Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders

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Will never get the nomination. See 2016.

next president

MY president

Please jump in the volcano already

If he's the leader of the opposition when the time comes, and they don't give him the nomination, the DNC will have cucked themselves into permanent irrelevance.

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Is a thieving kike

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Oh my.

Dat hivemind

Donated $20 to his campaign last night.
Feel The Bern

great memes bro you've totally convinced me you understand sanders' economic plans!

>Dat hivemind
It's called being a Parrot, no brain Trumpshits.

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I bet you did you little Communist. How does that make you feel?

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President Bernie Sanders

You don’t think this has already happened? They’re already using the same tricks they used on Trump by saying Russia is aiding his campaign. Bernie isn’t having any of it (good for him for standing up to them this time) but he will not have their support.

Muh russia,collusion,impeach45 etc cuck

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He'll never make it

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I would fap for Bernie

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>I bet you did
You don't have to bet, I just told you I did, retard.
>How does that make you feel?
*****Bernie 2020*****

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>i wasted $20 last night

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Bernie could actually transform USA to a 1st world country

I'm a straight white male that makes way more than $15/hr from two jobs.
How much does that piss you off?

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A lot can happen n months. Why are you celebrating?

You should probably thank capitalism.

In seven months

Don't you think Billionaires should have more tax breaks though?
I'm just not convinced about free healthcare and education. Sounds risky.

I thank my hard work ethic and dedication and Bernie Sanders will be Your President.

Which country that has free healthcare and education is as rich as the US and can project it’s power/influence as well as we can?

same cuck, different year.

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Would it bother you if your hard work and dedication were rewarded just as much to a lazy drug addict who works two jobs making an automatic $15 an hour even though he has no skill or drive?

You are right, those poor Billionaires can't survive paying 52% of their hard earned money. Like how can you live if you can't afford to have 42 Lamborghinis in Lamborghini account

President of the United States, Bernie Sanders.

Bernie Is For The People

People voted for Trump to drain the swamp (and he just made the swamp worse), but Bernie would blow the swamp the fuck up

Again with the Russia crap. There doesn't need to be any russians for your party to lose an election. Apparently anyone who had two nickels to rub together got the memo that 'It was her turn', and the rest of us were just a 'basket of deplorables'

Sorry blue team, but that's not going to make all us deplorables run out and vote for you. Democrats do just fine sowing division in America all by themselves, they don't need any Russian help to alienate potential voters.

We should keep paying more taxes than billionaires, anything else would be communism. That's what the guy in the boxed steak says. I saw him on the apprentice so he has to be right

I love this

>the rest of us were just a 'basket of deplorables'
...and you have not failed to disappoint.

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You are a fucking dumbfuck with literally no reading comprehension ability.



>Facebook exec in 2016 warned taking down misinformation would 'disproportionately affect conservatives'

Yea, it's totally the Dems doing the majority of the misinformation campaigning.


>MY president
Of what?

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They won’t win with Bernie anyway. He’s a liability to just about every down ballot race aside from those that are so skewed you could have a literal bear run so long as there was a (D) next to its name

President of the United States, Bernie Sanders.


You are the product of the Red Scare.

Ooga booga, faggot

This is possibly my favorite strawman argument.

The mental gymnastics you have to pull to get here is fucking astounding.

>Which country that has free healthcare and education is as rich as the US and can project it’s power/influence as well as we can?

Which country has [argument] and [completely irrelevant point] as much as the US?

Amazing answer there friendo. You should be a Democratic politician.
If you have an actual point feel free to make it. Otherwise shut the fuck up bitch.

cope harder

Nice seethe.

If minimum wage is 15, all the remaining wages would automatically need to adjust proportional to skill, otherwise, no one will agree to do it. It's not like burger flipper will suddenly make as much as a phd or something.

The only downside is that businesses that hire these low-skilled min-wage workers are now pressed to pay more. More business expense means less revenue, meaning they will lay people off and get more aggressive. I doubt that the CEO is gonna say "Oh sure, I'm gonna take a chunk of my profits that I spend on golf and pay it to little joey that's my delivery driver".

