I'm a daily IV heroin user, with a decent job and nice family life. They have no idea I use...

I'm a daily IV heroin user, with a decent job and nice family life. They have no idea I use. I dont understand how people become "junkies"
Ask me anything

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How do you live knowing you're eventually going to fuck up one of your family members in the head by doing this shit to yourself. What a fucking waste of a human you have become

i don't believe you. post some H w/ timestamp or a needle

I snort H daily but have never mainlined it, tolerance is getting more and more expensive, any tips for IV without ruining my life and veins?

Have an ex's nudes for shits and giggles. I just got off work and shot up. Let's have fun

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No I'm on a phone and cant change the exif data. But I can tell you that those veins on your hands are the best place to hit a vein

Find a new vein for every shot. There are alot of them but they can be hard to hit. I never liked sniffing it, doesnt hit the same.


I'm so severely disconnected from everything. I have been depressed all my life and heroin ended up being theclimax. It's going to come crashing down on me soon enough but until then I live with a very c'est la vie mindset

Withdrawals are pure hell. Good luck dipshit.

Your habit is gonna end being like an 8 baggie a day habit which takes your from being a functional drug addict to a drug addict

That's ok, that's why I posted it. All the spheres are actually brown

bullshit, post pics of vains

you are still in the honeymoon phase, don't fool yourself, your brain is actively pruning opioid receptors.

Been through withdrawals before. Former addict who went cold turkey. Relapsed last year. Withdrawals suck, alcohol withdrawals are far worse. I almost died from those. I can deal with cold sweats muscle spasms and hating everything

Over a year of use. Habit has gotten worse but as long as I do enough to not start to get sick at work but stay sober, I'm golden. I can get high as fuck all I want after work

Cant, on phone, pics are traceable

You want proof? I haven't taken a shit in 11 days. This shit really slows down your metabolism.

I buy a finger every 3 days, that lasts me just fine

have you tried getting off the H tho? You must be having withdrawals without it. it only gets worse tbh i used to be addicted to opiates and went on heroin for a short time

Tried taking pics of my hand. File too big, cant get over that man. Was literally just using my phone. You got a compression site tell me. I'm typing this as best as I can

I have, in fact I beat it cold turkey 3 years ago. Sadly some horrible shit happened to me last year and I became homeless and used again to cope.i managed to dig my way out of homelessness and get a decent job but never stopped using. I would like to but idk where to start

if you're in canada by chance you get can on methadone for free. its how my friends brother got off heroin.

you're not gonna get arrested for posting proof of using heroin. also putting a needle in your arm doesn't prove anything

Sadly no, I dont get free healthcare, I live in the land "of the free"

No I'm not worried about getting arrested, I've also tried posting but my phone takes photos too large to post.

This is heroin

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This is a loaded shot

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you're going to inevitably have a seizure and end up being found dead unless you check yourself into rehab and seek a doctor's help

my best friend learned the hard way

turn your life around while you still can

You can get china white? Damn. They only got shitty bth around my area. Fuck that shit.

Did you answer in the thread?

No, I still dont have any clue how people destroy their lives other this. Honestly alcohol has had more of a detrimental effect on my life.

If you're still getting high you don't have a habit yet. You're either larping or the smack you're doing is fucking garbage.

It is stomped on but not much. It's got that amazing sour smell when smelling the bag and the taste is almost instant

Yea ok I admit I'm paraphrasing. Like I'm not getting high per se, im getting normal or I nod the fuck out. Not fun to wake up with a pin still in your elbow tho. So I try to get a happy medium

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Sadly I also lost my oldest childhood friend last year after I started using again and i got him back into it. We were both former addicts. I know what I did and I have to live with it.

Yeah, you're a junkie. Just wait til you get caught copping and get thrown in jail. Then you'll see. My advice to you is ween yourself off that shit. I can count on two hands the number of friends I've lost to that shit. I did it myself for about 2 weeks. NGL I loved it. But I could see myself getting hooked and was smart enough to stop using it. I still shoot up coke here and there but it's like a once or twice a year kinda thing.

This is typical junkie behaviour. You are in fact a junkie. Albeit a high functioning one. But a junkie nonetheless.

I have been to jail and had to withdraw from Xanny during that shitshow, it was only a 60 day bid tho so basically nothing. I doubt I'll get copped, I dont use outside my home, my rig doesnt leave its hiding spot when my fiancee is home or awake. I've known my dealer for 10 or so years. I'm at no risk with law enforcement I think. But I really am actually trying to ween myself off of it. It takes time and effort

4chin strips exif data

I never claimed I wasnt but if you saw me walking by on the street you wouldn't immediately think "that guy is clearly a junkie"
There are some people that just lose themselves into drugs and I never got that. I have shit to do, I have responsibilities, I have a job, i have Bill's, I have shit I want to buy other than more drugs.

