Best tips and tricks for civ V

Best tips and tricks for civ V.

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Just play civ VI


>Download in-game editor from steam workshop
>Place manufactures and iron on every hill
>change all tundra and desert tiles to grassland
>Place oasis, wheat and floodplains on flat tiles

sea heavy map? England, just make sure to secure iron before renaissance period.
land heavy map? America or Germany, depends how militaristic you want to go

Rush for great library.
If someone beats you to it, quit.
Everyone will love you.

Which is more militaristic, Germany or America lol

Civ VI doesn't even show data for population, land area or manufacturing. How am I supposed to get a boner if I can't compare sizes?

Go play Civ 3 instead

if you trade gold per turn + resource for gold you can build a fort over the resource and it will break the trade agreement for both, you keep the gold, and you get no relationship penalty.

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Germany is much more militaristic. What the fuck? I've never heard America as being militaristic. Be the Huns, get a ruins that upgrades your unit to a battering ram and then you can 2-shot cities

England is one of the best for military domination. Once you can spam long-bowmen just keep attacking cities until you have about 40 fully upgraded ones.

I'm high speed retarded so I like civilization revolution is there a way to play it on PC?

Stomp a tranny to death

1. Research writing ASAP, this unlocks the great library
2. Start building great library
3. Research mining while building great library, this allows iron working as an unlockable tech
4. Gr8 libary gives u 1 free tech upon completion, use your free tech on iron working
5. Be the first civ to harvest iron
6. Steamroll nearest civ with iron weapons

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This is always how I play.

Rush science early, makes it impossible for anyone to catch up. Then late game you can do whatever the fuck you want.

How tf do you guys build more than 4 cities in harder difficulties without getting FUCKED by happiness penalties. Meanwhile fucking NPCs can build 20+ cities and still be happy WTF...

civ 5 is best civ

You don't.
You should never have more than 4 cities unless youre about to win from conquering the world.
The cons outwiegh the pros; just use less cities.

Don't bother playing on the hardest else you are forced to use the same strategy every time.

I think I usually play on second hardest, easier difficulties are too boring

Play tiny islands with Carthage. Go down liberty with a focus on religion. Get the pantheon that gives +2 science for every connection to a city and since you're Carthage you automatically get a harbor. ???, Profit.

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Build and defend until you get trebuchets. Send at least 3 trebs for a city you want to conquer. With support and cover from ground troops you can take virtually any city without taking damage. Pay attention to the strengths of each civilization during the opening blurbs and play to those strengths. The more you explore early on, the more civs will attack you.

Civ4:BtS with Caveman 2 Cosmos mod is where it is at

Do you guys always play the generated maps or the world map?