Is weed worth it

is weed worth it

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vs prescription drugs? no doubt

Its fun, lots of people do it.

What do you mean by "it", Peasant?


If by "it" you mean ~$6-8 / g, then yes.

Everything in moderation, don't let it affect your day to day life, work or relationships.

1 hit makes u gey

This guy is a faggot, do what you want

no i was a drug addict for many years and its a waste of money and time many ppl might love it and it may have its benefits. Me and many friends of mind see it as a waste of money useless overrated substance. "yes lets smoke green and go right into our heads and THINK" thats really all it does if u dont have some illness it can help symptoms of. Try a stronger substance.


No but painkillers definitely are.

i used to smke it allot like every day. now im happy i dont "depend" on it in a sense. ill still have the odd hoot here and there. overall id say no its not worth it. especially if u didnt already start early. if your like 25 and about to try it for first time just skip on that. it will make u hate yourself.

that and heroin this guy gets it

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I've been doing high doses of kratom when I can't get my hands on anything. It's a nice little buzz for an hour. You do it a couple times a day and you'll start to get a slight nod.

see im tryna get into kratom cause ive been taking alot of suboxone and stopping to take huge doses of oxy

I'd really only recommend it if you're trying to get off for a little bit and want to mitigate the dope sickness. It's kinda expensive. I've built quite a tolerance to it too. I started with 4 grams which is 8 capsules a couple times a day now I'm up to fuckin 12 grams or 24 caps multiple times a day. A lot of capsules for a quick buzz. The powder mixed in OJ is a bit stronger but my God does it taste awful

Weed will make you gay

If you can get it sure.

I quit but i was up past 30 grams a day, every morning I'd make this monstrous brew of half coffee and kratom, and the rest chocolate milk, just kept shaking it to keep it mixed. It's good shit, tolerance is an issue, but it's not the worst thing to quit, I kicked it a long with a cocaine habit at the same time

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

It's like alcohol.
Thing is, people recognize "alcoholics". There comes a point where it's creating problems and messing up your life. Weed users never seem to recognize that. Eventually they turn into what I think of as "weed heads" -- just a permanent state of fucked up thinking, making them basically useless human beings.

If you wanna smoke now and then on a Saturday night or whatever no big deal. If you're doing it on a Tuesday morning and after work every day then you got a problem and it'll wreck you if you don't get it in line.

>in moderation ... some might think it's worth doing it, but clearly not on a daily basis if you don't want to be retarded ofc.
In moderation yeah 100% but not on a regular basis.
The "value" of the effect is less and you ll likely treat it as a "cigarette" or any addictive substance.
Thereby research your "gene" if your ancestor have a easy time getting addicted than ... yhea figure it out for yourself.

Those 2 :D

I've kicked it before for a couple months but I wasn't at high doses. Now when I go 12 or more hours I get this feeling in my bones and joints. Kinda feels like a weak dope sickness but it goes away after a day.

everyone other response is irrelevant and insecure

stop talking about yourself

Got jet fuel 8.5/ g, did I get overcharged

kek exactly my point