How do you feel about he coronavirus?

How do you feel about he coronavirus?

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It's going to increase in numbers. It's a hardened virus strain.

shit makes no sense

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Man made virus meant to mutate. This will put China 50 years+ back.

I’m a hypochondriac and I find it terrifying.

Sniffly, light cough, slightly drowsy, and possibly dying

It’s obviously a nothingburger

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America has 35 cases and 6 recovered, one of the lowest recovery rates, so much for your amazing health service you think is the best in the world.

Also there is a lot of cases being tested in Minnesota. And if that is the case guaranteed those boifats have infected more people and it will explode.

2 weeks incubation.

Bad days for America, because they have shown they cannot handle it.

The whole world is going to get fucked by this

Here is a live update stat stream.

Personally I'm disappointed. I've been longing to see the end of the world with my own eyes, kinda sad too.

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I am a fan. The world population needs to be thinned out and China is one hell of a great place to start.

Most of the world has a good handle on it, one South Korean guy purposely went into a church to infect people.

And that is why numbers have spiked, he is currently the most hated guy in South Korea.

North Korea has suspected cases, but you will not hear any numbers from them.


Newbros won't understand.

That jump is because China was falsifying results, or just not reporting them honestly.

well yeah, but the tapering off seems odd

Maybe there's another spike coming?

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This is a weakass virus, everybody acting crazy about it. 2,5k deaths, woo wow. Step up your game you little shit and give us entertainment

No the spike is due to a change in how it's counted.

Shit game

This is retarded. You're implying this will do shit, but no. The truth is this is just another meme that was promised to bring the end. Pure autism. I want to see billions not thousands.

Lol, humans are like cockroaches, it'll take much more than this. This is what disgusts me, everybody jumping onto the train, acting like it's a big deal. You do not know how angry it makes me that I was promised something that would reset humanity, but instead we get this.

7,700,000,000 people on the planet

78,773 confirmed cases
2,446 deaths

>people be like

Guaranteed they are all christians, and some of them are declaring this Armageddon v154

I blame the Jews

I blame Rothchild

Same nigga, 2 bill dead plz

Is this shit seriously or another nothing burger like Ebola

Top kek, this weak virus can't test the mankind

It's shit. Too slow. Too far away. It will disappear before it manages to infect and kill me

While I agree that burgerville has shit health service, you shouldn't view cases / recovered like that.
This thing has a few weeks of delay while people are getting better, so if they can stop the number of cases, the recovered/case ratio will rise.
Ebola was also pretty bad but that luckily stopped itself naturally (a less harmful mutation started to spread faster and cut off the original). Hopefully that happens with Coronachan as well.

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