This hunk of shit promised everyone who crosses the mexican/usa border free healthcare...

this hunk of shit promised everyone who crosses the mexican/usa border free healthcare. don't let his student loan $15 an hour bullshit lead you to completely ruining the country.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ahh, good show: Another follower of Vladimir Vladimirich Putin.

wut, everyone deserves healthcare
do you think only americans have rights?

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Americans don’t even have the right to healthcare.

Sounds like a total 3rd world shithole if it can’t provide such a basic social necessity.

No wonder Americans don’t trust their government

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It's insane how many republican shill threads are spammed against Sanders. Russia is scared they lose the orange retard huh? Well fuck Putin and fuck Republicans.

All the dem nominees did at that one debate.

Now you get paid 5 cents less an hour at minimum wage and don't have to pay for healthcare. Seems like a good trade.

Bernie wants a 52% tax rate.No thanks.

Also as a life/ health insurance agent I see how awful marketplace ( obamacare) plans are, so excuse me if I have very little faith in the government giving everyone great healthcare.

he's gonna win

"as a health insurance agent i want to keep my job of sucking the blood out of sick people"

obamacare failed because it didn't go nearly far enough

can't wait till your company fails, at least you'll still have free healthcare you fucking worm

>52% tax rate
Above what earnings?

After your first 10million, what do you need the 2nd 10 million for?

I say tax at 98%

He’s raising taxes to 52% on anyone making over 10 million a year. Also he’s not getting elected anyway, why does it matter?

Its amazing how many liberals believe an outright lie because it was on CNN then turn around and shittalk people that get all of their info from FOX news without realizing that that person is the exact same type of brainwashed drone as them, just with opposite political views.

It would be like having a coin and the heads bitcing about the tails without realuzing that they are the same fucking thing. More divide and conquer tactics.

>as a life/ health insurance agent
Then explain why America pays more than any other country on healthcare spending , and yet ranks about 15th/16th in terms of healthcare outcomes.
It’s rates of deaths from preventable diseases, and infant mortality are more akin to sub-Saharan Africa than a member nation of “The Developed World”.

Leading cause of bankruptcy in the US?
Medical payments.

I love in a country where Universal Health Care is a guaranteed right.
The idea of “paying for healthcare” would be like “paying for water”.,,,

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You sure are qualified to your opinion when did you pass a state licensing test thats 800 pages of insirance concepts, with 200 pages of state law including penalties criminal and civil, that is written to the same standard/ same legalize that a lawyer would deal with?

And then when did you take an AHIP test annually that is about 500 pages of material that you have to score 90% to be able to sell plans annually for 65+

Then you have to pass tests with every insurance provider ( aetna,united health are etc all have their own test) and you have to score 90% or you can not sell for that carrier.

And the under 65 obamacare is an annual test too that you need 90%

Oh wait you didn't do any of that because you are too fucking stupid, but lets hear yoyr uninformed opinion.

If it's true he said 52% on 29k.yr,
this is a based meme.
Citation needed.

Well Indon't know what to tell you its not like its hard to be under 65 and have a plan where your MOOP ( maximum out of pocket) which is the most that you are responsible to spend in a calender year is $7500. And if you are 65 or over ots not hard to get one where it is $3000.

That means you could get every organ in your body transplanred and incur millions in bills anfmd only be responsible for a few thousand ( whatever the moop is)

And if 3,000 or 7,500 bankrupts you then you need to stop fliping burgers for a living, go to a 2 year tech school and get a job as a plumber or an elecrician and make good money.

If you are walking around uninsured you are ignorant and the price you pay for ignorance is being fucked.

Poor people get medicare. Working poor can get obamacare plans for like 50 to 150 a month .

Meme user is a faggot.
"The remaining funding could be paid via a 5 percent tax on household income, yielding $375 billion a year. Again, with the elimination of employee contributions to existing health insurance premiums, the average household could expect to save well over $2,000 a year — and have no co-pays or deductibles to worry about."

Keep believing leftist politicians because money grows on trees and they never met a tax they didn't like.

I dont want the governments hand in my pocket especially to pay for other people

Having fun, Ivan?

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Republicans won’t make you pay less and just give your money to their rich friends.

>if 3,000 or 7,500 bankrupts you then you need to stop fliping burgers
Then you will have Boone to flip the burgers.

50% live on or under the poverty line in the US.
400 individuals control a greater share of wealth than the bottom 60% of America.
An average Chinese person now has greater spending power and can afford more luxury goods than a US citizen.

I can have every organ in my body replaced too...and it’ll cost me 0. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zippo. Null.

I think my system is way better

Try again troll.

>money grows on trees
And yet, during “depression events” when capital stops flowing ....gun erm nets are able to find and release literally trillions.

News for you bud, money is a concept,.., it’s not real.
There is not enough gold or silver to have ever been mined that would cover the “wealth” apparently sitting in people’s bank accounts. Were we all to request the money from the “promise to pay the bearer....” written on your money, we would quickly discover that the entire thing is a lie.

You just don’t want to help people, because you’re mean and selfish.
Nothing wrong with that, but just admit it - own it.
“I am mean and selfish and want other people to die from preventable illnesses”

Put it on a sign and go protest about it

Anybody would be better than Trump. I'd elect Vlad the impaler before Trump.

