Is $5 on a $65 bill considered an acceptable tip??

Is $5 on a $65 bill considered an acceptable tip??

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A $0 tip on a $65 bill is acceptable.

>leaving tips

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smh stupid fucking boomer paying $5 more than he needs to in the first place


imagine working for tips

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Go to McDonald's ameritard

I'm a busser. I don't get tips but I see the tips left for waittresses. Boomers will regularly tip 5% or less. Yesterday, someone tipped $3 on a $102 tab. The waittress was pissed and the manager bitched them out for it. At least our manager is a badass who will bitch out jackass customers. Especially the old fucks who come in, order food and ALWAYS complain about it no matter what in attempt to get it free

OK Coomer

I was mad but realized that my job doesn't serve your tendies so your mom can't order them for you. Keep on being beta cuck bois

>Is $5 on a $65 bill considered an acceptable tip??

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And today on things that never happened.

Which part didn't happen? The tip or the manager bitching out the customers?

Work in a restaurant mate, not all managers are shmucks. My managers actually want the staff to be able to make a living and they know all the tricks customers pull to get out of paying like check splitting, premature tipping, etc

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Fuck off, your manager got angry because instead of him/her having to pay the staff he/she wanted the customer to pay the majority via tips.

If your manager cares about the staff being able to make a living, why would he/she rely on tips?

Story is full of holes.

Your job is a waiter/waitress, and you only make $2.13 an hour. Let's say it was a really bad day, you worked 8 hours, and didn't have a single customer all day (hypothetically speaking of course). Does that mean you only earned a total of $17.04 that day? No, it doesn't. What that means is, by federal law, your employer must make up for the difference so that you at least netted a total of $58 for that day. This would mean that you actually worked those 8 hours at a rate of $7.25 an hour.

Now let’s say it was a real busy night after a concert or during a football game. Had you worked 8 hours that day, served 10 different tables, each tipping $10, you would have made $100 plus the base rate of $2.13. This equates to a total of $117.04 for that 8 hour shift. That’s more than double what people get paid for an 8 hour shift making at least the federal minimum wage with no possibility of being tipped ($7.25 an hour) which is only $58.

I respect waiters and waitresses and I appreciate the hustle. Many of my friends do this for a living or have done it in the past. I regularly tip well, even if the service was sub-par. But don’t you dare try to guilt me or anyone else into feeling as though your livelihood depends on us. You chose your job, you agreed to the terms, and at the end of the day, if you made really bad or no tips at all, you will still at least make the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, because it would be illegal not to and your employer would be in deep shit with the federal government. No one has to tip you if they don’t want to, so before you start crying about how some prick left no tip on a $90 tab, remember that tipping is a choice and receiving them is a privilege.

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“The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) has established a supplemental base wage of $2.13 per hour for employees who earn significant tip income (such as waiters and waitresses). These employees must earn at least the federal minimum wage of $7.25 when tips are included. (If they don’t, their employer is required to make up the difference.) The difference between the cash wage and the federal minimum wage is known as the tip credit.

Advocacy groups often misleadingly point to the $2.13 tipped wage supplement and claim that tipped employees earn less than the minimum wage. This isn’t true: Tipped employees are guaranteed to earn at least the federal minimum wage of $7.25 and typically earn much more. Census Bureau data show that the average hourly wage for a restaurant employee earning tip income is $13.08, with top earners bringing in $24 an hour or more.”


"Waiters aren't paid like everyone else. Unlike cooks, who are subject to the federal minimum wage, servers are instead compensated based on the assumption that they are going to earn some extra money on the side. Restaurants are required to pay their wait staff what is known as the tipped-minimum wage, which is $2.13 per hour.

The understanding is that tips will make up for the difference between the tipped and regular pay floor. But even when the tips don't make up that difference, waiters still make no less than the federal minimum wage because restaurants are legally required to pay the rest.

The truth, however, is that that rarely happens. The average base pay for waiters is $4.90, according to Pay Scale. What they make in tips is earned on top of that, and tips alone more often than not amount to a good deal more than the $7.25 federal minimum wage."


This. This dude knows whats up.
>We care about you, but not enough to help you. I would never work for tips, thats silly. Oi! You better tip my beloved waitress. They are important to me!
Eat dirt.

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This again?
Get over it.

OP is a fag

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you're an idiot. restaurant managers aren't corporate or politicians writing the laws. The managers who work here are former line cooks and servers. They aren't in some elite cabal conspiring to get rich at the expense of busboys and dishwashers

don't know, I'm from a southern european countrey, we do not tip

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>You chose your job
No, it's more likely you sent out a billion job applications and this one called back

>No, it's more likely you sent out a billion job applications and this one called back

And then you chose to go in for an interview, and then you chose to sign the terms of employment, which included how much you would make per hour.

Actually no, you didn't. The employer forced you to do that.

OK coomer

>Line cooks get normal pay, not tips
>Servers became managers to get put of having to rely on tips
Again, eat dirt.

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i fucking hate it when consumers get it for not giving tips. The problem isn't the lack of tips the problem is your boss runs a business model where they pay you too little to live.

Manager such a badass he yells at others for his own failings in not paying his staff enought. No manager is a bully who manages and directs feelings of anger and unfairness to anyone but himself and makes you think he's a god because of it. The world is so fucked.

go pay for some more niggers to live in your country

Busser gang. I actually got tipped once by drunken cholos.

>remember that tipping is a choice and receiving them is a privilege
but I'm entitled to get tips, i deserve it. you are a boomer so you have to give me money because you are the cause for literally all my problems

>the absolute state of pasta these days


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this is the best thing i've read today.

>tip noun
>a gift or a sum of money tendered for a service >performed or anticipated : GRATUITY >Definition of gratuity
>: something given voluntarily or beyond >obligation usually for some service
>especially : TIP
I bet you are one of those morons that gives the shittiest service possible and then expect a flocking % tip. Listen you little shit the job you do is not fucking especial is the fucking easiest job you can find you little piece of shit crap, just because i have and actual job and i want to enjoy a good night with my family doesnt mean i have pay YOU EXTRA when you are already getting paid you lazy little bitch ass punk.

>even if the service was sub-par
You are the fucking problem nigger.

Not here in the U.S.

Maybe they couldn't afford more the fact they left a tip should be considered thankful I work as a short order cook a lot of our servers get nothing as a tip from people. At least they're not asshats that leave 3 pennies or nothing at all.

I work as a short order cook and sometimes our servers get the same but thankfully we're smart enough to know customer service you never complain to a customer over a tip.