Please Cred Forums tell me what to do with my ugly ass big toe. I’ll do anything

Please Cred Forums tell me what to do with my ugly ass big toe. I’ll do anything

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cum on it.

then lick the cum off

write brodie#9999 on the back of the paper

Remove nail

Stick needles through your toe


Get a pedicure

Nice dick OP

Dubs decides what I do. I will deliver

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Shoot a load all over those toes god dammit

Freeze it, pin it, deglove to the bone. Let's see how your other toe has recovered. Oh, and show asshole.

paint nails pink. Cum in mouth

first stick a couple of needles through that toe. Then blow a load on it. Then lick the cum off

What the fuck

What you mean other toe recovered?


dubs here, op wont deliver

Trips before dubs though

true. wont matter if op doesn't deliver though

You did this same shit two weeks ago with the other toe.

Do you have proof?

Yeah well I only have one big toe left to enjoy working on

No no no don't try to invent some new rules here, op asked for dubs and dubs were first. Yes we'd all love to see the trips come true, but that doesn't justify your non existent logic

ugh its fucking frozen toe retard again? freeze it again retard

im another user that can at least vouch that this retard did in fact freeze his own big toe and came to it

Show us what state your other big toe is in.

On a general note, your big toes are kinda important for walking and stuff and you really shouldn't be destroying them.

Remove the big nail completely

Big toe down the per pee hole