God damn Russia is so fucking poor there country is full of people doing worse then niggers in America lol

Trump is tweeting all this nonsense about russia helping bernie so he can open an investigation during the election. Brilliant.

Rich ghouls are ruining the country. Hes trying to make this country worth something

why are right wingers so opposed to better standards of living?

Vlad was awesome there was a lot of sand niggers killing white people back then he just attacked back

By bankrupting us to unskilled Mexican parasites?

For real americans, sure. Not for a bunch of fucking spics. Im baffled that anyone wants to help them at all. Send them back.

Well said Ivan, good vodka for you

It's not gonna work. You're all gonna pour all this money and time and effort into trying to control this race, but the truth is we decided to vote for him five years ago. You already know you won't get away with straight up cheating because we're all watching too closely. It's going to happen. The only way you'll stop him is if you shoot him. That will be the beginning of the end.

So Bernie is REALLY the Russian Candidate??

No wonder he was trying to deflect and blame Trump.

You're posting a lot of assumptions without citations there, Deiter.

Correct russia backed Trump last time and realized not even with their help can they get the fat orange elected again. So now they back the other said. Classic Divide and Conquer tactic. And Republicans keep voting against safer election laws.

> I don't want to pay for urban welfare queens to buy iPhones
That's their entire argument. It doesn't matter that welfare queens don't exist or that they are already paying for people to go to the emergency room.

>Precious metals standards

Vlad was Romanian.

Trump was never supposed to have been elected either. These are strange times.

You're still in a russian shill thread.

Well nobody expected the american voter to be this retarded

Bernie 2020 baybee

based, he has my vote

I see you don't have a real job or pay taxes.

seethe more

You pay 3 dollar taxes. Calm down, big guy

Great argument!

Bernie is awesome fuck Russia. Every one voted for trump even myself back then because fuck the clintons

this hunk of shit already ruined the country

i guess republicans would rather bitch about immigrants then support our constitutional rights

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>hes not getting elected anyway

keep living in that fantasy world trumpshit,nobody.including republicans wants 4 more years of donald and his crying supporters

>every one

so thats why hillary won the popular vote? the only people who voted for trump are ignorant rednecks

OP is a cunt who should kill himself

You're a moron but at least you have the sense to like Bernie.

Clinton sucks but you're a stupid fucking asshole if you thought trump was a better option.

I make well over $100k and am voting for Bernie for several reasons, but none worth explaining to a shit-heel like you.

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Trump has overstayed his welcome. He's getting too crazy for even his crazy followers.

Sad truth.

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nigga americans get american human rights, if you aren't american, you are not getting those rights. Fuck off and make your own country great no?

Exactly, gumshoe.

That is my point.

There is now no underwriting. There is no “gold standard.”
A dollar is worth a dollar.
What can you buy with a dollar?
Something that costs a dollar.

Is it worth a dollar?
Only if you exchange it for a dollar.

It has no intrinsic value or worth other than what we ascribe it.

if you come to america, you're american. That's the way the founding fathers wanted it.

It’s full.
You have to go back

not like america's healthcare is worth it anyway

hell,more people would probably want to leave america then come to trumptards have ruined it

>It’s full.
you haven't been to the midwest I see

He said it during the debate. Do you bernbois even know what you are rooting for?

They didn't watch it. They already know to check the Dem column on the ballot. Nancy told them what to think.

The US has the best Healthcare in the world. The problem is the way its regulated and paid for.

he probably lives there,its trump country.all those hee haw country redneck types

>The US has the best Healthcare in the world

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>best healthcare in the world

lol,what a moron.americans are the biggest retards in the world.your healthcare is shit and the only solution you retards have is making it free so your deadbeat welfare abusers can have another handout

I live in rural indiana, it's far from full. Lived in Wyoming and Montana too, anyone saying it's full is an idiot.

Damn bro, hope the job is worth it. Don't say how much you make. That will trigger the basement dwelling losers more.

The UN put Iran in charge of human rights, user.

>your deadbeat welfare abusers can have another handout
When it's "free" it's free for everyone, not just the deadbeats.

yet the deadbeats are the only ones who wanted it,libtard

besides,there are plenty of failing socialist country out there that give you your beloved free healthcare,instead of ruining america.why dont you pieces of socialist shit move to those places

This is the funniest thing I’ve read in my life

dude cant even spell insurance right,im sure his "job"is probably doing meth in his garage like the rest of these redneck trumpers who still bring up obamacare(which was suppose to be repealed and replaced)

It's not free for anyone, user

Your ignorance makes us laugh

I'm voting for Bernie, fuck all you haters.

they would never let him run, just like they didn't let him run last time

And then the 10% more tax to cover the illegals . And then the 5%increase every year as the rich either leave or figure out how to evade taxes and the middle class has to take up the slack. Now add more every year as the flood of illegals starts pouring in with Bernie's " not open borders" policies encourage them to come .

im voting for bootyedge.i want to watch conservatives have a meltdown when they watch as a faggot becomes their president

>middle class

the same people who think a billionare who shits in a golden toilet can relate to them

There is no "us" here. Fuck off back to r eddit faggot.

The solution to that made up hypothesis is not to vote in an authoritarian socialist government.

regardless,america puts to much focus on rather have a president who doesnt shit all over the constitution

America is not a country, it's a cuntry that needs to get fucked.

