Freedom is coming!

Freedom is coming!

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dubs of truth, feel the bern


Enjoy communism, faggot

Freedom for criminals and terrorists.

just like jfk

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Socialism is not communism you stupid Yank.
Jesus you are a bunch of thick cunts...
The US military is one of the biggest SOCIALIST Institutions on the world

Dubs have spoken

you realize that posting violates US law, right?

ITT morons thinking the government will fix your woes even though they are responsible for those woes

Feel The Bern 2020

What are you going to do, school us on it? Hardly.

Whatever. It's some form of collectivism based upon Marxism and that shit has been shown to fail spectacularly. It has a ruling class and everyone else is a slave to that ruling class.

But yeah, you go ahead and dither over "definitions" and ignore the 20th century.

Healthcare BAD
Education BAD

>but it's okay when we do it to Trump

kek kid you just really know what im thinking huh?

i saw this retard that legit thought that the us army was a socialist institution. because we pay for your army yes retard

They are BAD when the government runs them. The NHS is one of the biggest shit shows on the planet in spite of the government press protecting it.

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Literally nobody says that about Trumpl
Calling Trump the fucking retard he actually is actually ok.
Just because it hurts your feelings and you cry doesn't allow you to post threatening images to our future or current President.

Government run Education = Teach children that they always need more Government

Government run Healthcare = Do what we say or we'll let you die without treatment when you're old (we'll probably do that anyway but we'll lie about it beforehand)

What he said
Go fuck yourself and your socialist/communist government ideologies. Capitalism is the only true way to move a society forward, bitch. Bernie ducks don't even know what tf it'll cost to fuel these pie in the sky dreams. They listen to what Bernie says and try to change a capitalist country because of it. Dont even know a lick about basic economics...yet they want a say on how businesses should be run. FUCK OFF

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Daily reminder Bernie has no idea how he intends to pay for the free shit he’s promised nor how much it’ll cost. The guy is arguably the greatest con man to ever walk the earth.

>The guy is arguably the greatest con man to ever walk the earth.

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So you've never seen the murder of Trump portrayed and applauded all over lefty world? You're not being honest.

They have that Julius Ceasar in Central Park thing where Trump is Ceasar. He is murdered to thunderous applause.

Also, that Kathy Griffin severed head thing. Lefties everywhere loved it and said so.

So, go fuck yourself because you're intellectually dishonest.

And Bernie is never going to be President. Get used to the idea.

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U smart. Tell this to everyone so we can stop this Bernie shit

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Honestly, if somebody kills Bernie my money is on other Dems.

lol when did the euro trash show up?

cancer is probably already doing that

Sure pal

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Hardly comparable. One knows basic economics, the other blatantly prefers to yell shit that makes people happy. Get conned

socialism is the other failed attempt at realizing Marxism which is in itself a failed ideology

No I haven't seen whatever bullshit you are talking about and Kathy Griffin was visited and questioned by the Secret Service just like you should be for posting that image, don't ever fucking threaten a President ever again you piece of shit.

Ask people that go to the VA ( a government run health care ) how awesome the government is at running healthcare

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Can I get the link to this? I believe it to be try but would need an actual link to show ppl

It's okay, he's a black Mexican illegal alien. Calm down, bigot.

For freedom and socialism be prepared! - always prepared!

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Not Him but there is this channel which deserve he's many features of Communism & explains why it is good. You're think "b-b-but Communism collapsed", actually some fag named Michael Garbachev illegally dissolved a country that believed in it. That country got inaded & rose back up at insane rates & the fag thought that meant it was bad.

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Shit, keyboard fucked itself in the beginning.

Awww, look at the little newfag who got lost on his way to r/socialism.

why is Bernie getting assassinated?

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Idiot Americans think socialism is communism.

Do they see that many of their favourite constructs are inherently socialist?

You know what? They deserve Trump



jfk was a moderate compared to this full blown communist

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Freedom isn't coming, its just breathing hard

Kek enjoy another 4 years

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Yale and Harvard researchers: Medicare for All reduces costs, while public option makes health care more expensive

>Louder with Crowder
I'm sure that is an unbiased, honest intellectual take on his policies!

Another study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine by researchers at Harvard University, Hunter College and the University of Ottawa similarly estimated that switching to a single-payer system like Medicare for All could save up to $600 billion per year on administrative costs alone.

The study found that the average American pays $2,597 per year on administrative costs — overhead for insurers and hospitals, salaries, huge executive compensation packages and growing profits — while Canadians pay $551 per year.

>you have to have health insurance and you have to help pay for everyone else’s if you make money in any way
>you have to let me decide whatever definition I want of the second amendment and forgo any weapons or accessories I deem scary
>you should be arrested for misgendering a woman with an adams apple a full beard
>no more arresting people if it means their kids will be sad
>minorities dindu nuffin and if you say they did you should be fined
That’s some shitty “freedom”. Any actual Marxist knows Bernie is pandering to liberal morons with no deep understanding of socialist thought but want to feel edgy. Marxists arm themselves for the reality that the working class need to protect themselves from the bourgeois and any advocation of disarming the working class indicates the person saying it is a bourgeois pigdog. Bernie Sanders is a bourgeois pigdog and shockingly is using working class rhetoric to weasel his way up the political food chain

what will the bernouts do when they realize freedom isn’t free?

It's not even socialism lmfao, it's literally just nordic capitalist policies and Ameritards are having seizures over it because they are horrible at politics.

I'm getting sick and tired of you commie fucks who keep LYING about communism and socialism not being the same thing. Go die faggot.

Yale and Harvard disagree.

Are you dumb? JFK wanted Medicare for all, was for abolishing the CIA, unions, and a minimum-wage increase.

>It's not even socialism
so bernie is a liar when he says it is?

did he want to confiscate firearms and open borders?

>did he want to confiscate firearms
Trump literally said he does

did jfk?

Lol. You're funny.
She got what she deserved. You missed the point boy. Besides, Bernie isn't President and never will be.

citation needed