I'm pretty sure my upstairs neighbor is homosexual. Does anybody know how I can report him anonymously...

I'm pretty sure my upstairs neighbor is homosexual. Does anybody know how I can report him anonymously? This is in South Carolina.

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>not using your homo neighbors for cooking and investing advice
never gonna make it bro

oh god forbid a man likes other men oh whatever shall we do

Pretty sure you can call toll free 800-HOMO-SEX and report the type of crime and location, and they'll have a squad car there in minutes. Make sure to look up your local laws though. In Missouri at least, it varies county by county the legality and severity of punishment.

throw a dead kid under his doormat and call him a pedo

Throw a parade for them and shove their sexual preference in everyone's face?

Why did you go to the pride parade, bro?
Maybe next time don't go to pride fest if you don't want to be neck deep in homo

>I'm pretty sure my upstairs neighbor is homosexual.
As are all the trap and dick-pic posters one Cred Forums.
So what's your point?

I merely stating the obvious. That if you're gay apparently you need a parade for people to know.


Lindsey Graham would like to receive your report.


There is nothing wrong with being gay. You wouldn't report your neighbor if he was black, would you?

Suck his dick that will show him.

is it illegal to bump butts in SC?


There's parades for everything

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There's no parade for being straight.

>oppress and murder gay people for centuries
where is my PARADE?!!?!?!

No one will believe you without proof. Bite the bullet and get pics of the two of you fucking

Yeah there is.
Stop being a dipshit.

Attached: bostonstraightpride_1161x653-800x450.jpg (800x450, 106K)

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Oops. My mistake. Sorry.