So republicans,instead of smoking good people become alcoholics,smoke meth,or abuse opiods...

so republicans,instead of smoking good people become alcoholics,smoke meth,or abuse opiods? how come bible thumper jeffy doesnt criticize any of that

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oh wait,i know why.because half of his party does it.what a shame

that's a ridiculous argument
it's absurd to require someone to criticize every other bad thing that exists before they're allowed to criticize one specific bad thing

how is it ridiculous? or is this another "hurr durr,fake news!"to avoid reality?

how can you think it's reasonable to expect someone to criticize everything you think is bad before they're allowed to talk about something they think it bad? they can't read your mind, it's utterly irrelevant, and it would basically prevent anyone from talking about anything, because they'd have to talk about everything else first.

and I have no idea who this guy is, so it's got nothing to do with him and everything to do with your ridiculous criticism

>do good people become alcoholics
>do good people smoke meth
>do good people abuse opiods
yes, in a sense they take opioids for more than their pain relief function. some great people in history used opioids.
everything else you have to be an absolute scum to do

>i have no idea who this guy is

then why call my criticism of him ridiculous you stupid fuck

hey redneck,i said ABUSE

there's a difference between abusing opiods,and not abusing them.go figure id hurt at least one trumper's feelings posting this moron

t.heroin addict

>then why call my criticism of him ridiculous you stupid fuck
because your criticism is fucking ridiculous. the standards you're applying wouldn't even make sense in retardobizarroworld, you absolute moron

You're quite worked up over this, why don't you have a sit down and enjoy another cool glass of Soy

he can't sit down, his butt's too sore

calling me a moron when your the one who doesnt even know who the person in the op about this,fuck off and participate in something that you know about.retard

you can't even compose an argument that makes sense
ergo, you're a moron


im a republican,kiddo

why dont you call democrats snowflakes some more and then get butthurt when a group of high school kids gets shit on after they harass an older person

i glad you morons lost house majority in the's to losing the senate and presidency because real republicans dont want to put up with your bullshit anymore

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you're a moron

says the snowflake who supports a president who cant pronounce the english language correctly

trump should go back to the 3rd grade and get the education he missed instead of running for president

how? because im not some snowflake like you who's feelings get hurt over something every other week,but i get it.your soooo much better then those "soy"democrats right? LOL

oh, you're one of those morons who thinks anyone who disagrees you in any way must support trump

just sage this retard

you can't even compose an argument that makes sense, moron

it makes sense to educated people,sadly.nobody who supports donald trump is educated

you're whining because he didn't criticize every other thing you think is wrong
that's not an actual criticism
that's a demand that before he can talk about anything he cares about, he has to validate all your positions first
that's fucking idiotic, and the fact you can't recognize it and keep bringing up trump for no reason just means you one of the dumbest 1% of all the posters on Cred Forums