Claims the system is "rigged"

>Claims the system is "rigged"
>Tells young people they cannot succeed if they aren't born rich
>As he owns 3 fucking houses and has millions of dollars he made in a capitalist country

Why is this kike such a two-faced dipshit?

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Other urls found in this thread:

cool, he still has my vote

cool, but you need to be 18 to vote kiddo

but I am, Bernie has my vote

He didnt inheret his succes, he worked his way to the top

if you think your argument is a real argument, you should be decapitated. just kidding, you should be decapitated either way.

But you're not, so therefore you are also not old enough for this website. Fuck off back to plebbit.

Exactly, so why is he telling young people all of this retarded shit that they CANNOT be successful and need (((socialism))), because they weren't born rich. And then people are stupid enough to actually believe this fucking jew.


There you go kid, I gave you more attention than your daddy ever did. You can go away now. The grown ups are talking.

>Fuck off back to plebbit.

those words dont really mean anything, still voting for Bernie Sanders

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>Made most of his money from a book he wrote recently
>Advocates against his own interests anyways

youre a fucking retard

>says he's gonna drain the swamp
>says he's gonna help the blue collar workers
>fills his cabinet with lobbyists
>gives tax cuts to billionaires and tries to cut the social safety net

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Yeah he made his fortune through writing a fucking book, just like Obama and Hillary did right? It blows my fucking mind that people really believe this

Hey kid, we're talking about your jewish hero Bernie. You having a hard time getting trump's cock out of your asshole?

i mean you can literally track his net worth you stupid fuck.

gotta be 18 to vote btw.

im voting sanders

Trumpniks are in full panic mode.

Bernie is winning every primary and caucus
Bernie is the only candidate who can win in Novembers
Trumptards know this.
Trump himself admitted it.

The Orange Man is gone in 11 months.

>why is he telling young people all of this retarded shit that they CANNOT be successful and need (((socialism)))
nobody says this. however, your success IS tied GREATLY to your parents success, do you disagree with data?

how fucking smooth is your brain that "healthcare and education should be a public right" translates to "young people cannot be successful"

>not Israeli cockholster
pick one

imagine if you had a public figure/politician release tax returns so you could verify yourself? that'd be the day.

Show me where Trump admitted that Bernie would beat him, because I'm pretty sure you just pulled that bullshit out of your buttcheeks

Sure bud, I'm sure the timing was just coincidence as well. Still makes it hiliarious how this kike rants and raves about capitalism even though this same "rigged system" made him a fucking millionaire.

just from '09-19 is
> 09-19 = 174,000 * 11 = 1,914,000

True story.
Not outrageously acquired though, Jellyboi.

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Tax returns doesn't prove anything though. I also find it funny how much value you faggots put into tax returns, but not donor lists. Not one democrat is interested in releasing their list of donors. I wonder why?

He says it every single time he talks. When he rants about people being paid $15 an hour to flip fucking burgers for a living, what do you call that?

And yet your team calls Trump a white nationalist anyway. So which one is it? Is Trump a giant fucking jew or is he a Nazi? You know you can't be both right?

Benefitting from some system and having pointed critiques of said system are not contradictory positions

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It's pretty relevant to bring up Trump when discussing Sanders cause they're the two leading candidates in the 2020 US Presidential election, so to compare and contrast them is apt.

>Trumpniks are in full panic mode.
lol. ok

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Yes the fuck it is. This is like the guy who says steroids don't make you a better athlete, as he takes them every fucking day. Then why the fuck are you even saying anything? Better yet why don't you move to fucking Cuba or China if capitalism is so fucking bad?

Why would anyone be "jelly" of Bernie fucking Sanders? This dude is knocking on death's door and is a lying, thieving kike.

>I also find it funny how much value you faggots put into tax returns
It has to be important, or Trump would have been okay releasing his (like he said he would if he won), right?

It's not important, that was my point. I also love how you just ignored the rest of what I said. Anymore of this my team good your team bad, bullshit rhetoric while we have you here?

I'm not going to lie, you sound like every anti-"whoever" political thread thats been started on Cred Forums for that last 4 years

And I'm not gonna lie, you sound like one of those faggots on pride day, dancing around and leading the parade

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>Why is this kike such a two-faced dipshit?
Because he is a politician.

>Why would anyone be "jelly" of Bernie fucking Sanders?
I have no idea, yet you rant on like you deserve what he has.
What do you care if he wants to redistribute wealth? You're a poorfag anyway. You'd benefit.

>>As he owns 3 fucking houses and has millions of dollars he made in a capitalist country
you act like this shouldn't be considered a realistic goal. you should know by now that it's the modern day robber-barons that keep you from achieving it, they look down on mere millions just as much as they look down on you and me.

I care because this isn't a fucking communist country. So why doesn't he or fags like you move to Cuba if that's what you want? Also keep in mind this same motherfucker wants open borders and "free" healthcare for illegals. Guess who's gonna pay for that? It won't the "rich" that's for sure.

Owning 3 fucking houses is a realistic goal? Do you even realize how utterly stupid that sounds?

>Do you even realize how utterly stupid that sounds?
Do you even realize that's what capitalism is all about? That's America. You have no care for America. You just want Trump because he's destroying America for your country.

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>It's not important, that was my point
You have no understanding of what I said, Vlad.
If tax returns aren't important, why is Trump having such a hard time presenting his?
I like how you ignored that.

ok Dov

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lol who give a fuck about china. like i fear a nation that censors all its citizens media, and has suicide nets in place to keep workers from an heroing.
WUHAN 400!!!!

>bragging about supporting a loser
sounds about right, bud

Because he is a kike. Kike- two faced bitch , you are being a bit redundant there.

found the dudelmaoweed420 college fruitcake

And that's the attitude enabling the fall of America.
You are an agent of a foreign power, wittingly or not.
You haven't said what your great theory of why Trump doesn't release his tax records is.
Or why Bernie owning three houses isn't what America is all about.
Must be nice to have an optionally-functioning brain.

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He didn't seem to mind the system being rigged back in 2016 when his party told him to pipe-down so Hillary could fuck it up all by herself.

that was my 1st post ITT.
sorry we should have ID's on Cred Forums like every other good board

He's not required to release them, you fucking kike. I hope he continues not to release them, so fags like you can keep crying about it. But that's what this is really about anyway, you people want literal mob rule, where if you scream loud enough like children people will do what you want.

>his party
Not his party. He's independent. I haven't figured out why he's in the Dem debates.