ButtEgg would be the best troll but im not gonna waste my time troll-voting this time around

>socialist country
We're already a socialist country, why not be socialist towards the people who need it.?

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Sergei, pls go

Explain how bill gates being worth billions has made anyone poor.

so liberals went from calling trump a nazi to calling trump a socialist?

why cant you retards just choose 1 of your stupid buzzwords and keep that one

People make less then 15 an hr in America damn dude that sucks ass love living in Scotland I make twice that a hour and 3 month vacation a year if I want it. You need Bernie

>the people who need it

because that isnt how it works in reality,idiot.america would be even more poor and stupid then it is with trump right now if it was a real socialist country instead of your watered down liberal socialism


you fags wear skirts and fuck sheep,europe is a shitty socialist thanks

Not sure what you mean. Your plan is print more money ? You do know there are consequences to that including your iPhone price just shot up because of weakened dollar. Mommy not be able to get you a new one.

Right, everyone pays a little bit based on income and gets a buffet of life saving services. You can be as pedantic as you want, but you know what people are saying.

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In my state commissions vary.

Obamacare is never worth the time.The only reason to do it is as a loss leader and hope someone refers their parents or grandparents to you. It is about a 30 dollar commission and you are guaranteed to spend at an hour on the phone with someone who speaks ebonics or broken spanglish at the marketplace itself.there are always horrible wait times, and by the time everythings said and done you have at least 2 hours wrappef up in it.

A medicare supplement the provider pays you a % of the monthly premium usually 20 to 22 % so if someone pays 150 a month you get 30.For the next 7 years

Advantage plans it depends on state in mine its 600 for a first time sale. If you switch someone or its a renewal commission its 300.

Whats nice is the sale you make this year pays you next year, so you make a good residual income over time.

It only took me about 5 years to reach 6 figures. It is a lot of dealing with government systems, so you have to understand medicare,to a extent state medicaid,social security etc.

It isn't easy its a lot of learning about beauracracy, but its not rocket science or surgery either.

And its nice when I can take seniors on fixed incomes, find them better plans and save them thousands a year.


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Hilarious how the low and middle class conservatives will vote against themselves ultimately paying less total in healthcare under Bernie's plan just to fuck over the immigrants. You faggots will literally pay money not to help out poor people. Jesus is rolling over in his tomb right now.

>idiot.america would be even more poor and stupid
just like every other first world country, right? kek

>every nation that isn't the USA is socialist

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The real answer is they want us to fight. They want chaos. They want us preoccupied so they can get away with Russian malarkey . We are falling into their trap and don't even realize it.

Kill yourself you pig fucking insurance shill. People like you propping up the new robber barons of America should be the second at the gallows.

Bernie will make sure they are installed only on top of Corporate buildings and in trailer parks.

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>europe is a shitty socialist country
>europe is a socialist country
>europe is a country
Trump supporter intelligence

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Everybody pays a lot, and gets long waits
It's not pedantry to point out hypocrisy and lies

Safer election laws? You don't mean that garbage partisan law queen Nancy tried to pass? That was all about eliminating the way Republicans get campaign money. Didn't address contributions from unions. Didn't address voter ID laws. Seems to me the Democrats don't want to make sure illegals don't vote .

>Kill yourself you pig fucking insurance shill.
Why do people still want this middleman who sells them shitty insurance that usually doesnt cover everything over a government program that's a lot cheaper and covers any and every expense?

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Sad but true.

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>trump supporter

i dont like trump,and besides.trump supporters would bring up how many muslims there are in europe.not call it a socialist country

then again,you calling trump a fascist shows the rest of the world just how little intelligence americans have

We know that's not true though. We have examples to look at from other countries. Occasionally some people have to wait, but that's no different from how it is now. I'm not sure if you're being earnest or not, but some simple research, instead of anecdotal evidence, will show you the truth. Good luck friend.

Because anyone poorer and browner than me should just die.

t. Republicans

Founders didn't hand out free shit because you're too lazy to work. Back then, don't work, starve. Should we go back to that?

you do realize your picture failed because the media hates donald trump

i dont know what group of people in america are more uneducated,trump supporters.or people who dont like trump

that's because democrats are the deep state

>should we go back to that?

sure,and by the way.this means you trump supporting rednecks will starve also.since apparently,being white and voting republican and abusing the welfare system is better then being a "librul"and doing the same thing

Is he not? We all know he is.

>the media hates donald trump

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It's only free if you don't pay taxes also known as contributing to society.

Come try to put me on the gallows faggot.Hope you are bulletproof

>I'll never be wrong because I'm a unicorn centrist

You fucks are the worst of all

>we all know

who is we? dumb buzzword using liberals? because your only proving how stupid americans are

You know what?
I’ve wisen and grown up from that earlier stage of discovery of everything and nothing about this world over 10 years ago and i remember reading “predictions” by your average run of the mill “mystics”
I remember one was something along the lines of around 2020 China would become the NEW dominant superpower(not exactly verbatim but it was what was led to be believed)

I don’t really give a fuck about politics because it literally is smoke and mirrors which unfortunately rewire intensely neurological circuits of masses which leads to all of this chaotic bullshit when everything is done behind the curtains

Anyways, all of this to say that(and i’m not even American or European) if the United States doesn’t get their shit together for next elections(i hate to say this tbh), the world might drastically take a huge fucking u-turn

I might be talking shit but just try to imagine the butterfly effect of Bernie or any other nutjob fucking up the economy of the USA and then all of the shitstorm it would create in the grander scheme

I kinda want it to happen just to see the casualties but not at the same time
Please anyone tell me i’m autistic but it kinda seems plausible that something would fuck the world up

Call it whatever conspiracy you like, I'll take a functioning government over this shitshow we have now.

