This couple works at a retail store and one works as an au pair and they somehow bmake enough money to travel...

This couple works at a retail store and one works as an au pair and they somehow bmake enough money to travel throughout the world. WTF? How?

Attached: 24841164-8012789-Downsized_They_started_out_in_an_RV_but_traded_it_in_for_a_tiny_-a-2_1581966909926. (962x1203, 206K)

Simple: Trust fund bolstered with sex work

attractive people really do have it easy

Rich mommy and daddy.

Nah, why would they bother working then?

On paper I am unemployed and I travel in my own custom built tinyhome (which is better than theirs).

And no I'm not rich, no trust fund, didn't receive any money from parents, and I've never taken handouts of any kind.

Yeah, so the IRS isn't aware of your income. What is it that you do to bring in money? Sex work, right?


Well done, I can see how you can put yourself through life that way. Enjoy the freedom!


It's possible if your standards are low (presuming they don't fly around the world). I know a guy that traveled for 2 months with a portable house thing and cost him around 2500 EUR. You have to buy that thing though, but once you have it, traveling can be really cheap. So yeh if they do jobs here and there and just drive around, it's very doable. Like if you go work/travel in Australia, you even make money while traveling. It's the flights and hotels that cost the most money.

There's rich and there's rich. Also, their parents might require that they at least make an effort to acquire a little income themselves.

Those tats make me sick and angry at the same time.

Find something better to be upset about you fragile fucking snowflake

If those tats look acceptable to you then there is something wrong with you. Picture of your tats for comparison?

Yeah, those tats are a bit much. Clearly a guy seeking attention to fill that empty void inside. Dude must believe that they'll look better with age.

Attached: old-tattoo-man.jpg (493x658, 59K)

Strangely, that grampa's tats look less sad than the kid's in the OP.

Fuck you, bro, leave him alone. He might have been a bit dramatic in describing how he feels about the tattoo but his point is valid. I think it's kind of dumb when you really start covering big chunks of your body with them.

Huh, that does seem strange, IMO. We'll agree to disagree on that one.

The tats are fine, you're all fags.

Tats aren't fine in general, and those are a nightmare. I also expect even worse ones hidden under the clothes (the chick has a tat on her goddamn palm FFS, so I'm talking about her too).

Let me guess, you're tatted up yourself and have no regrets over it? Or even no "ragrets"?

>you're all fags.
Hey, settle down, no need to be so sensitive. not saying that tats should be banned or anything. My opinion, and experience with people I know overly tattooed, is that the number of tats on one's body directly correlates with the level of mental illness and angst that that person had stored away. Not to mention piercings and other body modifications. Don't take this so personally, its merely my opinion.

Would bang that chick hard.

Attached: 1561993617627.jpg (593x767, 55K)

>Don't take this so personally, its merely my opinion.

I'm on your side here, but in their defense, it's hard not to take an opinion personally if it basically says "you tatted freaks are all sick".

I'm 95% sure they must sell weed or some shit like that on the side

The palm tat is hot, would take her home and hope to find more under her clothes.

I agree, the 1st user who commented came across a bit like that. I think he over did it by saying they made him feel "sick & angry" all at once.


That was me and also the one you're replying to. I cranked up that statement a bit and it's obviously not something I would have said to someone tatted up personally.

have a close look at their face, esp him.

Look at the size of the tiny shot box they live in

beach bum clause trust fund. look it up numb nuts

Got it, ok. I'm comfortable to say tattoos, especially in the under 40 crowd, are cliche. The new cool is someone who has none. It's refreshing to see a clear, unblemished body free of tattoos.

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