You've got nothing left.
You're absolutely ranting now.

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That's the most annoying part about this. This guy isn't even a fucking democrat but he's running as one. And I'm suppose to believe this man has integrity? As he wins and gets delegates, he will pull the rest of the party to the far left. Which might not be a best thing, because that would expose the democrats for what they really are.

Affiliation doesn't matter. Prior to 2015, Trump's political operative was mainly Democratic. He merely accepted the nomination of the GOP the following year. Yeah, Bernie is basically a Ralph Nader who actually matters, but he would be nowhere without the support of bleeding-heart Dems.

i saw they are helping bernie too

To consolidate power, Trump needs to dominate three sections of America: The Electoral College (loosely governed by the popular vote), either the house or senate, and the Supreme Court.

The senate Republicans have already demonstrated their allegiance to the President at the expense of the country. My speculation on that is, Trump's long and close relationship with "The National Enquirer" has provided him with career-ending information on enough influential politicians in the senate that he has direct control over the whole body. Factually though, the senate has already ignored law by not letting Obama choose a SC justice. They are demonstrating a willingness to break the law for their party.

The house is too wild to control. It's too grass-roots, too close to the peons of the country, and it's unnecessary to control the House, having control over the senate.

The Supreme Court might still be impartial, but two justices are Trump appointees. Trump really needs more. Once Ginsburg steps down or the Lord takes her, Trump will have three that are possibly loyal to him. The SC has not yet been tested, so the two possible moles have not yet been revealed or vetted. They have had the luxury of lying in wait.

Now that Trump has prevailed with the support of a compliant senate over the law, we are no longer assured the law will constrain rogue behavior.

So if Trump loses in 2020, what if Trump decides to calim the new winner was fraudulently elected, and he refuses to step down? The senate would back him. The Ds would have to sue. Then the reality of what Trump has built up would blossom, and the Supreme Court would support Trump's continued presidency.

This is how dictatorships begin.

Yes. They want Bernie to win the D's race because he's so far left that the moderates will not vote for him. Trump wins.

>to the top
Of what? Beign a senator of some faggy skiing tourism state that is 94% white, pretending to give a fuck about blacks and nimrod college undergrads?

Because he‘s jewish.

Trump stopped being a democrat after Obama was elected. But that isn't even remotely the same thing. Bernie isn't a democrat and never has been. Soon as he wins his election he switches back to being independent. Yet not one person calls him the fuck out on that. Pete Booty is the closest I've seen to do it when he called out Bernie and Bloomberg for not being democrats, which they aren't.

>The senate Republicans have already demonstrated their allegiance to the President at the expense of the country.
Oh give me a fucking break with this bullshit. But when it was Clinton's impeachment your team wasn't saying all this bullshit.

>As soon s he gets what he wants, he'll turn his back on the people who supported him
Tell me again why I should care about this old rabbi-reject?

That joke was as gay as you. Super gay.

Well first off are you American? If you aren't you shouldn't care. If you are you should be VERY concerned that Bernie is winning at the moment. Because we have a bunch of liberal art majoring retards and brown/black monkeys who really do want "socialism", and to steal other people's money. Not understanding we have Cuba and China and Africa that ALL of these people could move to but refuse to do so. It's fucking ridiculous at this point. Then these same people bitch and whine about Amazon and corporations, but they refuse to stop buying shit from them.

So, he's self-hating? Yeah, totally sounds like a guy I want making decisions for the country I live in.


>>says he's gonna drain the swamp
He did.

>says he's gonna help the blue collar workers
He did, brought more jobs back to this country and alleviated outsourcing to faggy Indian call centers who never got shit done anyway

>fills his cabinet with lobbyists

>gives tax cuts to billionaires and tries to cut the social safety net
Why can't people who have money get a break, too? They already pay higher taxes than most. Stop whining about shit you don't have automatically.


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What pisses me off is how we have all these fucking spics that move here, or their parents are immigrant from some toilet in Latin America, and these people are demanding the same fucking bullshit that made their own countries shit. Like banning guns even though those "bans" didn't work in central and South America. But anyone brings that up the Democrats wanna play stupid.

>full panic mode
If full panic mode means enjoying this thread while drinking a scotch and having hearty laughs at soft-ass, faggot-ass posts like yours......then yeah, full-on panickerino mode, buddy.

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Now just see how fucking bad drumpf is.

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My team? You're implying I'm on some team? WTF is wrong with you?
Anyway... I frankly don't know what was going on with Clinton. Something lying to congress something...
Lying is now acceptable. So that wasn't much of a crime. I guess now using the office for personal gain is nothing big either.
And frankly, I'm not sure the Ds simply ignored the law.
And NONE of this excuses the breaking of the law this time round.
Repeatedly. Look, the guy is evil - pardoning criminals, lying, amoral, destabilizing the country and the world, breaking treaties, relinquishing influence around the world.
Dictatorship is not what America is either, and you're fool blind not seeing it's happening.
I can only conclude you're working as a foreign agent sowing discord to help destroy America.

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dad's going to be mad when gets home and you took booze out of the liquor cabinet

THANK YOU, that's exactly what I've been saying. How the fuck are you gonna go to another country and demand it change for you? Yet that's what those spics want. Shit makes zero fucking sense. They come here, move into an area and take it over, then re-create the exact same fucking dump they just came from. And nobody calls them the fuck out on it.

>I frankly don't know what was going on with Clinton
Yeah no shit. You probably weren't even fucking born yet.

He'll probably ask me to poor him a glass, bud. Join the party, unlike how the Dems feel about your precious Jew ghoul.

provide one example of how he drained the swamp, also
>Why can't people who have money get a break, too? They already pay higher taxes than most.
Actually under Trump, the 400 richest families in the US now have a lower effective tax rate than middle-class people. Stop sucking billionaire cock.

>You probably weren't even fucking born yet.
Meaning what?
Is that a problem, Boomer?

>two faced dipshit
>career politician

checks out

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Both parties

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But Bernie relates to the fucking working class? The same man who's never even held a real fucking job in his entire life. You and the person who made that are fucking morons.

and yet I am still gonna vote for Bernie

Yes, because you have your head so far up your own ass you don't see the blatant hypocrisy of what you're saying. So yes, I'm gonna have to assume you view politics as a fucking team sports. It's only a "problem" whne the other side does it. When it's your team suddenly you're cool with it.

drumpftards on damage control

hes 78 year old - how you could not have his wealth living through the 50s, 60s, and 70s.