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Bro if you're gonna use bait at least make it believable. 52% on 29k yeah okay bud

Why do you have the compulsion to lie on an anonymous board?

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how am i wrong? why would the media want to support a person who has attacked them for 4 years straight

next time,choose a president who is an adult that can handle criticizm.not a baby who throws tantrums over it

They can't because those countries have immigration laws. Fucking racist socialist countries.

>who is we?
We is 65% of America and the other 7.7 BILLION people on Earth.

They'll snatch your shill ass up and you'll be dead before you can say "but muh guns". This ain't the old west anymore faggot.

That's why free is in quotations, because it's not free.

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Bernie never said "free health care".
Only stupid people say "free health care".
Stupid people who think they can fool others into believing their horsetrump.
Slither on back to Cred Forums, there's a good lad.

>on earth

you realize those 7.7 billion people dont care about america's issues because they arent living in america right?

>65% of america

i guess america is a dumber country then i thought,oh well.keep calling a jewish president a nazi i guess,you surely are proving how shit america's education system is

Thanks for playing but whatever little clever dig you posted has added nothing to the conversation. Seek help for your TDS.

more like vote biden,its funny that bernie supporters have came back after getting fucked the last election

done by a bot to instil hate.

>don't let the russians manipulate your elections

>added nothing to the conversation

whatever trumptard,dont you have some banjo music to play in your trailer park

22 million living here illegally sounds important to me. Illegal immigrants cost the tax payers substantially more then they contribute in taxes.

If only there was a system that would make everyones life better...

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The vast majority of technological medical advancements come from the USA.

When Mick Jagger needed heart surgery he flew here to have it done in the states not the uk.

As far as being called a "middleman" you don't " need" me if you want an insurance provider to sell you the most expensive plan possible.

If you want to get a plan that meets your needs, and has the lowest cost for your prescrptions in their formulary, and your doctors anf hospitals in network then you do.

My commission is the same whether your plan is 0 premium a month or 300 a month, so there is no vested intrest in an agent selling a moore expensive plan.

>tax payers

oh right,the same people who happilly elected a president who avoided paying his

now,how about you step aside and let the real republicans worry about the important issues.not the ones you trumptards dragged into the party after you ruined it


Dont forget to add the vat tax and the other taxes you are skiping that brings it closer to 60%

>a jewish president
Why not have a Jewish president? As a Christian you worship a Jewish man as a god, amirite?

mick jagger also has a networth of 360 million sorry we cant all be rich rockstars like he is and afford private planes to fly us everywhere

>one major media source supports the other side
>that's proof the media isn't biased!
my sides

Jesus was resurrected . Do you even Bible?

exactly what a russian bot would say

How many times? Is he still alive?

we made a mistake with a Catholic president, why would we want a Jewish president?

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>Illegal immigrants cost the tax payers substantially more then they contribute in taxes
No. Anyone who says they know how much "illegal immigrants" costs America is lying, we just don't have that information because there are so many factors, including not even knowing how many are in the country. The only negative we know for sure is depressed wages. If you want to stop them from coming here illegally you have to cut off the head, hold the people and companies hiring them accountable. For some reason Republicans hate this idea.

Hillary Clinton
Joe Biden
Elizabeth Warren
Michael Bloomberg
are Democrats that used to be Republicans.
Ronald Reagan
Tweety Amin
are Republicans that used to be Democrats.

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>trys to make a point about conservatives

>goes on a tantrum about immigrants like a trumptard

yeah,i bet god is grabbing all the women's pussys in heaven right now.conservatism is dead in america

Nice made up chart. Democrats go to jail too .

What I don't understand is this: If worshiping a Jewish man as a God is OK, then why isn't OK for a Jewish man to be president?

>both parties are the same

actually they are now,trump is running this country just like a democrat and his supporters are just fine with it.thats whats so funny about democrats who throw tantrums whenever trump does something,they dont realize how big of a liberal pile of shit donald trump really is

>implying that the United Snakes does not have some of the most repressive immigration laws in the world

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Mop only applies to covered services. They screw you by not covering most of those services. And even if it's covered that sub contracted physician that read a page or two of your file wont be, or the service required a prior authorization that the hospital didn't file while you were dying on an operating table. I dont agree with all the freebie kids but this is a hugely complicated system that needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt.

You are missing the point it is not the plane, are you trolling or just this vad at logic?If socialist doctors are so great then why didn't he see one for free.
He came here because we have better doctors.

Ah you don't believe it? OK then show me where it's wrong or STFU.

>Reagan was a Democrat
>HiIllary was a Republican
>Warren was a Republican
Fuck, Wikipedia agrees with you.

jews are evil and destroyed america

Anyone that doesn't agree with you is a trump supporting redneck? I wish Cred Forums had handles do I could disregard everything you post.

