What are some ways to deal with cold-turkey nicotine withdrawal?

What are some ways to deal with cold-turkey nicotine withdrawal?
I eat at least 10 4mg lozenges a day and I'm about to run out... I know exactly what to expect, I just want to quit...
Booze seems to help me from freaking out at least a little while, but I'd rather not stay wasted an entire week...

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do you really want to quit nicotine or just smoking?
if the latter i highly recommend snus, you wont think about smoking again after trying that.

I haven't smoked in like 10 years, just lozenges and rarely vaping... I just want to be rid of all nicotine.

Anyone? :(

Determination and willpower

Caffeine and Kratom, weed if you can get away with it during the day.

caffeine also helps you a lot. drink it as much as you can for a week.

That's not enough...
I'm trying to wean off of caffeine too, and kratom and opiates are ... problematic for me, let's just say.
And I dislike weed.

It’s not the nicotine that’s the problem. That goes away in a few days. It’s the habit that needs replacing. The act of smoking fills in the voids of routine, stress and boredom. Hand and oral fixations. You don’t know what to do with that time that your not smoking anymore. Start there. Unlearn the habit.

taper yourself off with nicotine patches or make your own patches from wet tobacco

if your withdrawal symptoms are bad then you shouldn't try to quit cold turkey, it will only increase your chances of giving up

That’s really dumb man. Trying to quit all your habits at once is a recipe for failure. You should really quit one thing at a time. You’re probably going to need your other habits as crutches at first.

Cold turkey is the only way I've ever successfully quit anything for any amount of time.
It's how I ultimately quit Suboxone...

everyone's neurochemical responses to any drug can vary depending upon a plethora of conditions so your personal experience which isn't impossible, does not account for everyone

i feel like you would have learned this by now seeing that you can read and write

In what way did I imply that my experience applies to everyone else?

you didn't directly imply it, but your wording could indirectly imply it and since you did not account for this then it lead my to believe you may have not understood anecdotal fallacy

but you seem to understand it by the last reply but maybe you did not consider that others may not understand anecdotal fallacy

so you're either inconsiderate only somewhat intelligent

I'm tired, is what I am... I'm getting old and just can't be fucked to put forth that sort of mental energy into anything anymore...

I just want to wake up and not have to scarf down caffeine pills, nicotine lozenges, a few imodium and a couple spritzes of Afrin nose spray just to not feel like a fucking train wreck every day...
I felt better when I was a full-time junkie for fuck's sake...

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i was smoking for 10 years and one day stop flat out cold

I was super mad for the next 3 months but now no longer smoke and i been smoke free for 5 years now

i only smoke green now

At any rate, if I can just knock off the nicotine, the others will come much much easier...

you should clean your room bucko, or just fucking kill yourself

either way stop whining like a bitch

Yeah yeah, all in good time.
In the meantime, suck my ass.

Im not sure but what helps me is to wear a nicotine patch to bed at night