Femoid here, need weight loss tips

Femoid here, need weight loss tips

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Have sex with me twice a day, that will help

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don’t lost it. you look hot :3

Give yourself an eating disorder, that's what I did

Pretty simple. Calories burned have to be higher than calories eaten. Reduce portions, do step-climbers and squats. Not only you'll lose weight but it will also tone your ass.

Also, good girl for knowing how tits or gtfo works.

Calories in < Calories burned
Eat less, exercise more

How much did you lose? I'm trying to lose at least 30lbs

Stop eating so much and work out you fat pig

I was around 380 now I'm 240 with my hand in my throat, at some point I just stopped eating too.

Lots of cardio

Calorie counting usually results in diet bouncing, and there's good statistics showing this is the case. Best option is to join something like weight watchers and a gym, keep counting those points while exercising 3 times per day. And remember that persistence is the key to success. You will have days when you fail to go to the gym, or when you don't do as much as you should while there. try better next time, and persist, persist, persist, persist.

lol per day. I mean, per week.

Make a journal of what you eat .
Loosing fat around the stomach is more difficult than loosing fat on the arms or the face . To do that you'll need to do a few sit ups before going on a walk . You should start off riding a bike but . It's does less than running / walking but you can ride longer without being as tired .

Eat more vegetables and less dairy and sugar . To be honest without knowing more about what you eat and such , it's hard to give you any tips

keto and cardio. don't post more nudes until you're hot.


Show vag or you're a fat dude larping.

Fast for 16 hours every day and drop carbs under 100 grams.

/fit/ fag here, post pussy and ill give you a specialize regime

Just gotta shrink your stomach. Starve for a day and eat less and keep it in an 8 hour time frame. Eat healthy though. No fast food shit or soda. Exercise if you want other wise start drinking coffee on the regular, boost the metabolism

Stomp a tranny to death

Show thick ass

Just lower the carb intake. Stay off white bread and potatoes, white rice ect. Mostly foods that are white are high in carbs. It’s a general reference to keep it simple. Pound a large salad one a day.

Get on a coke diet

need to know your current diet and exercise faggot

Eat a kind bar for breakfast. Skip lunch. Eat 1000 calories for dinner. Try to eat filling foods like eggs and meats. Eat tons of veggies with salt and pepper. They are basically free calories and will help you poop because of the high protein diet.

Stop drinking soda/starbucks/juice

that's good for 20 easy pounds over a couple months with no other changes

You are ugly kill yourself and die (not in that order)

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Less breads/pasta, more meat/animal fat

but without breads and pastas, how would Cred Forums exist?

Increase protein and cut carbs. Eat one meal a day. Increase your activity level modestly.

Squeeze lemons into water and drink that every time you get hungry for the next week, maybe 2 max.
Note that this may/probably will permanently fuck up your bodies "hunger-feeling" or whatever it's called.

I did this accidentally years ago and now I gotta remember to eat and can't put on weight to save my life cuz i rarely feel hunger and if I do it's completely muted.

Its ass buts it's not very thick also sorry for coloring, dont want to risk being identified

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Go to /fit/ and read the sticky retard. Literally carbs in and carbs out. Very simple. Exercise and eat right. You let yourself get disgustingly fat so probably to stupid to understand any of that

Who the fuck is going to identify you from this potato ass quality picture. I cant even makeout your tits.

Calories that is

Never eat for entertainment.

Allow me to translate for this ho: how can I lose weight while remaining on the sofa, not exerting myself in any way at all, and continuing to enjoy that 13th crate of brunch donuts each day?

Not gonna risk it

do some squats to lift dat ass and cut down on calories. but keep it chill, take it slow otherwise the boobs will sag

Can we get a clearer shot of your tits OP?
I can't really make out your areolas and nips.
Can you post a clearer view of your tits, better lighting?
They look incredible from what I can see.

Burn more calories than you take in. Ways to accomplish this:
>drink lots of water, no sweet drinks
>eat more veggies
>exercise more
>intermittent fasting
Calory intake - calory outtake = weight loss or gain, on average. You will have fluctuations on daily, weekly, and monthly levels. Just average it out.

Don't fall for fad bullshit diets, they fail and you rebound, with extra stretchmarks. The only diet that reflects evolutionary reality is intermittent fasting. We are built to cycle between low and high metabolism, based on food availability. Fasting tells your body to burn fat, nothing else works. There will be hunger during the switch, but it ends quickly and then it feels good. And you live a lit longer. Look it up.

>You let yourself get disgustingly fat so probably to stupid to understand any of that
This is correct. I'm an oldfag (53) and I have fucked everything. Old young hot not thin fat tall short. Here are my findings:

Fat chicks are retarded.