We don't all have millions of dollars, and everything else you said just sounds like middle man bullshit. The people stand to save more money without you and the medical industry stands to make more money without you.

Good luck in the life insurance industry once Bernie phases you and your predatory practices out.

Ok boomer.

-/- Daily Reminder -/-
FLOTUS was a wetback.

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im not trolling,go figure somebody from a country obsessed with celebritys uses some cooked tooth'd british celebrity millionare as an example

Mexico built that wall to protect their children from being murdered by school shooters.

Is Jesus evil? He is the King Jew.

Is that real? What a waste of money. Not sure why that is a dig.

actually america did,mexico told your orange man to fuck off.its a shame 95 percent of trump supporters are poor and abuse the welfare system or maybe they'd see how big of a waste of tax money there wall is

>add the vat tax
VAT is by statutory definition already included in the price.
Also, "VAT tax" is an unnecessary pleonasm.
Lemme guess … you wear a red baseball cap, don't you?

>>that's proof the media isn't biased!
Oh no, it's retarded. You made a blanket statement that anyone could easily discount and now you're upset. Blanket statements and generalizations aren't a great way to think about the world.

the jews killed him,need i say more about how evil they are?

I never did, that must have been another user. I was just pointing your sheer stupidity at posting muh Fox News.

Not any more.
Republican Jesus is a WASP.

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>VAT is by statutory definition already included in the price.
Yet it's still part of an individual's tax burden.

Jesus would burn the South to a nuclear wasteland in pure disgust if he ever knew how Republicans exploit Jesus name.

>nuke them all with fire!
I think you have a weak grasp on the whole concept of "Jesus"

Damn, Everytime you guys can't debate the subject you resort to the " dur, you a trumptard, orange man bad, Hitler, kkk" . No wonder the Democratic party is fucked. Any kind of discussion on anything you don't believe in you start the name calling and alienate people. Not bowing down to your savior Bernie does not mean I will vote trump. If I had to rate all if the candidates , Bernie would be at the bottom of who I would vote for . But rather then have any meaningful discussion on why, you Bernie fans just want to point your finger and screech " trumptard" . I'm done.

>>implying that your country wouldn't do the same if it was next to Mexico.

Mexicos biggest export is drugs. Their government is constantly on a knifes edge to not bankrupt the country and keep the USA from going nazi on their cartels.

The blurring of party lines began with Tricky Dick's attack on states' rights with the imposition of the Double Nickel Law, in which the federal government extorted the states into enacting a national speed limit.
Then Bush Daddy came along and said "Read my lips, no new taxes" and he promptly raised every tariff, fee, duty, fine, assessment, toll, and capitation that he could find.
The two great pillars of traditional conservatism in the US were local government and fiscal responsibility. Just look where they've got to now!

Attached: us taxes.jpg (750x730, 90K)

khuzar spam alert


Send her back then. I don't give a fuck.

Actually many Americans do have faith in their government. It’s the lazy commies that don’t want to work for a living and expect everything for free that have a problem. Fortunately they are in the minority.

>The two great pillars of traditional conservatism in the US were local government and fiscal responsibility
In the 1770s, maybe

There are two walls in the photo. Both were ordered by US presidents. The first one was built with surplus from the Vietnam War!

Then you should have said "consider" instead of "add".

Well, he did cause a fig tree to wither and die for not having fruit in winter.
If you believe the stories, I mean.

and I was pointing out your sheet stupidity of ignoring context and your shitty world view.

*everyone i disagree with is either a russian bot or white trash.

Firstly, who are you to say what our forefathers want. Secondly, That's not that works, I come from europe to america, I'm still european, whether I like or not.

Jessie Jackson Jr
Anthony Weiner
Laura richardson
Chaka fattah
Connie brown
All Democrats and that's just 2015 dumbass.

The governments of both the US and Mexico are involved in this drug business.
In case you haven't noticed, Garcia Luna, the attorney general for the previous Mexican president, is in the dock for his involvement.
One thing that the US learned from its first Prohibition is that it needs to outsource the logistics in order to avoid the kind of violence at home that caused the repeal last time.

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How are the laws repressive?

trumpshit trumpshit trumpshit trumpshit trumpshit
trumpshit trumpshit trumpshit trumpshit trumpshit

trumpshit trumpshit trumpshit trumpshit trumpshit
trumpshit trumpshit trumpshit trumpshit trumpshit

trumpshit trumpshit trumpshit trumpshit trumpshit
trumpshit trumpshit trumpshit trumpshit trumpshit

>lazy commies
Lazy people take advantage of every economic system. Under true Communism, they would have a much harder time of it because of all the peer pressure to contribute to the common good.

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Lmao what kind of dumbass shit is that you actually think people are dumb enough to think that is how it works!? Ahahahahaha keep GETTING SCARED TRUMP FUCK BOY. Americans are tired of that spray tanning rapist and they are tired of catering to the fucking rich. BERNIE SANDERS WOOT WOOT I CANT WAIT TO TASTE YOUR RACIST TEARS

No actually this will lead to a very large bureaucracy with a considerably large bureaucratic infrastructure to fund. Like all bureaucracy’s, this will be run by unelected bureaucrat’s who can and will raise costs that will most likely benefit them. What ever funds are left will likely lead to rationed healthcare for the rather large population of the USA. Whenever the government controls any program; fraud, waste, inefficiency is inevitable more than doubling or tripling the costs.

