up.

>no one can go to the ice barrier.
>they are going to the ice barrier.


when it's summer in merka, it's winter in straya you wretched gay.
THUS flatearth theory has stomped you out again, globey

Why would it be covered up?

No one doubts god because of the shape of the earth. Literally no one! You idiots just cant think of a good motivation!

this has been discussed, if there are no more relevant questions, you may LEAVE.

it would only be like that if our solar cycle were six months shorter

I'll leave after you show us a picture of the edge of the earth. Surely some private guarding it got bored and snapped an instagram by now. You know some idiot would dangle his feet off it and take a selfie. Where are they?

damn, now i wanna watch russian winter car crash videos.

hey flat earther fags whats on the other side of a flat earth?

This, people have to be retards to panic at the knowledge the earth is shaped different, but everybody guarding that wall certainly isn't. The literal millions of people on a payroll keeping this quiet are all spr smrt spr srs iluminatter


The Illuminati and Elvis.

all the Bernie Sanders replacement clones.

>flat earth is real

ah, i see, then here's your test.

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people theorize that "aliens" and ufo's come from the other side. no one knows, but many theorize that other species live on the other side. humans don't have means of exploring, we can't even fly through our own atmosphere yet safely, we're hundreds of years from developing the tech that would allow our sacks of bones and goo to travel through space to explore the other side.

just chip some ice away and take a boat.

Attached: the edge.jpg (590x393, 64K)

Seems like you could just hike around the edge to the other side eh?

>you may LEAVE.
Rofl, are you insane in addition to being a brainlet ??

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>we can't even fly through our own atmosphere yet safely
There are 1000s of flights a day all around the world.

Your dumb lol

oh yes you fool, "chipping" through thousands of miles of ice to send what appears hundreds of sailors to certain death appears to be brilliant. bravo. the establishment scientific community would love your kind.

so they say. many, many of those crash. also, those numbers are grossly inflated.

trolls not welcome. poof be gone.

I don't think you know what the scientific community would love.

boy that shit sailed right over your head didn't it?

Less than 100 crashes out of 40,000,000 flight is not many many. Also, here is a picture of a sack of bones and goo waving at you from space. They confirmed the earth is a sphere.

Attached: 34r343spacewalk.jpg (800x559, 65K)

probably building one


propaganda. as with your picture. no more than a couple of thousand of flights per day, with many disasters unreported so that airlines don't go out of business.
and no human has been out in outer space, maybe a rocket, but that's exceedingly questionable. any footage of anything in earth's atmosphere is inherently doctored.

Don't listen to nasa, or the govt, the media, or the so called scientists! They want to keep you in the dark, believing the lie that the earth is flat like a completely ignorant fool, but I have news... It's not. They're all in it together you see, in a massive global conspiracy to keep us blindly convinced that the earth is flat and that we can never get past the ice wall anyway, or make it halfway past the elephants, (Not to mention the turtles). This is of course to force us to work jobs in their companies buying their products, when our proper place is living on the backs of the giant turtle and eating the space parasites that it of course occasionally collects on its travels through the cosmos

Imagine neglecting something that has been proven since ancient greece

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They can get the set designers from game of thrones.

Bunch of commie Jews those ancient Greeks!

Except for those people who live their lives as flight attendents, and don't ever die... And forget those airports filled to the brim with people, pssh, more paid actors funded by the profitless task that is earth shape concealment.

Propaganda from who for who?

You're dumb. Everything you say is dumb. Go be dumb somewhere else.

low IQ. the ice wall in GoT is tiny compared to The Ice Wall that easily climbs to 60k feet + and any spy plane would run smack-dab into.

this is the perfect place for it

We live in an age where everyone has a device that records and instantly uploads pictures and videos to a global network. Yet you think there are a significant number of unreported plane crashes every year, so airlines don't go out of business? Newsflash, airlines do go out of business. They are a horrible money making venture.

I'll ignore the space stuff because clearly you a insane.

Yep. Biggest construction project ever done, yet we can't go into space. Also the fucking million laborers needed for the task? All kept silent. So easy.

You retards don't realize that the government wants you to believe this crazy shit, because your shit makes them seem even more powerful and controlling than they actually are. Lmao

is this what flat earth believes?

