(((Bernie)))'s a Russian agent

(((Bernie)))'s a Russian agent.

Attached: Bernie Russian agent.jpg (1439x1637, 599K)

So fucking what?

no shit, he's a commie

>both candidates work for putin
great job america

And he immediately told them to fuck off, unlike a certain other individual.

cool, maybe he'll finally get some votes from the MAGA idiots

Stfu MAGA faggot. Go kill yourself. You hypocritical piece of shit.

People literally too stupid to see why. The only reason why Russia is doing this is because since they got caught last time, and they know it is fresh in everyone's mind, if they do it this time to the person they DONT want elected it will have the inverse effect of the previous instance.


SEETHING, Russian agent mad he got called out

maybe we should let the cia choose the president

So are Bernie's Jannies gonna call fake news on CNN?

Bernie needs all the help he can get.

absolutely based

piss tape when?

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(((OP)))'s a faggot. (((Die))) in a fire comrade.

really glad russia is doing their part to secure a lasting world peace and bringing USA back from the brink of destruction

can trump supporters literally not read? fucking lol

what's the worst thing russia could do to us? undo 20 years of SJW bullshit? make promoting homosexuality to minors illegal? that would be wonderful.

Fuck off to /pol loser

I think this bot is broken, it appears to be on the wrong script. Maybe couple of the buzzwords set it off.

Corporate Democrats. If you're too far right of em, Russia is helping you. Too far left of em, Russia is helping you. Fucking pathetic and can't wait for that poisonous parasitic party to die

it's only beginning yo

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Kys retard

thinkin' bout them beans

and yet I'm still gonna vote for him