You live in Oregon or the PNW?

so far. you'll step it up soon. your subconcious knows, that's why you're talking about it here. there's better ways to take away the pain, you know

Huh, haven't been here in a few years so I wasn't aware. I had to compress my pics anyway

Yeah I get that. William S Burroughs was a junkie most of his life and he didn't look like the typical junkie. Sounds like you got your routine down and as long as you don't break it you should be Gucci. How old are you? Just be safe about it bruh. My BDay is today. I shared it with my close friend that ODed a few years back. We used to get drunk AF together on our BDays. I miss him more and more every year he's not around. Just keep in mind your family will be fucking devastated if that shit kills you. Sounds like you got a lot to live for.

OP I'm like you currently on the meth run because heroin gives me pneumonia and lung issues. But Ive been through everything and been hooked to everything at different times. Even though it would turn to daily use everytime I always had some sort of control, and could usually keep w. E job I had. However I dunno if you are a brainless drone, but I feel like utter shit no matter what drug it is when I've become addicted. It slowly sucks the pleasure out of everything, makes you self loathe and feel guilty. So regardless if you're not a typical junkie, be honest with yourself. Are you really happy at your core being hooked on heroin?
This, my mom is the most loving mom ever. Co dependant on me, when she found out about hard drugs 8 years ago she broke down. She's still always wondering about me and worried even though I live on my own

I'm hopeful I can overcome this again. I really just needed to get this off my chest as I feel horrible about myself. until I see that glorious red flow into my pin and push down. Then I still feel bad but I dont care about feeling bad. I still always know I have to fix myself

I just turned 30. I've learned to be safe after od'ing 3 times and being technically dead for 4 minutes, but I have learned a lot and do have my routine down to a t pretty much. My homie that passed last year, me and him were born a week apart and its gonna suck without him there. I'm also scared for another friend, she vanished last week. No one can find her. I'm hoping shes in rehab

No, I'm not happy, but I'm satisfied at this point in my life. Like I am happy doing things from day to day, but overall no I'm not happy with my life but I'm satisfied. If that makes sense

Negative sir

Been good getting this off chest but it appears the thread is dead. So thanks to all my Cred Forumsros will to put in their 2 cents. Have my ex's nudes as a thank you

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can u post a clearer image of ur rig...looks like a 20 guage


Best I can get

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You can fuck off. If Cred Forums let's me updated it then here

Update: file too large. Here

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Sadly I destroyed her with my amphetamine addiction at the time. She looks way worse now.

well atleast now she is not fat anymore

She was the love of my life and losing her drove me to do heroin. But she left me literally overnight for a heroin dealer that pimped her out to pay for his addiction. I met her again years later and wow I dont know if I dodged a bullet or not because shes still addicted to amphetamines but now shes extremely unstable and skinny/tiny and literally broke my elbow with a hammer in 2018. But last year shot up and got to prune bone her until she screamed. And she had no idea I did dope.
Idk worth it

If you think that's fat, you are literally retarded

This is bs user. Why does everyone have a junkie girl to do drugs with while these years I've bee using alone. I literally don't know where to find decent looking chicks that are addicts. It's either they are homeless junkies or disgusting looking chicks, i feel like all these years I'd feel somewhat less depressed if I at least had a roasties in addiction with me. Fml

Because I wasn't a junkie in my early 20s. I was a rave/club kid. I met her and got her into MDMA. I didnt realise she has far more of an additive personality than I do. She lost herself into drugs. I'm fairly bad into drugs myself, but my whole life isnt simply about getting high. Getting high is the reward you give yourself, not something you should expect to happen

I made her dress up for me when we were deep into amphetamine addiction

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I understand where you are coming from. Girls can't usually hang too well on drugs. They go crazy and will literally drain you of everything eventually. I don't know which is worse- being alone or being with the love of your life when you realize she has cheated on you and has lost control of herself and respect for you and you don't even recognize her anymore.

I honestly wish I would have never had been with her. I'm the reason she became the person she is now. I'm the reason she became who she is. When I met her she was on her junior year of college for a BA in science. She used my amphetamines to stay awake during her final year and watching her walk across that podium in that gown was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. But it didnt last. It doesn't ever last. I still love her, but that woman doesn't exist anymore. The man she fell in love with, he doesn't exist anymore. We're two different people now.


