Looking for a med fag to tell me what the fuck I'm looking at here

Looking for a med fag to tell me what the fuck I'm looking at here
InB4 "Nigger dick melting from AIDS"
Medical gore thread I guess if you degenerates need entertainment.

Attached: 2505906.jpg (3024x4032, 905K)

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Those are adhesions from a botched surgery. They can be cut.

Is there a medical history to go with the photograph?

They circumcised him with a safety scissors

Looks like a botched circumcision. Could, as the patient is a nigger, be a botched tribal circumcision- which has exacerbated the spread of AIDS in SSA.


Skin bridges plus some kind of nasty infection

>They circumcised him with a safety scissors

more like these

Attached: 617obpw+o4L._SL1200_.jpg (1200x1200, 78K)

terribly done circumcision

Attached: sheeet.png (256x205, 71K)

It appears to be melted nigger dick good sir

I reckon the photograph originates from africa. There is a tribal pattern in the background.
Many tribes in africa perform circumcision with no medical training whatsoever. This has lead to more AIDS in Africa.

botched circumcisions even happen in america

Well, you're a nigger so it obviously melting from AIDS.
Consult a mortician.
You nasty fucking dirtbag.

Attached: 1360615658700.jpg (621x621, 269K)

Failed electrical circumcision.

This is from a botched circumcision. I’m sorry you had to undergo an unnecessary cosmetic surgery. If you’re 18 and in USA you have 1 year to sue the hospital that circumcised you. Maybe since this was botched you still could if you’re older. Regardless you’re going to need a procedure to fix that. Sorry brother.

Attached: 3A381E2D-CFB7-4175-822D-355D282C8362.png (900x538, 995K)

>being able to afford a computer
>being smart enough to know how to use one.

Who the fuck you trying to kid, dude?

Attached: 1382983615670.jpg (524x451, 55K)

you are making your decision based on an area rug?

get that woke shit out of here, you faggot!

"Nigger dick melting from AIDS"

Hi, its a botched circumcision, I used to had one, but I cut it, I used ice to numb it a little, clean scissors and a lot of guts. I got a small scar but its better than that thing

Attached: z14345342.jpg (780x1040, 143K)

>performing his own surgery.
Congratulations; the nigger is now the second biggest dumbass here.

Attached: 1386004119629.jpg (300x325, 19K)

looks to me like you have a serious case of "Niggeritis" you need to get a shot of Zyklon B or you will die in 72hrs

No I found it on Reddit

Jesus Christ who comes up with this shit?

You have been helpful and informative Cred Forumsros. Thank you

The mohel bit too much and sucked too hard during the metzitzah b'peh.

Looks like a bad case of Photoshop...
...or gonereah


Boi that look like a plant from fallout you need to see someone

It's karma for fucking anything that will bend over for you. Good luck, Chuck!