Because people of color are the most negatively affected by US Border Policy.

I agree with charging the people who hire them . We don't need a wall. We need to remove the incentives fir them to break the laws and come here. Those I agree with you. As for the cost. There are studies that show illegal immigrants are a tax drain. I won't bother posting links since the liberals will just dismiss without reading anyway. Then they will post the same article the always post that says legal immigrants are not a drain and claim they one. Illegals are a drain. Legal immigrants are not.

it's already ruined as long as fuckwagons like you are here.

To be fair you dont have a source either, makes it less believable, but go off

Republicans have had two decades to do that. They don't. Because the people who hire illegals vote for them. It's easier to scapegoat poor brown people who can't fight back.

>people who have been forgotten
>or have literally no power in the Democratic Party

lol trumpshit

Lol, peer pressure is going to get tyronne to work. Can't even get him to pull up his damn pants .

you don't work tho

It all started with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. For a thorough understanding of the subject, I refer you to Carey McWilliams's book North from Mexico, now in its third edition.

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Seriously, people want to keep oppression on an all time high so they can keep driving in all three of their cars that are falling behind on payments. Fucking greed is an all time high and I am sick of it. I have a good career and a decent life and I am voting Bernie because 70,000 Americans dying every year because of lack of affordable health care doesn't sit right with me. You complain about taxes but are perfectly fine paying for a pedos million dollar golf trips? Lol ok dumbass. Keep crying. America is going to change and Bernie WILL win. People spreading lies about sanders in desperate attempts to stop him because they cant handle not being a gremlin for the rich. Institutionalized sorry ass racists. Also the open border policy? America was founded on immigration! We are all immigrants you fucking idiots. Jesus christ right wingers are stupid as fuck. Must be the inbreeding.

Bernie Sanders in 2007 opposed mass immigration because it would "drive down U.S. worker's wages", while proposing legislation that would only permit U.S. citizens and legal immigrants in that were becoming U.S. citizens to access U.S. healthcare services. Now Bernie wants to flood the U.S. with cheap labor and provide illegals with free healthcare paid for by U.S. taxpayers, while increasing taxes on the middle class by 70% from where tax rates currently stand.

>Whenever the government controls any program

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trumpshits don't read though
that's the joke

Now you shifted to border laws? I see , immigration laws are against people of color because we have border laws (every country has them) that somehow are against people of color even though skin color is never mentioned in and border law. Explain how you would change border law to not make it racist.

no he didn't trumpshit

>bernie wants to increase taxes on the middle class by 70%
stop posting trumpshit

Provides an article from "newsweek" and acts like it's an accurate source lmao whatever you can find to suite you narrative. Dude Bernie has been consistent with his actions since the early eighties and you cant prove otherwise. A written article by a random person isn't going to persuade intelligent individuals who can easily see video proof disputing your piss poor "evidence"

Remember single payer healthcare commonly referred by its euphemistic term “Medicare for all “ was voted down by the Vermont legislature. Bernie’s home state because of the prohibitive costs. If they can’t make it work in that small shitty little state, it’s not going to work for the country as a whole.

I haven't shifted shit. Different user.
I see
>if you did you wouldn't keep sucking mushroom cock you fucking baby

Conservitard bullshit is getting so desperate. Makes me want to vote for Bernie even more if he's scaring the shit out of the false-patriot faggots.

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The Anons link says otherwise, Sergei. Putin has you commie shills working overtime to help comrade Bernie. Fuck off, Russian shill.

Vermont is a state with less than a million people. It takes a nationwide program to make M4A work.

Fuck off private insurance shill. Find a real job.

u not we

I'm not scapegoating anybody nor am I going to excuse them. Neither side wants to fix it and the main reason is they can use it to get out the vote. That's all either side cares about. I am not rep or Dem and I look at any election as a let's try it thing. I was hoping Obama would fix healthcare and I was hoping trump would address the debt and crack down on illegal immigration and work with Congress to give dreamers a path. None of that happened.

Sure thing Trumpsucker.

>try harder

>Bernies a communist who literally honeymooned in Moscow

No it doesn't trumpshit.
Sanders never "opposed mass immigration."

Suck your own cock.

The link they provided directly quotes the Sanders campaign websites tax increase proposal , Natasha. Damn, you Moscow shills are in full damage control mode for Comrade Sanders today.

Nuance is lost on your nigger ass.

5 rubles for your account comrade.

Kek! You Russians are full tilt panic.

It's because you're a retard follower who falls for any new shiny thing anyone dangles in front of your dumbass.

It's a list of convicted Democrats just in 2015. It proves your little meme bullshit. Try again.

>I'm not scapegoating anybody
Yes you are. You're literally frightened of non-whites trying to cross our borders.
>both sides bad
the Democrats want to give amnesty
the Republicans want to deliver fascism

Business owners have taken advantage of undocumented Mexican labor for a century already. In times of economic expansion, the workers work longer hours for less money because they don't have the same rights as regular workers; in times of contraction, the owners sound the Invading Brown Horde alarm and get the government to remove their irregular workers.
Currently, Devin Nunes's entire family makes use of undocumented workers. And the Nuneses are not alone.

What? If they’re not a citizen then they have no legal right to be here. This has nothing to to with race it is about our nation’s sovereignty you fucking idiot. Face it fuckstick, Trump is going to be your president until 2024.