Pls show nude ass,

Post ass with shorts down

post more nudes you fat whore

I give you a tip. Don't eat less, eat just less calories. Don't drink sugared water. Then exercise 2-3x a week. Go for cardio.
Then have the endurance to do this for atleast 3 months because you won't see resultd after 2 weeks.

Here is probably the only honest non-trolling answer you will get

Stop worrying about your weight. You are attractive to plenty of guys and anyone who would have a problem with your body doesnt deserve you.

Find a way to be comfortable and happy as who you are. You dont need to lose weight, you need a confidence boost.

If you can't bring up your own confidence then you will never be happy. Even if you lose the weight, you would still find some other "flaw" to focus on. You are beautiful how you are. Own it

Sorry it's my shitty ass phone, it's all I can afford rn

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Post pussy lips so we can see how fat are you

just get motivated and exercise, but do it for yourself and not for the approval of others.

and maybe show butthole too ;p

Nice tits. If you loose 10kg you will look very good.

complete the ritual and your goals will be within reach

You're gonna eat chicken, vegetables and hate yourself
That's it
Theres no diet
Just chicken
And hating yourself

Now post moar tits

It is not the body what makes you good, its your mind. When you blow, ride and are a slut then your partner is not interested in an stunning body.

Looks like you could take a solid beating

show feet

You are not too fat. Definitely not in shape though.

Cut out junk or processed foods. No fast food, nothing that comes in a wrapper. Eats fruits, vegetables, and chicken.

Exercise. Literally anything, especially cardio. Do bodyweight exercises like pushups, sit-ups, squats. Jog and rest.

Looks good to me.

fat and potentially trap

bad combination

Show your belly from the side or 3/4 view, pants off and shirt off. Need to see you in context for some sound advice.

good luck

Eat more ass and less carbs.

cut carbs + light exercise

Induce lactation and let me breastfeed the calories away

Based /fit/ bros

Your not even that fat you're just beefy it might just be geneticd, I think its adorable tho

Your low standards are why men are so disgusted by modern women. Stop pandering you cuck white knight faggot.

stop eating before bed. 4 hours before bed, nothing but water. then, 20 minutes of decent cardio in the morning on your empty stomach. Then go mow down your cheese burgers or whatever the fuck you eat. But if you do that every day the weight will fall off

"Honest" fuck off with your acceptance shit. If someone makes a decision to do something for health, don't tell them they're wrong

Fast, aka don't eat, every other day, I maintain a six pack year round via this strategy

This would be a whole lot cooler if you showed off your box


1. lift weights
2. do some cardio
3. don’t eat like a fat fuck
4. profit!

Cant do that rn, maybe when I do another thread

confirmed benis

Respect for you femanon, you actually posted tits

Just remember it's 30% excercise, 70% diet

Nah just dont wanna show it when I haven't shaved, and itll take too long to shave just for a few photos right now

Trust me. We dont care.


Show off your panties then, this is gettin hard to fap to

because this whole thread is about you looking attractive right? you didn't post hoping to have people shame you into looking attractive or anything so a bit of hair is a valid reason not to post

post benis you fag

Man you look like my gf


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Still there? Research water fasting. It's not easy, but it's effective.

eat vegetables

Show unshaved pussy spread. You look fine in my opinion.

Simplified for your primitive female brain in 5 easy steps...

1- Eat less food (less calories)
2- Have more sex (cardio)
3- Submit yourself to men for their pleasure to include frequently sending nudes to anyone who asks/follow directions of the men.
5- Swallow every load of cum.

Bonus- Feel genuinely happy with your new body and new found attention/validation.



Muff cabbage

Eat yogurt for breakfast and a salad for lunch. NOT a salad with bacon bits and a high-fat dressing, dumbass. Skip dinner for as long as you can take it. Exercise as much as you can, even if it's just taking the stairs for 2 flights instead of the escalator. Eat as much fruit and vegetables as you want, except at dinner when you should be fasting. Finally, move in with me and let me love you happily ever after and you'll get all fit working our farm together and chasing goats and being daddy's dirty lil' hoe.