PhDs make more than $15 an hour, and management would be required to pay the new minimum wage, what’s your point, what’s your point

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You are probably the 400lb fatass rolling around in your room that Trump was talking about a few years ago

a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state


You forgot the part where the state isn’t absent, and is run by a single dictator who controls everything in your life, including if you get to eat or not

>They won’t win with Bernie anyway
This is completely false. Most dems will vote Bernie if he wins the nomination just because he's not Trump. Then he'll also get a large chunk of the people who normally vote independent as well. Also, some of the people who voted Trump last time will vote independent this time around (some even for Bernie). That's easily enough to beat Trump.

Can't wait for Bernie to mop up the floor with Trump's hair implants.

how to you walk through life every day being this wrong all the time, its really time you an hero

>If minimum wage is 15, all the remaining wages would automatically need to adjust proportional to skill, otherwise, no one will agree to do it
Seattle's minimum wage is already $15/h. And no, other people's wages didn't automatically adjust when this happened.

The left can't meme

>those eyebrows

Stop spamming these threads Matthews

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>doesn't understand the difference between income, wealth, and investments
>bernie supporter
no surprise

hell yeah trump economy number do the good today

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>Seattle's minimum wage
It's not 15 yet, according to a google search at least. It's 12 atm.

>not knowing that phd holders have actually terrible wages in most fields.

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I'm no Trump supporter but empowering these dumb-shits is a lateral move. If this keeps up someone needs to start making the call on when people are too stupid to vote.

Russians on suicide watch KEK

You must suck at using Google:

thats some good propaganda ivan. I'm sure these facebook tier memes will really win the hearts and minds here

I'm not paying mine. Get angry about it.

That old fucking kike nigger ain’t winning shieeeet

You tell 'em Jamal.

Donald Trump is without question the most constipated President since Taft. Dude’s guts are fucked. Diverticulitis will get him sooner or later.

>Implying that democratic socialism = communism
>Implying our own government doesn't already support corporate welfare that is 100s of times greater than support given to medicare/food security/social security

You're one dense potato huh

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Is a Red.

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Imagine not knowing history so much that you create the shittiest most slippery slope pasta you can imagine...

For those who aren't russian trolls, the wealthy are paying less than 1/3rd than they used to prior to reagan. Instead of that saved money revitalizing the economy and promoting general welfare went into pockets of the extremely wealthy. As a result, our infrastructure is crumbling, american school systems are vastly underfunded and teachers are quitting in droves, our healthcare system continues to become more and more expensive and a few simple illnesses can ruin financial security for millions of americans, today most americans have to live paycheck to paycheck to survive simply because they weren't born wealthy, and worst of all is that our democracy has effectively become a plutocracy where the rich can do whatever they want with few consequences and even buy their way into the white house.

My point is that democratic socialism is not this stupid fucking doomsday scenario you moron.

Or else the cuckservatives will turn your country into that right?

Great message user!

feel the bern boys better than the shill trump

As someone who usually votes dem, The issue is that the list of free shit keeps getting bigger, I STRONGLY disagree with the college loans write offs, I don't necessarily disagree with government run BASIC healthcare, but it needs to be done with legislation that strongly limits the scope.

Infrastructure is more on the state issue than fed level issue, outside of interstates.

I laugh my ass off when Bernie says that the U.S. already has socialist policies, such as welfare. I
Explain to me which demographic of people struggle the most in this country? Then explain to which demographic of people use welfare the most? It would be funny if your answers were the same for both questions.

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That’s why we still need moderate Dems and Republicans to help keep it in check. Yes the promises are huge. But we can find a way to make things work in a reasonable way that betters the lives of everyone.

The ones who don't have money to buy favorable policies? It's not too tough to make a case that this has been the case. You may be right, but that doesn't mean they're wrong

Welfare is a Socialist policy. It is unconstitutional, leads people to not work, increases taxes, goes hand-in-hand with minimum wage to devalue labor (more accurately to inflate the value of labor), and more.

Here's a thing about Bernie: he wants to raise the minimum wage to $15/hour then tax everyone over 50% just at the federal level for making that wage or more. That alone will collapse the economy, and I'm sure he is already lining up his rhetoric to blame it all on Capitalism to justify seizing private businesses from people he caused to struggle.

But my issue is that it's very obviously not feasible, which makes him as much of a liar as Trump saying Mexico will pay for the wall, neither of which I consider reasonable people.

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can't wait till he is suicided and Biden wins the nomination

Then stop corporate welfare which is massively larger and much more systemic than the measly stuff that disadvantaged communities get.