Attached: 666.gif (482x482, 1.62M)

>with 0 evidence
Same situation with believing climate change is "man made"

He launching again today

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60,000 ft is 20,000 ft short of the flight altitude of the SR71 blackbird, yah dingus.

lie. and the same big airline businesses have been in business since pan-am's failure.

moreover you can't PROVE we've been to space. the moon landing was fake (that's a widely held opinion by over 70% of the US).
Many Americans who are still globetards don't even believe we've left the planet, so there's hope in them yet.

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John Chicken?

you still have a spherical design. what's with you globetard fools. See for a more accurate picture, but not so spherical, and ice that continues for a looooong time.

Americans have walked on the Moon, more accurately white Christians, it's the recent Chinese Moon landing that was all a staged fake CGI exercise.

I wish I had billions. I’d take a few key flat earth proponents up in space, push them out an airlock and the last thing they would think before they die is “shit, it is round!”

no blackbird ever flew off the side of the world. they know the world's boundaries as well as I do.

Ok Eddie Bravo.

You literaly believe earth is spinning disc with magical barrier and sun in it

Mike Hughes. Flat earther, builds his own rocket to see if earth is flat or round. Did it 3 years ago, almost killed himself. Launching again today

There's evidence global warming is man made, big difference.

We placed a mirror on the moon. You can shoot a laser at it and record the time of flight.

>there's evidence
>Al Gore told me so

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Global temps been declining for last 15 years. There is no evidence. That’s why they changed their tune to climate change awareness. The earth never warmed up. There are 2 things that control the weather, the sun and the water on our planet. Nothing else.

Are you suggesting a plane cant fly around a flat earth? That there is no atmosphere on the other side? A ice wall is no boundary to air travel. Besides how do you know it's 60,000 feet high is no one every went up there to measure it?

Maybe he'll bring a camera and take some pictures...

This. It's like a bike reflector.

Just going to ignore our entire atmosphere I see.

so OP, you should put more effort into your bait, since it makes no sense who the fuck cares if its flat or round? what are you autistic? oh wait

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Post this evidence here and now, I'll wait :)

This. Everyone knows anthropogenic climate change is a hoax.

Solar-cycle driven climate change, however, is real.

The Rutan Model 76 Voyager was the first aircraft to fly around the world without stopping or refueling. It was piloted by Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager. The flight took off from Edwards Air Force Base's 15,000 foot (4,600 m) runway in the Mojave Desert on December 14, 1986, and ended 9 days, 3 minutes and 44 seconds later on December 23, setting a flight endurance record. The aircraft flew westerly 26,366 statute miles (42,432 km; the FAI accredited distance is 40,212 km)[1] at an average altitude of 11,000 feet (3,350 m).

over 200 replies

jesus fucking christ

suck bbc, the only thing we KNOW is that the earth is flat. climate change is more fag propaganda.

>suck bbc

big block chevy?

They did not report seeing a ginormous ice wall.


just take your meds and fuck off, retard

You know the earth is flat. So what?

Ok OP.
Let’s say “you’ve convinced me”.
And I’m now a believer in flat earth.

What difference does it make?
Because from what I can see, a globe floating around a gaseous body is functionally indistinguishable from a flat earth.

I mean, so what?

Don't listen to nasa, or the govt, the media, or the so called scientists! They want to keep you in the dark, believing the lie that the earth is flat like a completely ignorant fool, but I have news... It's not. They're all in it together you see, in a massive global conspiracy to keep us blindly convinced that the earth is flat and that we can never get past the ice wall anyway, or make it halfway past the elephants, (Not to mention the turtles). This is of course to force us to work jobs in their companies buying their products, when our proper place is living on the backs of the giant turtle and eating the space parasites that it of course occasionally collects on its travels through the cosmos
Its funny when these clueless literal sheeple try and "debunk" or make points on flat earth. when at the same time they know nothing about flat earth and just show there ignorance on the subject. imagine trying to debate someone who knows nothing on the other side and only theres. They will not let go of there indoctrinated space/gravity delusion with there made up math equations and pseudoscience. They believe in space because there government and tv tells them. Its impossible to have conversations with these people. Thats why we beg them to just research it themselves. But there precious egos and weak minded brains cannot comprehend being lied to this intensely

a 15º per hour drift...

