I'm voting for Mike Bloomberg because I know Mike will get it done

I'm voting for Mike Bloomberg because I know Mike will get it done.

Attached: mike bloomberg is our savior.jpg (1280x960, 93K)

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Me to

Attached: 1574177578841.jpg (460x276, 20K)

I like him. But nah trump 2020

Euronigger here, does this guy stand for anything else besides corporate interest? Appreciated.

I'm not voting for anyone, because I've given up.

He's essentially a wolf in sheep's clothing; basically the opposite of a RINO

Way to get played by your corporate gods

Vote bernie you fucking tool

Attached: 1519266762742.png (720x960, 1.01M)

I fell ya man. Tempted to spoil my ballot for the general if the shit keep shitting the fan like it is

He owns a lot of the media guys. No one is talking about his past, his earnings, or things he's done and said im the past that contradict what he's saying now. His journalist are paid to never talk bad aboit him.

He’s not bad, rather him over Bernie. Also rip Yang

So what is the "IT" that's going to get done? Secure jewish hegemony over the US?

Get what done? The annihilation of the American worker? For sure.

If by "it" you mean "funneling even more tax dollars into billionaire pockets to everyone's detriment" then yeah.

The only people voting for Bloomberg are niggers. The only people who say they are are jews collecting shekels.

idiots like you shouldnt be allowed to vote.


He'll get the wall done? I'm sold.

Let's replace the white old rich narcissist we got with a richer old white narcissist. No man.

Nice comrade vodkas all around

Boy it must be nice knowing you have a secure job until early November, eh OP?