My grandpa doesn't even speak English, he still bought 3 houses solo in the 50s.

Well, it's obvious you're enjoying the beginnings of dementia. I guess you're jelly for youth. I'm sorry for that. But it does explain your inability to adapt, think, process, and utter anything other than meme talk and parrot speech.
Enjoy your impending death.

Oops. I guess this was for you:

>Why is this kike such a two-faced dipshit?
Are you familiar with how kikes operate?

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>My grandpa doesn't even speak English, he still bought 3 houses solo in the 50s.
By far the dumbest shit I have read today. How much were houses in the fucking 50s you moron?

Imagine typing all that to basically say nothing of substance. You lost this one bud. It's time to log off.

I'm going to vote for Bernie Sanders though.

Why do you keep telling me this? I don't give a fuck dude

>anti-Bernie threads popping up more and more
They're getting scared and its hilarious

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Yeah I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact there are elections going on or anything. You fucking idiot.

Also lmao at Bernie dunking on anybody. I doubt that old piece of shit can climb up a fucking staircase without having 911 ready to go.

I'm pretty sure that was his point.

He has no fucking point. He's just dancing around like a faggot.

he's dunking on all the crusty fucks in the primaries right now, oh and he just won Nevada

>They're getting scared
that's crazy. I am right and I could not care less. Endless threads are stupid, but I don;t have to go there.
I believe the left is starting these threads. Their politics are their identities.

and he's gonna mop the floor with the special needs orangutan in the general

Like it or not, Bernie is going to uncuck everyone from the rich

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That nigger ain't dunking on nobody. I doubt he can even dribble a basketball without breaking his fucking wrist.

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This is just cringe. Bernie fucking Sanders playing football. Who the fuck makes this bullshit? Your boyfriend?

>a cartoon magazine actually means something

It's more than one person, idiot.

At least she owns that trailer, unlike your pets who sit on porches all day, THAT THEY DO NOT OWN, while selling drugs and listening to shitty rap "music" on bluetooth speakers.

Maybe Bernie is different. His party is not different. Both parties are full of shit with occasional exceptions

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>the person who made that are fucking morons.
Only a shill for the rich would say that.
The pic says both of any other politician but trump

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Then why didn't they call those people in the house? Why didn't they present the evidence? Let me guess we're not suppose to ask you those questions. Instead we must sit here and witness you parading around like a faggot, buttplug and all, as you lead the pride parade. Your nigger boyfriend cheering you on.

>Only a shill for the rich would say that.
And only a nigger lover like you would say that

>Only a shill for the rich would say that.
Yeah I'm unsure why they are so hell bent on believing that being cucked by the rich is somehow sticking it to the Libs

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Spics are ruining this country, not niggers. At least with nigs you know what to expect: nothing. Spics are violent wo/manlets who are violent and having nothing to lose because their lives aren't worth shit and they end up having 15 fucking kids per fat little dumpling broad anyway. They herd themselves here in the Midwest because they do the shit cleaning and "cOnStRuCiOn" jobs that nobody fucking wants. They are content with living in shithole neighborhoods because they are just that.....shit, nothing more.

lol you're cute buddy

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Yes, the rich are "cucking" everyone. So therefore you should agree to pay more taxes, so more welfare and food stamps will be given to all your pets, AND agree to give up your right to own guns. Because that worked out REAL well in Latin America and Africa. Same monkeys committing all the gun violence or at least most of it, in THIS country. But anybody brings that up you wanna dance like a faggot. Saying hur dur the rich are evil so give more money to my pets. Yeah you can fuck off with this bullshit. Move to fucking Africa if you wanna live in a fucking zoo so badly.

Bruh its cool if you wanna be cucked so badly, whatever floats your beta boat.
But the rest of us don't

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Straight to racist shit. Keep shilling for the rich. I. Sure when they trickle on you it will be nice and warm.

They like being trickled on. They think that if they work hard one day they'll be the ones to trickle on others.

Also danr ignore the rampant anti-intellectualism in the right
>Colleges are nothing but liberal indoctrination centers
>Even though the faggots they vote for all went to college, including king Adderall

That's the most annoying part, they have hoards of kids and steal jobs working for straight cash, and then depending what state they live they are entitled to government programs. That is beyond fucking ridiculous and the democrats want to make this problem even WORSE by refusing to deport illegals who aren't even suppose to fucking be here. But they were trash people in their own toilet countries so they know they'll never be allowed to move here. But the left wants to roll out the fucking carpet for them. Then when they fucking end up killing somebody or doing the same monkey ass shit in THIS country, suddenly the left wants us to play fucking stupid.

Then move to fucking Africa you aids-loving bitch

Blah blah blah, a lot of noise for "I enjoy being fucked in my beta ass for the rich class"
Just accept that you are a cucked shill already dude.

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>suddenly the left wants us to play fucking stupid.
Dear God, this isn't you guys playing stupid yet?
For the love of Christ, don't act MORE STUPID

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Also, I find it funny that these people are "poor" and "fleeing violence", but they have no fucking problem having hoards of kids. Shit makes no fucking sense yet nobody wants to call them the fuck out on that.

You people love playing stupid on the fucking daily. The fuck are you talking about? For example saying all this bullshit about gun violence but you want us to ignore the 4000 pound dog in the room. Or worse how more minorities should be allowed into medical school, no matter HOW fucking retarded they are, KNOWING you wouldn't put up with that bullshit with your own fucking doctor. But as long as it's not you that's directly affects you don't give a fuck, parading around like a faggot on pride day. Give me a fucking break.

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>>says he's gonna drain the swamp
>He did.

>>fills his cabinet with lobbyists

Vulgar facetiousness.

He’s winning. You can fuck off now.

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fuck off to /pol loser

Bloomburg could hand out 2.5 Million dollars to twenty-six thousand people.

Imagine not having over a million dollars when you retire.

News is-Sanders ran away with Nv. Will be fun to watch the democrat melt down.

I’m voting for bernie Cred Forums will always vote for the lols .

Why the fuck would he "hand out" money for free? And why don't you say this about other rich people? LeBron James makes 9 figures playing fucking basketball. Why aren't you crying about that?

It's even more funny because as he's winning, there's widespread reports that the turnout is really low

.... meanwhile we all lose

Because he triggers you so much, I'm gonna vote for him.

I’m just laughing at all the neck beards that wanna suck of donny.

