Gonna be doing coke for the first time tonight. What can I expect and how should I prepare?

Gonna be doing coke for the first time tonight. What can I expect and how should I prepare?

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expect a heart attack
prepare your will

Prepare to change your entire life. You will never find true happiness with out blow from that moment on..

It's a bit fizzy and can burn your tongue if you have never drank it before, but it is good burn. Stout stuff for first time drinkers. Also expect to be a bit gassy and burpy after drinking it and try to drink it all before it sets and gets stale. It is the real thing! Enjoy!

Take a bump to start, don't hit a rail on your first try, if it's pure your throat might go quite numb and can cause a hard gag reflex and vomiting if you're not used to it, so watch out for that, goodluck have fun!


I don’t know true happiness as it isthanks user

Prepare for an awesome night but a morning of pure hell. First time I ever thought a hangover might kill me was after a night of doing coke. Enjoy!

This may spell bad news for me because I don’t even drink.

just dont do too much of it and you'll be fine

You might not have that experience then. I drank a lot that night. I did do some sober and in the morning. It was one of my greatest mornings ever. The song walking on sunshine comes to mind any time I think about it. I haven't done coke in years but it's ok I guess. I did have a cousin that turned into a huge cokehead and ended up foreclosing on his house and turned into even a bigger douchebag. I don't know why his wife is still around dealing with the dumpster fire.

Good luck because most coke has been stomped on so much by the dealers by the time you get it that there is barely any real coke left. Or it's straight up fake. It's a real shame these days.

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One thing I wish i was told before I did it is just how bad you are going to feel tomorrow. Hope you don't have any plans for sunday

Did it once the high was amazing I felt like the strongest/most handsome man on earth. Then I became paranoid for hours thought some dudes were following me home

It's almost like Pepsi

This is the only thing I’m worried about

Two options. One, you get shitty low grade coke, and very little happens. Two, you get flour laced with fentanyl, and you die. There is a third, more rare option, where it’s real coke and you have the best night of your life. If that happens, expect a hell of a hangover.

I resorted to buying a drug reagent kit to test. That's the only real way to know what's in it.

In my experience it’s not like the movies. If never had an “Al-Pacino” like overreaction that makes me look like I got unexpectedly dunked in a tank of ice water.

Start with a bump or two. You’ll feel it quickly. Hopefully you trust your source. user is right. A lot of it can be laced with other shit. I’ve spent a few days in bed shaking from the after effects from bad product.

It’ll make you more talkative and slightly hyper. It won’t turn you into a manic hyped up superhero unless you already have that energetic personality.

Unusual that you don’t really drink; I’ve only done it when drinking heavily. Basically it makes you feel like you negated your alcohol intake threefold. I’ve used it to “even out” in the bar business after a long night many times. Made 15 drinks feel like 2.

The last part of advice is my own personal preference: I put it on my gums. In my experience I happen to unfortunately get the drips immediately after a line. It’s the biggest tell. Going from normal to having a runny nose like you got a cold in 5 minutes.

Just be safe. It’s not the addictive monster it’s claimed to be unless you already have an addictive personality.

Op here so I took a bump. And I was not expecting the taste. It’s the most bitter shit. Waiting for it to kick In now

Smells like gasoline doesn't it?

A little like some kind of cleaning solution
Nice quads btw

We were

Lol first time quads for me. If you're not dead by now you'll be fine. If you're not high by now it's fake.

It may be fake but then again I didn’t do that much

>how should I prepare?

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Yeah this was a bust left me with no high and a bad taste in my mouth. Nevertheless thanks for entertaining my autism.

Took one more bump. Rubbed a little in gums. Fingers are crossed.

One tiny bump would be enough to feel really nice. The past 3 times I've tried was a bust. I stopped trying. Why are good drugs so hard to find?

prepare not to feel high.

You might feel a bit of a rush, kind of like drinking lots of coffee, mixed with a pounding heartbeat and urge to fist bump lol no but for reals it takes some people a couple of times to really start getting off, and then, boom you're an addict and cutting yourself off from all of your friends one by one, slowly people start to realize what you've been up to/ why you've been avoiding everyone and then people just stop talking to you altogether until you either die from an OD or you decide to clean ur shit up and do something with your life.

OP Coke is fun but once you start to feel like you can't have a good time without it, ur fucked.

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Very stimulating and energizing, might make you make shitty decisions, expect to want more and more all night until it's gone, expect to be doing some weird ticks with your mouth or hands all night like teeth grinding, and when you come down you'll want more and will be willing to spend all your rent money on it, and that's probably not even a weeks supply as it's easy to run through 1 or 2 hundred a night.

Also, you won't be doing coke, you'll be doing like 30% coke, and 70% whatever the fuck the dealer thinks looks like coke, which could be anything from baking soda to baby powder or if you're an unlucky shit drugs that are more dangerous than coke.

Also, if this is something you can no obtain regularly, get ready to be a Coke head for a few years until you become a homeless crackhead, or die.

Either way, you're fuckin stupid unless you're gonna make sure this is a one time thing. Do it, block and delete dealers number, have fun.

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I have used coke quite a few times and I don't think it's very strong nor that it is very good. The Ritalin I take for studying makes me feel much better.
You should try mdma instead, user.

Also, get some chewing gum. You'll REALLY need it.

overrated as hell and only lasts like 20 minutes

The best feel ever. I got hooked though.

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Whatever you do, DON'T think about the worms clogging your arteries and how they are trying to get out. Don't think about that, not at all. All those worms. Wiggling. Squirming. Nope, not at all.

He’s doing coke not meth you retard

lol that's why you buy an 8 ball and stay up the weekend fucking strippers and blowing ur paycheck til the next week when you get to do it all again ;)

OP is kill guys, he hasn't replied in more than 30min

Ah too be 25 again, When you convince yourself coke is just like coffee lol

He has probably came out of his shell, and is enjoying himself.