But, why go to all the bother and hassle and social rejection to attempt to re-invent the wheel , when at the end result , all you will have done is create a “new wheel” that looks exactly as round, and has the exact same functionality as the current wheel.

>Not to mention the turtles


I work in tech, selling satellite data to sea going vessels.

Can you explain why, if the earth is a disc, we lose connection with our satellites each day at a very specific time.
Right now we explain it due to rotation of the earth obscuring the satellites from our radars....but if the earth isn’t round , how can we explain it?

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It’s turtles all the way down

This is called seasons


How come people in Australia see different constellations of stars to the people in Europe when they look up into the night sky?

I remember when flat earth started off as a joke and now people take it seriously.

Attached: 1581857633523.png (750x744, 527K)

They mis-calibrated their equipment.
This was immediately debunked, even as it happens...and shills like you keep repeating the lie

No they don’t .
It’s a fun way to internet troll .

>This was immediately debunked
citation needed

There is a sizeable overlap of flat earthers, anti vaxxers and trump supporters.

There is none.

Citation is the footage that you reference, have you even watched it?

They immediately say, as they read out the results “we must have mis-Calibrated the equipment”.

Try harder you retarded NPC

Man we have serious fucking problems if people ACTUALLY believe this bullshit about flat earth.

Holy fuck these are real people. Breathe oxygen and cast votes.


Did they mis-calibrate the three holes they couldn't shine a light through as well?

That’s what happens when you let free market capitalism control things like education and healthcare

I'm not sure who is more retarded, flat earthers or "man made" climate change nuts.

ah. a Hillary-voter. stupid in the flesh.


>“we must have mis-Calibrated the equipment”

i'll take what is saving face for $200 Alex.

wow legend...

This. I'd be all for preventing lower IQ citizens from voting.

you stupid, disingenuous fool, they announced they miscalibrated equipment and that the test was a dud, like your failed abortion. take the clothes hanger out of brain moron, and pay attn

Well then, perhaps they are too stupid to be playing scientist.

So, only believe their words when they prove exactly what you already believe, and ignore all of their other words when they do not.

Sure thing mr.’re not bias or anything towards globalists...I’m sure you would declare it first of that were the case

ah. commies. commies and globetards are literally the same people. Now THAT makes total sense.

ah, a flat, diseased trump-voter. stupid in the brain.

>I'd be all for preventing lower IQ citizens from voting.
I would, if inner-city blacks and hispanics can no longer vote, (the lowest IQ demographic in America) Democrats lose a huge chunk of their voter base leaving only white and Asian voters. The Democratic party would be permanently damaged which sounds fine to me. Most liberals are lazy leeches on civilized society anyway who can't even figure out which bathroom to use.


>too stupid to be playing scientist.
Sure, because you have to go through the brainwashing indoctrination at university before you can be a “scientist”

Well then why not calibrate and try again? Surely they could have done this by now...

did you cry? did you cry hillaryite, when trump won? did you cry, when you found out the earth was flat? may I see a photo of you crying? please?

They're proof as much.

>there is no citation.
>there is citation.


There is a correlation between academic achievement and left-wing political views ..

Basically, the more education you have received , the more likely that you will hold left-wing political views.

I’m sure it’s just a coincidence

haha, you are all three and you're defensive about it. kek

these things take time. you can't rush PROOF. Proof is on its way, don't fret.

>mentioning Hillary

The russians from 2016 called, they want their propaganda back

according to whom? source?

A diploma in feminist cat massage is not education.

Most people are uneducated, just because someone has a liberal arts degree does not make them any less full of shit than anyone else.


Saying they must have mis-calibrated it is not proof they did so.

>s-stop m-mentioning Hillarys defeat!!!

lmfao :^)

Guys please. Flat earth is just trolling. Want to get into real controversial science? Expanding earth theory is where it’s at

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seethe, lib!

>zero evidence
You can go to orbit for less than $10,000 these days. People do it all the time...go check it out and get back to me.

>Most people are uneducated
Depends on the generation, millennials are some of the dumbest retards in the western world, probably the most miseducated generation ever.


into my ignore bin you go, don't bother responding, I'll never be able to see another of your posts.