>turnout is really low
Drudge is reporting high turnout-

Just another Jew nigger

As opposed to what, the neets who thinks Bernie is gonna give them a blank check?

The spam from Russia is making vote for Bernie.

I'm 28 and voting for Bernie. Cry more faggot.

3 houses AND a millionaire. This guy seems like a good bloke. He didnt make his money from Renters obviously.

Spam bot

I've been watching all day and I seriously doubt there is "high turnout". There were high school gyms that weren't even half filled. Only person who turned out a big crowd was Bernie.

Oh I see, you're just retarded. Thanks for letting me know.

Exactly, but not one person in the DNC or media calls him the fuck out

Oh you are right, I'm sure this guy is more supportive of the working class. Fuck right the hell off you stupid gullible faggot. Bernie has worked tirelessly his entire career to boost the working class. Faggot Trump has just rode on the coattails of his rich daddy. He doesn't have a clue what working class people go through, he doesn't understand their struggles. And we the people are going to kick his priviliged fucking ass out of office here in a few months. Cry more bitch.

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you people are gonna collectively gouge your eyes out when comrade bernie wins and it's gonna be glorious

Trump sucks ass. Bernie rules.

Lol he said that in 2016. Probably more true today after all the general public and military people that now hate trump for all his tantrums.

Bernie has been a job destroyer. His wife bankrupted a university, Bernies been on the federal dole for 40 years.

>Bernie has worked tirelessly his entire career to boost the working class
Name ONE thing that fucking jew has done to help the working class. And no, giving faggy speeches outside of the fucking Starbuck's on your campus is not it. Also funny you think Bernie can relate to the working class. This nigger has NEVER held a job outside of being senator. He owns 3 fucking houses. How the fuck does he relate to the working class? And please, do answer these questions WITHOUT deflecting and saying but uh drumpf.

The left throws a tantrum every fucking day. Get your ass out of your ass.

Shouldn't that be the person we are listening to? If someone rants and raves about capitalism and they are poor, no one listens to them and just assumes the worst. Now someone who the system made a millionaire knows that the way he got rich is whack. Much better in my opinion than someone who got rich from the system and tries to protect it. Not saying any names. Just giving examples of people that are more understanding of the situation than you.

He earned and worked for those houses. Who the fuck thinks having a summer home is somehow a bad thing. Are you 12?

As a fellow 28 year old: Haha fag.

We call that a livable wage. Who's the fucking kike now? LOL Your racist ass views are enough to take away your right to vote. You are lucky with live in a free country, but damn man you are one hate crime away from having those rights stripped. lol

So he wants to replace this system, that made him a fucking millionaire, with a system that would make it HARDER if not straight up impossible to become one. Yeah that totally makes sense. Are you leading the pride parade this year?

Motherfucker did you get lost on your way to Nosebook? Like I should give a fuck you don't like my "racist" views, even though they're all true.

Cause stupid people like you buy what hes selling. How else he have 3 houses and millions. I dont buy his shit. I voted for the GOAT. He admits to being rich

Can't be a Nazi and a Jew in the literal sense. You can inherently think some people are better than others in the sense of being a Nazi, and then support Jews in that way. So being a "Nazi" about Jewish people or people that don't have the same beliefs is possible. But that concept is too complex for the right to understand.

>Cause stupid people like you buy what hes selling
Are you fucking retarded? Where the fuck did I imply I was a Bernie supporter?


Added to the ban archive.


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You obviously missed my point. How the fuck is Trump a Nazi when his daughter is married to a fucking jew, he has tons of jews working for him, and his the most pro-Israel president we've had probably ever. So how the fuck is he a Nazi? Because he told your pets they have to stop crawling their monkey asses across our border illegally?

Actually, it's more like if enough people are screaming the same thing loud enough, people should do what we want. But they don't. And that's why we are arguing about politics on Cred Forums like we are all retarded rather than writing our opinions to our representatives.

Oh wait. I wrote them. And the right-wing idiots sent me automated messages defending capitalism over all else. Including fresh air and water.

Oh boy
It's the petfag again proving he has no life but spewing vomitus on Cred Forums

Think of it like this:
He looked at the game systems, realized what could be abused, likely abused it, got plenty of gold, enough to buy several houses cars, ect.

Realising that this is overall unfair to the rest of the players, he submitted several bug reports over the years, but has been ignored, now he has a chance to get in and drive the development of the title.

Problem is, last the guy in charge wrecked the server hard. I just feel bad or what he's going to have to deal with once he takes over.

Lol you missed my point. Nazi is not a literal term in this sense. He can't hate Jews because his daughter married one or has jews working for him? Also, he can't hate everyone that isn't a Jew in the same way the Nazi's hated Jews?

The key characteristic of a Nazi in the modern sense is their unwillingness to tolerate a certain type of people. Not just Jews.

Are you that dense or are you trolling?

Then fucking move to Cuba you cock sucking faggot. It's real funny how pussies like you wanna complain about capitalism but you don't wanna walk the fucking walk.

You don't like facts, kikelord? Do facts scare you?

So literal. No wonder he has such straight forward views. Is this what everyone on the right is like? Does everyone have this same mental model where they just don't understand analogies and metaphors? Are they just that fucking square?

I don't think you have any idea what Cuba is like. And wasn't America built on the principle of democracy? So literally you are putting down the founding father's idea of a great country. You really are an anti-american POS. GTFO and go to some backward ass monarchy you would enjoy.

He's not gonna "take over" you retarded fuck. And none of that horse shit you just sprewed makes any sense.

So who is Trump not tolerating, literal law breakers and the people who encourage it in the DNC? Asking your pets to stop breaking our fucking laws and come here legally makes Trump a Nazi. That's what you're gonna say next right?

Oh, so now it was an analogy? That's real cute, what a great cover to have when you get called out on the bullshit. Too bad though that's not how shit works. This ain't fucking Nosebook.

Why not? Trumpfags have been doing it for 3 years.

get out, spic


>i mean
stopped reading there

>How much were houses in the fucking 50s you moron?
Pretty cheap

Then don't use the term Nazi you fucking retard. Use "intolerant" or "xenophobic" or any other goddamn term that means what you actually want to say you troglodyte

simp simp simp simp
also traps /q3XQyZc/
referral code (post this): 8663.138441726387

>bragging about defeating a a group of losers to become the loser rep of a losing party
lol please keep posting buddy

>Can't be a Nazi in the literal sense.

Yeah you are a fucking troll. We are done here.