Don't need to focus on weight loss, just get more active and stop looking at yourself (this will help most). You are not fat. Try running and bodyweight squats if you really want more form. Also get off the chan, this is no place for a lady

Go to /fit/ and read the sticky


Don't listen to the retards telling you to live on drinking water only or other stupid "super fast" magic diet

Don't stop eating just eat properly (vegetables, chicken,...)
and do some exercice it's always good

also unshaved is fine



Easy just jump rope everyday leaves you sore ass a bitch but it gets the job done

Eat less shitty food, and less food overall.
Quit snacking especially after your evening meal.

lost at crate

Also, if you're a college-hole, lay off the pizza and nachos. (Your body looks like you got the 'freshman 15' to me). Instead, go with broccoli or cauliflower with a light dip. If you gotta get drunk before the frat boys run train, skip the beer and sugar'd up foo-foo daiquiris and stick with vodka shots instead. Also, if you move in here I'll provide all that plus goats for you to chase in the mornings, as exercise will help your hangover. Please respond.

Water fasting does work.

-Spend a week on a keto diet.
-Only drink water for 3 weeks (w/ pink salt).
-Spend a week drinking bone broth and eating around 500 calories/day.

That should be enough for her body type.

I've gone 28 days before.

Jesus /b, is no one else going to comment on this fine Sir’s post?!

I salute you. You’re doing Gods work here.

>-Spend a week drinking bone broth
Unless your autistic about fitness nobody is going to do that

Sounds great user

Don’t samefag. It wasn’t funny

Show us your feet

Bad quality sorry

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If you're going to do something, do it right. Bone broth is good for the skin. Just a cup a day and eat something easily digestible like eggs.

Three weeks of water fasting is about... a net loss of 21 - 30 pounds. To keep it off, one must change eating habits and exercise though.

Gross is that your cum bucket




Can we see your ass so we can give some tips on losing weight back there

Thank you. Kik me at TheOak39 and we can start making arrangements for your move-in.

You're really not fat. I would suggest intermittent fasting. Also feet pls

Eat less
>Move more

me too Cred Forumsro 19 hour fasts

I know that pussy and body! Hey Riley, I miss you :)

2 minutes of exercise is enough to lose weight?

You've done it. You've posted yourself naked to hundreds of ppl on the internet. And what for? Just to get validated. How desperate are you? I hope you feel ashamed whenever you think about this one time you've exposed your naked body online

Who the fuck is Riley

That's why you don't show your face.


Stop eating


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Expose her

I'm successfully shamed thanks user

you got a snap or discord?

Do the heroin diet


wish you the best

and don't lose too much

Literally not riley but okay


i'd nut in that pussy

Fuck pig


Cut sugar no1
Start exercising (cardio and weights) no2
If one and two fails start counting calories

You look pretty good tbh


6/10 would fuck

that's a fat cunt I'd pound

Snake diet.

High ph water
Pink Himalayan salt
No salt

Fast as long as you can tolerate. I made it 5 days with a high physical stress job. Lost 1.5-2.5 lbs a day until I lost 50+ pounds in about 2 1/4 months.

Got down to 189 at lowest, started eating again and gained 10 pounds and maintaining. So I'm at 199-203.

Listen to your body, dont kill yourself, drink more water than the drink mix.

Easiest way to keep up weight loss is to buy a scale and a calendar. Write down your weight at the same time every day on the calendar. Typically after morning restroom use.


you look good to me actually

Also baking soda specifically red mills brand but any will do.


Did you experience any bad side effects?

Aaaaaaand this is what I think about that

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Hanna g?


I would be all over that. Nice pussy. What about ass and toes?

Nope sorry

I like what I see. Do you do cardio? I'm 32 and still weigh the same I did when I was in highschool 180 at 5'10. I walk at a break pace for at least half an hour every day so as to break a sweat. I almost never drink soda and try to not drink to many beers. I also practice intermittent fasting, I don't eat anything before 11-noonish. Those 3 things keep me where I'm at even with my matabolism not being what it was 10 years ago.



The most I do is getting to class (uni), I'm 5'7 and 190lbs currently tho I wanna get down to 150

Have a lot more sex and ease off the pizza

put your fist in your pussy and post

>need weight loss tips
Remove limbs. Average arm is about 8 lbs and average leg is about 26 lbs

There is a really easy technique I know about for losing weight fast, it's kind of hard to explain but it involves you taking a high quality pic of your feet.

Lol this is all I can manage sorry user

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Some guys prefer hair.

good job. you're 1/4 of the way there. now put two fingers in your butt and post.

why is that all you can manage, you scared or something?

post discord

Why are you so loose roastie

Yo, bring a god damn lamp or something around in front of yourself so your photos dont look like shit


Why are you on Cred Forums? Why not go to /fit/?

do a vocaroo of you masturbating to orgasm then post what your pussy looks like after

Dont have one, I really dont use social media or anything, only Cred Forums really

spread it nice n fuckin wide


better lighting and show us as much of a gape as you can manage, youre not too fat and your pussy looks decent

Show feet

Looks good. Better light, full spread pussy.


