My roommate bought the house we were leasing and had his girlfriend move in with her shitbull...

My roommate bought the house we were leasing and had his girlfriend move in with her shitbull. According to them he is "the biggest bitch ever." Well they have to keep this motherfucker locked up in their room all the time when they aren't here. The dog actually warmed up to me a few days ago and was licking me while a they were there so I thought everything was fine. I go to let it out of my room mates room yesterday and its growling and barking at me and backing me up. What the hell do i do at this point? He goes fucking crazy everytime he sees me. How can I defend myself against this monster?

Attached: red-nose-pitbull-1-e1520600821708.jpg (644x548, 52K)

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feed it some M&M's when no one's looking

Glock 19

say you dont feel comfortable living with a rabies ridden monster. if they say "too bad", then just look up tenant rights and file a complaint with the county or whatever. They should be landlords if they pull this shit.

Attached: Forbiden snack.jpg (960x720, 166K)

Move out, or we'll see you on the news

Treats, steaks, petting, play, and walk. Build a kind and disciplined rapport with the animal. Soon enough it will begin listening to you and acting on command because it trusts you.

Show it your dick. Let it see what a faggot you are

How did your roommate get the money to buy the house? The term 'roommate' indicates neither party has a high income, but somehow he qualified for a house?

Let him smell your naked asshole. It's how dogs shake hands.

Stop being afraid, show dominance and make sure he knows your not a threat. If you have to stab the dog for attacking you then it is their fault

Xylitol — a sugar alcohol often used as a substitute for sugar — is an ingredient found in everyday items like sugar-free chewing gum, toothpaste and store-bought baked goods, according to PetMD. While typically harmless to humans, the ingredient can be lethal to dogs if ingested

I was recently bitten by my brothers pitbull. Got lucky and only ended up with a small scar on my face. Similar situation. Don't trust that dog. Leave it in the kennel. Get a gun or a sonic training device. Don't be a victim. Leave that fucking dog alone and let it bite someone else. Dogs do not feel empathy.

give it a 12 gauge bop on the noggin

I'm in the process of looking for a single apartment. I have another room mate who I am trying to get to go with me. He is really naive and thinks the dog wouldn't hurt a fly but he hasn't been alone with it

Look harder and get out sooner. Fuck that dog and fuck that guys girlfriend. I fell for the shitbull meme and got bit. My brother had to shell out over $1k and I missed work. Don't let that dog anywhere near you in the meantime. Don't even make eye contact with it. Pitbulls are basic as fuck and only look for ways to climb the social ladder and strut around like it pays the fucking bills. Good luck user.

rub nutella all over your cock and balls. Let the dog give you a good licking and watch him start vomiting and shitting himself from all the nutella. Laugh and continue to watch him eventually die

Attached: Mxkayla Maroney Booty.jpg (500x634, 72K)

the dog thinks you're its bitch. there is nothing to do beside putting it down

>now on serious advice:
it might actually attack you. you need to get out of there or get the dog out of there.

i've never had any luck making a dog that hates me to start liking me. and I am usually pretty good with dogs. suppose maybe getting like a kevlar reinforced sleeved shirt and gloves and trying to get it by it's neck to show you could have killed it, maybe would make him know you are stronger than him, but I don't see this working. maybe you can't make it submit to you, or maybe it will harbour resentment and attack you when it thinks it can get away with it. some dogs, like people, are just assholes. breeds to watch out because they do it, in my experience, boxers (yeah, really), mastiff, dobermanns, pitbulls, rottweilers, akitas, but there is a lot more.

get out of there op; maybe the doggo is nice to people from what it considers it's pack, it doesn't have to be put down. but if it attacks you it will be, iirc the law in the us

I really can't afford to live by myself. It's going to really suck but I don't see them getting rid of this monster anytime soon so I guess I'm going to have to suck it up and deal with it

also, if he bites you can probably sue.

don't provoke the dog (and don't die) and you will probably win some cash.