It incentives corporations and businesses to produce cheap shitty services/products and to overvalue their goods and ultimately stagnating the economy.

Heres the the thing about Trump: he wants corporations and the wealthy like him to avoid paying taxes so they can bleed the country dry. This alone will force most of the country into poverty and ruin the economy as there won't be enough money to turn the wheels of labor. And I'm sure Trump will use this as rhetoric to justify turning to a fascist state where he can order people into work camps so he can squeeze labor out of people for a fraction of cost.

>not my president

I'm not sure what kind of shitty programming language that is, but you should stop using it. Any language where equality checks are made with a single equals sign should be dragged into the back alley and shot.

The problem is that if the wealthy had been properly taxed for all these years until now we probably would have had all this free shit.

Bernie is basically making the case that this is all the stuff that the wealthy/corporations have stolen from us just so they can keep inflating their bank accounts, and golden parachutes, and "making value for their shareholders".

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The rest of the world does it. Why can't USA, the most powerful, most prosperous, and most enlightened country in the world accomplish this?

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President Bernie Sanders

Which country is as rich as the richest country...what an argument.


There’s a correlation between free education/healthcare and a country’s wealth/power brainlet.

Birdie Sanders

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because it won't. Free shit is a lie. You still pay for medicare. Just that you pay for it what you can. Everyone chips in to make health care a guaranteed human right.

It's not like Bernie will send you a free monthly check so you don't have to work anymore. That's just a bullshit strawman. Bernie is no Yang. You still have to get off your ass and work. It's just that your life as a wage worker will significantly improve: no starvation wage, union support, affordable housing, equal opportunity regardless of your race, just to name a few.

Google state capitalism

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>Angry trumpublican takes taking a short walk after a long afternoon of whinging about hillary
>sees bernie sign in an unshoveled yard and gleefully takes a picture to post on social media
>sees bernie supporter actually shoveling other people's sidewalks before their own
>They say, "hi nice day, isn't it"
>Stammering trumpeter says "y-you ttoo"

you gonna lose and its going to be glorious

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Chairman Sanders 2020

Bullshit. Billionaires didn't study to earn what they earned. They assraped the working class to get it. You think the fat son of a bitch that is a hedge fund manager has to work for his income? They get paid just because they had money to begin with. They add nothing to society. Those pieces of shits need to pay up.

I used to really be into these threads but now I wonder who's really making them? Berniebros? Russians? Both?

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All this fucking whining about "rich people" by the left serves to illustrate how little they actually understands about how the economy works. For the most part the "wealth inequality" you guys are so buttblasted over is the result of high taxation, inflation (the invisible tax), excessive regulation, government manipulation of the money supply (yes, money printing) and a bloated welfare state making it unattractive for companies to manufacture products in the United States. At the same time, the companies that DO manage to do well here are mostly tech companies which generate huge profits with low overhead, which means that the people at the top and the handful of engineers and programmers they employ get incredibly rich, without creating any additional jobs for unskilled/low skilled workers. In addition, the cost of living in the cities where these companies are located skyrockets, without an additional increase in average income.

Meanwhile, the same people who brought you the high taxes and excessive government regulation that killed off most of middle America are simultaneously opening borders to allow hordes of immigrants to swarm in and scoop up the handful of low-skill jobs that ARE available, which not only makes these jobs more competitive, but also ensures that wages remain low.

Why do you think Apple and Facebook and Amazon and all these faggot Silicon Valley companies support the Democrats so much? Because they actually give a shit about black people and tranny bathroom rights?

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so much stupid contained here

Correlate dez nuts bootlicker

stale pasta

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Gonna have a fourth house soon

you are being tag teamed. If you understand-carry on.

Lick my fuckin balls bitch

so bernie has to sell his houses and go for bust in his campaign instead of taking modest cash donations? why are you 12?

Bend the knee Chris Matthews

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Not an argument.

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Actually it means, as it does with me, that user attempted to try and focus on rebutting the points made in which may or may not be your own post, but decided not to waste time formulating a detailed response, because of how particularly the 2nd part of what may or may not be your post was dry, cliche and quite stupid. I'd delete the post if it were mine.

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His policies would help ~95% of the people on this board but you all will bitch about him because you're dumb enough to fall for cold war propaganda that socialism is evil.

