This is a picture I took of a thread here on Cred Forums back 2011. Whether you hate him or not...

This is a picture I took of a thread here on Cred Forums back 2011. Whether you hate him or not, it is interesting how things turned out.

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>being here pre 2012

Its time to leave, grandpa

Trump seems neutral on weed at this point.

>Telling an oldfag to leave

confirmed OP has no bob and vagen

ok boomer

old Cred Forums used to be able to raid without mods working against us. You don't even know what you're missing out on. I bet you don't even know who this faggot is

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imagine feeling special XD !

Cred Forums is anonymous you ADHD riddled fuck nugget. Nobody here can specifically take credit for anything. If I wanted to be special I would go onto instagram or facebook like a fucking normalfag

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Dude, not even that faggot really knows who that faggot is.
But the one thing we do know is that as the king of OPs, he is also the king of fags.

OP is always the king of fags user

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this was taken last week and you set your computer clock wrong

Faggots old Cred Forums for the type of fags to play games like uncharted 3 for the “story”

Im a newfag and im more oldfag than any oldfag. Cred Forums is better now than before. Name any other site with a more detailed variation or porn



op is old

>Name any other site with a more detailed variation or porn
there are porn boards you reddit spacing newfaggot. Go to the fucking porn boards instead of turning Cred Forums from a random board into a totally predictable board. You faggot. Cred Forums isn't the only board on Cred Forums you stupid fucking down syndrom fetal alcohol syndrome baby. Your mother tongue punched my fart box that every time she burps she coughs out some of my dingle berries. she kisses you on the forehead with faint whiffs of my shit you miserable little turd. Now go the fuck to bed son its time for your bedtime

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Get a fucking family you 30 year old basement dweller. Dont be proud of being on a website for 13 years. Its nothing to be proud of, trust me.

I think the problem with oldfags and their rage against the porn is they’re so impotent the mere sight of a nude woman propels them into the rage of the reality no matter how hard they tug their mcdonalds french fry they can no long spurt the tinyiest bit of ranch out. Faggots

>taking a picture of the screen to reupload it to the computer to post it
dang you trumptards are a whole lot of stupid

>I think the problem with oldfags and their rage against the porn is they’re so impotent the mere sight of a nude woman propels them into the rage of the reality no matter how hard they tug their mcdonalds french fry they can no long spurt the tinyiest bit of ranch out. Faggots
No its because there's other boards for porn and you're such a dipshit newfag that you think Cred Forums is the only board on Cred Forums. /gif/, /h/ and /hc/ are three fantastic coomer boards. Go the fuck over there instead of turning Cred Forums into something its not

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Cope more grandpa

its random for a reason. Anything goes. Name another board you’re gonna find a straight shota bread on. Name another board with FB/IT Threads. Get some fucking viagra and enjoy you babbling old man

>Name another board you’re gonna find a straight shota bread on
that was always here you stupid newfag
>Name another board with FB/IT Threads.
Those belong on /soc/ you normie
>Get some fucking viagra and enjoy you babbling old man
My dick works just fine but I'm sure you need all the viagra in the world to make your 4 incher throb hard enough for a girl to feel it

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ok special boiii :DDD

>4 inches
Pic related

Soc doesnt have any of that shit

Id upload timestamp of my dick but it says the files too large

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Look who it is again, ID Heaven. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet.
Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag?
Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "Heaven" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.

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Mother of god ,the level of homosexuality

I'm still here with you brother. Ignore these faggots.

lol I've been here since 2004

Cmon guys nursing homes this way

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You're not alone. There's more of us.

That’s some low tier, vintage faggotry you got there.


Newfagging it up all over the place

Random has no definitives.

Remember calling dominoes pizza and asking for grapes, feels bad man, i wanna go back

you might think the "pro legalization of marijuana" thing is extreme bullshit. even in arizona, i know someone who seemed to think that even a public vote to legalize it was bullshit even though it lost by less than 4% last time. it needed like 15,000 more votes to pass. he thought the republicans would manipulate it, no matter what, to never be legal.

it just so happens that there are three bills being proposed to be on the ballot and the republicans that control arizona want to legalize it before then by simple vote. it's all about money to legalize it, not christian morality or racism to block it.

Holy Christ, I haven't seen this pasta in ages. Well done, user. Have some tits.

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>believing this bullshit greentext when the OP of the picture has a Fallout 3 cheatcodes tab

it came out in 2008. tab is in 2011. what is your point?

>> 821371745
> Boт фoтoгpaфия, кoтopyю я cдeлaл здecь в 2011 гoдy. Heвaжнo, paccтpoeны вы или нeт, бyдeт интepecнo пocмoтpeть, кaк идyт дeлa.

Этo нe цeнтp глyпoгo миpa. Tыcячи лoтoв бecкoнeчны, и к cчacтью для глyпoй жeнщины. Эти шaги нaзaд, тaкиe кaк хип-хoп, пpaвитeльcтвeннaя нeнaвиcть и aмepикaнcкaя шкoльнaя cиcтeмa, - этo глyпocти, кoтopыe дeлaют глyпыe aмepикaнцы.

Дaвaй! Иди co cвoими глyпыми, глyпыми и зacтeнчивыми poдитeлями, глyпыми дypaкaми. Дaжe пoлитики гoвopят, нe гoвopя yжe o жиpaх, чтoбы пoжepтвoвaть aмepикaнcкoмy нapoдy, и их тыcячи пpeдcтaвлeны 85% людeй ... бeз пpeyвeличeния, вы пoлyчитe 40% жиpa, 45% пpocтитyции (включaя вaш тyмaн). Cынoк) Tвoй тyпoй бoгaч.

Boзьмитe кyчy cпpeя c aмepикaнcким ocлoм и фиcтaшкaми, oтпycтитe и yтилизиpyйтe, кaк ecли бы этo былa aмepикaнcкaя зeмля.

Блин ...

Кaждый paз, кoгдa ктo-тo идeт в этy кaпитaлиcтичecкyю шaхтy, этo гpycтнo. Oни дeлaют этo, пoдaвляя вpeдных нaceкoмых в oкpyжaющих cooбщecтвaх.

Эти бeдныe люди в кaтoличecких cтpaнaх нacтoлькo глyпы, чтo знaют, чтo въeзжaют в бeднyю и пoзднюю cтpaнy.

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