"do facts scare you?" Like he's actually giving factual evidence and not spewing racial obscenities about Mexican's who have never statistically come over in such numbers that it impacts our society. But yeah. Keep barking up this tree like you know something. Keep calling people out without facts and saying they are facts like the right-winged idiot you are. It does not get any more obvious than this. Fucking trolls man. And then old people and idiots believe you. Keep turning America to shit because you are biased.

Why? because Nazi is offensive? Even though we are inferring the same thing? Are you too stupid to understand the metaphor of intolerance and dictatorships to Nazi's and need us to dumb it down for you?

I never said anything about Mexicans. Funny how you assume that's who I'm talking about. Why is that exactly? Are you saying illegals are overwhelmingly hispanic? But fine by me, feel free to run away like a pussy. Facts clearly upset you.

Wow, Vlady and Bibi are fucking terrified their pet orange might not win an election?

Worry not.

Incumbency is the most powerful thing in any election. Besides, all two term GOP government usher in a recession, their policies are completely dysfunctional. The last thing the Dems want to do is win a disaster and end up wearing another GOP recession.

Get on the Bernie bus, trumpet
We're building colleges and we're going to make Trump and Bloomberg pay for it.
No brakes on this bus.

Attached: Trump-MexicoPaysForIt.jpg (1200x675, 144K)

k bud, just make sure to clean the toilets on 5th floor this time....

MAGA!! raise the fucking highest tax rates to 70% like back under Ike. MAGA!

Who the fuck is "Vlady", your boyfriend?

I'd rather pay for a fucking wall instead of welfare and food stamps given to illegals, like your fucking team is doing

Millionaire =! Billionaire

But you = faggot

inherit* retard
this is why Sanders is gonna get elected and the US economy will get driven into the ground because the old fool can't use a calculator

>Why can't people who have money get a break, too? They already pay higher taxes than most. Stop whining about shit you don't have automatically.

Why cant amazon pay taxes? like any... at all.

And coming from a guy who saw his wages cut, pension plan taken out from under him and health insurance gutted all while our CEO took a %400 pay hike that same year? Yeah fuck him tax that shit at %200 till he gives it back to the people who make it instead of him making $10,000,000 a year base pay with another $15,000,000 a year in stock options and benifits.

Attached: xqt43.jpg (484x253, 39K)

Oh, so you are concerned because you would like to vote for a presidential candidate that is truly working class?

Well, keep waiting for that.

stay mad

"A challenger appears"

Attached: honkyhontas2020.jpg (510x383, 31K)

Bernie is the still the poorest Senator. Lmao find me one time where he was against owning houses and making money

>hey, we're talking about a fucking kike
I will gladly have Donald's cock fill my ass up if it means we can keep this commie out of the White House

I'd rather vote for people who don't view the working class as literal cash cows, while giving more welfare and food stamps to porch monkeys that could be working, but choose not too

Build a college and make Trump pay for it

You give more money in taxes to corporation subsidies than you do any illegals. Stay triggered

WHY do people with money need more tax breaks? Average person has to live off of like 10 an hour and you want to give the tax breaks to these idiots who live ABOVE their needs? LOL WTF KINDA THINKING

Trump is literally getting fucked in the ass by Israel. Bernie wants to hold them accountable or to remove their funding.

You would prefer giving israel money and continue getting fucked rather than telling them to fuck off and keeping your money?

How fucking dense are you? A lot of the people ending up in the camps were asylum seekers. It's prefectly legal to seek asylum, but you have to be on US soil to do it. They come in seeking asylum, they say that upfront, this is all perfectly legal. They're not law breakers, but they end up in prison camps like they are. They're only in there because they're brown and weren't born here. You're a Nazi fi you know all this and still support it.

Oh yeah how does that happen? Let me guess with tax "breaks" right? But that fucking porch monkey sitting on the fucking porch he doesn't even own all day long, you say nothing. Anyone brings it up you dance around like a faggot, acting like you don't know what we're talking about.


crack me up, why don't you believe this? he's a millionaire because he's been working for the last 50 years, probably got some money from his parents, combined income with his wife, and received a $750K payment for a book. So, what's not to believe?

Trumpy Dumpies in full fucking melt-down mode.

I can't wait to watch you cry when your orange Russian stooge goes bye-bye.

""Facts"" brought to you by JPMorgan Chase.

It's called champagne socialism. He and other left wing politicians claims to be 'for the working class' yet have never had to work a day in their life. At least right wing politicians own it and don't spin their shit.

"how fucking smooth is your brain..." kek

>Asking your pets to stop breaking our fucking laws and come here legally makes Trump a Nazi. That's what you're gonna say next right?

Which pets were you referring to then? Who do you think comes here illegally? Europeans in planes? Canadians? Africans?

Troll, Troll, Troll

Well, the democrats are beginning to freak over Sanders.
It is great.

Or "limousine leftist" like all the Hollyweird wackjobs who constantly tell working-class people to do this and that, but won't even let one illegal immigrant family stay in their 18-bedroom mansions.

>It's prefectly legal to seek asylum, but you have to be on US soil to do it.
Then why don't they apply at the fucking US embassy? But I know, you're going to dance like a faggot, now that I asked you this question. Because it blows your bullshit argument to pieces.

Yes, facts, raw and uncut for that ass. You can go back to Nosebook if you don't like it.

Well you tell me, because anytime someone points it out you pussies cry about muh racism

>people with money need to give away their money because other people don't have money
Logic of the Left in a nutshell, folks.

Attached: fartbreath.jpg (800x450, 61K)

Build a college and make Trump pay for it
Bernie 2020

Idk maybe stop being a nosy faggot and keep to yourself?

LOL I love it when people say that. Like we don't enjoy the rights that we have as Americans.

Let me set you straight. We don't want illegal immigrants in our country. We usually just want to make it easier for people to become citizens of this country so that they aren't illegal. Literally no one wants to harbor an illegal fugitive. This is a stupid stretch and your argument is invalid.

Protip; None of the pro-Trump mouth-breathers in this thread are worth arguing with, because you will never get through to them. They live in an alternate reality, if that's not obvious enough listening to their mental diarrhea online.

Sunk cost and actual autism are a hell of a drug.

A commie is not a socialist you dense fuck.

>prefectly legal to seek asylum
International law is asylum can only be applied for in the first foreign country. Not the second or more.

Raw uncut """facts""" sponsored by Exxon Mobil in ASSociation with News Corp

You say that like it's an actual quote. I asked a question. Answer it.

