How do I get my girlfriend to listen to other music? Her music taste is so fucking bad

How do I get my girlfriend to listen to other music? Her music taste is so fucking bad.

>Jason Aldean
>Cole Swindell
>Zac Brown Band
>Tim McGraw
>Luke Bryan

What the fuck is wrong with her?

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She sucks. Sorry, OP.

it's terrible. i dated a girl for 5 years and we fought all of the time because I couldn't stand 80% of the music she liked.

the best advice i can give is learn to live with it, i wish i could've just learned to live with it. i would rather hear meghan trainor for the rest of my life than to spend the rest of my life without her like im doing now.

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Fuckin fag

Ok virgin

I've never heard of any of these. Must be opposite on the spectrum from me.

>Her music taste is so fucking bad.
Her taste in dating is also suspect.

stadium country

maybe her dad listens to it

The fuck is that?

well there's real country music (Johnny Cash, George Strait, Garth Brooks, Ryan Upchurch) and then there's stadium country (all those in op) which is fake country music. those guys love in penthouses and drink champagne. look at Kane Brown, motherfucker looks like he should be on Jersey Shore

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>Johnny Cash
>real country
Real country is about whiny man children complaining about women not treating them like grown adults. Cash sang about bondage and murder. Deliah is hot as fuck. Shooting a man just to watch him die? His hurt cover? He was fucking goth.

Srs response:

Find a connection between rock/metal and country (they exist) and play them for her. Some examples:

>Metallica "Mama Said" (first & only Metallica song with a B Bender; countryfag musicians will know what that is)
>Anthrax "Toast To The Extras"
>David Allan Coe & Dime, Vinnie & Rex: Rebel Meets Rebel (an entire album of Pantera - Phil + DAC playing country-fied heavy metal)
>Garth Brooks "Hard Luck Woman"

Full disclosure about the last one: it was originally written & recorded by KISS in 1976 (on the album Rock And Roll Over). The thing most people don't know is that Garth Brooks is actually a huge KISS fan & has been since the 70's. A Garth Brooks concert with the lights, pyro & the overall spectacle isn't just a concert, it's a SHOW; the KISS influence is clear if you know to look for it.

Where Garth's version of "Hard Luck Woman" is concerned, he recorded that for the KISS tribute album KISS My Ass. For an air of authenticity, he flew Paul Stanley out from Hollywood to Nashville (with his acoustic guitar) to play and sing on it. Result being it sounds almost indistinguishable from the original version other than Garth's vocals in place of Peter's.

You can also just slap on classic rock standards without telling her & gauge the response. Go-to suggestions:

>Pink Floyd DSOTM, WYWH & The Wall
>Molly Hatchet's first album
>Sabbath's first four albums
>70's Judas Priest (Hell Bent For Leather is a good one to start with)

When are kids going to learn that you can't just mould friends and loved ones into carbon copies of yourself.

If it bothers you THIS much that you can't force her to listen to what you tell her to (which is toxic as fuck of you by the way), just fucking break up with her you pussy little faggot.

put headphones on and listen to your own stuff.
looks like the problem is her, not the music

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Those are my favourites

Why is Cred Forums so full of judgemental pieces of shit?
>What's wrong with her
What's wrong with u?

Is she forcing you to listen to her music?

>it's terrible. i dated a girl for 5 years and we fought all of the time because I couldn't stand 80% of the music she liked.
Dated a girl who existed for the sole purpose of being a self-sustaining audio receptor for fucking classic rock. Pink Floyd, Jimmy Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, all that fucking crap.
And she had to fucking play it when we fucked. Like she was incapable of doing anything without it (and her weed).
Another one was almost the same way but with nigger rap. She at least compromised with me though.

ok zoomer

>Find a connection between rock/metal and country

If you're insinuating there is none you're obviously autistic.

You want her to change but you seem unwilling to change yourself. Go to a country show and you'll find thousands of hot and horny girls. If you don't leave with your girl there are plenty of others there who will be wet for Cole or jason.

This whole thread makes me think you went after her for her looks only. Maybe find a girl who has similar interests as you and worry less about looks

Brantley Gilbert and Eric church tend to have more rock/metal style shows. They sing about weed and booze. Hell BG's drummer has a mowhawk and one of his guitar players has dreds. Most of these guys are fans of metallica, gnr, and many other bands you're probably in to. There are connections if you just look

Yeah, I wanted someone to point out some sort of difference between rock and country. Shitkicker hat with matchy matchy shitkicker boots and a screeching prepubescent squeaky voice shouting about how life isn't everything they want. So different and refreshing.

Multiple times with this thread. Why don't you give us your A list of bands OP?

Give her an eighth of mushrooms and have her listen to all that shit music. She won't like it after that.

Easiest way to do it is to never let her drive and you listen to your music. You listen to music that she probably hates, but it sounds she likes modern 'country', but it's better than lil wayno or bruno mars or some crap.

Just take control of the radio. Then just tell her that you don't enjoy having to listen to her crap all the time and can go back and forth. Why are you letting some girl be the boss of you, ha.

Me again. I literally listen to ICP and really random shit. She listens to some country artists and knows it's girly music so she listens to her music when she is hanging in the room while I'm working or playing a game.

I also never let her drive. Not even her own car. So I control the radio. I tell her it's weird as fuck to see a couple with a baby (we don't have children) and the guy sits in the passengers seat while she drives the car. That's some weak ass male shit.

trumpie problems

Who cares.

Music quality is subjective.

damn dude it sounds like you're really insecure about yourself as a man. Fuck I like a woman to be in control. It's not 1950 anymore user, women can drive.

I don't know why this bullshit is considered country. All those motherfuckers, plus prettyboys like Sam hunt, are making preteen pop music. These douchebags are clearly all LA cityboys who spent one week in the country and come back singing about nothing other than pretty girls, partying, and think maybe adding in "tractor" or "truck" or "momma" once or twice makes it country. Since when is country music's target demograph junior high girls and not desolate rednecked yokels like it should be?

fuck that if the bitch wants to drive i let her. i work too god damned much to be pulling all the weight at home too. if that makes your dick limp more power to ya bro.

Replace all of her music with suicide boys. She either stops listening to country, starts doing heroin. Or kills herself. Problem solved