Trump 2020 Thread

Trump 2020 Thread

No free healthcare, die whenever you want!

Free education? NOPE. We're gonna stay stupid no matter what it takes!

You like weed? If you even THINK about weed you will be thrown in jail for life.

BUT, We will make sure Billionaires around the country don't have to pay taxes EVER AGAIN! YEAH!!!

Trump MAGA 2020!

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I'm here for a good time not a long time. Plus the gene pool needs to be thinned a lot of inbreds out there.

None of that is free under Bernie either.

Also what is the point of all that "free" stuff anyway without free food, water or housing? Should we socialize that too?

>You like weed? If you even THINK about weed you will be thrown in jail for life.
This doesn't happen anymore. It's not even legal in my state and everyone smokes and even the cops don't care.

Under Trump's tax cuts, middle income americans (around 30k-80k) got around a 3% tax cut. Corporations got more than a 10%. This dude is a fucking joke.

Weed is for niggers

Free is the Jewish word for stealing from white people

>Weed is for niggers
More than half the country wants weed. Less than half the country wants Trump to be President. Let that sink in.

>Free is the Jewish word for stealing from white people
Ladies and Gentlemen
Your fellow and typical Trump Supporter
Aren't you Proud?

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>conflating a thing isn't free with you will never have a thing; try working for something, berniefag
>exaggeration and outright lies,Trump has not interfered much with the states moving to decriminalize

TL;DR: Go get fucked, commie.

The tax cuts for the corporations are permenant too. Tax cuts for the middle/lower class are only temporary.

More than half the country is under a Jewish spell called multiculturalism

Proud of standing up for my race? Sure.

You're an embarrassment to my race.

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I'm one, and I more than likely outclass you in every important demographic for being a real man you pathetic little fucking internet faggot cock sucker.


Are you a NC user? I'm in NC and my city has moved from more conservative to more liberal (niggers elected loads of niggers including a dyke nigger police chief) and yeah, niggers openly smoke hotbox their cars so bad it looks like a cheech and chong movie. Driving briefly behind one of these weedmobiles will get so much weed smell in your own car that it lingers for ages. Cops don't give a fuck. Also discovered recently that they have implemented some Cali style "shoplifting is A-OK" law. Under $500 theft gets you a citation, no arrest, just promise to come to court, like a good spic / nigger.

Bernie Sanders 2020

>I more than likely outclass you in every important demographic for being a real man

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I'm in NM, but we have basically the same setup for weed and shoplifting too. We refuse to make it legal, but are fine with all that money going to the black market or Colorado.

Wake up soyboy, its not too late for you

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also >weed

You do realize none of the shit is actually free, right? You're paying for other people's education under that bullshit plan. Same with healthcare. And both would be shitty because tax funding is pure dog shit to begin with.

Also, billionaires pay more money in taxes than you will make in your entire life, faggot. Learn how to think for yourself and stop whining because you have to work for what you get here.

"Go get fucked, commie."
/me eating popcorn in the EU/
Kek trumpfags

we should just switch to socialism it makes sense because everything can be free!!!!11!!

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>trying this hard

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Lies. You are eating potatoes you dug with your bare hands, Europoor. Now step aside for her majesty lest she have her footman give you a sound beating. Also, I think some muslims want to sleep in your bed, with your sister, so be sure to leave your door unlocked, lest you be called a racist.

>free costs more

how do we stop the socialist jew? if he becomes president, there is no turning back. anyone but him.

Vote for Bernie Sanders

my other choice is being put in a reeducation camp for not being ashamed of being white even though i've never raped anyone nor owned a slave or whatever else. i don't even own a gun though i'm starting to think i should buy one before one of you people come to my house to kill me for being white. i see the things you say, i've studied the things you think and i'm not really underestimating this threat. you're also the reason i didn't have a job for a lot of my life because i had the misfortune to be born and raised in a place where radical left thinking is common and accepted. i have genuinely been told, and was expected to accept that a less qualified minority getting a job over me was something i should be happy about even though i was unemployed at the time.

you suck, i will vote for whatever wacko opposes you because i'm completely sure any socialistic thing you did would leave white people out on purpose. most non-white culture consists of an elaborate revenge fantasy against whites and my reaction to this is not hatred but primarily an absolute cauldron of cringe that makes me wish i were from a different planet.

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What I really want is to get whatever healthcare I want, Nick's house of fixing is good by me

Note that Trump seems happy with Bernie's gains. This is because the more crazy the opposition, the more moderate Dems say "WTF has my party become" and vote Trump. Not saying we should slack off, but really, 2020 is pretty much a Trump victory guaranteed.

Entitlement, the post.

>my reaction to this is not hatred but primarily an absolute cauldron of cringe that makes me wish i were from a different planet.
It's ok not to hate these faggots, in fact excessively hating is a waste of energy, but don't cringe, don't be ashamed, walk down YOUR streets on YOUR planet with your head held high, knowing you are better than every one of these leftist fags.

Jesus, and you call other people snowflakes?

"moderate" dems would vote Trump?

No, I'll pay for it, I just want to go to a significantly better prices healer

They might, or just stay home. Trump didn't drive record turnout last time, he just had more people turn out than Hillary who had very low numbers.

disagree. dems want Trump out at all costs. He's close in polls vs Trump. Don't want to even risk the chance if he's the nominee.

This is so fucking cringe lol, you weren't unemployed because immigrants you were unemployed because you're unskilled uneducated white trash

>Hilary had very low numbers

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illegals don't count, silly

The nice thing about Bernie is that even though he is promising the world he will never be able to get anything passed because no one in congress wants to actually bankrupt the country. And presuming he is allowed to be elected, he will be impeached and removed in a bipartisan way after he attempts to illegally push the legal powers of the POTUS beyond what we've ever seen before.

You fucking children, at some point other peoples money runs out. GET A FUCKING EDUCATION OR A SKILL THAT IS IN DEMAND, GET A FUCKING JOB & MAKE YOUR OWN WAY. Nothing is "FREE." Socialism / communism s great on paper but not everyone is equally equipped to work at NASA. We all have that "dumb" friend or relative. They need to go dig a ditch or learn how to weld. You are NOT entitled to anything others have earned. Again, get a fucking job. It's not my problem that you can't afford to go to the doctor.
BTW fuck multiculturalism - it's bullshit

God isn't real. God, g o d is just a word.

>hey guys did you know that a third of congress also goes on the november ballot? I sure don't!
>No one can vote for more than one progressive at a time!

>We all have that "dumb" friend or relative
Yeah, and you're that person for everyone you know.

Funny how people with the most education and highly skilled positions are overwhelming Democratic and liberal.

It's great how all the suggestions you put out come back to bite you in the ass in the end. How's that free market media working for you?

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Did you just replace trump's name with bernies in a post from 2016? Lole

Funny how idealistic children with meaningless credentials think the world owes them something.

fuck u

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Ps: You are actually retarded.
Freemarket economy does not relate to the individual. Its the most effective way for the collective to organize for the benefit of, put your thinking cap on for this one, the benefit of the collective. I don't give a shit if you have to hoe for money, goods are cheap and plentiful for more people. Learn to compete.

BIDEN 2020

Yeah, i have 60 people that work for me, at a company I started, that would disagree

Compare her numbers to Obama's, brainlet

Wow, you are a true wordsmith. Go dig a ditch & get paid