If we are gonna live in a place that has public access to things like parks, education, fire and police for saftey, etc. someone is always going to have to pay taxes for it. Why wouldn't you make someone who has a bigger percentage and doesn't NEED IT TO LIVE pay those things? The 1% has more wealth than they can spend in their lifetime. They could spend 2k a day for 4000 years and never go broke. Who needs that money? Do you have that much money? Why would you defend that position unless you had that much money? You make no sense. They wouldn't miss the money and you sitting at your high end desk job making 25 an hour would feel the impacts.

Literal troll position. Get out.

The people who say this are fucking window lickers. This idea that people should just give their money away for nothing or donate it all to charity, so people should just work for nothing. But then those companies go under all of a sudden they wanna do all this crying. Shit makes no sense.

It is my fucking business, because it's my fucking money that's being given to your pets. Just so they can sit on the porch, THAT THEY DO NOT OWN WE HAVE TO REMEMBER THIS PART, and sell drugs all day while blaming all their problems on whitey. And I'm suppose to feel sorry for them? When your team not only encourages it, but openly promotes it. Now we have this ridiculous bullshit that your pets are stealing shit, driving around in ATVs and motor bikes without any license or insurance, the monkey patrol are told by the slave masters to look the other way. Or illegals breaking the fucking law AFTER the fact, and the slave masters protect them, EVEN THOUGH they said when those ridiculous sanctuary cities were started that criminals wouldn't be protected. You gotta love how that worked out. But I know, you're not gonna address anything I said. You will parade around like a faggot, leading the pride parade, refusing to answer the questions people are asking. Facts and questions aren't allowed in your world.

Yeah, not gonna say anything else than that he's right. I don't care about the man, I only care about the truth. However, the truth is something that cannot be shared unfortunately.

Let me set you straight on something, it's easier to become a citizen of the USA than it is to become a citizen of Nigeria.

So, does anybody else think that the petfag in this thread starts foaming at the mouth whenever he sees a Mexican with a white woman?

yep, i remember what katy perry, who lived in an $18 million home in the hollywood hills, said after the manchester bombing:

"I think that the greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other -- no barriers, no borders, we all just need to co-exist."

number of illegal immigrants adopted by katy perry: 0

lol these retards can't even read
the absolute state of Cred Forumstards

Speaking from actual immigration experience, no it's fucking not, and you're a mong.

So this is now about what people do or don't need huh? And where do we draw the fucking line? Why doesn't anyone NEED to earn 100 million fucking dollars to play basketball? Why did Brad Pitt NEED 40 million dollars to star in a fucking movie, and one that did poorly on top of that. Why the fuck aren't you crying about that? You just want this bullshit because you're a fucking loser yourself. You know you will never get a job outside of Burger King so you want everyone else to be a broke nigger like you.

He said easier, not that it was easy in general. You dumbass spic

Since you're such an expert, tell me how it's more difficult to become a citizen of the USA than it is to become a citizen of Nigeria.

Most countries, even countries like New Zealand and Switzerland, won't even consider you unless you speak the language and have a business. U.S. immigration laws are some of the most lax in the world, but like most European countries, people from poor countries are able to avoid even those exceedingly fair rules by coming in as refugees. It's pathetic.

We get it, you're antisemitic, congratulations.

lol stop beating the same dead horse over and over mate you just sound like a whiney loser

I bet it is if your a fucking Brit
No none seems to have any issue with all bongs on TV and on the silver screen

I still want to know who you are talking about because the only thing you've said specifically is
>blaming all their problems on whitey
What's funny is all your complaints would be null if the rich tax was implied because then it would be their money and not yours. Again, you are the idiot defending this rich tax while you claim you need your money instead of
>fucking money that's being given to your pets
I still don't understand how we give the money to them. And even if we were, with new tax brackets, you wouldn't be giving shit away to anyone. You are an absolute mess of an argument.

We lose whether red or blue wins. Picking sides to make you feel like your vote matters. Smh. Democracy leads to socialism which leads to guess what? Communism. Capitalism works. You want to avoid the greedy capitalists? Stop buying from Amazon. Trump will win. Its better that way. Go look at socialist driven countries. The people are suffering. In America, socialism will not work if everything becomes a socialist type of system. Quite frankly. The world is inching closer towards the end times.

Attached: 1563136714201.jpg (800x771, 143K)


trumps a faggot jew sucker

Rise above the sounds of angry trumpets
We're Making Aptitude Great Again

By finally asking billionaires to pay their fair share, we can have a college education for all our citizens and future problem solvers.
We're building the colleges, and we're going to make Donald Trump and all the other greedy billionaires pay for them.

Attached: sanders-an-independent-from-vermont.jpg (480x480, 29K)

Yeah, the poor are the problem. Not the guys with literally 1000s of millions to their name.

But I guess you like most Americans are just one step away from being a billionaire yourself. So you have to vote for anything that is in a billionaire's interest.

>Facts I don't like are dead horses
That's not how shit works around here, "mate". And I'm going to keep posting the fucking facts, raw and uncut for your bitch ass.

Oh so now you're gonna play this "I'm just gonna act like a fucking moron" card? Give me a break. As if your pets will be happy and say "ok masta, we no need any mo gibs". They will NEVER stop asking for handouts. As for your bullshit statement you dont' know how money is given to them, it's given in the forms of welfare, food stamps, and "programs" that are just another way for your team to funnel money to themselves. Which of course fags like you say nothing about because muh rich people, even though I own is from a corporation and I don't live anywhere near my pets. Fucking joke. So why don't you go live in fucking Africa if it's so bad?

And this is why Americans fail, if they know voting Repubs or Democrats, then why do it? There is other parties, voting 2 different parties for the final stage of voting means everyone is kicked out in 2 years.

But Americans are that paranoid and scared they will always vote democrats and republicans because they don't understand politics or economics and just like familiarity.

Thats why your country has been fucked since the 80s.

hahaha ffs greentexting your tearstained diary posts are not facts crybaby

>Capitalism works.
On paper
In reality it has the same fate as communism

Besides the fact that you are obviously racist, this has always been about what people do or don't need. What do you think taxes are about? LOL. Foodstamps, education, the basic necessities, public transportation, fire and rescue. We literally draw the line every day with of policies.

