Why do Americans tip at restaurants instead of paying their employees a livable wage?

Why do Americans tip at restaurants instead of paying their employees a livable wage?

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It encourages employees to provide a higher level of service which often results in repeat business. An untipped waitress is far more likely to not generally give a shit about her job resulting in more incorrect orders and poorer service which would hurt the bottom line of the restaurant. Pretty simple concept tbh.

because the customers aren't making the laws faggot.

wouldnt the owner just fire the waiter?

seems like u could say this about any job

Japan doesn't use the tip system and the service is very good

It’s a formulated blurred line so the owner can cram your hard earned money up their families ass and participate in human trafficking.

"Tradition" and "intertia" are the correct answers.

It's a stupid system, but it's so ingrained here that it would be enormously difficult to change.

what is a living wage?

Japan has a standard. They also have a fat tax.

This. Plus it gives the customer the ability to decide how much the service was worth based on their experience, instead of paying for it anyways in the food they buy if tipping weren’t a thing. It really is a pretty simple and good business model provided your customer base isn’t stingy and Jewish, always trying to save a buck.

Why fire the waiter when you could just force them to provide the level of service you want by linking it to their pay?
Cool nice anecdotal evidence you’ve got there. Next time just shut the fuck up ok?

>force them
Is this Russia?

It's pretty much pay on commission. In case you don't know if the waiter/waitress makes less than minimum wage in tips then the establishment must make up the difference and make sure the staff takes home at least minnimum wage. You fags would know this of you worked in these jobs or had a restauraunt.

Yeah or they could just leave it like it is because it works? Only autistic faggots get all bent out of shape about a tip. If you can’t afford to tip for food, get take out and bring it home. You should pay for The service. Same with delivery. Pay the guy to bring it to your door so your fat lazy ass doesn’t have to go to the place to pick it up and it should cost extra

Damn I miss Bree Olson.

An untipped waitress is more likely to give poor service only because they used to get tipped.
I don't see why if Americans get tipped so much, why their service always still seems to be shit?

why do americans accept jobs with too low wages?

Should they stop, businesses will have to raise the wages in order to find any employees at all

that is a good question.

some make 4-5 grand after taxes etc and call it poverty

No, they can quit at any time if they choose. There is probably 20 other resumes on the management’s desk anyway.

If a person works at least 40 hours a week, their paycheck should be commensurate with the cost of living in their area whether they work at McDonald’s, Lowe’s, or some Fortune 500 company. If you’re reading this and don’t agree then you’re being fooled by people who make more money than you that you shouldn’t respect people who make less money than you. Work is work. And if you do 40 hours or more of it, you shouldn’t be on welfare. And guess what, more white people are on welfare than blacks or Mexicans. So deal with it and stop voting against your interests.

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My god americans are dumbbbb.

Define “cost of living” smart guy.

Minimum wage could be liveable if you rent an RV for $400 a month or share a regular place with 3 other people. Housing tends to be the biggest cost of living. Food is overall quite cheap and you can also get some pretty cheap used cars.

And then pretty soon a college degree and 8 years experience is needed. A waitress or waiter shouldn’t be a tough job to have. Why wouldn’t you, as a good paying customer, want to be able to choose how well the service was anyways? You would pay for it anyways in the item price