Nothing in this article backs up any of the faggot shit you're spewing.

Work on your nigger-level reading comprehension.

Suck two dicks commie faggot

So you can't answer the question, I see.

Tell that to all the faggot republicunt business owners trucking them here. Are you really this fucking stupid?

There's nothing to ruin. Never was.

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You first orange dick licker.

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The Green New Deal calls for a 70% tax on the wealthiest earners.

Shut the fuck up if you're going to keep lying.

Money that's being hoarded is money that's not being put back into the economy to grow it by building shit or paying people who in turn would use that money to better their lives.

>it's a list I found on stormfront

Who is paying you?

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When it's always some poor brown skinned person getting targeted it is about racism, user. Maybe you're too young to understand this.

>if you oppose Saunders you must be a Trump supporter or establishment dem

Is it possible for Bernouts to rub a couple of whats left of their braincells together to form a logical thought?

I did answer it. You're a mushroom cock sucking fat fascist fuck who's scared of brown people.

Oh is that how it works. Please explain how if you can’t make it work on a small scale, then how you can make it work on a larger scale. Your argument lacks logic because if you can make it work on a large scale then you should proportionally work on a smaller scale as well.

my mom gives me a chicken tendy for every post

>name calling and alienate people

you sure you arent talking about trump supporters you snowflake?

Because it’s on the way to 1billion

Here we go. It's pretty racist if you to think I'm white just because I'm against illegal immigration. You would be surprised how many of us Hispanics ( born and raised here) are against illegal immigration. Or do you think we all live in shanty towns with all if our illegal family members only speaking Spanish and working for lawn service ? Guess what, most if us are middle class professionals with good jobs who don't want to be put into your idea of what we want. You are a racist if you think I should just want open borders because my skin isn't as white as you.

>bernie would be at bottom of who i vote for you

nobody cares who you would vote for.your an uneducated hillbilly like the rest of the idiots who wear make america great again hats and treat trump like he's some savior of the republican party

you were given a proper explanation you sea lioning mushroom cock sucking trumpshit

Vermont has less than a million people to pay into a health care system. The US has 300 million.

Shut. The fuck. Up.

Bill gates does not hoard money. Maybe if you learned how money works you wouldn't be so poor.

So you're not racist?

You believe in Full Social Diversity?

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Holy fuck do you understand how personal wealth works? Last time I checked, the money flowing through the economy has no attachments to anyone's bank account. Bill Gates is allowed to do anything he wants with the money hes made you greedy, commie thief.

Man, Bernie really needs an intellect like you working for him. Imagine in the debate when trump tells him socialism us bad and Bernie replies " you're a mushroom cocklicking fat facist who's scared of brown people". They wouldn't even hold an election with that kind of critical thinking on display. Fuck man, they could just anoint comrade Sanders king for life at that point.

>I'm hispanic
>that means it's ok if Trump acts like a nazi fascist against hispanics

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good news friend, you're not nearly wealthy enough to be adversely affected by his policies

What does full social diversity mean?

Not in the way you lefties present it. You don’t get to decide the definition of societies norms that we have to agree to.

>you're a mushroom cocklicking fat facist who's scared of brown people"
if you 're offended by this
then stop being one?
it's really not that hard
you just have to actually think

for once

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Funny how racists always reply with this.



Why don't you look at how many "brown people" as you guys keep referring to us as, legally immigrate here each year. I just don't understand how upholding laws is facist. You do know every other country has immigration laws right? You can't move to Canada without going thru their laws.

It is what it is. People of color being fully represented in society.

And you object to that.

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Lmao you cunts have been coming into Canada for decades leeching from our system, you can return the favour to some beaners. Bernie 2020.

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Bloomberg isnt in office. It would be a new 4 years?

I've never heard that . Did you make it up? Is it the new buzzword at your liberal college safespace ? Do you claim to be enlightened by believing it to erase whatever white guilt you probably believe in?

Those people you posted don’t deserve representation?
Why do you mock them? Not very inclusive of you

Trump isn't "upholding laws." He's mobilizing ICE like a bunch of nazi stormtroopers and separating kids from their parents, putting them in cages, all without due process of law.
And when people of color are the ones being targeted by these actions, yes, they are racist. And yet you keep making excuses for it.

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What are they doing here illegally to begin with?

It's a simple concept user. Full social diversity. Why do you keep getting triggered by it?

Mexico's southern border is a river, you lying scum.

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Yeah totally works too, not like they have a huge immigration problem or anything.

I guess everyone is a racist that doesn’t adhere to your standards. I’m sorry but you don’t get to set the standards to how we think or what we believe. We are no longer going to submit to you or preconceived notions or misguided definition’s of what is and what should be. Calling people racists because they don’t agree with you no longer has the impact you think because you can no longer win an argument with facts.

Full diversity includes the people who don’t agree with it.

They vote, user. They pay taxes. My right of free speech allows me to mock them. And you.

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How hypocritical.

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What Paco really means is that he is a malinchista, a tío taco, a vendepatrias.

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Because of problems in their own countries, and the promise of work in the US. Are you pretending to be 12 for some reason, or are you actually underage?