>some of the dumbest retards in the western world
Much like Hillary voters :^)


So easy to trigger Trumplodytes

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Hum, how much time? It's a commercially available device. The manufacture would provide calibration information. Every piece of characterization equipment I've worked with has standards. Calibration takes minutes to hours. Not months to years.


>damage control

Funny how this triggers people more than flat earth

We're not triggered, we won :) I think you must be sufferering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. While there is currently no cure for TDS, doctors suggest that turning off your computer, phone and TV may help. If left untreated, TDS may lead to lost friends, lost elections, and potentially suicide. Please seek help before it's too late :^)

It makes perfect sense though. All the edges of every continent match up perfectly

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>Please seek help before it's too late
Don't give them support, the suicides that will inevitably follow Trump's reelection in 2020 will unburden the country of some of its useless dead weight.

>w-w-w-We're n-not t-triggered
Literally only a triggered faggot would feel the need to say this.


Who the hell doesn’t want that kind of future?

the fuck is expanding earth theory?

Until you learn about tectonic plates.

>we won
Are you a billionaire?
Because if not , then no. You lost. Everybody lost.
Except billionaires ....they got their they always do.
Nothing changed

If standing at the north pole, polaris, the north star will be directly overhead. As you move south, polaris will be closer and close to the horizon until you enter the southern hemisphere where it is no longer visible in the night sky.

as you move south new constellations like the southern cross come into view in the night sky, constellations that are not visible from the northern hemisphere.

There's no way for this to happen on flat earth, all stars would be visible from everywhere.

Can you send me a pic from the edge of the earth? Thank you!

I'm glad that you won't vaccinate your children. They will die and your stupidity will not propagate further.

Ever heard of daylight savings retard

>triggered liberal triggerlypuffs still sperging out after losing the election 3 years ago

Divide and conquer.
Don’t have the plebeians question the legitimacy of kings....simply have them argue about which king should sit on the throne.

I’m Swedish.
I could not give a fuck who the Ameritards elected.
It’s turned this site into a total shithole. And when I first joined , it was full of cheesepizza, so that’s saying something

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go back to
flat tard you have been subversed
only reason you gained traction even is those of us that are free made this word flat for 3 years to humor your perspective. the world is much stranger than flat earth.

Tell me what does pic mean please

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Tectonic plates says all the plates slid around and spun around randomly until it’s current state. Expanding earth perfectly explains the current state just from expansion. Clearly you can see the even transition of continental aging around the entire planet all from a single point. Rewind those and see all the continents form together in one tight sphere.

Attached: 42B10458-D51D-4428-BC55-D0F536703AB6.jpg (225x225, 13K)

>There's no way for this to happen on flat earth, all stars would be visible from everywhere.
Sure there is! You just have to engineer an overly complicated set of moving, artificial lights and put them in space, which we can't go to because of a giant ice wall which is guarded by the Chinese and also is a hoax. Ta da.

Retards trying to be edgy.

That you need to go outside more and travel the globe.

My eyes have opened!

Look it up. This is how dinosaurs existed back then being so large, there was less gravity back then until the earth expand creating more gravity no animal can survive being that big this day and age. Remember, mass does not dictate gravity but volume does

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What provided the force for expansion and why did it stop?

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The problem my dude is that you are so confident, no one can reason to you. Even if there is ton and ton of research about it you'll call it jew shit (or math ? Wtf user did you went to school ?) and you'll prefer to do your " researches " on a site called " flat earth society "... I mean, you know there is a problem.
Not everything is a lie. Being so confident about such stupid knowledge is like having your dog's lick your balls. You know it's symptomatic of something more serious, but it's nice, right?

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Centrifugal force expanded the planet when the core was still hot and pliable. There are lots of hollow points deep inside the planet.

Your excuse OP?

Also. It didn’t stop, it just slowed down.

Still waiting your explanation

me. i'm both the dinaosaur and the alien

lmaoooo ya'll are so funny

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>I’m Swedish.
Opinion discarded

>I could not give a fuck who the Ameritards elected.
Anyone who votes for the Democrats is a dumbed down NPC, you must care about that

I want to meet a flat earther in real life so I can spit in their stupid lil face and laugh