Im bored and lonely

im bored and lonely
what do I do?

Attached: feelbad.jpg (750x1000, 75K)


Redpill people about the Jews

Continue to be bored and lonely because you aren't willing to take the obvious steps to change

so am I.also heartbroken and suicidal


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im in the same boat brotha. been bored and lonely now for a few years. No Girlfriend, jobless at the moment. I am thinking once I get a jobs things will get better though. I did graduate college though which is good i think

i also have no friends or family where i live. I moved out to a new city halfway across the country

Fer fuks sake get off your computer and go outside. Get some sunlight, ride a bike, hang out in a coffee shop

try volunteering. i plant trees and it fun and i dont really need to talk to anyone when i do it

hanging out in a coffee shop is boring, done that alot
whats the point?
you sit and write and your still alone

Was with a girl for 5 years. Nearly got married. We both fucked it up. Gave up my life for her. Spent all my time and money on her. Dropped out of school, lost my job, no friends or family.
Now I'm an asocial, talentless loser who spends his days in these 4 walls reminiscing on the past...

I'm disabled (literally a potato). What now?

Use what works best. Your mind. Make music, write, learn some programming, animation, filmmaking. Theres a lot you can do!

get high bruh

there are no steps
I've done "steps"

It helps if you actually try to approach someone instead of sitting there thinking being inside a coffee shop will summon a conversation from thin air

and I've done that too
but it seems desperate, and when I push past their initial distance It's just innocent boring conversation without purpose

I am a frontend dev, paid handsomely. Actually, I have a job, money, family, but God, I am so fucking empty inside. This is not the life I wanted and even after 10 years of being in wheelchair, all I can think of is suicide. All the fucking day.

Fell in love, twice. Both of them "loved" me and then never took the step forward even when I was ready to commit. I gave everything to those relationships, bent over backwards, and here I am, alone, on Cred Forums.

Just want this to be over man. I'm tired.


Find an mmo to play, socialize, make friends, develop a reputation, become the envy of players around you. People can't even shit on you for it, you're in a wheelchair, wtf else is there to do.

holy fuck that sucks dude. I feel like thats part of the reason thatI dont want a girlfriend any time soon. I feel like they can get in the way of a lot of things, such as school or work. However once I find a stable job for myself I know that I will get happier. Im hoping you can find the same.

get drunk

come here and make a post

this is where bad things happen lol

Thanks user. It's a good idea to wait. We were friends for a long time, then that turned into something more- we just sort of rushed into everything thinking this was it.
Don't let a relationship get in the way of your life. If it becomes serious, go slowly and be sure that's what you both want.
Also, hold on to your friends and family. They're the most important thing in the world- more important than a girl who might not be around in the end.
Good luck to you too!

lost all my friends unfortunately because of addiction. Its all my fault but didnt realize what i was doing until is was too late. been alone for al ong time now. used to it though sadly. family is still there for me somehow though. been clean for 6 years

Shit man, I feel you. Went through a heavy drug phase too, but never got extremely bad. Family will always be there (for the most part) so hold on to them!
And yes, getting used to isolation is both a blessing and curse. Either way, congrats on 6 years clean user! Here's to many more!

Try an environment where people are more naturally "lubed up" for small talk instead, like a bar. Start with some random tucked away dive where you won't be out of place alone and once you've practiced shooting the shit with a rando barfly or two (any potential missteps won't matter if theres only slot players and true alcoholics there to witness it), move up to somewhere more populated with average people worth spending real time with, and try your luck there.

I've been through a sketchy dive or two in my days hopping bars. I can almost guarantee you that if you look any better than absolutely disgusting at least one drunken single mom will stumble up to you before long and bam, you've got a practice dummy for small talk. You'll likely spend more time deflecting her greasy cougar advances than enjoying a conversation with substance but hey, its a safe bet as a starting point for getting used to that type of environment and will help you keep your composure when talking with drunks in any future situation.

When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

Woman Is the Nigger of the World is better

A guy looks into a tent. He does the wrong things. His children become slaves. God forgives them. Hitler hates them because he didn't accept that he was just like them. Now the alt right has a jungle fever.


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