To answer your questions specifically - Yes this is about what people NEED. We draw the line at pure necessities and that line is always being debated. Get involved in where that line is if you are so opinionated on it. No one needs 100 million for playing basketball and those people would be taxed if they did. More than you get taxed because they make more than you. Brad Pitt didn't need 40 million but someone offered it to him because of his skillset - that's their choice and he would be taxed for it no matter how poorly the movie did. I am crying about that because those are the people we are trying to tax and you are defending them. For some reason.

I don't know what bullshit I want for myself, because if you understand the tax bracket, EVERYONE that makes under 74k doesn't change a cent. It's the people that make more than that that need to worry. One of those people is a close family member and they are proud to be in a position to be able to pay in taxes instead of receiving some back at the end of the year. Because he understands it's a fucking percent of what he makes and not a set chunk of his salary. Do we have to explain percentages to you? or are you too hick to understand numbers?


The establishment is corrupt!
We should give the establishment more control over our lives and money!

I don't defending anybody, champ. I just think it's funny how people wanna pull out this bullshit of "boo hoo you dont' need that much money". So if LeBron makes 100 million dollars he should just give it all up to the government and work for nothing. Just so it can be given to some fucking porch monkey or some illegal who isn't even suppose to be here. This is the most ridiculous bullshit I have ever heard. And today it's the "rich". Tomorrow you fags will say oh yeah brah if you make 300k a year that's too much, then you'll change it to 100k then 80k, down the fucking line until we have full blown communism. And when it fails yet AGAIN, you will run out and say oh yeah that wasn't real communism. Parading around like a fucking homo on Pride Day.

A guy I work with doesn't speak English well at all. He's been at this job 3 years. He only talks to other people who speak Spanish. How in the fuck do you become a citizen without even having the ability to communicate with the vast majority of the situation?

This isn't assimilating at all.


>he should just give it all up to the government and work for nothing
So you DON'T understand percentages. Got it

division is hard bro

Report back when you are in the top 1%.

Surely you will make it. Most people shitposting on Cred Forums are destined to become filthy rich any day now.

and then closed the doors behind him, and he knows that, and that's why he says what he says

Because the left doesn't force them to learn English, and people like that usually live around other spanish speaking people. That said they SHOULD learn some fucking English. That shit is ridiculous. I had one spic cop a fucking attitude with me because i didn't speak fucking Spanish. As if I'm expected to know Spanish. We speak English in this fucking country, the fuck is wrong with these people? Blows my mind the arrogance of some of these people when their own countries are shit holes.

So you DON'T have a real argument. Got it.

>You want to avoid the greedy capitalists? Stop buying from Amazon

It's too late for that.
I need to eat but now only have 2 options.
A Kroger subsidiary (King Soopers) and an Amazon subsidiary (whole foods).
The best I can do is pick the brands I buy but Kroger has a nasty habit of clearing smaller brands to make room for their house brand.
A decade ago I had the option of going to Safeway, sav-a-lot, Albertsons, and even a ma & pa grocer.

Won't be long before the pitchforks come out

Rise above the sounds of angry trumpets
The numerous failings of their traitorous and impeached candidate are not our doing

We recognize that the false dilemma between bankruptcy and no treatment at all is not a healthcare choice. Bernie Sanders is committed to single payer universal health care that takes care of all our citizens, regardless of any pre-existing conditions.

Attached: laughing-bernie.jpg (640x453, 47K)

Even if you made 74k (top of the proposed tax hike) 6% goes to a specific department broken down into Food stamps, energy assistance, child care, other income security. That's 4.5/74 of your income that you give to this. And you seem to think that everyone on welfare is just taking advantage. I hope you lose your job. I really do.

>So you DON'T have a real arguement.

This whole thread in one post.

$2500 of your tax dollars per person goes to Israel yearly.

He wrote a book, made a million dollars, bought a vacation home. He's also 78, has had 170k salary working in the government for 30 years... he worked for his fucking money you moron. He's not against working for your money. He's against the elite 1% not paying anything in taxes and screwing over everyone with shitty policies.

HuRpAdUrP You clearly don't even understand any of his policies or any of the things he's fighting for. You are cancer.

>this absolute thread
I can almost smell the sweaty underwear of the one mongoloid yelling about porch monkeys over and over

Bernie is working for the Russians! And the Russians just took Nevada!

Attached: bernie.jpg (1440x907, 95K)

>working for the government 30 years
>accomplishes nothing

Private entrepreneurship is basically what is the backbone of capitalism. From simple individuals selling a service or product to corporations selling a service or product. Free, private, and decentralized markets = capitalism
Shared, public, and centralized markets = socialism

Capitalism puts emphasis on individual ownership of goods, services, and other assets.

Socialism depends one one big controller of all sectors. A socialist type of society is supposed to be equal everything for all citizens. The problem with this is in the history of socialism, there's never been equality in it because that central owner of all sectors has too much power. With great power comes great responsibility. When that central owner is not responsible like we have seen with just about every socialist country in the history of mankind, all hell breaks loose.

Attached: socialismvscapitalism.png (966x526, 39K)

People don't leave shit holes to escape them; they leave to make other places at least as shitty.

We see it with some immigrants, and we see it with people leaving California and New York for Florida and Texas.

I like how Bernie claims to be fighting the system. He has quite literally been the system for decades. Getting his wife jobs too! Let us not forget his book deal and that payoff scam.

Ever wonder why some of these “whistleblowers” no one ever heard of received book deals before their statements.

Hint: it isn’t because the crap they haven’t written is going to sale.

On paper

Just like Joe Biden who has been in government for decades; hell was recently Vice President...and he runs on a platform of things that I guess he never got around to for eight years.

>leaving California and New York for Florida and Texas.
Yup, and then voting for the same bullshit that fucked up Cali

Without capitalism, you wouldn't see thr growth of what we have today as far as corporations and business growth. People being able to freely create their own business, sell whatever they want, and make money. America has many different systems intertwined together. There are socialist type of programs like welfare and taxation. There is also the opportunity for each person to become their own salesperson. FREE MARKET CAPITALISM. Why are there Amazon's, Lowe's, Kroger's, Timberland's, Nike's, and so on? Because a free market allows free competition. It's all about competition. There's no competition in a socialist country. The state owns everything whereas in a capitalist driven country, the individuals whether big or small own everything.

On paper my ass. Go try to start your own business in China or North Korea without them barging in on how you run your operations.

I was told that's a good reason to learn another language. No, I don't live in Africa or Europe. I can't take a relatively short drive and be in a country with a majority of people of people who don't speak my native language. No, cunt, I live in mainland America and I don't deal with foreign businesses. There's no logical reason I should have to learn a different language.