Btw he's not even an actual socialist.

Jew. Jew. He's a lying jew.

Ok boomer

que se jodan los Judios

God I fucking hate boomers..

Yeah. What this person said.

Trumpfags: sell me on him. I'm serious, I haven't much faith in the left but Trump honestly seems to be genuinely unhinged. At best he's just kinda dumb, at worse he's experiencing real cognitive decline. Why should I support him?

If this wasn’t Cred Forums I’d think it was unbelievable that an entire thread is filled with morons who either don’t know anything or conveniently ignore US economic policy of most of the 20th century. Was FDR a radical socialist? Was Teddy Roosevelt? Was Truman? Was Dwight Eisenhower? Get off the internet and try reading a fucking book, that is if you know how to read any words other than “faggot” “nigger” or “socialist bad, trump good”. The irony of it all is that the same bullshit policies you espouse are more socialist than anything Bernie or any social democrat calls for, except it is socialism for billionaires, multinational corporations, the military industrial complex and Wall Street. The reality is you are in fact just a bunch of cucks who have fallen into a cult of personality.

Okay zoomer

He's not some deranged dotard like the media insists on, but he's no genius either. He's the guy currently in charge and things are going well, no reason to change things now, especially not for someone radically different.

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I mean every person in that white house seems to think he's not just dumb, but unstable. Why shouldn't I believe the multiple ex-staffers who indicate he's nuts?

Sure, kid. Well get right on that.

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>US richest country in world
>One of the only first-world countries where the population struggles to pay for medical care, crumbling infrastructure, poison water
>Only two viable parties that are basically the fucking same, only one panders to religious retards and the other panders to LGBTQAHIV+ retards
>US citizens don't make top ten list of nations with most personal liberties

The United States has the representation it deserves. I say this as someone who lives here. The majority DESERVES the fucking plutocracy it supports.

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“Things are shitty so let’s do nothing and complain”

Great take faggot.

Bernie will accomplish less of his campaign promises than trump did.

Sanders: We do. I mean, you know, and -- and-- the price tag is -- it will be substantially less than letting the current system go. I think it's about $30 trillion.

Cooper: That's just for "Medicare for All," you're talking about?

Sanders: That's just "Medicare for All," yes.

Cooper: Do you have -- a price tag for all of these things?

Sanders: No, I don't. We try to -- no, you mentioned making public colleges and universities tuition free and canceling all student debt, that's correct. That's what I want to do. We pay for that through a modest tax on Wall Street speculation.

Cooper: But you say you don't know what the total price is, but you know how it's gonna be paid for. How do you know it's gonna be paid for if you don't know how much the price is?

Sanders: Well, I can't -- you know, I can't rattle off to you every nickel and every dime. But we have accounted for -- you -- you talked about "Medicare for All." We have options out there that will pay for it.

When did I say do nothing? I'm going to vote. I'm saying that whatever the outcome is, we get what we deserve.

exactly, he has literally accomplished nothing in the 40 years he's been in government except get rich.

's name is Trump

>I gave $20 to a Jew just because
congrats bud

To say raising the minimum wage doesn't help raise everyone's wage is ridiculous. People switch jobs all the time for money, stress, difficulty and hours.

"But higher minimum wages citywide pressure employers to increase pay even if they are already above that threshold, in order to compete for talent."

sure kid

Seattle had a ridiculous cost of living, hence why many of those businesses are paying over the minimum wage anyways. That's how it fucking works. Cities in high demand will have to pay more for menial labor, and people to fill those positions wont exist unless there's an incentive. It doesn't mean some backwoods McDonalds should pay $15/h to flip burgers, that's just insane.


Socialist aren't against making money. They want policies that will raise the standard of living, and lessen income inequality. If you don't know what socialism is then why not take the time to learn about it.

This. Not even the Democrats will vote for half of the shit he supports

We all now who will be in office for the next 4 years. Don't kid yourselves.

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Stop being an idiot

They want to raise the standard of living by stealing from hard working people and giving it to bums.

>free shit keeps getting bigger
Medicare for all lowers prices and saves billions.
The government is profiting off it students with those loans for something that was nearly free 30 years ago.


Which demographic didn't have full rights until the 1960s and was enslaved? You mean the one that is still mistreated today and lives in poverty because of what the government did to them?

