Am I handsome/fuckable? I’m still a Virgin and I’m shy

Am I handsome/fuckable? I’m still a Virgin and I’m shy

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Other pic

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This is like an autopsy photo, we can see why you don’t get fucked. Get a haircut, shave your face, and smile during pictures and human interaction. Practice so you don’t look like a serial molester.

Get a new hairstyle and some nice clothes, you'll be alright

STILL bro? its been like a decade with these threads

go for hitler youth haircut
every girl loves that haircut

Brandon kill yourself stop tryna get us to rate you

Definitely bro, you look like me from a couple years ago, you'll get the hang of it bud. Once you stop caring what other people think about you

im starting to think these posts are real after all this time because he looks like hes getting older

im concerned

Attached: ea5.png (200x172, 80K)

Just get a decent haircut that costs more than $8 and isn't at SuperCuts

keep the glasses on so chicks dont laugh at your tiny eyes and purse your mouth so it doesn't stretch ear to ear. If you do this, there's a slim chance a 2/10 might open her legs for you.

Brandon, just stop

>reverse image search
>no results
I sometimes wonder that too. Brandon is a huge autismo

His eyes are fine wtf lol. I actually think his eyes look nice

"Brandon," need timestamp to confirm authenticity.

Attached: 2011012200474623d.jpg (700x1050, 140K)

It's been ten fucking years

that's because you're op

Nah you look good bro no homo

I’m not but ok

Brandon listen man I’ve been seeing you post on here for years my man. You need to step out of your comfort zone and start taking affirmative action of your life, I know it’s scary but I promise it’s something to look forward to in life and can even be fun. Make small talk with women and you’ll gradually get better. Remember, improve 1% everyday and at the end of the year you would improve by 365%

you're an attractive dude but if you have a creepy/weird personality then it won't happen

Attached: Faggot OP.jpg (392x442, 91K)

You look decent, maybe get a haircut or something and smile more. I'm halfway decent looking but when you smile and maintain eye contact it seems like you're confident I find that when you're average and people think you're confident then they think you're more attractive. Extra points if you can be funny. But as you are now I think you look good enough to start a conversation with, but try to get out of your comfort zone with shyness, Talk to people like cashiers and waitresses for small parts of conversations that's how I started.

anyone have porevious Brandon?

get a hooker. problem solved

Post timestamp now, or I post your other photos. If you post timestamp I'll give advice that will work

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i've seen uglier guys dating or just getting pussy.


Had to draw quick before thread dies

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how old are you?

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I think a black guy with an enormous penis would fuck you.

Learn to dress, speak up and act confident, try and fail, get back on it.

You aren't a total chad, but you're handsome. I wouldn't say you'd have much trouble finding a gf


thats a nice picture of you Brandon.

Chad literally means handsome tho

So other pics look bad?

Just google “Cred Forums Brandon” and images

Grow your hair out you’ll look like Keanu reeves brah

Is the real guy still here?

I remember his posts in /soc/ back in 2015 or 2016.