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napalm would be a great solution for this boat

Why are they on that boat and not trying to make were they love better?

Nothing of value would be lost if that shit sank...

no benefit from doing that

sure. my workplace has an industrial furnace that should fit most of 'em

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Imagine the smell

Wow, nice try.
Next time write better

A boat would be lost. Boats are really fucking expensive

You're right, my bad.

>make something better

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>Russia works weekends.

A wise man, that's what you are.

look at all those women and children

Oh shit, I didn't realize refugees don't exist. It's all a Russian troll, Soros isn't paying for disguised boats used to carry over refugees or anything

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>white men coming on boats to Africa was evil
>niggers coming on boats to Europe is awesome

I hate refugees but fuck you're dumb kek

Soylent green incoming


Time to scuttle the ship.

Nein, du dreckiger Jude

who cares?
the World will go to Hell anyway, due to Climate Change, end of Oil, end of Nitrate (without Nitrate the Planet can only feed a third of current pop), the Plastification of everything and so much more.

we ruled the Planet for the best times. They only going to get the Pile of Shit we left them to live in

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Seriously, these trolls deserve a holiday.

it would taste like burnt dog shit

Friend of mine was shark fishing in South Africa during apartheid.
Fishing was quiet one day, tried a few different baits, nothing happening.
My mate asks the skipper if they can try using one of the boat kaffirs for bait.
"Won't work", says the skipper, "sharks won't eat shit".
The majority of the survivors from the USS Indianapolis were niggers.
Go figure.

The last thread like this had the words
Shark attack or
Hungry sharks over 150 times. I can only hope it's archived. As for these niggers...they deserve to be devoured by hungry sharks

This would be truly beautiful

>who cares?
Anyone who's not a nigger lover like you, asshole. Maybe you should fuck off to Africa?

this is what the lord gave us napalm for

They'll be niggers everywhere they go. Why import ignorance, poverty, disease and violence?

You're a special kind of dumbass.

Let them in to the sea maybe

They are just coming back to the land of their ancestors.

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Because its easier to demand shit from whites while calling them racist.

Stay home and overthrow the government. Oh, what is that? you can't own firearms? Then you are a slave.

imagine the smell

How long until they start crying racism in their new countries?

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they started as soon as they arrived

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>black Finns

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No not them the light skin ones

Why not control their population in their home countries and even crossbreed them with white and asian seed until they look human? They can look kinda attractive.

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they look better the whiter the breed gets, why not skip the whole shit anyway and just let the whites to the beautiful ones directly.

I know, ideally they should be left to their own devices. No aid, no food, no vaccinations.


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looks like a trash barge.

oh i feel bad but I laughed at this


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Ayy they have there own country don't they??? Why we have to let them in here its like inviting the whole neighborhood to your crib its not like its gonna solve there hunger problems we will just have more people to pull off the streets when they starve i know so cruel but fuck me for not wanting 10× the amount of crimes when we got rats running around with guns scavenging from your fridge after they shot your dog when you wasn't home? Think about B this ain't a free world

>Italian Formula 1 driver that doesn't understand why he's here...