What was nearly free 30 years ago? How old are you, boy? I was in college 30 years ago, please remind me what was nearly free 30 years ago.

but the asians were also in a not so good position, they were dirt poor and now they are doing ok. blacks are all.. "muh welfare" all throughout.

Or do you mean to say that since whites made black people feel bad for being black, that this sad feeling has hurt them permanently?

And you should also thank the capitalism that allowed your job to exist in the first place

>hard working people
The ceo deserves to make 350 to 700 times what his workers make? He isn't working 350 to 750 times harder than his workers. He runs the company and he is allowed to make up whatever rules that are good for him and he can legally get away with. This has nothing to do with working hard.

President of My Socialist Utopia
Where billionaires pay 100% tax

By hard work I meant the drive to do what needs to be done to run a successful business. Do you think it's ok to take money from people because they didn't physically work for their money?

Wow you did a definition
Now you are superior to everyone else

College could be paid for by working a part time job. That's impossible now.

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shoulda been yang

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Is a piece of human garbage

Russia is interfering in an attempt to delegitimization Sanders and the MSM is complicit. There’s a reason the news broke the night before Nevada

>Do you think it's ok to take money from people because they didn't physically work for their money.

Yes, the rules allow the CEOs to horde the money and keep salaries artificially low. The people at the bottom are fighting for crumbs and it is hurting our society.
Companies that want to be publicly traded should be forced to be employed owned. Once the company becomes public the CEO cares more about his shareholders than the workers.

And that's fine. The corruption, greed, and narcissism just needs to be eradicated from the White House. We need the U.S. to be a country we're proud to be from again. This presidency has been a rough fucking lesson. Show up to vote, don't assume anything is set in stone.

It would be artificial if there were actual rules governing how much to pay, otherwise it's a natural process. It's a huge incentive to create jobs and business. Those crumbs they fight for are cheaper every day thanks to mass production from these industrialists. if you take away their incentive we lose them and we'd all be dirt poor, even more so that the people worst off today.

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>It would be artificial if there were actual rules governing how much to pay

You see when workers have power then they can negotiate. A single worker has no power, the companies C level workers want to make your negotiating power as little as possible. The company has no allegiance to its workers they are disposable and can be replaced with robots or 3rd world workers. If employees had some kind power to decide if they should be replaced with 3rd world workers that they would vote no. If they could vote like the board of directors on how much the CEO gets paid, you think they would vote for 400x what they make.

Right, they would not vote for the CEO getting paid as much, in which case the CEO position would not be sought after as much, or you would get CEOs that are not as effective. So the companies would suffer.

And if workers vote to halt new technologies then production does not advance and the consumers suffer. And workers are consumers.

For example if ford never mass produced vehicles using his new technologies and instead paid workers to do the job, cars would have been very expensive and less people would have been able to afford them.

>you would get CEOs that are not as effective
No history disagrees with you.

I think history agrees with the loss of incentive that is needed to create wealth. For example communist Russia.

But hey, people are free to come together and create publicly owned institutions, why don't they? Why do you have to wait for someone to go through the trouble of making it successful, and then need to take it from them to run it publicly?

It wasn't that the ceos were less evil years ago. The taxes were higher and the board of directors saw it as a waste to give all that money to the government so they didn't pay the ceos as much.

Why do greedy people do greedy things? Why are most politicians bought by special interests in 6 month's? It's called greed.

He'll be a do-nothing president since Congress won't pass a single piece of legislation that he wants. He'll just complain like a bitch then die of a heart attack before his first term is up.

lol that pic, was that her anal scene?

I know it's annoying to see these CEOs making bank, while the workers don't get as much benefit. I mean you know they deserve the money but the amount they earn is insane. It's because the companies these days are extremely profitable. Now, regardless of this feeling, I don't believe in controlling corporations, or taking more in taxes, I feel that's close to theft.

But here's something else that's interesting, the CEOs get all that money right, and the owners and stock holders etc. They have this currency, paper money or digits in a bank computer. But where is the actual physical wealth that the currency represents... Sure it's billions of dollars, but what does it refer to? Where, physically is the actual wealth? Isn't it in the economy, isn't it in the hands of citizens anyways?

How much will you be paying for your car insurance next year?

Na he is buying a 4th house though
never worked a day in his life

once kicked for a hippie commune for pure laziness, you know how hard that is? hard