My dog just ate a a chocolate brownie while I was taking a shit and my dad doesn't want to call a vet at this hour and...

My dog just ate a a chocolate brownie while I was taking a shit and my dad doesn't want to call a vet at this hour and I don't have a drivers license to take her there myself. Should I call an uber? Do Uber's even allow dogs? Am I freaking out over nothing? Idc if Cred Forums is the wrong place to Ben asking this but it's all I fucking know.

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Cred Forums is not the wrong place to be asking this. Cred Forums is
Fucking reddit faggot

How big is the dog and was it dark chocolate or milk chocolate?

How big is your dog OP?

are you serious dumbass? i'm not a vet, just a RN, but chocolate isn't poison
if it's light chocolate he might shit himself tomorrow. if it's dark he might shit himself sooner and act weird because his stomach hurts. it won't kill him unless he eats several high % dark cocoa bars or starts licking pure cocoa powder. theobromine is not abundant enough in these consumer grade things unless they're baking supplies.
if you want to be really sure, we know dogs can easily make it through 3.5g of dark chocolate for every kilogram they weigh and 14g of milk chocolate for every kilogram they weigh. do the math.

Dog is like a medium sized golden retriever, idk it's weight. It was like 4x4inchs and was pretty light milk chocolate, really shitty

I really needed that positive validation that my dog won't die, thanks

nah, you're good

Yo wassup in Kensington my guy, hallow from Bromhof

Your dog will die. Force your dog to swallow to spoon fools of plain oil. This will force them to puke the chocolate. Force them to swallow. Go user. They will die

you truly are a Real Nigga

Cape Town, not Kensington

I'm white tho, there are tons of us in SA

No worries user, it's not enough to kill doggo. He might get the runs for a bit, but will be fine.

First of all, don't ask advice of Cred Forums.

Secondly, your dog is going to die if you do not get them to a vet IMMEDIATELY. Do whatever is necessary to make that happen if you care about your dog living.

that chocolate thing is a myth dummy. their bodies don't agree with lactose but it is not going to do any lasting harm. please verse yourself better with dogs.

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Should be fine. 20kg dog can eat like 10 milk chocolate bar

Thanks man

Should use salt to make it puke

lol, my dads dog eats half of christmas snacks every year and it was never even a problem

Retard it teobromine that is toxic to dogs

Your dog will be fine but it might get sick, better get it outside and pray that it won’t vomit.

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My dog ate a death by chocolate cake from Costco and loved it. Never got sick at all. Lived another 9 or 10 years and he was about 7 or 8 at the time. Probably 45 lbs.

There's a phoneline you can call for stuff like this ya dummy
Pet Poison Helpline at 18552136680

Ye not gonna call you scammer number

You don't have to make your dog puke. That's a little ass bit of chocolate, my friends doberman ate half a 5 lb Hershey bar and was fine just shit his brains out

Thanks everyone actually. My anxiety is qualmed. I'm gonna sleep, if my dog dies I'll update. Cheers

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If he's a larger dog he should be fine. Theobromine is only toxic in large amounts and even then it should only cause vomiting and diarrhea. If he starts being hyperactive, however, you should probably start panicking as that can be followed by seizures or a heart attack.

I looked up the number for the emergency vet in my area, the problem was that I couldn't get my dog there. But Most anons seem to be genuine when they say it's fine, so I'm happy.

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Pour 1 or 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide down its throat and take it outside.

This is a vomit inducer for dogs. Your dog will vomit it up in about 2 minutes and be just fine.

-Former dog owner.

Pour 4oz of hydrogen peroxide down its throat, you’ll have to hold her mouth open. This will induce vomiting. This is literally what I was told to do when my dog ate a shitload of chocolate. Worked and she’s still alive and healthy.

you can just use salt instead
if its a small dog a teaspoon is enough, you have to put it on the back of the tongue and it'll barf
better yet google "how to induce vomiting in dog" and don't trust any anons

H2O2 works fine. Never heard of salt trick, but I KNOW the hydrogen peroxide works. 4oz seems a bit much tho.

Stick your finger up it’s bum.

the problem with h2o2 is the concentration, the stuff I have is 40% and if you put this in your mouth undiluted it'll fucking burn your gums off
so look up the proper concentration and dosage before doing anything

How stupid person act
> Ask Cred Forums
How intelligent person act
> Call a vet, tell him ingredients, ask what to do

Who are you?

Friends very smol dog once ate like half a big toblerone with the foil, still alive right now this was over 5 years ago, used to feed chocolate biscuits to dogs before it was 'poison'

Your dog will be fucking fine you little dipshit.


Stop freaking out you flaming faggot.
The worst that can happen is for the fog to get diarrhea for a couple days.

a brownie isnt the same as eating straight chocolate. its a brownie. do you know what a brownie is

>Who are you?
Da fuck kinda question is that?
Wake up.

Go back to Retdit.

user is genius 100

Are you a kaffir, lad?

Dude, i got a big fat as garbage disposal that got in and ate a 82% dark bar. I was sure he was dead, didnt even bat a eye.
Brownies are sugar mostly anyway, it be stupid to take him to the vet and a waste.

Look at the ingredients user, its almost exclusively not chocolate. This is a non issue, like diarrhea at best.

I think your dog will be fine since this has happened to our dogs before but just in case:
It's safe enough and dogs will puke it up.



Pick it up and bearhug it squeezing its stomach until it pukes