My. President

My. President.

Attached: President Bernie Sanders.png (400x400, 305K)

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That's fine, but Trump will serve another term.

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Kill yourself


OP is always a faggot.

Bernie for president


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I Bernie won't survive for that long

My. President.

Take. Meds.

President Bernie Sanders

fuck I over slept through November, how many states did he take

Ain't gonna happen

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Bernie wins at every head to head.
he's balder
he's dumber
he's less successful
he's had more heart attacks

Hell yeah sounds great. Appreciate the advertising. Hes got my vote.

its about god damn time someone took a stand on borders. Keep em open Bernie

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Not yet, but soon hopefully.

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Give me your shit for free to support socialism.

So much for Cred Forums being a website for the extremist alt-right

we both poor as fuck so ima give you something better. Its called Hope and its spreading like wildfire. We winning btw. Bend the knee, accept your fate, and live in a world where you ain't mad every day.

Attached: WqAo9Fx.png (873x363, 44K)

I miss my local Borders almost as much as my local Hastings. Sad days...

No, your hope ain't gonna pay the bills to support my 6 bastard kids nor my drug addictions. Pay up.

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Damn, them some good dick sucking lips

What's Borders?

Attached: bernie.jpg (800x450, 35K)