With all the cruelty on this Earth, and with the knowledge of it, how do YOU find peace?

With all the cruelty on this Earth, and with the knowledge of it, how do YOU find peace?

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you know those slices of cheese that look like they're made out of plastic?

I pet my dog and cat and smoke a joint.
Then i jam some jazz with my friends.

don't think about it and suffer through the white guilt when I do

Most people suck ass and I don't care what happens to them.

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Videogames, fast-food, cognac and pokemon hentai.

minding my own business

~Working too much
~Over eating
~Mastubating alone
~Abusing alcohol
~The once a month my friends invite me out
~Visiting a prostitute who only tolerates my presence because she can't support her three kids otherwise
Accumulating wealth to pay for a nursing home where I'll die alone

OP here, bumping own thread. For me? It is alcohol to excess. When I drink to excess I get BRUTAL! And with that, I just don't give a shit about the past, and if it was horribly fucked up, I guess i might scoff while feeling a slight pull in my ballsack. I'm not sure. I like petting my dog too, but i don't live with my parents anymore and he is getting up there in age. Good food helps, but it just makes me feel guilt. Obviously, for me it is alcohol. Other than that.. i guess i like jerking off to porn. I even have a gf!

see both sides

Create your own peace. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Look after stray cats. Be kind to others. Expect nothing in return. But most importantly, hate niggers and kikes

Building on my doomsday machine in my basement

Thats dumb. Soup kitchen to feed junkies and criminals? Help straycats? Tits or gtfo bitch who cares for straycats ffs.

What's wrong with feeding junkies and criminals? Have they lost the right for shelter and food, even though they are human, as are you? Does any other animal have this potential for cruelty?

>> Tits or gtfo bitch who cares for straycats ffs.
He didn't ask for an example, asshole. You fit the bill, though.

A lot of them yes, most of them are just old guys that have no one left. I speak to one guy semi-regularly who's family all died in a car accident, he's not on drugs or a criminal, he's just painfully alone.

Also, the other volunteers are some of the kindest people I've ever met and you meet some great people that way

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>reading excessively
>working out/running daily
>spending wisely and conservatively
>vidya games
>knowing I'll die at some point, but learning as much as I can/want to until that point
>incredibly lucid dreams
You'd be surprise how much shit you avoid by not going to fast-food 'restaurants' or watching syndicated television

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Being as far away as possible from the system that rules us without our consent. Researching the Truth.

I have a theory as to why certain homeless people are so nice.
I think it's because they have lived their "normal" lives in society being isolated, and interfering with the least amount of humans as possible.
By acting like this, how could a person not end up homeless? Total peace will wind your ass up on the street, faggots.

This wont safe the world and this WONT redeem you.

I smoke an ass-load of weed every day, play video games and try my best to be a loving and helpful parent to my kids

Ok just from the social economic standpoint we live in. You find many homeless with a good heart who would share their last crumbs of bread with you. Meanwhile people who lack empathy and moral sitting in high rise offices and think about another strategy to trick the system and profit.

>implying I give a shit about the world
>implying I need redemption
nice projection faggot

I just say fuck it. Can't change it so fuck it.
Why humans are still so primitive I don't know.

I listen to LL Cool J "Mama said knock you out" and do the arm wave thing when the "gangsta boogie" part comes on

Who are humans inferior to?

>> I just say fuck it. Can't change it so fuck it.
>> Why humans are still so primitive I don't know.
Ask yourself that question, you're obviously a monkey. Are you really that opaque to yourself?

You are not who your ancestors were. You are the one who sits on the internet and tells people they're bad.

Kek, obviously the fucker isn't some kind of superior being. A single human can never make a change, they need some support.

By being more cruel.

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In god we trust

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Through futanari loli hentai

I don't know; I guess I can only stress so much. I am not really suffering. Is lack of suffering peace?

You're an idiot.

By having a shit

Supervillains unite! Mine will freeze all of the oceans, while simultaneously tying ever woman on Earth to a train track. What's yours do?

I don't.
The illusion of peace will only motivate me less to change existing problems.
No coping mechanisms; we die like men.

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I paid my dues.

Now I get to die.


Iranian ketamine fear therapy


By know Jesus!

this. do your own part to make it better. You cannot stop cruel people in this world unless you wanna go real try hard.