How to stick to 2 drinks max Cred Forums?

How to stick to 2 drinks max Cred Forums?

Every time I have a couple of drinks I end up getting fucking trashed. Then I wake up the next day feeling rough as shit and lately real fucking depressed.

How do normal people only stick to 1 or 2? I'm 36 years old I should have my shit together more than this.

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eat something big like 2 hours b4 you go out my dude
but if you weight 120lb your just fucked

I find sticking to about 5 works fine. I'm in my mid 30s too. I actually can't remember the last time I had a hangover.

That's not really the answer I was looking for, I'm trying to get some self control and cut down my drinking here.

Yeah, that's not what I'm asking either. I'm asking how to stick to 1 or 2.

All or nothing bra. Don't have any. This isn't some little neek tut tutting at you. I'm 38, I'm a fuckhead. Have been since I was 13. I'm high functioning, I don't get hangovers, blood tests a year ago said that it hasn't impacted my health. I had a kid a year ago, I knew that just a few drinks would mean very many. So, I don't drink unless I'm well off duty. Then I get fucked up. Big time
It works.

stop being an addict. or smoke a weed with two drinks instead, you filthy addict

only bring 20 bucks in your wallet?
i dunno fggt get some self control


your not welcome here

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I smoke weed and drink whiskey at home.

>That's not really the answer I was looking for, I'm trying to get some self control and cut down my drinking here.

So do that?

>How do normal people only stick to 1 or 2? I'm 36 years old I should have my shit together more than this.
If you can't do this AND you know it's a problem then you should just stop drinking altogether. I don't mean punish yourself, I mean stop to find out why the hell you're doing it. Three or four months.
>t. successful rehab
>went from 20 years 7 days/week, 365 days/year barfly raging drinker to a moderate drinker (1 or 2 drinks a few times a week) haven't gotten drunk for 7 years now

Give yourself a reason to only stick to 2, and give yourself a punishment for if you break your rules, like a 6am 4-mile run the next morning.

you srsly think a guy who cant control his drinking is gonna get up and run 4 miles lol

Yeah, probably right. I think I need therapy.

I think it's within the realm of possibility if he feels guilty enough the next morning. The next night, maybe drunk him will remember what sober him did the last time drunk him fucked up.


You have great self control user.

why do you get hangovers are you gay or something?

You just need to figure out WHY you drink. Then you have a solvable problem. It;s hard in the sense that it takes complete self-honesty or you're just lying to yourself. Then drink (if you choose to) for a different purpose, that's all. For myself, these WHY's were:
>I drink to get drunk
>I drink because I'm happier, more social and to avoid my depression.
>I drink to cope with the daily everyday bullshit struggle of life.
I didn't believe a single one of these before I "quit."

Drink a water inbetween drinks. It will help. Also if you already had 2 drinks and want more drink something like a light beer and just sip it

Not OP but I drink for the same reasons. How did you solve this problem?

usually when i try to drink 4 beers i drink 20

OP here and yeah, I drink for those reasons.

I could probably give it up, but I have a beer with my dad on a Thursday and a friend who calls round for drinks on Friday and I wouldn't want to give up on either of those social interactions.

I refuse to drink when I've got negative things on my mind, or I think I might drink to cope. Then I won't drink. I also changed my drink of choice. I used to guzzle anything, now I drink a glass of my favorite whiskey slowly and I enjoy it when I'm in a good place. I'll go a month, hell three months even, without drinking if I'm in a shitty spell in my life. Or I might have a drink three days in a row if I'm feeling good. I put no hard limits on myself but I strictly obey my personal drinking philosophy. But yeah the social part is the hardest. Years later I still have a dozen friends from my old bar, they just know I don't get wasted anymore and they're all fine with it. A few said it was the best thing I ever did, I agree.

What do you do to cope with the annoyances and frustrations of every day life?

Develop coping skills. Grow up.

First, you have to recognize the hard truth, you're probably an alcoholic. When you drink it releases endorphins and you get a psychological reaction a lot of people simply don't get. That reduces your impulse control drastically and you spiral in that moment in a way those 2-drink people don't know. You want to know what they feel? Barely anything at all. A minor buzz, and they go home. Alcoholics get this overwhelming sense of "ahhhhhhh", and the 2-drinkers go "hm, nice." Your wiring is completely different than responsible drinkers. Its like telling a compulsive gambler to go play two hands of blackjack, then stop. Or a guy who really, really likes strip clubs go ahead, go in there for twenty minutes and thats all. He'll be in there for three hours. This is addiction we're talking about, and willpower doesn't satisfy the itch. You CAN do it, but for about two hours after you'll feel miserable and irritated. The only time I am capable of being completely responsible with my drinking is when my priorities are greatly balanced in favor of something meaningful to me. If I take my kids out for pizza, I'm fine. I can have one beer like a normal person. But if I'm home, I have no willpower to stop. So, I don't start and expect to stop responsibly. I take every other day off completely, completely no-touch the booze. If I do that, I can stay sober. I can do it several days in a row. But if I start drinking, the wheels come off. I had a friend who was a bad alcoholic and he used to come over to help me kill a case every once in a while. He could drink like a motherfucker, and he was tall and fat, about 235 lbs. He would begin to exhibit signs of intoxication into his second beer, started acting goofy and getting a certain recognizable tone in his voice, but was physically not drunk at all- it was way too early in the drinking for him to feel anything. That was all brain chemicals.

