I would fuck this woman inside out

I would fuck this woman inside out

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Who hasn’t


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well, you and me for a start

her net worth is listed at $0.00

Much better ...

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that bizarre fake voice though

fuck no, I like chicks with that vacant mad stare

never said I wanted a fucking Ted talk from her

Whatever gets you through the night ...

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Alita Battle Angel, Theranos edition

when you were done she would eat your brains for more power

Pros: DAT voice, batshit crazy.
Cons: Modest eye asymmetry, batshit crazy.

Yep dat bitch would get it. She'd HAVE to use that voice though while fucking.


Put up or shut up

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So many thirsty venture capitalists throwing billions at her. Never noticing the crazy eyes. Never even getting a blowie out of it.

one of them got to fuck her

she was like the most expensive prostitute in history

part of the feminist/gynocentrism agenda. vc would throw money and praise her to the high heavens for good boy points and so they could put as a bullet point they supported the only female ceo doing xyz. media coverage was also always focused on the fact that she is a woman (women can do anything a man can do, LOOK A WOMAN IS DOING IT! I WOULD NEVER HAVE BELIEVED IT!!) nobody said shit about this when she was exposed as a fraud because that would just be embarrassing.

I bet they all did. I bet she was sucking Henry Kissinger's stumpy little jewdick for a million bucks a time

Interestingly her biggest critics were (well okay maybe not interestingly but fucking predictably) other women who were like
>I knew she was a fraud when she put on that high school freshman racoon eye mascara
>Bitch doesn't have a hairbrush, yet can run a Startup?
>Dumb old white guys will do anything for a blonde with bad eye shadow
If I understand this right, she was a feminist token in the eyes of old rich blokes who were simping hard, but ironically enough women were her biggest critics and saw right through her game

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interesting. of course no journalist would ever have even hinted at that. they have an agenda to fulfill. nytimes today says because weinstein got a guilty verdict it's a "watershed" moment in history. whatever sells ad clicks to retards i guess .

>wow most successful woman ever!
>wow science she smart
oops, turns out she was just another lying bimbo

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True, but aren't the lecherous old farts like Murdoch, Schultz and Kissinger fucking idiots for being charmed out of their money in the wild expectation of fucking the woman?

This is why I laugh when the elite claim they got rich by being "super smart". Any moron with a basic understanding of drug delivery would call bullshit on her "microneedle array that somehow diagnoses and has enough drugs to treat an illness in a skin patch when a course of antibiotics is literally grams"

did you guys see the hbo documentary about her massive life failure and fraud? it's pretty good. check it out if you have hbo streaming.

Yeah, my brother has type 1 diabetes so he's doing fingerprick blood tests five times a day and I really don't think that shit was ever going to detect 200 different blood problems

I'd still throw a fuck up her though, just to be absolutely clear on that point

>I would fuck this woman inside out
really? she literally screwed millions of people at this point

she making money off the series though? sounds like a win in the end to me if so

what series? the documentary? she doesn't make a penny off of that.

She has mad crazy eyes. She'd be a fantastic fuck but keep her away from your pets.

>She'd be a fantastic fuck

bitch is a vegan, she wouldn't swallow

I'm pretty sure you could bully her into swallowing. Eyes like that suggest serious daddy issues.

I wish I had your people skills

The best thing you can do is turn off that switch called a conscience when it comes to women. That thing will cause you a lot of problems if you start listening to it.

She defrauded the federal government and a bunch of billionaires for $700 million dollars. You can't pull something like that off and be dumb at the same time.

the way I read her, she's got some severe personality disorder and while outwardly "clean" there's an underlying streak of poisonous perversion.

So I'd guess you could talk her into letting you shit down her throat without too much effort.


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ewww she looks like Mark Zuckerberg, look at her robot dead eyes.

i'll keep that in mind

imagine cockslapping her while she stares up with that blank expression

My man

i just want to make a girl do ass to mouth, not a full log. it would be amazing to watch her fold to your will and clean your dick off straight out of her ass.

>not wanting to defecate into the open mouth of a mentally ill woman