Make a kik well be friends

I tired

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Sure why not

Show. Feet.

>Dear diary, today op was not a larping >faggot.

Would advice: replace all drinks with water. Wait until youre actually hungry to eat. Portion your food, don't just eat till you're full. Do something free and enjoyable for exercise, even a slow amble around the block is sufficient. Park in the furthest spot from everything you go to. But most importantly, the water part. Drink it above all else, before and after each meal.

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i'd lick that

Post spread asshole

Post it here when you do

this, need to hear your moans

snap or discord?

That looks super inviting tbh.

You may have people complain younarennotnas tight. What happened isnthe fat is no longer pushing down. Do kegal exercises and you will be even better

much better lighting, but photo is too close

place phone further away on timer and use both hands to gape yourself

ideally use the front facing camera instead of the screen camera, its better

replace 3 meals a day with sucking 3 cocks a day

not bad but lets see those beautiful lips. just back it up a bit

why the fuck are you asking about weight loss advice from /b instead of /fit
Never the less, STOP EATING MORE CALORIES THEN YOU BURN. Its extremly simple

This, portion control and water, then bring in exercise, best way to lose weight is starting with your diet, no booze, only water, Calorie in < Calorie out

Its bit.git

Snake Diet

I think some of the anons wanted feet, idk, weird fetish to me but why not indulge them?

13140 eggs per year

i basically am just bumping for you dear, as you follow the rules! good luck just try to be healthy and take care.

Okay so I had to take some nutrition classes for culinary school so here's my recommendations.
1.)Keep breakfast light. A bowl of granola or oatmeal. And not that instant crap either, real oatmeal.
2.) lunch and dinner should consist of one 8oz portion of chicken or fish, and two vegetable side of about 1 cup each, Go with frozen vegies, no canned.
3.) Cut out soda. Drink one 8oz glass of milk at breakfast, drink as much water as you can throughout the day. Meals go with diet tea. Im in the south so theres tea everywhere.
4.) avoid extra sugar. If you drink coffee put in half the normal amount of sugar. pick out nuts for snacks.
Should loose about 10lb in about 2 weeks if you are active at your job or go to the gym normal.

show clit and open pussy

I lost 50lbs in 3 months on a strict and clean keto diet. Maintaining by counting calories and excersice.

What country are you from? And if US what state?

US, north eastern

Holy shit you lads are over complicating this shit, all she needs to do is eat a deficit of calories, the lower you go the faster it will go but the more cancer it will also be. Just find a close proximation of what your maintence is, as in the amount of calories you need per day to keep your current weight and then eat less, it isn't complicated. Honestly you don't even need to exercise, but that would burn more calories and make it go faster or allow you to eat a little more and still stay in the same deficit. YOU DON'T NEED A SPECIAL DIET, JUST STAY IN A DEFICIT

more pussy pics American girl from the North East

She could literally take a knife and cut the fat off

show butthole

Your body looks familiar. I think I might know you irl

What's my name then?

Dubs for more pussy pics


Not him but


What color hair

Almost quads FFFFFF

This. Losing weight really isn't that complicated. Hell, I lost around 40 pounds in a year just because I started walking more. My diet was still shitty, but just that extra exercise saw me shed weight.

Nope not even close, my name is kinda uncommon. I'll give you a hint it has German origin

Julie? Lmao

Currently dyed a light blonde, naturally a dark brunette

Are we both wrong?


Get a dog. Walk him in the day, milk him at night

Are you just here to make friends?

Nope not the person I was thinking. Know girl that has the same body type as u that lives in Pennsylvania

Dubs comands you do this. And post proof

Eat less fatass

Double dubs it's a sign

Could advice, but I'm going to disagree slightly on waiting until hungry to eat, as I know I'm more likely to overeat if I'm hungry. I've found that portion control and getting in a regular eating schedule has really helped me. I still get hungry between certain meals, but if I've eaten regularly through out the day, I'm much less likely to binge.

i want to nibble on your pussy lip

double dubs. Film it


wheres the new pussy pics

Yeah I know a girl from Ohio that looks so identical even down to the freckle on the stomach. Can’t believe I was wrong too.

sup anna

The girl I know jokes about being a prostitute and about being whore all the time. This one tipped me off to maybe being her

If u think Anna is uncommon ur a virgin fag

Just for you user

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the US is weird dude idk, apparently sharon is weird there

I want one, too!

thanks OP

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If op is still lurking. 80% of weight loss is diet. Simply intake less calories per day. You don't have to go overboard with the types of food you eat if you're not trying to be super healthy, and honestly it's daunting to think about doing at first. Just eat less calories, and naturally you'll learn more about what foods you should eat in the process ie you'll be hungry and want more volume food for the calorie to fill yourself, then you do research and etc etc. If you would like to also exercise: going for a simple jog once a day or walk as much as you can (no elevator only stairs). Honestly working out for weight loss is pointless unless you start consuming less calories, and that's a fact

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My friend also has very beautiful hands, you do as well

Based, thanks. I'd knock you up.