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Every socialist nation on the planet tries to illegally move there
>socialism / communism
Every resident tries to leave. Often risking death

>we should change capitalism to socialism
literally a special kind of epic stupid. seems contagious though, maybe a couple generations of people getting murdered for clean water and starving to death would help the gene pool?

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How is this Nazi if we are in forcing our laws to arrest illegal immigrants who already being illegally in this country breaking more of our laws. By resorting to name calling, it shows you don’t have an effective argument.

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So you don't actually believe in full social diversity. You are a racist.

See how easy this is?

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>I heard it on Fox. The news network with infallible integrity.

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Not him but, what do you mean by representation ?

unironically this.

Enjoy 4 more years of Trump. You’ll see how easy that is too.

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People like you need their right to vote suspended. You're so clearly uneducated and borderline retarded, you don't need any influence on the future of the rest of the country.

No trumpshit. I have no problem with those idiots being represented in society. And mocked. And marginalized for being racist pieces of garbage. Like you.

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Just a quickie. Before the Arab spring and refugee crisis we were constantly told that immigration benefits us and society will gain billions in net gain.
Our media pushed this for months to soften the blow of the tensions caused by this unregulated immigration.
However, after about ten years of studying this me and my former co-workers within the municipality agree that this was clearly lies. We now have 75-95% unemployment in these groups and the costs are through the roof!
Only a few percent have a collage education and less than fifty of adults have some equivalent to high school education. Within certain groups it's even worse, see Somalies.
Our schools and hospitals are way over stretched and this can not go on since patient security cannot be guaranteed in all areas.
I lived and worked in Gothenburg, Västra Götaland region Sweden.
Please don't get in on this stupid experiment USA

Why do you object to be called a racist, user? What's wrong with it? I thought beaners shouldn't be allowed to come here.

If you were a baker, and they requested you make a maga2020 cake, would you make it?

I think you trolling. Not triggered just trying to figure out what this new do nothing feel-good word means. Do I have to have friends that are aligned with demographics of the population? Does it mean forcing those demographics on ever aspect of society?

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>I was born in this country and I'm white.
>Everything here belongs to me.
>I'm entitled to unhindered freedom.
>This is the will of GOD.
>Brown people deserve less because they aren't white and migrated here.
>I must fight to ensure we never have comparable living standards.
>I deserve better than them because I am white and "native" to this part of the floating space rock.


Mexicans contribute more to our workforce and economy than your whole family of trailer park white niggers.

you're republicans

How does that work when most of their money gets sent back to help their families?

Beginning of the end of what? White supremacy in America? The Fox news network? Uneducated mayonnaise ass trailer park welfare lords and ladies REEEEing every time they see a brown person?

Such brave keyboard banter but you will DO nothing faggot.

It'd be my job, so what? They're dumb people giving me money.

Hey you racist fuck. Lots of us brown people where born here.

user, this is what, the 3rd or 4th time you've avoided a yes or no question: Do you believe in full social diversity?

and brown people have stinkier butts
it's a fact

He actually said
>no taxes on anyone making under 29k a year
>4% premium on anyone making above that
>a few other brackets
>52% on anyone making 10 million a year or more.

Anyone know if the guy Kyle Yurek is still in the Bernie Sanders campaign?
I have relatives who stayed in areas that became Soviet after the war and what that guy said really worries me.
My mother's uncle got on the "bad" list ln Vyborg and the Soviets terrorized him, his family and most other Finns who remained there.
The made it out and got Asylum in Finland and Sweden but many, many did not survive and those who got sent to the Gulags did not come back.
And no, they were not fed and payed a "living wage" in the Gulags...

If they somehow get a job that they pay taxes on, they have to commit identity theft and use someone's ss number. I've had to clean up my credit report with this shit. I hope it happens to you. You can tell yourself about all the contributions they make as you spend days on the phone and hours faxing documents just to prove that you did not work in that meat packing plant 800 Miles away and did not run up those credit cards and skip out on rent and utilities. BTW , I hope you all check your credit reports. Employers do and they won't tell you the reason you didn't get the job is because of shit like this.

So you’d compromise for money. Hmm....

Tolerance is not tolerating the intolerable

trumpshits really can't do math
much like their president

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This is not how you discuss things you miserable falseflagging shit. Either define what you mean by words or automatically lose.

So you're literally shoving goalposts up your ass.

Any Bernie Bros here that can inform me on this Kyle Yurek?

If it’s being forced with quotas and benefits, no.

amazing how you still can't answer the question, in this case given your replies
"no, I don't believe in social diversity because that means browns would be treated as equals to whites and I can't abide by that."
I really would appreciate this kind of honesty.

Face it. You’re a hypocrite. Preach inclusion, except for trump people, but they’re ok if they give me money.

This is not the fault of illegal immigrants per se but a massive failure in the social security number system.
>have to prove you're innocent, guilty until innocent etc.
>their only proof is a number they have on record
>have to spend days on the phone for this for some reason
>credit score wrecked without any proof

I'm not going to deny that using someone's number is shit because it obviously caused you grief, but the whole system is extremely ripe for abuse as you've obviously shown.

The only way it would be is if racism kept trying to stop it.

Equal opportunity doesn’t mean equal outcome

>amazing how you still can't answer the question, in this case given your replies
Amazing how you think I'm him, but here's my answer:
I don't know, because I don't understand the question.
get blown the fuck out.