Fucking stupid piece of shit President

Fucking stupid piece of shit President.

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Just like 4 and a half years to go. you'll survive...

But his hair is so beautiful...

Still gonna be your president till 2024

stupid piece of shit prime minister

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You'd think his look would be more popular with his crowd.

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Someone's obviously mad.

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Making all these threads day after day still ain't gonna make his next 5 years in office go by any quicker, OP. But feel free to continue crying like a little bitch if it makes easier for you to cope the next half decade. :^)

The nigger is cutting social security like the fucking nigger he is

amen brother

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So you can suck his dick. You vote for lying POS
motherf*ckers, I don't.

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Epstien had 14 numbers for Trump.

Trump was on the lolita express logs

Trump was accused of raping a 13 year old with esptien before epstien was arrested

Trump openly bragged about how young epstien likes his girls

Trump has an extremely creepy past with child pagants.

Photos with ghasine maxwell

Hire epstien's lawyer

Trump is a pedophile. His supporters know it. They always clutch to straws to find little justifications that give them a shadow of a doubt, but deep down they all know it. and they don't care. Most right wingers are pedos that should be lined up against a wall. Join any kik group on Cred Forums and you'll see.

op is obsessed with trump admit op you wanna be on the side of winners, on the side of truth, on thevside thats right. let your hatred go and join us. We forgive but we dont forget. Come help us to continue to keep Amercia great.

at least hes not a nigger

The side of pedophiles, and bafoons who believe a billionaire pedophile narcassistic liar is on their side. "The side of truth" LMAO unironically super comical coming from a trump supporter. Only you guys can be so retarded not to catch the millions of lies. Half your belief system comes from memes that you unironically believe to be news.

here's your (you)
now go back to you sharejew.

You got me there tbh Just wish we could have a president who's a white conservative and isn't a pervert pedophile.
But standards too high I guess

gonna be a long 4.5 years for you, user.

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You must be transgender or an illegal immigrant. Even niggers are doing good under Trump, what’s your excuse?

I don't mind him as a president. The drama is fun. And I'm not poor so i'll be good. And I don't have a daughter for him to molest.
Whites gonna whitey I guess

>>Trump is a pedophile. His supporters know it.
Just like George Washington used to blow wads into toddlers. The founding fathers understood what's important: that's what it means to make America great again.

Sounds like you're objectively on the wrong side of history if you don't fuck little children then, doesn't it?

No one except rich people are doing good under trump. Are people really this delusional?

Slavery too. The fact that we abolished it hurt america a lot


4 years on and this is still the left's only ammo

Still your president, enjoy it while you can the best of this century


Not at all Delete any news related Apps if the lying POS is reelected. Leave it to you and his inbred to enjoy the POS.

He'll be the last deadbeat POTUS your ILK will
have for decades b/c so many the old and ignorant hillbillies will long dead.

Demographics will prevail. Enjoy your last breath of low IQ racial ignorance.

no you

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>low IQ racial ignorance.

Oh no, we've been called racists for the trillionth time.
So hurtful.
Now, elaborate on why Trump and his followers are racist.
I won't wait.