My mum, shes always the one I think about. She knows about my previous use, and quite frankly, I thinks she knows I use now too. Shes not stupid. But she turns a blind eye to it just so maybe she can have her little boy still be around and be acting happy, even if it's at the price of getting a call saying I've been found cold a blue one day


>heroin addict
>nice life
you what neger?¿

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Yes, its possible
You just have to have a life to live first

She looks just like this chick I knew. I was in a death metal band with her bf years ago and I swear she was methed out 24/7. They look a lot alike. Oh well.

Playing with fire OP

One bad day away from that shit ruining everything for you.

Good luck though.

junkies are the people who can't get enough by the regular heroin and they starting to do some shit mixes like heroine + cocaine or meth and then die. Iggy Pop is a heroine addict but he never mix that's why he's still alive and doing well

Some sorry state to visit upon yourself user...
I'm as self destructive as the next b/ro but think I'd rather just end it if I put myself in amongst life's pleasures to dependency level..

sure, whatever helps you sleep at night

eh im using 15 g of shrooms every other week and use edibles every week. Use alcohol in moderation daily and without moderation in the weekends.
Smoke throughout the day.

Probably cut off some years of my life already., but functioning fine. Chemical engineer in fundamental R&D

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That's what the alcohol is for

Does heroin provide cumming feeling? I wanna find a drug that will makes me feel like I'm cumming but it's gonna lasts for a 5 minutes at least

I do speedball sometimes but I'm not that into it, it's hard to tell which drug I'm feeling if I do both. I'd rather snort coke then shoot dope, or shoot crack then shoot dope, not shoot dope/coke

In my experience a good shroom high can be quite erotic. In a weird way. No orgasms but something better, really. Sex all nonsense in shroomieland

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Yea kind of, you wont actually stain your pants though. It's just like the most amazing warming, calming joyous feeling ever.
...you know theres a reason people get addicted right?
Like you dont just do it once and you're hopelessly addicted, you have to do it a lot and then you become dependent on it

how long does it lasts?

I'm happy you are somewhat like me, although you probably shudder at calling yourself an addict (you are though, just not physically)

For me it started slowly, it really did. Was entirely clean until 16, but stressed out due to autism and whatnot. Started smoking at 16 when first GF left. Went downhill from there. Now I'm 22 and I really couldn't imagine my life without drugs. But I'm succesful and not stressed, so that's something.

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Depends on the shit you get, I get decent shit. I shot a decent amount when I posted this thread, and a tiny bit more when I posted those pics of me shooting up. So idk a good 5 -6 hours. I'm still pretty high

Those are the only two factors I consider, I'm successful and not stressed. So kudos my brethren

I've taken pretty much every drug there is except nicotine, I've also injected many of them and I also have a normal job and a wife who doesn't take drugs.
I don't use regularly though and I have no dependencies.
I never really liked opiates so much, I've taken them many times including heroin also by injection which was definitely the most enjoyable but I don't like downers so much and I would never take enough to develop a physical dependency, the last time I took heroin was when the doctors wouldn't proscribe me good pain killers when I was sick so I just went and bought heroin instead. Funny enough it was actually cheaper than the oxycodone I eventually ended up getting after much arguing with the doctors who didn't believe I was in such terrible pain at all, I hadn't
really slept in a month and a half because I was in so much pain and these fucking ass holes didn't believe me. It turned out it was lyme disease and since they didn't believe me it went into my nerves system at which point the opiates didn't really help for the pain anyway. I literally had to force this neurologist to start doing tests after I had lost 10kg. She felt bad once it turns out I was right about the pain and there was something attacking my nerves after all.

Anyway what I'm taking from this is if you need good pain killers don't bother going to the doctors, just get some heroin since it's cheaper and less of a hassle to get and costs less to get than booking appointments with doctors who won't help you.

Yes. For some of us that works. For me living independently and without worry is a blessing.

But we shouldn't be surprised when our body/brain gives up on us.

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This is something I absolutely agree with, doctors think they know better than the people who are literally living life pain. But i guess it's those same junkies i dont understand "doctor shopping" for pain meds that makes doctors so suspicious nowadays. Brother, if you're healed up from lyme and doing fine now, regardless of whether or not you do any drugs currently, I'm happy for you

I'm not going to be, its going to be soon for me, I'm surprised I made it to 30. Been coughing blood for the better part of 6 years and just last year I started to have some serious colon trouble.

I smoke meth but it doesn't do shit to me like how it used to.
I never smoke at work and I make sure to never stay up more than a day cuz the sleep deprivation fucks your shit up. I eat and sleep too, what a time to be alive

I used to be on your ride. Fucking amazing if you can limit yourself am I right, like can anyone else you know say they spent 7 straight hours having sex. Damn I miss being 22

Thread dead
Enjoy ex's tits

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