Would you let your daughter wear this to the beach?

Would you let your daughter wear this to the beach?

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My daughter would never want to dress like that because I would raise her properly.

because one shitty, jealous father is enough to overcome the combined pressure of society

Probably make her tbh

shoutout the nonexistent fathers! y'all make life too easy.

Parents will let their kids wear anything to the beach these days

Attached: CF2B370C-581B-4FF2-98C7-F3B2465C6F47.jpg (256x559, 42K)

Nothing to do with jealousy. I would teach my daughter about the power she can have over men with her body, but only if it's done properly. She would only reveal herself to those who have put in significant effort, she wouldn't be some thot who posts sexy pics for a cheap thrill. She would have multiple men wrapped her finger desperately trying to earn her approval. Also overcoming the pressures of society is a matter of self-esteem. She wouldn't be some desperate validation seeker.

Some parts of the world this is normal beach attire for girls as young as 14. Nobody thinks anything of it

With that hideously flat arse? Probably not

>creates a daughter whose purpose is to sexually attract men to spread his dna
imagine being this much of a pussy

we are nudists so prob not, wouldnt want her to have those silly tan lines

Imagine wanting your daughter to be a whore and breed with inferior cucks like this guy.

imagine having sex, I know it's hard for you, but try

Would you notice the guy on the other side of the beach with the Panasonic HD camrecorder? Would you notice the rigged water bottle with a minicam in it that l strategically place in the sand where she sunbathes?

we know it happens at the nude beach we go to, it's kinda a given with today's technology

would you like to understand the depth of your delusions?

Yes, enlighten me.

>Dude your child exists for other people's eye candy! ITS the CURRENT YEAR SEXIST

We live in a society

Not a chance.
No daughter of mine would ever be caught dead at a fucking Hyatt.

I'd be more interested in my daugters friends. That's the cool thing about have a cool daughter, she gets the hottie friends.

Stop lying to yourself, those friends of your daughter are hotties and you get a boner watching them prance around. It's natural.

If she would show it off for me first, then yes.



The only time I even saw her in a thong it was so tiny I got a great view of her fresh little holes.

Good call

Would you let me wear your daughter to the beach?

Not sure that works as a play-on-words user.

If she looked that good I would have to

yes, as soon as she expresses interest in wearing a bikini, I will give her the most revealing one I could find and make her wear it every time we go swimming.

Attached: for my young daughter.jpg (751x1000, 216K)

I’m gonna want to meet your daughter


Well yeah, that too

I would tell her to do some squats

Yeah. I mean, my wife wears pretty revealing bikinis, so I don’t see why it’d be any different eent.

Never hit a dog, talk with his owner!

>Some parts of the world this is normal beach attire for girls as young as 14. Nobody thinks anything of it

You're talking to a forum full of incels who've never touch a titty let alone fuck a woman so they think anything showing skin is degenerate


Not until she turns 9.

Kik Georgeirish

Hell no! If my daughter looked like that, I'd be embarrassed by her ass being so flat, yet her trying to point it out so much.

Unless she squat properly, she ain't getting nowhere near such garments.

Absolutely, she'll be getting lots of bbc attention

Pictures for proof

She appears to be drinking.
She is an adult.
Not my problem as her father.

Hello James Gunn

that's a grown ass woman not some dad's property, so quit being a whiny snowflake about women making choices for themselves and enjoy the view faggot