>does anybody else think that the petfag in this thread starts foaming at the mouth whenever he sees a Mexican with a white woman?
You mean this event that pretty much never happens?

It's funny how all the people I meet who are Chinese-Americans I meet fucking HATE China and know English pretty well. Everyone Hispanic I meet seem to want the downfall of America.

Exactly, we have to learn their fucking language but they don't have to learn ours? How does that make any sense? Yet there are people who really do believe this. Probably because they just assume hispanics are dumb and can't learn English. It's not THAT fucking hard give me a break here.

Dude it's fucking ridiculous. You go to any place they live in large numbers, it looks like the same fucking dump they just crawled from. And nobody says a fucking word about it.

If your parents can do it, why not someone else?

Mexicans are like a cue ball. The harder you hit them, the more english you will get out of them.
IMO, most can speak english, they don't want to.

On paper, faggot. It all looks good on paper.
In practice it all falls apart
>Implying Amazon, Lowe's, Kroger, and nike are even food things

You're right, he will just cry on the inside because it's an act of white genocide.

The main reason why people want a socialist system in America is because they are tired of competing with big monopolies. That is the big problem when you have a government that has allowed the economic system to get fucked up. Our economic system in America doesn't allow every individual to benefit from free market capitalism anymore because the consumers have allowed themselves to make 100 small individuals into Amazon sized companies and there is poor regulation over those companies.

Amazon has the right as a company to set the initial fees for allowing each salesperson to sell on their marketplace just like Ebay and Etsy have their own fees. I think that these marketplaces are taking advantage of the type of services they offer themselves, but it's you the consumer who can choose not to do business with them and as a salesperson, you can avoid using Amazon or Ebay to sell your products.

How do we distribute vendor power back to the individual? Become the marketplace yourself.

AirBnB, Uber, Postmates, and Grubhub are a little of an improvement, but we still have work to do to decentralize power.

He will be destroyed

Oh yeah I know. They LOVE acting like they're retarded and don't speak any fucking English. But the blonde sitting at the fucking bar, all of a sudden they have no problem speaking fucking English. It's a goddamn joke.

Lmao, please show me this magical place where white girls are flocking to fucking Mexicans. I lived in Arizona for 3 years and I pretty much never saw it. You could've said Puerto Ricans and it would've been more accurate.

drinking corporate beer
try a real beer why don't you trumper?

His changes would effect himself. Every senator has to have a residence in DC so it makes sense he has more than 1 house. You tend to make money when your wife is a doctor and your books are popular and you make a senator's salary

He still has my vote as well

Fagot OP has a huge problem with Sanders wanting to help others become like him, but completely fine with the current faggot president giving tax breaks to people who don't even need it.

Lmao you said exactly what I wanted to FEEL THE BERN

Bernie doesn't use a calculator because he's so smart that he does all his math with pen and paper

Just remember Berniebros, when Bernie gets berned out of the DNC nomination, it isn't Trump's fault.

Attached: unitedstatesofdenmark.png (500x414, 108K)

That's a fair request, so yes. I recognize that it is the same DNC that fucked us last time.

Why would I ever vote for someone that wants to take more money out of my paycheck?

Consistently advocated to benefit society for decades. Has less money than a five year old who opens toys on YouTube. Yeah, he's super corrupt.

Attached: vat tax.png (700x454, 328K)

>Why would I
you shouldn't.
I believe all these Sanders supporters are voting in their perceived best interest.
They stand to gain.


Bernie isn't interested in touching your paycheck, or your bosses paycheck.
Your owners paycheck, yes, he might be coming for that one.

you will be paying more taxes but that tax increase is less than what you are paying for healthcare

he's a white able bodied man that went to college and has been a career politician all his life, and yet, at nearly fucking 80 years old, all he has to his name are 3 very average houses and a million dollars?

jesus fucking christ the US is a goddamn failure. even Croatia is doing better. what chance do the other people have then? single mothers? ex-convicts? undocumented immigrants? land of opportunities alright

here in Brazil if you're a smart white able bodied man you're the equivalent of a god, you can do whatever you want, you own the place, you'd have 3 houses and a million dollars after a few years working out of college, before 30 at best, and it's fucking 100x times harder to have a business here

>Claims the system is "rigged"
It is
>Tells young people they cannot succeed if they aren't born rich
Been this way for the last 10 years man. Look around
>As he owns 3 fucking houses and has millions of dollars he made in a capitalist country
Senators get paid imagine that? No one is saying you shouldn't be able to become a millionaire over a life of hard work. The problem is people who have 100,000 times that.

And has any other candidate in history said anything different for the sake of winning an election? It doesnt matter what they say right now, they all lie, what matters is what they do after they the question is....who do you think will do good after the bullshit storm?

>Bernie isn't interesting in touching your paycheck

No other way he can give "free" shit to everyone.

>that tax increase is less than what you are paying for healthcare.
What kind of claim is that. You don't know how much I spend per month on healthcare

>thieving kike
President kike to you faggot

Yes because every time the government gets involved in footing the bill things get cheaper. Go try to work for a university lab writing grants. Basic glassware is ungodly overpriced, because you can pay whatever the price when it isn't your money. Same situation with tuition.

Yeah if only we were more like Brazil, a literal 3rd world dump with massive scales of violence everywhere. Where guns are "banned" but somehow the criminals have them anyway. Get the fuck outta here.

>massive scales of violence everywhere

Attached: 1451505453587.jpg (378x320, 29K)

>flip fucking burgers
no one says this except people who have never worked in fast food. I have worked a lot of jobs and obtained an advance degree. The hardest I ever worked was fast food. It is extremely mentally taxing. Maybe not air traffic controller hard, but there is nothing easy about it.

Wow, TWO cities that are majority non-white. How about you show me the stats on Brazil. You do have those as well correct?

What's your fucking point? Any dipshit off the fucking street can do that job. You don't even need a fucking HS diploma. But they deserve $15 an hour?

oh look at you, not being able to argue

>You do have those as well correct
guess again, sweety.

>But they deserve $15 an hour
Yes. They deserve to be able to support themselves and their family with hard work. Not everyone has the time or ability to learn a highly technical skill, but if they are willing to work a full work week there is no reason why they shouldn't make a living wage. Currently tax payers are subsidizing retail and fast food through food stamps, public housing, and medicaid. It's time for Ronald McDonald to stop being a drain on society and compensate it's workers.