Hope this helps your understanding a little.

Some hard truths there, thanks user. I don't drink everyday. Just Thurs, Fri, Sat. The issue is that I have no off switch. Once I start it's just a downward spiral from there until I pass out and wake up full of regret.

Basically, I've just learned to deal with shit. That part I had to suffer through. I read books on REBT, read a lot of Albert Ellis and did my best not to get frustrated by basic everyday shit - driving was a great teacher to keep my cool. And I tried to stay rational and not let my emotions determine my behavior. My own personal motto was "respond to everything, react to nothing." But that's just me. That pasrt was all just general life coping, when I got that started the desire to "drink to forget for a few hours" faded.

Not that guy but I am a boozer. 1 thing that helps me keep it together is never starting before 6 and always in bed by 12

Thank you. Will do some research on this guy

I do it all the time. I can sip on a beer for an hour. I go out for the socializing. The more women I talk to, the less I drink. But then again, I'm not an incel. I know how to start a conversation with any woman I see. I don't need liquid courage to approach ant talk to a lady. The good thing about regularly drinking small amounts - when I do decide to get a buzz, I only need 1 or 2 shots on top of a couple of beers. so I get a great buzz without the hangover in the morning.

He has some good stuff that applies to most bad habits, as if it's all (kind of) the same thing. It wasn't an easy road, looking at yourself differently, hesitating on the brink of emotion then taking a deep breath and reeling yourself back in. Respond, don't react. Frankly that is hard shit to do. My whole life really got better after that, sure I stopped drinking like a raging lunatic but really it is the coping skills that are life changing.

>Albert Ellis
Which books would you recommend user? OP here and I do get hella stressed all the time at work and react way too much. This is a skill I could really do with learning.

I'm the wall-of-text guy. Yeah, keeping a clock helps. But some can adhere to the 6 part, but not the 12 part. By then your self control is out the window. The rational part of them will adhere to the rule, but the fucked up part will bend the plan by speedballing drinks as the deadline approaches. At least, thats what I did when I was trying to keep control for work reasons. Then it's suddenly 1:30 and you're hammered and looking at weird shit on here, or elsewhere. Its a good thing OP appears to have the horse sense to avoid drinking before work days. Because going into work sweating pure alcohol sucks bad.

Wise man

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Congratulations, you're not an alcohol. But for most problem drinkers, it has nothing to do with needing social lubricant. Maybe for young men on the hunt they can use a little courage-in-a-can, but not for grown people who drink to blackout every time they start.

I know how you feel fam, I am simillar. Try not drinking, it's hard at first, but you gain a lot by learning to relax sober

I never found a ways. I had to give it up completely as one drink always leads to two, two always leads to three and three drinks leads to cocaine

The first one was given to me by a friend
-Rational Steps to Quitting Alcohol
-Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, It Works for Me
-Growth Through Reason
-Staying Better
I would say in that order, the first one is a 'dive right in'. The second kind of explains the logic more and also offers more depth. The third I grabbed without any foreknowledge of it and just liked it, the same for the fourth. It's self-help yeah but it's really a philosophy. There's no hard rules, just trial and error. It's all pretty straightforward and forgiving once you get he basic ideas down.

Thank you user. I appreciate it. I'll be sure to take a look.

Sorry man but if you can't drink just 2 you need to have 0

smoke some devil's lettuce BEFORE dinking

>I'm 36 years old I should have my shit together more than this.
It's part of getting older.
In my 20s I could pull waaay more shit, but my early 30s have me tired after work. Felt like shit after just 2 drinks, sometimes 1. It's def. a huge factor that got me smoking weed often instead.

Exactly correct. One of my favorite sayings on this predicament is "One is too many and a thousand is never enough".

OP here, I do. It slows me down a little, but as soon as the alcohol in my system gets enough to be merry, the wheels fall off and it's all downhill from there.

have you tried drinking one glass of water after each drink?

Just fucking do it faggot. This is the most retarded question I’ve ever heard are you looking for some magical answer? Just dint drink more than two. And if you actually can’t, then you have no self control and have to refrain from drinking at all, or accept your booze bag qualities and lack of control

What kind of answer are you looking for here retard

I usually have a glass of water on the go with my whiskey which I will sip throughout the night.

The real problem is that sober you and 2 drink you are two different people: You don't want to get trashed, but 2 drink you does. That is the reality. When you decide to have those first drinks you are letting that drunk guy out of the cage. So don't. You don't have to have any alcohol at all. You don't have to be a dick about it, and preach at other people. If you are in a bar, order straight coke so your drinking bros think you are drinking rum and coke. If you want to relax, find out an edible THC dose that gets you there and eat that before you go out. But don't take any more edibles with you.

sorry mate but you may be an alcohol
>it's worst than cocaine addiction, no joke

Oh hell yeah. I know damn right that I should just quit altogether. I just can't do it though. I might try and book myself into rehab or sth because at the moment my morals and my actions are not aligned and it's causing me a lot of dissonance.

He probably never had an in-depth conversation about alcoholism before. I've had many, and he's asking all the noob questions.

Drink two strong cocktails instead like a double G&T or a marg otr.

Stop breeding.

Start with cleaning your room