Does Cred Forums still raid...

Does Cred Forums still raid? I was just scrolling through the catalog after being away for over 10 years and things seem kind of boring.

I'm in the mood for one if there's still interest for it

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Other urls found in this thread:

Youre too late Cred Forums is a porn board now

Well where does one now go for fun?

Hello fellow old Cred Forumsro

I remember the good days, join us in our fight against coomers!

Operation Take Back Cred Forums !

Post memes and shitposts in bad and porn threads!

We've resorted to raiding ourselves? This is very strange, wouldn't it be more enjoyable to get the boys together and go piss off some random people on the internet?

resistance is futile against the coomers we have tried many times but They have bots and jannies on theyre side

Remember the 2016 meme war anons? We must remain great and protect america from the soyboy betacuck agenda AGAIN IN 2020, im also disheartened we dont raid anymore..

Lets do it

It’s all we have left.

You want to raid? This is it.

It seems bleak and hopeless at many times, but I say we must create discords where old fags can unite and plot to overthrow the jannies and coomers

It’s true, the 2020 election and reclaiming of Cred Forums is our gateway to glory

We might have to resort to banning excessive amounts of porn on Cred Forums

Cred Forums is just a porn board for pedos and chubby chases. I always wonder where all the people from the old days of Cred Forums have gone...

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Dude /b is all about frogs and logs

I can't answer for anyone else but I spent the last decade building hospitals, schools, and churches in the worst countries on Earth. If I didn't I probably would of starved to death since I didn't want to go get a real job and watch anime all day long.


I'm tempted to just pick a target and make a separate thread, I haven't been around for some time so I am most definitely open to suggestions.

Raid who/what exactly?

Anything as long as it's simple enough, that's the key to having a successful raid.

As long as we don't have to install something, a registration process that requires email verification, and a target that has a decent population of potatoes(generally teenagers and women with bonus points for non-white) then we're good to go.

I'm going to google around for a good target but if you have any good ideas let me know

So Its settled we are Gonna Take back Cred Forums and make the Porn Shit out of here.

Attached: DYgxcHC.png (1076x1056, 250K) is some social media site and seems small enough for us to completely demolish it


Sigh...the good old days have gone, I miss our queen. Just got out of prison three weeks ago, been away from Cred Forums for over 8 years.

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it took me about a minute to make an account
and im already famous lulz

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Welcome back. No /b in the slammer I guess. How's it going being out so far?

Raid what exactly?
Habbo is full of South Koreans who wouldn’t know nor care what’s going on, anyone who speaks English is in a discord instead of even paying attention to the game.
SecondLifes general culture has changed so much that people legit just report and ignore these days, you can’t get anyone tilted because nobody cares.
Smallworlds literally shut down and died.
Facebook groups are almost all invite only now.
Really any small community is no longer open to all, chat rooms, small forums, discords, etc

We dick around collectively on things like those sites that let anyone add a pixel after a set amount of time but even brute force with numbers was beaten by just shitloads of bots

It still happens every so often but it’s not the conventional targets you would think of

posting does not require verification

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Maybe, let's see what else is thrown out here before we decide.
I'll still willing to give things a go even if it requires a little research on my part.

Good luck without using email. Everything requires that anymore. Could use throwaway protonmail I guess. Tik tok seems pretty faggy. How about that?

I was hear a lot about 10 years ago. I expect most of us got jobs and families and got busy with life.

I'll take a look give me a sec

This is the main thing, the internet is just different than it was in 2005 and people either know what to expect and don't care anymore or the access isn't there like it was. The closest thing that used to happen recently was where Cred Forums would organically "raid" and take over the comments section on a video, and I haven't seen that in a while

Window of Life live stream is a perfect example of this happening recently/now

tictak is a pain in the ass to register with and asks for some app to chat

TF where are you PEPE

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was that the camera facing an alley full of crackheads? that shit kinda reminded me of the old days but they kept deleting the thread

Everything is a pain in the ass now. I miss the old days where a simple username/password was all you needed. Hell, not even that most of the time. Too many normies have access now. Fucking smartphones.....

wtf they deleted my account

Exactly. This is the plan Cred Forumsoys

good idea

He's taking a break today, I think it'll be back on Monday
And yeah, the jannies are trannies. Who knew

Bumping for potential gold!

Oh mama. Getting flashbacks to that conference we raided.

Got First Place and This place IS FUCKING DEADDDDDDDD

Attached: Firstplace.png (194x293, 14K)


ima make an account called tommy pigskin

Anyone remeber that dead game AQW

we make a black character or some shit
that game

this shit is broken lol

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I'd be more than happy to. I used to play AQW around 8/9 years ago? I'd say we make a discord.

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Sure I make a Discord for you

Stop with the fucking discords, at least use tinychat or kosmi or some shit that's anonymous

Is that some BOomer Shit Tell me more Wise One

sounds good brothers

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Why not just use the thread?

Call all youre Characters Saggin

No, IRC is the boomer-level raids but Cred Forums's IRC won't allow for any of that shit, so we could make our own unofficial Cred Forums IRC

Mods prune anything that get slightly close to illegal/interesting like dox/raid

Alright guys, gg/ar7Qte6 . It's the official AQW Cred Forums server. If anyone is interested in the idea of it, feel free to hang with us.

What is this gayness?
How the fuck are we supposed to advertise then?

make a Account on Kosmi and we chat there

I lurk in r9k a lot now for the mopey, feel sorry for myself loser bullshit that used to be on Cred Forums back in the day

I've been here since 2005. This is easily the worst era of Cred Forums

which server are we on?

Whats youre IGN name

Friedchickin Saggin

Idea: we become a force for good and we work together to fuck up pedos, pro anorexia cunts, etc

I've been here since 2015, i just say it really is fucking hay now..things used to be interesting at least back then. But Christ its bad now

idk still haven't clicked one

Come and join my discord server where we do constant raids @ /niggaden come in and have fun



ar7Qte6 , I recommend we organize here. I'm organizing the information and character specifications for everyone.

im ready

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Give us the Invite Link Fag

Fellow oldfag here as well. We are still here. But the Internet has changed and Cred Forums is shit now.

waiting on the format and plan

All the oldfags that were motivated to do stuff like raid probably moved on and are busy with their productive lives. And the only oldfags who stuck around are big fucking lazy losers like me

I think the old generation of Cred Forums uses have left and done other stuff and a new generation of Cred Forums uses have come and changed the landscape its sad but its the truth.....

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Oh that crack head alley is still running. Anything cool and funny happen? Nothing ever happened when I went there.

Never say we cant change it back

Lets do this!

ar7Qte6 is the server invite!

Server link to what

discord! it's where we are communicating.


fucking newfag cancer

(name must include saggin)
server - Artix
type /join noobshire
and you're good to go

tbh always wanted to brigade Cred Forums with left-wing content

domestic raids are the funniest


reported. enjoy nigger :)

(810) 660-2206
call a nigger now for free

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If I call this number what will happen?


find out

Some shit indian wants my money.

Raids are dead and so is Cred Forums