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You are so close, just one pic of both feet


post asshole or gtfo


god I want to hear your moans while you go to town on yourself

awesome OP you're beautiful

Low carb and high protein is the diet and it's all about burnin moreg calories than you can consume. In a nut shell kick bread pasta and potatoes and exercise and you will lose weight.

Bloody amerifags
But juanity is common as fuck

Crazy bastards

Post ur face

how about trying to spread your ass open for us? You look quite tasty, you just need to focus on portion control and exercise with a balanced diet honestly. Now I'm dying to see that asshole

i wanna see a cock go deep down her throat and hear her gags and see the spit

fat girls always give great blowjobs

One thing I won't do sorry user

Any piercings?

Just ur spread asshole then OP :)

Less creampies in the mouth, more in the pussy

still waiting on a vocaroo

No I was raised very conservative Christian, didnt allow pericings and I just never got em

Dubs rule

wife material.

How about you get two fingers in there

>conservative christian

how many pussies did you grab?

conservative christianity is a joke

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You are so sexy. Still waiting on the full feet. How old are you?

pussy looks good, body looks good, few pounds dropped and you'll be in ship shape

what can you put in your pussy for us, lets see the fingers again too

Same here but pierced my own cock with a needle at 15 for the shits and giggles

At least show feet in cute socks

Keep the weight and keep that fat ass mmmmm

I'm starting to get the feeling you don't care about weight loss tips

hey kayt add me back on discord you whore

I tried user, very hard to take lol

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Nice pussy, would def eat, hairy or not. You don't have chubby girl hands, or the wear and tear of a serially chubby girl. Just do what some of the anons here say, eat more carefully, better food (lots of veggies and water), moderate exercise, maybe intermittent fasting if you want to stay thinner and healthier for your whole life.

Just the fact that you are actively looking for a way to not end up fat puts you in the top 20%. Put it in practice, and you'll be top 10%. You're game to show off, which means likely higher sex drive. If you've got a nice face and good personality, you can have everything going for you.

What gave it away?

those are some disapointing tits for a fat women

i bet your some anoxeric retard who thinks shes fat


Can you get a finger or two in there for the crowd?

Ez, literally nothing more calories than you consume daily.

Thanks sweetie but u do have another hand to spread ur cheeks. Appreciate the trying tho :)

Ok Steve

The feeling of wasting time on someone trying to get attention by pretending to want to better themselves, and using that guise for compliments

You just want to be told you're not fat.

Nice try.

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wtf am i looking at? did you sew your asshole shut,where the fucks your asshole

Finger in asshole?

True story Cred Forumsro

download a photo timer app so you can just set the phone and let it take multiple photos , you can use both your hands to show off your ass and pussy and gapes

your just mad because your sister is a fat bitch just like op

Without reading the rest of the advice, my gf started keto diet 4 weeks ago and has lost 7kg without any gym or exercise. Might be good for you too (keto is no carbs or bad fats or sugars I think)

Awesome. If you want to make my day, do this but on a timer. One finger from each hand in vagina (actual vagina, the hole) spreading open.

Fuck you Shorsey

No u mad

No idea, but can I see your butt

ew gross

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cut sugar
Ask doctor about hypothyroid check its semi common for women

find a boyfriend,stop eating food.start eating his cum

that way,your fatass would stop gaining weight.or just become a feminist.since they dont care how fat you are

mirrors and timers are wonderful

What kind of piece of shit phone is that? A Samsung J3?

>go to /fit/ and read the sticky
>cook meat and veg at home
>no sweets, eat fruit
>don't drink your calories. only water, black coffee, straight tea

why would i be mad? i dont even have a sister,and even if i did.she wouldnt be a fat cunt like op,i would train her to only swallow brother's cum

Please spread asshole

squatz are good,squatz make big butt to make big poops

Did you forget to take your pills this morning

no,half the time i post on Cred Forums im drunk

Sharpie in pooper

Why are you such a faggot, user?
And why do all people who watch anime talk, think, and act exactly the same?

Get in decent shape and join a branch of the military. Basically being forced to get in shape.

women shouldnt be allowed in the military,they are weak and will just get carried through because "muh feminism,muh equal rights"